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<br /> paymente mny no longer be requircd,at the optlon af l.e�vler,if mortguae insurancc cavemge tiu t1iC auuu�u u�id foe the pedod �
<br /> �hat l�ndex ru�uires)providcil by nn insurer approved by Lender aIIain becomes nvuitable tusd is obtained. Botrotiver shnil pay
<br /> the p��mlums rec�uired to mnintnim m�rt�age insueance 1n cffcct.or ta provide u loss rescrvc,until the r�equirement far mart�aIIe �
<br /> insurt�nce ends in accordunce with any wrlttee�agecetmeni betwcen Dor�o�ver and L.ender ar npplicabie low.
<br /> 9,I�spectton. Lcndcr ar ita agent may mnke rensonuble entries upon ond inspecttons of the PropeAy. Lender shnil give
<br /> Borrower rcotice at the tfine of or pdor to an inspecttan specifyinQ r�usonable cnuse far the inspectian. �
<br /> 10.�onde?mnAtlon.The pracer�ls of a�ny awurd or claim far damoge.9. di�t or consequenttul. in cannec4ian wlth m�y
<br /> condermatian or athor taking of any part of the Pmperty,or far conveyunce in Ileu of condemnnttan, ate heteby assigned nrtd �
<br /> shu11 6eptni�i M Ixnder. �
<br /> IIn the event of i�eotal taking of the Property.the proceeds sh�li be upplted to the sums socurexl by this 5ecuriiy(nstrument. �
<br /> whether or not then due. with any cxcess pnld to Borro�vcr. tn the event of u purtia! tnking of the Property in whiGfi the feir
<br /> market vulue of the Yroperty immedintely befo�e the talcing is equnl to or greater thar�the amount of the sums secv�r+d by thf s
<br /> Secue�ity[nssrument immediatety before the tciking,unless Borrawer nrtd I.snder atherwise ugcee in wdting, the sums secured by
<br /> this �ecur�ry Instrument shaq be reduced by the nmount of the pr�c�ds multiplied by the fallawlag frtitcdon: (o) the total
<br /> srao�nt o�'the sums secured immedtatety before the taking.divide� by(b)the fnir murket valuu of the Property immediacely
<br /> befor+e th� wking.Any bulnrtce shnll b2 paid to Borrower. In the event of a pitrtial tnldng of tito Peopeeiy fn whiah,tha ftsfr --
<br /> mnrket vulue of tha Property tmmodiutely before the takin�ls less thiu►the ncnount of th�sums secured immalintaly�bafpm tha
<br /> taking,urilcss Borrower and Lender othenvise agree fn wdt�ng or unless�ppltcable luw atharxise provldes.the pra�sls.shull
<br /> be npplled ro the eums secured by this Securlry Insuument whether or rtot tite sums are then due.
<br /> Itthe Property is abandoned by Borrower. or if.nfter nodcc by Lertder to Bormwer that the condemnor offers to me�ice an
<br /> uwur+d or settle a claim for damaBes. Horro�ver fails to respond to Lender�vithin 30 dnya ufter tha date the natia3 iu�iven,
<br /> Lender is auti►orized to callcct a��appl�the proceeds,et itR aptinn.either to restoratton ur t�pair of the Pmp�rty on�lp the sums
<br /> secured by this 5ecueity Instruca2zr,,whether ar not then due.
<br /> Unlcss Lendes and Horrowrwr othenvlse agree i� wdtin�. any appllcation of proceeds to pd4�3pv1�'sd�l! not extend or
<br /> postpone the due dnte of the mons3�ly payments refer�ed to in pnragraphs 1 mid 2 or chunge tha umtiunt.oP such puyments.
<br /> Il. Borrower Not Rcleas�cl�'�br�rance�Y Lender Not a Weiver.Extenaion of the time for payment or moditicudon
<br /> of arnoRizudon of the sums serw���by this Security Instcument gr�nted by I.onder to anyt�r:Aeessor in interest of Burmtvt�r shnll
<br /> not opertste ta releuse the Ilability of the original Borrower or Borrower's successors in En?enst. L.ender�hall not 8e t�'{��red to
<br /> commence proceed�ngs against eny successor i� interest or refuse to exte�d ti¢�te for pnyment or atharv�lse mndfl'y nmortizatton
<br /> of ttie suuns secured by this SecurIty Instn�ment by reason of eny dem;r.7a'made by tha od�inal Bamower or Bosrower's
<br /> sucecswrs in i�►terest. Any for�e,..vnnoe by Lender in exerclsi�at►y right or remedy shal!not bc u watver of on prcclude ttte
<br /> exercise of nny dght or remed .
<br /> �. ��������d; Jnint aad Seversl �.ia�il[ly;Co-sl�eers. Tha a►vonante nnd a�m�naA�r.�f this
<br /> Secudey Instrument shalt bind an'c]i�::neftt the successors and assigns af�,r.amler nnd Bomotivar. sut�jpet to,the �'isions oi
<br /> parcigraph 17. Borrower's covena�ts and agreementa shnll be jolnt an�,��+•��ra1. Any Borrowor w�Zu�-signa this 5ecurity
<br /> Instzument but does not execute tha�Note: (a) is co-sig�inII this Secwiry lnst�ument o��ly to mortgn};e,��rntu n.n�arnyey thut
<br /> Haa�oa•xr's interest in the Pcvperay vnder the terms of thls se�ccity Instnunent;(b)is aqt.persondly obli�at�w,�rsp�iifaa sums
<br /> secured�by this S:curlty Instrum�i�t,�d(e)ngrees that Lend:r snd ssny other f3orro�ver�av;ngree to extend.modify,l5s��rtar or
<br /> ��e�A�pnuusDdat�nns wlth�e$urd to the terms of this Secudty Inst�umentt or thc Not�without th�:i Bon+ower's consent.
<br /> ��. �,�A C�rgts.if the loan secureA by thi�Securiry Instniment I4,::�,��to a law whtcle�so2�mazimum Loun chnrgcs.
<br /> nnd ta..t[i•�"•aw is finqlly interpreted so tYiat the interest or other loun chur�es collected or to be a�lloct�d In connectlon wlth the
<br /> loan exc�l the permittvd limits.then: (A) any such loan chc�e shalt be reduced by the Amaunt neoessary to mduce the charge
<br /> ro th:permitted limir, and(b)az�q aums elready collected itam Borrower which exceeded pemtittod limits wiU be rotF�ndod to
<br /> Borrower. L,ender may choase W make thig refl►nd by reducing the princjpul owed uuder the Nate or by mpking a direcY
<br /> � paymens to Barrower. If u ro�Pond reduces prirtcipal� the reductton will be ueated as u pardnl� AmpAS�ment without nny
<br /> � prepayment chsuge under the Nvie�
<br /> 14.Nottces.Any notice t�mnriower provi�ded for in dda Secudty Insuument��IitA�ht given by dellverIng it�or by IInailin$
<br /> It by first class mmii untess app➢a�ye law requires use af u�rx�i'he�method.'I'he notia sf.�wi►;t ba dlrected to the f'roperty Add►�s
<br /> or any other udd;aas]Borrower desigr�ates by nottce t� S.6nde�r. Any natice to Lendar sluill tse given by flrst class mai! to
<br /> Lender's address sts�ics!herein or ony other adMe�s Lcnder daqiflnates i�y r�sytice to Borrower. Any nodce provided for in ehis :,��(
<br /> Security[nswmtnt�9hs1�be deemed t�hnve beEn gtven to Srarss�war or L.�r.�nr when given as p�vided in this pnragraph. ' .
<br /> IS.Govtm[ng Law; Severalbiltty. 11ils Socurity ,Im's�t,nmttnt ahaft be govemod by federul law nnsi tIie 4�,w of the ��- '°
<br /> jurisdietion i�►wiueh th�Pro�ercy is locutai:In tt�e c:vrati�t2 any �rovisian ar cla�;sc�f ci��s:-;���y I���=�=�ievt�
<br /> conflicts wlth applicnble Inw.such oonf�ict shall nat nffect uthi�r provislons of this S�curity Is�sUUtnent or the Noto whrcA cua be
<br /> given effect without tho conflicting pmvlsion. T+a this end the provisiorts of this 5ecur�ty Insuur�vni end the Note tue dcxlarcd ;,.,.
<br /> � to�ba severable. ��
<br /> 16.Borrower's Copy.�Yrower shall be given one sonfarmed wpy of the Notd aml of this Securiry Instnunent,
<br /> ' . Farexs��28 8l80
<br /> . . pnryonmt•a .
<br /> ' � i .
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