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' . `- ' ' --_ <br /> ...... .l1ii;:7-r=-�_._. - <br /> qL-10 0 0'7 Q - :s;��:��.�_ <br /> i . t� • `'''�°��'�� <br /> — _ . _ .�__ _ p�q�,�ABI��L�1'Y.AND OTHER IN8URANCE:To keep euch property insured egainat losa or damege by Ifre and other _ Y_ _.�c�,,.;,�y�:- <br /> ':� riak or risks which,i�ihe sole opinion o1 Benefic�ery shuuiJ�ir�surar!a�alnst,undsr gollalaa ot fnauranas�tlh�o�� i`�y�� ,����� <br /> ' payable to 9enelfciary in lorm,amount and compenies ecceptable to 8eneficiary.Said policies ahell be dellvored to pnd ��'�� -'�- -�-----'� <br /> remaininpoasessionaf8eneflclaryesfuAhersecuritybrthelaltMulperformenceofthaseobUpatlons,whichdellveryshall ;�:•��;._.-�.,y,�, <br /> � conatitute en aeef�nment by Truator to 8eneticiary of eN rfghts thereunder,includinp ell retur�premlumo;to delivst to � . .` � , w�4� , ; <br /> 8eneficlary a policy or policlea�enewinp or extending any expirinq ir�surance with a receipt ahowinp premiuma pafd at ' <br /> � least thirty(30)days belore expiratfon.If Trusto�tails to so deliver any renewel polfclea,8eneliclary mey p�ocu�e such <br />--. � insurence aa it mey elect and mey meke peyment of premiumR thereon,which payment fs repayable on demand.Nefther `� . <br /> T�ustee nor Beneficiary shall be responsible for obtalning or malntaining auch insurance.8eneliclary,trom time to time, !• <br /> � mayfurnishtoenylnsuranceepencyorcompany,oranyotherperaon,a�yinlormatloncontainedinorextractedf�omany � <br /> T insurance pollcy the�etolore delivered to BeneNcisry purauant hereto,e�d any Informatfon concerninp the loan secured f , <br /> hereby. In no event and whether or nat default hereunder has occurred shell Beneficiary, by the fact of approvinp, 1 <br /> , � � accepting or oblaf�ing such Insurance,incur any Ilebllityforthe emount ot such Insurance,th�form or legel autflciency ot I <br /> - ' insurance contracts,soNency ol Insurera,or payment of losses by inaurers,and Trustor hereby expressly aeaumes full <br /> � responsibiliry therefore and liabiliry,il any,thereunder.In the event ot loss,Trustor shall give Immediate wrltten notice to 1 <br /> � 8ene9iciavy,and 8eneticiary may,but is not obligated to.make�roof o4�oss�ino1 made promptly by Trustor.In case of any � <br /> loss the amountcollected under any policy of fnsurance on�such property may.atthe optfon of the Beneficiary,be applied � <br /> • by8eneflciaryuponarny�indebtednessand/o�obti�ationse�ureelherab�►aRdinsuchorderendamountasBeneffciarymay j <br /> rletermine;or seid amount or any portion ihereot may,at the option ot tMe Beneticiary,either be used in�eplaci�g or <br /> � restoring the improvementa pe►tialiy or totally destroyed to a condition satbsla�tory to said Beneficiary,o�said emouM or <br /> � any poAion thereof iney be release�to the Trustor.In any su�ch event neither the T�uslee�or the 8eneflciary shall be . <br /> � '� `i�-�� obligated to see to the proper applica�ian thereof;nor shall the amount so released or used be deemed a payment on a�y .. <br /> ,., •,.`,.;;'"'� indebtednesssecured hereby.Suc?nd�pplicalfon,uReand/orrel�t+seshaU�otcureo�w���•�anydefaultornoticeofdetault , <br /> hereunder or invalidate eny act done pursuant to such notic�.Any uneK�ired insuram:rfe and all�etumabie insu�ance 1 ��:�,.r�'.:� <br /> � premiums shall insure to the benetft ai,and pass to,the purchaser of the property covereel ther�by at any T�ustee's sale held .� X'�� ` <br /> �����'�'•� •` hereunder.If said property is sold pursuant to the powe�of sa�e tontained herein or pursua nt to any decree ot fo�eclosure, <br /> • � s�� ��% all rlght,ti�e and interest of Trustor in and to the praceeds m9lirs and other insurence po l ici es for dama ge prio�to the sale, <br /> �" '.';,;,. which pra�eeds are not recelved prfor to the date ot said sa�e,shall belong to Beneficiary.Trustor will comply wUh such <br /> �.:, ' . � other requirements and provlde such other type o1 insurance as Beneiiciary may requlre hom dme totianeforthe protec�on <br /> • by insurance of the interest ot the respective parties hereto. <br /> ,�•�:.� <br /> •�, . , <br /> ' • TAXES AND OTHER SUMS DUE:To pay,satisty and discharge,at least to ten(10)days before delinquency all genera <br /> �`'���•' ���` and speciel texes and assessments and other publlc cherges,and In no event later ihan the date auch amounts become . <br /> � dus and to furtt�e►�+�y when due or�equested:11)ell encumbrances,charges and ifens,with interest,on such property,or <br /> any part thereof,which are,orappear to benef3ci�ry,in its sote t�e pnor to or superior h�s�eta,(2)aii cosffi,t� ; <br /> end expenses ot this t�ust,whether o�not des�•r i�trad herein,(3)fees or charges for any stetement re�yarding the obligadon � . <br /> secured hereby in any amount demanded by�ienalicfary,not to exceed the maximum amount allowed by law therefore at �.;•. <br /> 'Ei <br /> � ' �� the time wttien such request is made,(4)such o1fie�charge�a�1he Beneficfary may deem reasonable for servlces rendered ��,'',,, <br /> '° by Bene4acuary and fumlahed at the request of T��,si�or o�an y s�accessa�in intereat to Trus4oR.(5)if such properry I�cludes a , <br /> ''�'���`';� .� teasehold estate,all payments and obtlgalions vequired o17ne Trustor or his succesaor m interest under the terr�s of the <br /> ;�;,, ' ,. Mstrument or instruments creating such leaseh�ld,(8�all payments end monetary obligati�ona Tec�:��red of the owner oi <br /> � such properly under any declaretlon of covpnants, conditions and restrictfons peRaining to s°wsh property o� any � <br /> ' modillcatfon thereot;(7►al I mortgage inaurence or guaranty fees,premiums,or charges af eny neture pertainfng to such � <br /> ' :i� � property.TruatoragreeatonotifyBenel��ciaryimmedletelyuponrecelptbyTrustorofnoticeofanyfncreasefntheassessed � <br /> ' ��, ,� value of such property and agrees lnai Beneticiary,in the neme of Trustor,may contest by approprfate proceedinys such <br /> � . increase in assessment <br /> � • In the eveM ot the passage ot any law deducting(�om the value ot real property(or the purposes of t8xatfon any Ilen �'��� <br /> � ' '��� thereon or changing In eny wey the laws tor the taxation of deeds ot trust or debts seCUred by deeds of trust tor state o�local <br /> . .9 ,;,��;�; . �• purposea.or the manner of the collectfon ot eny such taxes,so as to aHect this Deed of Trust,the holder ot this Deed of Trust <br /> ���,;•,,;��' and ot the obligations which it secures shall have the right to declare all sums secured hereby due as of a date to be <br /> .. specitied by not less than 30 days' writte�notice to be given to Trustor by Beneticiary: provfded,however,that such <br /> electfon shall be ineffective if Trustor is permitted by law to pay the whole of such tax in addition to all other payments <br /> � '��� a �� requfred hereunder and if, prior to such specified date,does pay such tax and agrees to pay any such tax when hereaiter <br /> . ��.��:�;;�, levied or assessed against such property,end such agr�ement shall constitute a modlflcation of this Deed ot T�ust. <br /> FUNDS FOR TAXES AN D INSURANCE:If Beneticiary sha�l so request,Trustor agre�s Eha9 i'heve shall be added to the <br /> iperiodical payment requfred to be made hereunder an arnount estimated by Trusted to be sufli�ient to enable Trustor to <br /> • pay,at least thirty (30)days before delinquency,all general and spec�al t�xes,assessments,or other publlc charges <br /> ";�.. � agafnst such prpperty,the Promissory Note,or,�pon or on account ot thedebt or the lien of this Oeed ot Trus�together with <br /> ; premium�s ior insurance required t�o be provided under thls Deed of Trust and all mortgage insurance or guaranty fees, <br /> � premiums or slmiiar charges and�o interest shall be paya•b1e to 1'rustor in respect thereof. Upon demand�� Trustee, <br /> '��...��. � <br /> � • Trustor shall deliver toTrustee such addltlonal sums ot mor+ey as are necessery to make up anydeticlency ie�9�he arnou�ss <br /> . . ' necessary lo enab1e�rus4�e to pay any ot the foregomg items. <br /> h ' { SUMS ADVANCED TG�BEA�R rVT�REST:To pay�mmed�ateiy upon damand any advances ar paid by�8eneficiary <br /> • ' '` or Trustee under any clause:7�"e��sion otthis Deed otTrust Any such surns,unt�:so repa�d.snAli be secured�e�eby and <br /> • �,'� � bear Interesl f rom the date advar��G or paid ae the same rate as set to�th �such Pro:m�issnry N ote a nd shaN he secured by <br /> � . th�s Deed ot Trust. <br /> . , � � <br /> - �uT AC nennc�TC Twe�ae o.�.�:n���i cor..nfv if th�s be a construCtr�r,I Of]�.7vustor hereby transfers and <br /> - ' NjjIl71YMGIVI v/ v�.. vv..... ..............�...�.._. _-'- • . . <br /> � assigns to Beneficiary during comm�uance of these Trusts.all r�g�t,t�tee and inter�es: tu any and all monies aepositetl by <br /> Trustor or deposfled on behalt ot Trustar with any ciy,counry,pub��c body o�agency.:.a^��aryr d�stnct,gasand/or electric <br /> company,telephone company and any other body or agency,fot tne ms0a0�ataon cr to sec�are tdu�x�stallation of any utility by <br /> Trustor,pertaining to this pro�erty. <br /> ' FAILUFIE OF TRUS70R TC1�OMPLY WITH DEED OF 7RUST:In the event T►u,StaQ s!R�uld tail to make any payment,o�to <br /> � do any act as provided in this Oeed of Trust,o�fail to perform eny obligation secured by this Deed of T�ust,or do any act <br /> Trusta agneed not ta do, 8eneticiary,but without oblfgat�on so to da and without notice to or demand upon Trustor and <br /> I wfthaut relea.s�+'��Trustor f►om any obligation hereof a�d without contestmg the validity or amount of the same,may(a�pay. <br /> � make or do tt►e same in such manner and to such extent as it may deem necessary to protect the security hereot, <br /> I Benef�c�ary being authorfzed to enter upon such property for such purposes, and (b) pay, purchase, contest or <br /> � compromise any encumb�ance,charge or lien,which in its judgement is or appears to be prior or superior hereto,and(C) <br /> in exercising any such power,pay necessary costs,fees,und expenses,employ counsel and pay counsel's reasonable <br /> fees Trustor agrees to repay any amount so expended on demand of 8eneticiary. <br />