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i _�,_ ,, . ; .. , . :�;yt�;�n .. � .,�., <br /> • _ "";'�, �;1`„�` <br /> ' , . ��_�.� � _ .. . <br /> � . ....,, . . .. ' <br /> � .,.. .ofi.rowa+:�,�: . , c,� : .. -�-� <br /> . � , . �� . . . .. .ii .._...___....--•----�-- _.._. .._. `'^ <br /> .. <br /> : .. . <br /> ...r.,.____,_..�_.._.._�. ��__._........... .. . ... ....---._- -_ '_......._ <br /> r�. , <br /> � � 9�������� �`'. <br /> 19.Tt�ns��r oP Ehe Pro�oerty or a Bentficinl Intere�t ta Aarro�ver.If nil or any part of the Praperty ar any intorest in it ''�t�`�� <br /> is sold or transf�rred(or if n Iseneficlnl interest in B�nawer is sold or trnnsferred su►d Borrower is not n natnral person)withaut "`° - <br /> • Lender's prior wdtten wneent, Lender mny. at its option, require immediute payment in full of all sums secured by d►ie ���'�y <br /> . Secarity lnatcutnent.Hawever. thia optlon ahall not be exercised by Lender if exercise is prohlbited by federat lnw as of the dnta `��{ .. <br /> of tbta Securicy inatrument. �f`,���r. <br /> If IindRr exercises this optlon,Lender ahnll g[ve Borrower notice of acceleration.The nottce shail pmvide a periad af nat trr+�:;;_; <br /> i�{�;,.,. <br /> s lesa than 30 dayn from the dute the noNco is dellvered or mailed withln whicd Bonower muat puy all awns secwed by thi� ��,_ <br /> Security Instcument. if florrower fails ta pay these sums prior to the eapirattan of tbis pedod,Lender may invoke any rc�medias i�%��� <br /> " pecu�itt�d b�r this Ser:uriry Instrumcnt wtthout further notice or demand on Bnrrower. ' <br /> ;��. 1�.13orrower's Rt$hY to Reinstate. If Borrower meets certdn condittons, Borrawer shaU have the dght to hnvo ��:�•_=� <br /> enforcemeat of thla Sacunty Inauuraent discoatinued at aay time prlor to the earlier of: (a)5 days (or such other period as HT` <br /> ��}. ursuant to an wer of sale contuiaed lst thla <br /> ����; applicable!nw may specify for reinstatement) before sale of the Progerry p Y Po ���_• <br /> Secutity lnsttument:or(b)entry of a judgment enforcing this Secwity Insuument.Those c:onditiona r�re that Borrower:(8)pA b �� <br /> n�� <br /> � � I.cndBr aU swas which then would be due under this Securlry instrumeut and the Not�as if no acceler�tion had occurrcd;( ) {�;. <br /> •.'� cures aay default of any other covenants or agrcements; (c)pays all expenses lncuned in enforcing this Security Instmment, {{�';;� <br /> •'� " inclucii�g,but ceot limited to, neasonable Attome�rs' fees; and(d)takes such action as Leuder may reasonably require to usstu+e ,,,-- <br /> -:a that the Uen of this Security Inswmont. Leader s r�ghts in the Progerty and Borrower's obligatton to puy the suma aecut�ed by _— <br /> � this Secudty Inserumxnt shall continue unchaaged Upon reinstatement by Borrower. this Se�urity instrumeat and tha .,_ <br /> .�� obligatioas secured fieraby shatl remain fiilly effective as if ao aae lerat ion h a d occu r r e d. Ho w e v e r,t h i s d g h t t o reinatata sb�ll ..� <br /> aot apply ia tde cas�of acceleration under pazagrAph 17. = � <br /> � .� 19.Sale of No4si ��Se of L,oun Servicer. Th� Nate or a pattial Interest in the Note (to�etl�er with thia Securinr __ <br /> •� • �A Irjstrua�ent)may be sold one or uwre times wltdout prior natice to Bflrrower. A sale may resWt iu a change in the entiry([caoww <br /> � '� as the "Loan Servtcer")that co112cts monthly payments due under the Note and this Security Instrument.There al�o ms+y be one <br /> or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a aaie of t�e Natc.IP there is a chauge of the Loan Servicer,Borru�vcr will be � __ <br /> � givea wtitten ao dce o f t he c hange i n acco r d a nce w i t h p a r a g r a ph 14 above and appltcable law.'t'he nottce will su►te the nsme�td <br /> � �' address of the new lAaa Serv�cer and the address to whtch paymenta shoWd be made.The aottce wiil also contain any otia�r <br /> " ipformatbn requlted by applicable law. =_ - <br /> �,- ;�r� 2a,I�acardoua Substances. Borrower shall not cauae or permie the presence, use. disgosal� storage.or relea�e of pny - <br /> Hazarrloua Sutsstances on or Ia the Property. Borrowcr shall not do, nor allow anyone else to do, anythiq� af�`zcdng tho <br /> •,,..�r,,,.;�.� � Pc+operty thac is ia violatioa of any Environmeatal Law. Tha precedln� two senconces ska11 aot a piy to the prascnce,uce, or <br /> � storage oa the Properiy of amell quantities of Hazardoua Subytances that are generally reco to be approprfma to notmnl� <br />;ti: �•�SY,� residentiel uses and to maintenauce of the Property. _ <br /> N'�� ,,;. , Bortower shall prompUy give Lender wr(tten nodce of aay investigAtiou,clatm� demand, laws�it c�r other action b�any. <br /> _,,_f$ gaverameatat or regulatory agency or pdvate pacty involving the Property and a�y Hazatdous Substance or Ea���ic�nmenuil,Lanv.. <br /> _i_:,�. of which Boaower has actual knowledge.If�orrowe:learas.or ia notifted by aay governmental or regulatory m►t�atity,th�i� <br />=��:�;'.� � any removal or other remeWatton of eny Hazardous Substance affecting the Properry is n�sury.Rotrower ahail�Cn�afptly uilce <br /> -.-�`w��: Wl necessary cemetiisi aciions in accvi�inu�ivtth�avimasncntat I z:.�. <br /> �",:��'�4i <br />-_;:r��` Aa used iu►this paragraph 20. "Hazardous Substadces'�re those subslances defiaed as toxic or hazardous subsinnoas by <br /> --=-=-- Environmental Iatw and the foUowing aubstances: gasollne. kerosen�,other flammable or tox�c peuoleum prodtcts. torla <br /> v� Y pestic�des and hecbicides.volatile solvents.�aterials coatisinlag asbestos or fomnaldehyde.and radioactive materiats.Aa ut;e�in <br />--� t�.is patagraph 20. "Environmeatal Lnw' meaus federal laws and lawa of the jurisdictton where tt�e Pcnperty Is locnted t�at <br />?��FM_��� r�elate tohea1th,eafcty or environmentel pr�tecdan, <br /> - -_ <br />