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<br /> � S.Tna,�.+��i��.Trustor shall pay cll taxes,ass�ssm�nts and olt�chorg�s,includinq,without limitation,finss and im• — , ^-- _-�_
<br /> f .' positions attri�utabl�to tM Prop�►tY,and leasehold po�mems or qround nnts,if any,b�fan th�som�betanw dell�ueot.T�uitar shail promp• ....,,,�,,�.�__.
<br /> tl�fumish to&+wficlary oll�otices ot omounts due w�der this parapraph,ond in tl��wnt lrustor shall make payment directly,Trusta sholl , _ '
<br /> : promptly fumi�to 8er�ficiary receipts widencin0 such paynwms• Trostor sholl po�r oll tax�s and ast�ssments whkh moy b�Isvied upnn '�� �
<br /> g�e�fKiary's int�nst herain a upon this Dpd of Trust without npa►d to an�law thot mo�b��nochd imposinp poYm�nt of th�whol�or any i. . .4 W.,;}-,;;�,..: -___
<br /> . . port tAessot upon tM B�ficio�y. � -.----_.._.. . .
<br /> � S 4,11'd�f3►1�11iw�MtK1iN d�ciKM���ew�.Trosro►sholl mok�oll payments oi iroar�st and principal ond poVmmts oi anY �;... :��:;�.�r,:��:,-�-,.
<br /> . other ch��,es, f�s amt expenses cantrat�d to be pvid�o onY exisling Oenholdors ar prior henef itinries under any prior deed oi trust or mar• i
<br /> •,;,''':,;��� ;,;�';
<br /> tqa�,;be�7cxe tlie�late they ae detinqnee�and fxa"Pf�Y PQY and dl�chorge any and oll other liens.cbims o�choryes whkh mor jeopnrdire�he
<br /> security granted hK�in.If Trustor faiP,s to�a1ce any such payment a foils to pe►ta'm an�oi the covs�wnf s and apreemenis contain�d in this �
<br /> _ � "r,.,.':�:.:,-'.� . �
<br /> } �• � D�ed of Trust, or in an�prior mortgoge or deed of trust,of if any at�on a proc��dUq Is commenced which materfolly oit�cts B�n�(iciay's in• `.
<br /> terest in tM P�aperty,Including,but not limited to,emineM domoin p►aeudi�sqs,or praeedings involviny a dacendent,ar i(Trusta iailt lo pnY ,
<br /> Trustor's debts genaratly as thay become due, then Bmeficiary,ot &m(iciay't option and wilhout notico to or demond upon l�us�or a�►�
<br /> � without releosinp Trusfa from any oblipation hereunder,ma�moko such appQaranus,dfsburse such sums,and take such a��on as is nK�ssay �
<br /> • to protact 8en�ficlory's int�nst includinq,but not limitxl ta,disburt�m�nt of r�asonabb ottornf�'s fNS,poyment.purchos�,cont�st a cam•
<br /> , p�omis�o}any�ncumbrance,chorqe or lien,and�ntry upon 1h.a Prop�rt�to mok�repairs. In 1h�went thal i►uslor shall loil to praur�m•
<br /> surona or to poy tax�s,ass�ssm�nts,a ony other charyes or to make any pa�m�nts to�xistinp pria lien hotd�rs or beneliriwiQS,8on�f�c�ay
<br /> „ �noy praun such insurance and make such parment.An�omounf s disbursed b�8mef iciory pwsuont to this ParaOraDh 6 shall b�come a���� `
<br /> 1pd�bttdness o1 Trust�r securtd by Ihis Deod of Trust.Sucl�omounts sholl b�poyabl�upon�otite Irom Bene�itiory to Trustor r�quesli
<br /> ; 'ment thereof, and sholl beor interest trom the date of disbursQmmt ot Ihe rote payable fram time to time on outstandiny principal undar the
<br /> � � ' Note untess poyment o}interest ot such rote would be controrY t0 aPP��coble Idw,ln which event such amounls shnll beor interest ot Iho highes�
<br /> j rote permissibk under applicable bw. Nothiny coMained in}this Paaproph b shall require Benefitia� to incur any expense a laka an►oc��on , i . �
<br /> i
<br /> � hereunder. ' ` . •.
<br /> t 7.At�ion��nf o}R�ntt. 6eneficiary shall have the right,power and oufhOrity during the conlinuonce ot this Ueed of Trust to cdlect tlie
<br /> fents,issues ond profits o(the Property and of ony personalproperly tocated thereon with or without taking possession of the property otfected
<br /> �ereby,and Trustor hereby absolutely and uncond�tienally a igns oll such rentl,issues pnd profits to Beneficiory.8eneficiory,however,hereby
<br /> �onsents to thQ T�ustor's collection and retention oi such re�ts, issues and p�ofits as they occrue and become paYob�e so long as Trustor is not,
<br /> ot such time, in defou��w��h respect to poyment ot c�y indebtedness secured herebM.a�����P�rlamance of any ugreemen�hereunder Upon
<br /> on�sucb deipv��.BeneliciarY moY at anq time, eil�er m persan, by agent,or by re�eirer to be oppomled by a ca��t.whhout notice and wi�hout
<br /> - �' '' �, regard to�he adequocy of on�securi�y for the indebtedness hereby secured, (a)enter upon ar,d take posse3s:en of the P►oper�Y a a"Y Dat
<br /> ' ;,e;�af,atd in+!s ortn name s!�?�nr ar otherwise collect suth rents,issues ond profits,iacludiny thcse�ast dee and unDaid•and oPPly the same.
<br /> ; '�,�' �.�� , � kss costs and expenses oF operol�on and colleciion,including reasonoble attorneys fees. upen any indebtedness secured he�eb�, and in s�xh . .
<br /> �:;;,•- � or d e r os 6ene fic i a r y m o y determine; (b)perlorm such acts o(repoir or protection as may be n2cessary or proper to conserve the value of the
<br /> �.• .� Rroperty;(c)lease the same or any part ihereoi for such rentol,term,and upon such conditions os its judgrnent moy dictate a�I cation ol rent a.
<br /> , just ehe terms and conditions of ony existinq lease or leases.Unless Trusta and 8eoeficiary agree otherwise in wriiing,any app'
<br /> ' issues or profits to any indebtedness secured hereby shall not ex►end or pos�pone the due date of the ins�allnent payments as provided in said f.;,
<br /> : � �` promissor�note or change the amo�n�of suc�h instqllments. The entering upon ond taking possession o( the Property, the collection oi such
<br /> f , � rents, issues and�►oii�s and tfie opplicotion �hrreof as atoresaid, shall not wsive or cure any detouN or ao�Ke of default hereunder, or in-
<br /> � • „ validate any att dot�pu*s;:ant�a such notice. lrustor olso assigns to Beneliciary, as iurther security ia� the�per(ormance of the obligotions
<br /> • 'i ���' ',��. - secured hereby,dl prepaid rents and all monies which moy hove heen or moy herea�!ter @e deposited with said Trustor by aay lessee of the Pro- , � .
<br /> , '�' perty,to secure the poyment ot any rent a damages,and upon default in the performance o�any of the provisions hereof,Trustor ogrees to
<br /> � ' deliver such rents and deposits to Beneficiary. Delivery of written notice af 8enef iciory's exercise o(the r'�ghts granted herein,to any tenont oc•
<br /> • ' cupying said premises shall be sufficient to require said tenant to pay said rent to the 8ene(iciory until furlher notice. , .
<br /> ..; g,Cond��aotlon.If title to any part of the Property sholl be taken in condemnation praeedings,by right o(eminent domain or similor action,
<br /> `• or sholl be sold under threot of condemnotion, all awards,domages and proceeds are hereby assigned and sholl be paid to Beneticiary who sholl
<br /> ' opply such owards.damages and proceeds to the sum secured by this Deed of Trust,with the excess, if anY.Puid.to Trustor.If Trustor receives
<br /> any notice or other intarmation regarding such ations or proceedings, irustor shall give prompt wriHen nof�ce thereof to beneficiory.
<br /> � �. Benelicimy shall6e entitled,ot its option,to commente,appear inand prosetule in its own nqme any suth atiai or proteediigs and slall be en-
<br /> � titled to moke any compromise or settlement in tonnection with an�such action or proceedings. ,
<br /> � ' • � 9. R��n�di�s Not Etielu�lr�. Beneficiary sFrall be entitled to en(orce poyment and periormance of any indebtedness or obligations secured
<br /> ' hereby and to exercise oll rights und pawers under this Deed of Trust or under any other agreement executed in tonnection herewith ar any Inws
<br /> K � � . • ' now or herealler in torce,notwithstanding sonm or all of the such indebtedness and obligations secured I�ereby may now or liereatter be othe�-
<br /> ' � wise secured,whether by matgage,deed at frust,pledge.lien,assignment or otherwise.Neither the aceptance of this Deed of Trust nar its
<br /> � enforcement whether by court octian or pursuont to the power o(sale or other powers herein contoined,shnll prejudice or in any manner ofiect
<br /> � Beneficiary's right to realize upon ar enforce any other security now or hereatter held by Beneficiay, it being agreed that Beneficiary sholl be
<br /> � enlitled to en(orce this Deed of Trust ond any other security nowor hereafter held by Beneficiary in such order and manner as it may in its ob-
<br /> solute distretion determine.No remedy herein conferred upon or reserved to 9enelitiory is intended to be exclusive of ony other remedy herein
<br /> � or by law provided or permitted,but each sha116e cumulative onA shall be in addition to every otl�er remedy given hereunder or now or hereafter
<br /> � existing at law or in equity or by stalute.Every power or remedy prov�ded hereunder this Deed of lrust to Beneficiary or ro wliich�� moy he
<br /> otherwise entitled,moy be exercised,concurrently or independently,(rom time to time and as olten as rnay be deemed expedient Beneficiary
<br /> y ond it may pursue inconsistont remedies.Nothing herein sholl be construed as prohibiting Beneliciary from seeking a deliciency judgment agoinst
<br /> � tlw Trustor to the extent such adion is permitted by low.
<br /> 10. ?ronsl�r ol PropeH�;Assumpflon.If all or any part of the property or uny interest tlwrein is sold transferred or conveyed by irustor
<br /> withouf Bene�iciary's prior wriften consent,excluding(a)►I�e creation ol n I�en or entumbronce subordmate to tl�is Deed ot Trust, (bl tl�e crea-
<br /> __�__�..a...:.., a,..�e�e�.ti.,�narntion of low uoon the deofh of a
<br /> _� . . . .. .. . . ___ .,
<br /> I fion Of a purthafe money Secunty mterest tor nouseno�a appnance►. ���u irv����a� �r Ye••••�.��---••
<br /> joint tenant or (d) the gront of any leosehold inlerest of tNree ycora oi less not contc�ining nn opfi0n to purchoSP. BenPtitiay roay. o�
<br /> Beneticiary's option,declare all the sums secured by this Deed Ot Trust to be immediotely dur ond pnyoble,or cause tl�e irustee to(ile a notice
<br /> ''f of defeu��. Be�eQi:iary Sholl hove waived suth option to atcelerole if,prior to the sale, tronsfer or conveyonce.9eneliciory ond the person to
<br /> whom the p►aperty is to be sold or tronsfe••�e:!�ench agreement in writiag thot the credil of such person is satis(actory to Benef�ciarv ard�tiat
<br /> � • � � the interest poyoble on the sums sewred by th�s Deed of lrust shall be a�such ra!e us Benol+cim.v sl��l'request.
<br /> � I
<br /> �
<br /> ^ (�
<br /> I
<br /> �
<br />