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_r <br />-- � � <br /> 89_�.065�� <br /> � If i.�a�e,� req�eie� r��o;�gage izsu;ance w3 a coaditiaa af r.gaL•ing the taan s�ur� by this �zcurity Instrumcnt. <br /> Borrower shali pay the premiums requi�ed to m�►intdn the insur�nce in eRect uatil such tima as the requirement for the <br /> insur�nce terminates in�ccordance witb BorroNer'a and Lsndar'a�vritten agreemrnt or applicable law. <br /> S. itu�pecNoa. L.ender or;ts asent nuy make reuonable entria ugon aad inspcctioas of the Property. I.ender <br /> shall give BorroMer notice at the tlme oPor prior to an inspection speciPying reason�ble c�ux for the insprction. <br /> 9. Cvade�a�tioa. 'IUe proceeds of any�ward or claim for damsges,direct or consequendal,in connxdon with <br /> any condemnstion or other takinQ of any part oi the Property, or for aonveyu�ce in lieu uf condemnarion,�re hereby <br /> as�ijned and�hdl be paid to Lender. <br /> In tbe evene�f a total tskin�of the Propcny�tl�e proceeds aAsll be applied to the suras aecured by this Securlty <br /> Instrument,wrhetber or not then due,�vith u�y exces�paid to Horrower. In the event of a putial uking of'the Property, <br /> uulea BorroMer and Lender otherwlse aRree in�irrltin�.the aums eecured by thia Security Inatrummt shall be reduced by <br /> : the uaount of the procaeds muldpHed by the foAo�viAg fracNon:(a)the total amoun►t of the sums secw+ed immedlately <br /> before the t�kin�.divided by(b)the fair muket value of the Property immediately before the t�king.My balance shsll be <br /> paid to BonoMer. <br /> If the Property is�buidoned by Borrower�or�f,after notice by Lender to Bonower th�t the condemnor offers to <br /> make an awud or settle a cl�im for damsges,Borrower fails to respond to Lender aithin 30 days atter the date the noria Ls <br /> given,Lender is authorized to collxt and apply the proceals,at its optian.either to restoration or repair of the Property or <br /> to the sums secnred by this Security Instrument,whether or not then due. <br /> � Ualas I.ender and Borrower otherwise sgree in writii�g,any application of�roceads to principal shall not extead or <br /> postpone the due date of the monthly payments referred to in paragsphs l and 2 or change the amount of sucb psymmts. <br /> 10. Boreower Not Releakd; Forbearan�e By Leader Not a Waher. Extension of the time for paymant or <br /> madi8cation of amorti�tion of the sums secured by this Security Instrument granted by l.ender to any suocessor in <br /> iaterat of Horrower shall not operate to reIase the liability of the original Borrower or Borrower's successors in interpt. <br /> Lender shaU not be requirod to commence proceodings against any succasor in interest or reft�se to e�ctend time for . <br /> p�yment or othw�wiae modify amortiution of the sums secured by this Security lnstrumbnt by reuon of any demand made <br /> by the original Borrower or Borro�ver's auccasors in interest.My forbearana by Lender in exercising any right or remedy <br /> shvl aot be a aaivec of or preclude the eacercise of any rlght or remedy. <br /> il. Suaca�o�s a�Asd�s Houad;Joint aad S�ereral Liabtlity;Co-siperi. The wvenantg and agreements of <br /> this Security Inatrument shall bind and bene8t the�uccasors and assi�of Lender and Borrower,subject to the provisions <br /> of pRra�rsph 1 T.HoROwer'a covenants and sgraments shdl be3�int�nd several.Aoy Horrower who casigns this Security <br /> Inswment but doa not eaxute the Nou:(a)is co-ai;ning tbis Socurity Instrumrnt only to mortgage,grant and convey � <br /> , thst Borrower's ir►terat in the Property under the te�ms of thi:Socurity Instrument;(b)is not personally obllgated to pay � . . <br /> . the sums aecured by this Security Instn�ment;a�(c)agrea that Leader and any other Bonower may a�uee to extend. .�.�__: <br />. modify,farbear or make any acaommadations with regard to the terma of this Securiry Instrument or the Nate withaut - <br /> tha!HorruMer's consent. <br /> 12. Lo�n Gbar�es. lf the loan secured by this Security Instrnment is subjert to a law which aets muimum lwu� � <br /> chu�es, and that l�w is 8nally interpretod so that the intereat or other loan chuges collxted or to be collected ia ''-= <br /> counection with the loan eaceod the permitted limits, thens(s) any such lwin chuge shall be reduced by the amount •�`-? <br /> � nece�ry to reduce the charge to the pernutted limit;�nd(b)any sums ilready collxtod from Horrower which eaceeded ' <br /> pernutted limits will be refundai to Borrower. Lendu msy choode to m�lce this refand by reduc9ng the principal owed �t_ <br /> uader the Note or by makina a direct psyment to Borrower.If s refund reduces principal,the reduction wiU be treated as a <br /> ' partial prepa�yment without any prepayment chuge under the Nots. <br /> � 13. Le�l�Hoa Alfeedn� IRnder'� Ri�6b. If entetment or expiration of applicable laws has the effect of <br /> � renderina any pmvision of the Note or thia Security Imtrnment unenforceable according to its terms,Lender,at its option, <br /> may require immediate payment in full of all sums secured by this Security instrument�nd msy invoke any rernodies • f : <br /> � permittod by parsgnph l9.If Lender exercises thia option�Lender shall take the stcps spocified in the second paragngh of <br /> ' parsgraph I7. . . . <br /> i 14. Notica. Any notice to BorroNer provided for in this Security Instrument sha11 be given by delivering it or by �, x <br /> mailing it by flrst claas mail unless applicable law requires use of inother method. 'The notice shall be directed to the �:� <br /> � property Address or sny other address Bonower designstd by notice to Lender.Any notice to Lender shall be given by � <br /> flrat clus m W w Lender's addras stated herein or any other addras Lender designates by notice to Bonower.Any notice <br /> � provided'for in this Security Iaatrument shaU be damed to have been given to Borrower or Lender when given as providod : <br /> in this P�6�Ph• . <br /> iS. G�ee�ah�Lw;Set�rabtlity. This Secnrity Instrument shalt be govorned by federa}law and the}aw of the <br /> juriadiction in w+Iuch the Property is lacated. In the evertt that any provision or clause of this Security Instrument or the <br /> Note oonticts with applicable law.such conflict ahall not affxt other provisions of this Security Instrument or the Note <br /> whioh caa be�ven effect without the ean8icting provision.To this end the provisians of this Securitq Instrumtnt and the <br /> . Note are dectared to be severable. � <br /> . 16. Horrower'�Coty. Borrower shaU be given one conformed copy of the Note and of this Security Instrumenf. <br /> 17. Tn�stet ot the Property or s BeneAcUl Interat In Bonower. If all or any part of the Property or a*�y <br /> interest in it ia sold ot transferred(or if a beneflcial interest in Horrower is sold or transferred and Borrower'ss not a nstural <br /> penoa)without Lender's prior written consent,Lender may,at its option,require immediate payment in fiill of all sums <br /> secured by this Security Instrument. Howtver, this option shall not be exercised by Lender if exercise is prohibited by <br /> faleral law as of the date of this Security Instrument. <br /> If Lender eaercises this option,Lander sh�ll give Borrower notia of�ccelention.The notice shall provide a period �-' --`- <br /> of not ta:than 30 d�ys from the date the notice is delivered or m�iled within which Borrower must psy all sums secured by ' <br /> this Security Inatrument.If Horrower fiils to p�y these sums prior to the expiration of this period,Lender may invoka any � <br /> ' remedip permitted by thls Security Instrument without further notia or demand on Borrower. <br /> 13.Borrowtr'�Rl�ht to Retestate. If Borrower mats cert�in conditions,Borrower shall have the right to have ( <br /> rntorcement of thia Security Instrument discontinued at any time prior to the earlibr of:(a)3 days(or such other period as <br /> applicable Isw ntay apecify for reinstatement)before sale of the Property pursuant so�ny power of sale contair�ed in this M <br /> L Security imtrument;or(b)entry of a judgment enforcing this Security Instrument.Those conditions are that Borrower: � <br /> (�)psys Lender all suma which then would be due under this Security Instrumcnt and the Note had no acceleration <br />� occuned; (b) cures any defiult of any other covensnts or agreements; (c) pays all expenses incurred in enforcing this n„ <br />: 5ecurity Instrument, including, but not limited to, rasonable attorneys' fees: and(d)tek�s such action as Lender may �� <br />- rtssonably ret{uirc to assure that thc licn of this 3ecurity ]nstrument, Lcndcr's nghts in the Prop:rty and Horrower's <br /> obli��tion to pay the sums secured by this Security lnstrume�t shali cont�nue uncha�ged. Upon reinstatement by r�' <br />- $orrower,this Secunty Instrument and the obligations secured hereby shsU temain fully effectwe As�f no acceleration hnd '` <br /> occurted.However,thi3 nght to reinstate shall not apply in the case of acceleretton under paragtephs 13 or 1�. <br />, � <br />