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<br /> e,�:.�,.��',:. " TQaBTH�Ei WiTH nll the improvementa Raw or henafter eYected on che pmpeny.and atl eu�ene�uta. �ppu�tenanccs.and
<br /> : .�..;.. .' fixture.g naw oe heraf'ter a p.�ui of the prog�riy. Ail eEplacementa and addttions sh�li �lr� b�coveced by this Security
<br /> ...,.Y Instr�urilent.Ail af tho furcgolitg is refemd to in this SPCUrity Ynsuument as the"Prupany."
<br /> BORtiOVJ�E3 COV[iNAN'CS thut Barrower is lawfblly s�l�s�d of thc e3tnte hereby conveyed nnd has the dght to gmnt and
<br /> =w; convcy die Praperiy cutd that tho Pmperty is urtencumbered. exrept for encumbmncEw of record. Harrower wormntd mid wHl �
<br /> ' � defcnd gen�mlly the dtte ta thc Propetty qq��inst nll�laims and dcmartdN.�vbject to uny encumbmnces ag recard. �
<br />- � 1� ' TH[S SECURITY INSTRUMIItiT m�nbines un{form cc►vcnunt�far naitanul us�uttd ttun-uniform rnvcnanta with limitod y
<br /> w���� v n�i n t i o ns b y jurisdictlan ta constttute n uniform seeuriry instn�ment cove�inB reul prupertY• •
<br />:�t;;�j, UN1MbttM t;UV�3NAlVTS.fiorrower und I.e�zdercovetrw��t tutdagrec as follo��s: � �
<br /> ---�� 1. I�ymcnt ot Pelndpal e�cd Intet�st; �repayment and Tmte Chntrgcs. Borrower shnll promptly pay when due the �
<br /> ��-�� principal af nnd iniarest an the debt edIdenctd by the Note nnd any prepayment and late churges due under the Nute.
<br /> -- ° Z. FLndv�ar Taxes and Insunuxe. Sub,�cxt to appltcuble lu►v or to n writton wniver by 4ender.fiorrower ehnll puy to
<br /> i.cnder on the dny manthly paymerita are duo urtder tha Nate,unul the Nata fa p�td in full,u sum("FuRds')far.(u)yesuly wxes +�
<br /> °°'�u=ty��� and assessments which may annin�pt�odty avcr thia Securbty Instrvment as a lien ai�,thr��'taperty:lb)ycarly leusehold paymenta
<br />'�-=���°r��� or Broartd mnts on ihe�roperty.if any;(c)Yeaely hciwrd or pmp:.rty insuninoe premipmc:i�)Y�ty tlood insursnce pmmiwns� _
<br />—__. if nny;(e)ycarDy cnertgnge ins��mnce premiums,if nny;und(fl�►Y e�P�Y�JO by B°n'°wer to.l.ender. in acoor•�ance w[th
<br /> the provisions af pacagvaph 8,in lieu of the payment of martgage lnsurnnce Premiums•'i4�ese items ara caUed"Escrotv item.g."
<br /> -F.,�� Lender mny. ttt nny time. ooll�t artd hald Fuceds in nn amt►unt not to exceed the max3mntm m�ount a lender for n federnlly
<br /> "-""'� celuta4•mort�n�e leap may requltn far Bosrower's escrotr�aasrount urtder the fedeml Real�Fstute Settlement Procedur�Act of
<br /> - 197A os c►mended fi»m time m tim8. 12 U.S,C. SectIon 2GQt�t s�q. <"it�SPA").wdess another lnw that upplies to the Funds
<br /> sets u lesser umnunt� if•so, I.ender may. at nny d�ne,collect an�l ha9c1,1Punda In an tuuount not to exceod the lesser amount.
<br /> -� Lt:nder mey esttmrau�the t�rmount of Funds Que on tltc basis of current dcrta an�re�uiutble esdmates af cxgcrediture3 of future -
<br /> FNcrow Items or olhetwise in e,cooYdance with applic�ble law.
<br />�•W�-11����� The Funda siwll ba held ip un institution whose deposits ane insu�d by a fcxlatnl agency, instrumentNiry. or entity
<br /> — (including Lender.if l.ender ia such ar►instiwtton)or in any Federnl Home Loan Bank.Ln�xter shall ugply the Fuads to pay the
<br /> - -- Escrow Items.Lend�r muy not ch�e Borrow�r for twiding and applying the Fuads.anmwllY anfllYzlaB tke e�now nccount.or
<br /> _�� verifyIng the Escmw Items.unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds end epplIcable law peiYnita I-ender to make sucl�
<br /> ''o a chargo.However.Lender mr,y tas�uire Borrower to puy n an�-t�me charge for an Ind�pendent real estate tax reporting servloe
<br /> -__ used by Lender in connection with iPiis lonn, unless appliaabie la�p�rov�fd��we�y a erest or��in�s o�nith Fundsr
<br /> ---- — applieabl8 taw rc.�uires intenst to be paid. Lender shall not tre c�equi P Y
<br /> }lorrower snd Lender muy agree in writiag,however.that tnterest shap be pa�d on the Funds.L�er�der�hall give to Bomnwer�
<br /> - wlthout chnrge,os�cu►nua� aaoundng of the Fuads.showing credits aud debita to the Fwuis atid the purpose for which cach
<br /> _ - debit to the Fwids was mude.l7ee Fwrds tia+e pletigeci as addiaonai aa.-�,�tty far a!!��ecu.�et!�;t��url�y���+�mp.ru_
<br /> _--- If the Funds held by Lender ea�rd ttee omounts permitt,ed to be held by appllcnbla luw.Lender shall account to I3orro�ver
<br /> .���;�� far the excess Funds in a�co�duncr with d�e requirements�f r�plicable law.If the aman�t Qf the�mds held by I,ender ut any
<br /> =— time is not sufficient to pay the Sscrow Items cs•�ah,�,"��r may so notify Borrower ise vmdng,nnd,in such case B�rrower
<br /> -- .-- shall pay eo Lender the amount aecessary to unat�.�up t4��defictency. Borrower shnll make up tha det�ciency In no more then
<br /> twelvo monthly paymenta.at Lender's sote disam.tion.
<br /> Upon payment in fi�il o�r•�i swns secueed by th3s Se�tirity Instniment. Lender ahnll promptly nfund to Boraower any
<br /> :.`� F�nds lteld by Ler�der.If. under�saragmph 21. Lender ah�ill a�qulce or sell the Rroperty.Lendar�priox to tho ucquisIteon or snle
<br /> � of the Property.sh�t a,pply any�nda held by Lender Qt the tirne of ucqulsIdon or snle ns a cn�dit aguInst tho sums secnred by
<br /> dds Security InsYr.sa�n�r.it. ,
<br /> 3.Appttcattan�'JPaymeuts.Ualess applicubie Inw provldes otherwlse.all pAyments received by Lender under paragrnphe ..,.
<br /> — 1 aad 2 shnll be appfie�:�'irst. ta any prepayment charges duo under the Note;seeond.t�auwunte payable under paragraph 2;
<br /> '"� thir.�,¢u Interest due;fourtL,to prirtcipal due:nud lnst.to nny late charges due under the Note.
<br /> ,4.Charges;Llen9.Bormwer shall pay�►tl taxes,ussessments.charges. fines nnd i�np4sitiona nttributnble to the Property
<br /> � ahi�h muy uttain priority over this Securiry Inswment. end leaseh�ld payments or grourtd rents,�g ony. Borrower chall pay
<br /> c3;�pbligatioe�s in the manner providad in pnr�grnph 2.or if rtot paid in that manner,Rorcower s�►alA;p.m them on dme direcxly
<br /> tu,�th��erson owed payment.Barcower shull pmmpily fumt�h co Leader att notices of sue�misnts to be jp�id under this paragraph.
<br /> - IP�lar•w�ver makes theso paymc.'st'g�=�Irectly.Borrower sJu►11 p�o:reptly fusn3sh to Lender neceipts ovidencin�tha paymea�ts.
<br /> . � Barrower shnll pmmptly c'�sr�urBe anY lien which has priority aver this 5e�uriry insuumant untess Bonrower:(a)ag�cees in ..:r_
<br /> writing to the payment of thc obligation secured by the lien in a m�nner na�ePtable to Lender;(b)aontests in good faith We lien � .,,,r
<br />__- �� by. ar d�fcnds against cx,fun;cucrazt of t5te iten in, ic,�ai psacr�is�� uhich in the IxenFer'�ug3c�va uy.-�� t� �t�ev��: rkr.. ,:::t
<br /> eu,�.%�s:ament of tlte lien;or(c)secures from the holdcr of the lien st� agreemeat nndsfuctory to l.ender subordinaUing ehe IIen to
<br /> tt3c,Q,�scur[ty Insaument. If Lender determines that any pa�t oF the Pmperty is subjecx to a llen which may ntu�in priority ovcr
<br /> this�xurity Instrument,Lendcr ms�y give Bornower u notice idendPying the lien.Borrower shall sutisfy the Hen or take one or
<br /> more of the ct���a3 set forth abuve witMn iQ r�ays of the givinB of notice.
<br /> Form 3028 U1D0
<br /> -- 6� aepo 2 of a
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