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<br /> LSNiFOiW COYENAK7S. Borrower and Lrndu covenant and agra as fo11aA-s: o� 3 if V 5 35
<br /> L Parment of Princip�l wd Intera�Prepaynteat�od Lats CLarpes. Borrowa shall D�'omC��Y WY when due
<br /> t6e prindpal of and interat on the debt evidrnced by the Note and any prep�ymrnt and latc charga due undet the Nota
<br /> 2. Fond�for Tua aad I�sursnce. Subjcct to appiiabk law�or to s writun waiver by Lender,Borrower shall pay
<br /> to Lenda on the day monthly paymrnts are due ueder the Notc,until the Nae is paid in full,a sum("Funds")equal to
<br /> one-twmlRh of: (a}yearly taxa and asxssmenu which may attain priority over this Sccurity Instrumrnt; (b; year�y
<br /> Iwehold paymmu or ground rcnu on the Property, if any;(c)yeuly hazard iiuunnce premiums; and (d) year)y
<br /> mortg�e insurance premiums,if any.Thae itans are called"escroa items."Lrndn may atimate the Funds due on the
<br /> basu alcusrmt dau and reasonable atimata of future acro�v ituns.
<br /> T6e Funds ahall De ddd in an institution the deposits or ucounts of which are insured or guarantad by a federal or
<br /> state agaicy(including L,a�der if Lrnder is suc6 an institution�I.a�du shal!apply the Funds to pay the acrow items.
<br />� Lmder may not charge for holding and applying the Funds.anslyzing the account or verifying the escrow itans,unlas
<br /> :� Lxader,pays Bortowa interat on the Funds and applicabk.h�r pamiu La�der to make such a charge.Borrower and
<br />� `I,eader mayi'aga in,writing that interest shall be paid oa the Funds.Unlas an agreanrnt is made or applicabk Iaw
<br /> reqaira mtunst-to be paid.L,ender shall not be requircd to pay Borrowa any intaat or eamings on the Funds.L.a�da
<br />� � , '=,��aD pre to pBomcower.without charge,an annual aaounting a£We Funds showmg acdrts and debits to the Funds and the
<br />"��,•�s, purpose�t whub each debit to tbe Funds was ^The Fw�dc are p'.alged as addicional sxuritY ta the.sums sxund by� r:r;��,rx �,
<br /> t6is en _* ...., : , ., ' � � wr���,��,., , � � � ���,� ,.����
<br /> f. Tf` amow►�`of the Funds�held by der:wgefha tfie future monthlY PaYmrnts of Fands PaYa le Pnor ta
<br /> �s�:'t6e dne data'of the acrow itans,shall ezcad the amount reqnired to pay the exro�it«ns when due,the ezcas shall be,
<br /> at Borrowa's.option,ritha promptly rcpaid to Borrower or crodited to Borrower on monthly paymmu of Funds.If the
<br /> - amount of,the Funds held by I.enda is not sufSdrnt to pay t1x acrow items whm dae,Borrowu shall pay to I.ender any
<br /> amonnt aecasary to make up the de6cirncy in one or more paymenu as required by I.ender.
<br /> Upon payment in full of all sums secur�d by this Sauriry Instrumrnt,Lrnder shall promptly rcfund to Borrower
<br /> any Funds hdd by Lrnder.If under paragraph 19 the Property is sold or acquired by I.rnder,Lender s6a11 apply,no later
<br /> t6an immediateJy prior to the sale of the Property or its acquitition by Lender,any Funds hdd by Lender at the time of
<br />� ^��"applicatiou as a'credit against the sums secured by this Security Instrumrnt. ' �*�.���' '�1'cl��"�'"�����'`-" '
<br /> ��-.m-3::�Appltntloe of Payments. Unless applicable law provida otherwise,all paymrnu mdved by Lenda under
<br /> . pangraphs 1 and 2 shal!be applied:5rst,to late charga due under the Note;xrnnd,to prepaymrnt charga due under the
<br /> Not�third,to amounts payable under paragraph 2;fourth,to interat duC and lazt,to principal due.
<br /> 4. Charge�I.iem. Borrower shall pay all taxes,assessarn charga,fines and impositions attributable to the
<br /> Propvty w6ich may attain priority.over this un r nstiva►rn""'���`Insehold paymrnt"�io "`"�'�oun�`rr+it�if any.
<br /> Bormw�a shall pay thae obligations in the manner provided in paragaph 2,or itnot paid in that manna,Borrower shall
<br /> pay them on time dirxtly to the person owed pay�nrnt.Borro�va shall prompdy furnish to I.a�der al!notices of amounts
<br /> to be paid under this paragraph.If Borrower maka thae paymrnts dirxtly,Bonower shall prompdy furnish to Lrnder
<br /> rooeipts evidencing the paymrnts.
<br /> Horrowa shall promptly discharge any Grn which has priority over chis Securiry Instrumrnt unlas Borrowcr:(a)
<br /> agras in writing to the paymrnt of the obligation secured by the 6rn in a manna acccptabk to Lendcr,(b)contats in good
<br /> faith the liea by,or defrnds sgainst rnforccmrnt oF the lirn in,legal proceedings ahich in the Lrnder's opinion operate to
<br /> preveat the rnforcemrnt of the lirn or forfeiture of any part of the Property;or(c)secum from the holder of the lirn an
<br /> agrennrnt satisfactory to I.ender subordinating the lirn to this Security Instrumeat.If L,ender ddamines that any part of
<br /> tht Rroperty is subjxt to a lirn which may attain priority over thit Security Instrumrn4 i.�nder may give Botrower a
<br /> notice idrntifying the lirn.Borrower shall satisfy the lirn or take one or more of the actions ut forth above within 10 days
<br /> oftte giving of notice.
<br /> S. Huard Insurance. Borrower shall keep the improvanrnts now czisting on c�rcafter erected on the Property
<br /> intured against loss by fire,haiards included within the term"actrnded coverage"and any other hazards for which I.ender
<br /> tequira insurance.This insurance shall be maintained in the amounu and for the periods that I.ender tequira.The
<br /> incurance carrier providing the insurance shali be choscn by Borrower subjcct to Lcndei s approval which shall not be
<br /> unrwonably withheld.
<br /> All insurance policia and rrnewals shall be acceptable to Lender and shall include a standard mortgage clause.
<br /> Lender shall have the:ight to hold the policics and rrnc'�•als.1f Lcndcr rcquires,Borrower shall prompdy give to Lendcr
<br /> all receipts of paid premiums and renewal notica.In the evrnt of loss,Borrowcr shall give prompt notice to the insurance
<br /> carria and Lrnder.Lender may make proof of loss if not made promptly by Borrower.
<br /> Unless Lendet and Bortower othcrwise agrce in writing,insurance procecds shall be applied to restoration or«pair
<br /> of the Property damaged,if Ihe restoration or repair is xonomically fcasible and Lcnder's security is not Icssened.If thc
<br /> ratoration or repair is not xonomically feasible or Lender's security would bc Icsscncd,the insurance procccds shall be
<br /> applied to the sums secured by this Security Instrumcnt,whethcr or not thcn duc,with any ezcess paid to Borrower.If
<br /> Bocrower abandons the Property,or dors not answer wi[hin 30 days a notice(rom I.cndcr that[he insurance carrier has
<br /> offered to settle a claim,thrn L.cnder may collect the insurance procccds.Lcnder may ux thc procceds to rcpair or restore
<br /> the Property or to pay sums secured by this Security Instrumrnt,whcther or not thcn duc.The 30-day period will begin
<br /> whm the notice is givrn.
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower othcrwise agree in writing,any application of procceds to principal shall not excend or
<br /> pos[pone the due date of[hc monthly paymrnts rcfcrred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or changc[hc amount of the paymcn[s.[f
<br /> unda paragraph 19 the Property is acquircd by Lrnder,Borrower's right to any insurance policies and procceds resulting
<br /> from damage to the Property prior to the acquisition shall pazs to L.ender to thc utcnt of the sums secured by this Security
<br /> Instrummt immediatdy prior to the acquisition.
<br /> 6. Preserration and Main[enance ot Propert�;L.euehol�. Borrowtt shall not datroy,damagc or substantially
<br /> change the Property,allow the Property ro dctcriorate or commit waste. If this Sccurity Instrument is on a Icaschold,
<br /> Borrower shal!comply with Ihe provisions of the Icasc,and if Borrowcr acquira fcc titic to thc Property,the leasehold and
<br /> fa titk shall not merge unlcss Lcndcr agrea to the mcrgcr in writing.
<br /> 7. Proteetlon of Lender'� Rights in the Property; �tortgage Insuraace. If Horrower fails [o perfortn thc
<br /> covrnants and agreemrnts contained in this Sccurity]nstrumen[,or there is a legal procecding that may significantly affect
<br /> Lender's rights in the Property (such as a procceding in bankruptcy, probate,for condemnanon or to rnforcc laws or
<br /> fe=ulations),thrn Lcnder may do and pay for whatcvcr is nccessary to protcct thc vnluc of[hc Pro�xny and Lcndcr's nghts
<br /> in the Propetty. L.endcr's acuons may includc paying nny sums sccurcd by a hcn which has pnonty ovcr this Sccurny
<br /> Itts[tumcnt,appcaring in court,paying rcasonablc attorncyi fccs and cntcnng on thc Property to makc«pairc.Although
<br /> Lendcr may takt action undcr this paragraph 7.Lcndu docs not havc to do so
<br /> Any amounts disburxd by Lender undcr thia paragraph 7 shall becomc addihonal dcbt of Aorrowcr cecurcd by this
<br /> Secunry lnstrumcnl.Unlcss Borrower and Lendcr agree to othcr tcrms of paymcnt,thcsc amounts shall bcar intcrnt(rom
<br /> tbe date of disburxment at the Notc rate and shall Ae payable, wnh internt, upon nohce from l.endcr to I�rrowcr
<br /> rcquatini D�Ymrn�.
<br />