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<br /> ° ;• � The Funds sha91 be held irt an institution whase deposits are insured by ai f«ierul ugenry. intitrumcntatity, or entity �
<br /> (including l.endcr, if l.ender is tiuch un insdwtion)�r in uny FcKiernl Homc I.onn Bunk. Lcndcr,hull upply thc Fundti to pay the
<br /> �` Escraw Items. L,cndcr muy nnt churgc Borrawcr far hoWing ond upplying thc Funds,nnnuuUy unalyiing du cxrrow uccnunt.ar �'=_
<br /> - �• �y � vcrifying the Escww Items,unletis I.ender pays&.►rrawer interest an the Funds wid apPlicublc luw permrts I.cnacr to matie,uch �_'
<br /> • ' a�:hnrge. Ho�vever. Lender muy rcquire Bormwer to puy u one-iime charge fc�r an independent rcal c,tute tux rep�ming service _ _
<br /> � ased by I.ender in connecti�n wfth this loun, un(esc upplicablc luw pr�v�de� otherwise. Unles. un ugrcement is niude ar ___
<br /> ' upplicubic law rcquirci intere.rt tii be paid,l.ender shall not be required ta puy 9on•owcr uny intcrest��r curningti an thc Funds. -_�
<br /> : „�, ,,. surn�wcr esnd l.ender muy ugree in wdtinII. hawever,thut interest shall bc paid on thc Funds. Lcndcr shull givc to Barrower, �:�
<br /> • �.� without churge,an unnual uccoundn�t of the Funds,showing credi�r und Jebits to the Funds and die purpnse fi�r v�hirh e�ch _.
<br /> ' � • debit to the Fumiv wc�s m�de.The Fundc are pledged as udditianal security for aU sums secured by this S�urity Instrumcnt. F?;.:
<br /> }.�,�� If the Funds held by L.Lnder exceed the amcwnts permitted ta be held by upplir�bie Iaw, L.ender�hnii arcoum to Burn�wer '
<br /> ::t•. ,...-- . for the exces�Fund�in uccordaRCe wlth the requiremen�s af applicable luw. lf the umount oF the Funds hcld by Lendcr ut uny
<br /> - time iti nat hufCcient ta puy the Pscrow Items when due. Lcndcr mny so notify Borrawer in writing,and.in such ca.tic Borrower
<br /> shall pay to l.ender the amount necessury to make up tho deficiency. Banower shall make up the deficiency in no more than
<br />.'"'��� twelvv manthly payments,nt i.ender's aole discret�on.
<br /> Up�n payment in fuli of all sums cecured by this Security Instcument, Lender shalt promptly rePund to Borrower uny
<br />' ,,��� F�,�nds held by Lertder.If,under pnrngra�h 21.l.ender shnll acqwre or sell the Property.l..ender,Qrior to the ucquisitian or sule
<br />°�°�;'•� of the Property,shall apply any Funds held by l.ender at the ttme af acquisition or wtc aa a cred�t a�ainat thc sums xerunx!by
<br /> '�`'��' � [his Sccuricy Instniment.
<br /> .:•.
<br />�_.�., .�.
<br />;��r:::�;t�, 3.ApplicntMn uP Puymen�s.Unless applicable law pmvides ochenvise.nll paymznts�received by I.ender under purngmphs
<br /> "'::;,�,` 1 a n d 2 s h t+ll bc u p ptfed: fint,to an y prc p a yment char�es due u�uier the Notc: �ecand,tu anwunt.payuMc unJcr par,�g�uph 2:
<br />;pr', .h;� third,cn Interest due;fouRh,to pri�ripul due:and lust,to nny lute charges due under the h.;+te.
<br /> ''".�".';,;
<br /> 4.Chargc.w; I.tens. &�nower shall pay all tax��s, aasessments, cherges, fincs and im}x�sitions uttributublc to t c �openy
<br /> •�=-__�- which mAy uttain prior!ty uver this Securiry lns�n�n�ent,and lea+chold paymcnts or graund rents, if any. Burrower shall pny
<br /> °_=��W�1° these oblfgations in the manner pmvidai in par.igs��,�h 2,or if nat paid in that mnnmer. Borcower shaU pay thcm on time directly —
<br />:"'�;��'� to the person nwed payment.Borrower sh�ll promptly furnish to Lender all notices of antnunG�to be paid utider this puragrnph.
<br /> ����.. — [f Borrower makes these�►aymen�s directly,Borrower sh�ll pmmptly fumish to Lender r���ipts evidencing the payments.
<br /> �� Bomower�hall pmmptly d'ascfiargr any lien which has pnonry over this Security Instrument unless.Bormwer: (ul�grees in
<br /> "�`�i"--"� wridng ro the payment af the obllgatian secured by the lien in a manner ucceptuble ta Lender.(b)contests in gaad faith the lien
<br /> , f by,nr defends agninst enforcement of the lien in. le�al proccxdin�s which in the Lender's opinion aperate to prevent the
<br /> �-�-`��� enforcement of the lten;or(c)scxures fmm the holder af the lien an agreement satisf.ictory tu Lender subordinatin�the lien to
<br /> ----_ = this Security Instrument. If Lcnder determines thnt nny part of the Property is subject to a lien whtch may uttain prioriry ovcr
<br /> ---- this Sccurity Insuument, Lender may give Borrower a notice identifying thc licn.&�rmwer shull satisfy the iten or take one or
<br /> - - more of the acttuns set ferth abovc within 10 days of the giving of notice.
<br /> — S. Hazard or Property Insurnnce. Borrower shall keep the improvementh now existing or hFreufter erected on the
<br /> '— Fmpeny insured agsinst tass by fire,hazards tncluded within the term "��cl�nded epverage" und nny other hazneds,includin�
<br /> floods or floociing. for which Lender requi�s insurance.This incurance s;hnZi�be muinmined in the umounts nnd for the periad.
<br /> ,__ ���r f����. ��r;nc,�n;nce car�ier Qmvidine the insurnnce shall be chosen by Borrowcr subject to Gender's upproval
<br /> which.shall not be unreasonably vvithheld. If Borrower fails to maintain coverage described abave. I.ender muy. nt t.xnder's
<br /> opiion,obtain wvernge to protect I.ender's rights in the Property in accordance with para�.raph 7.
<br /> Ail insurance polici� and renewaYs shall be ncoeptuble to Ixnder and shall incluslc a standnrd manga$e clw�3�. l.end.r
<br /> �hall have the right ta hold thc policies and renewals.If Lender requires.1Borrower shali prompt�y give to Lender ull receip�s of
<br /> ps�id premiums and renewai notices.In the event of loss.Borrowcr shall gtive prompt notice to the insurance carrier and Lender.
<br /> L.ender may mnke pmof of loss if not made promptly by Barn►wer.
<br /> Unless I.ender und Borrovuer othcrwise Agrce in writing,insumnm proce�ds shuU bc app3ied to restorution or repat�of the
<br /> Propeny dmnagai.if the resroradan or eepair is oconomically fe�sible and I.ender's secariry�s not lessenai.If the reatoratinn or
<br /> repair is not oconomic�ally feasxble or L.ender's securiry woutd be tessened.the insurance praceeds shall be nppUed to the sums
<br /> secured by this Seeurity fnstrumes►t,whether or not then due. with uny excess paid to Borrower. If Borrower ubartdons the
<br /> Property. or does not unswer within 30 days u notice from I.ertder that the insurance carrier has ofCered to settle u claim,then
<br /> Lendor muy collect the insua►nue proceeds. Lender may use the proceeds to repuir or restore the PropeKy or to pu�'sums � _
<br /> secvre.�l�y this Security Instrument,whether or not then due.The 30-day pericxl will begin wh�n the notic.e is given.
<br /> i3ntcss I.ender and Bormwer otherwlse a�ree in writin�. any applicadon of praxeds to princtpal shall c��t r.xtend or
<br /> pastpnn� thc due date of the monthly payments refemed to in paragraphs I und 2 or chur►gc thc amount of the pnpments. If
<br /> under paragrnph�� the Property is acquired by Lender.Borrower's right to any insurauuc policies and prooeeds nesulting from
<br /> damage to the Praperry prior to the ncquisition shall pnss to Lender to thc�r.�tent af the sums secnred by this Security instn�ment
<br /> immeiiiately pdor.t��the acquisition. '
<br /> 6.Occupancy.PreservuNon.Matntenance und Protectton of the Pe+operty;Borrower'�s I.aun Applta►tEon; L�uscholdv.
<br /> --------—_= Bocrower shall occupy,�t�tblish,and use the Property as Borrower's princlpa!residertce within sixty days u8er the o�.acudon of
<br /> thls Security Instrument nnd stiail continue to occupy the Property as Borrower's principat�rs9denee for at Ieast ont+year ufter
<br /> the date of occupancy.unless C,ender othenvise a�rces in writing,which ec►nsent shall not be unreu�or+ably wi2hhel�l,or unles3
<br /> extenuating circur�islances exist which are beyond Borrower's control. Borrower shall not destroy. dmm�ge or impair the
<br /> Property. �Ilow the Prapcny to deterioratc, or commit woste on the Properry. Borrower shull be in�:efnult if arly forfeiture
<br /> action or procceding,whether civil or criminal,i�be�un thet i�}.ender's gcwd faith jud�ment could result in fo�'riture oF the
<br /> Property or otherwise material�y impair the lien createcl by this Sccuriry Instcument or Lender's securtry interest.ll3nrrower may
<br /> - - — �uie s�t�b a dcfault ar.d s�einstste,t�s provid�in ps�mgraQh 18.by causin�t the action or praceoeting to be dismiased with n ruling
<br /> thnt, in Lertder's ge.od fuith determinution, prechides forteitun:ot Uie Sorower's inccrest in tiic f�,+�xny ar athcr m:sten:st -
<br /> tmpairntent of the 1'+�n crecUCC1 by this Security Qnstrument or Lender's,ecurity interest. Borrowee a?hr�11 atso be in defau[t if
<br /> --"�""�� Borrowcr,dndng the loan upplicutiun pnx�s.gave materially fulse o:in¢ccurate infunttation or statements to I.cndcr(or fuilal
<br /> -_ tc�provide Lender with any maserial informatiun) in connectian with the loan evtdenoetl by the Note,ineludin�,but nc+t lin�ited
<br /> .vrn�1,��-°-�� ta�epresentntions rnnceming��r:owcr's occupan:y of the Property as n principal resi�ea+ce.If this Securiry[nssrument is an o
<br /> -��::� leasehold. Burrower shaU �bmpfy with all thc provlsinns of the lea.se. If Bnrro�vcr asyuicrs fee tide t� the {E'ropeny. Nte
<br /> `"=�"� IeascholJ und ti�e Caa title�hall not mcrgc unless Lender agrees ta the mergcr in writin�.
<br /> ,����--=_-�-= 7,f'roiccitr��u+c�I.ender's Righ�s in ttile�iroperty.If Borrower fai�s to perform the covenants cind a�reemcntti mntuinod in
<br /> �""a`"'—' this Security Instrument,or there is u Iegul proceatin�thut may si�nif3c.'�neiy nffect [.cnder's ri�hta in tl'c Property(such us�n
<br /> '��=�� proc�ding in bankruptcy.pr��ivtte,for condcmnation or fortenture ar to enforce laws or�egulnt�ons),then Lender mny do and
<br /> _j'•i'�r� pay far whutever is neccws:uy co rotect the value of the IPropeny and Lender's rights in tlie Propetty. I.ender's aetions may
<br /> -�-y��i� indude paying uny sums secu�by a lien which has pdonty uver this Security Instrument, appearing in court. payfnII
<br /> �._.�-�t�..��.....o...•��0�1 n»f�+rin0 �n ctu,Pmnertv eo make mnairs. Althouch Lender m•ry takc uctian under this paruaraph
<br /> ,� _� .m...R.............,.,_ . _....c _ . . _ - -
<br /> - ` T,LcZtder daes rtat huvc to du w.
<br /> '.��`�. ,., Any amounts disbursed by Lendcr under this paragraph 7 shall berome udditiorwl d�bt nf Borro�+�er �ecurcd by this
<br /> � :--i;��: Securiry instrument. Unless Borro��er and Lender;�nx to othcr ternts of payment, these amounts ,hall be:tr intemst fmm the
<br /> � %�� � � Jatc uf disburs�ment ut thc Note rate and sh�li be payablc, with interr+t. upon notice fmm I.cader to Borrower�qucsttng
<br /> :.-���� �'�'�� p yment.
<br /> yv'�'•��' `-r�� a A.MortgaRe Insurnnce. If Lendcr rcquircd mortga�e insurartce a+a amdition of making thr laan+ecurcd by this Security
<br /> ....
<br /> -;%�:;';;:+�,,:.�;,}: instrument, &�rro�ver tihaii p•ry the pmmiums requi►�ed to maintain the mongage ir..urunce in effect. If, for any re:uon, t e
<br /> ,•r•�•.,pT��,!� mortgagc in,ursn�r rnverage rcquircd by Lender lapses or ce:sses to be in rffect, &�rmwer shall pay the prcmiums reyuir��d to
<br /> `: ..,w` � ubtain covcr.i�c tiubtitantially equivalcnt tu the nrortt,a�!e in+ur�rt.°c previousty in ctlect,at a ru�t�ub�wntially cyuivnlent a�the
<br /> .-:y-.r_ .,?y;{f;rL,r:
<br /> -_ �_' ,:c ru�.t to &�rmwcr ot'thc mnA�agc incurunrr pmviou�ly in cffcct, Tmm un aftematc mongagc insurer appro�cd by l�cadcr. if
<br /> �_:.��'r,
<br /> ,�-.9'+�.n'., y .
<br />. . .,"j(", - •
<br /> ' �����;t"� + • Foam 3028 8►'90
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<br />