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:: .. ;;t . . � <br /> �, <br /> , , . ;� ,. . <br /> �. <br /> .. <br /> , , - ---- <br /> . _ ;,,....�.,,..�.�W ., . ,. . _ .... .. .__.___.._.---- <br /> . ..,.J� : � ' .," .,�a,�-^n,.. ....�ti. ._ ....__.._ --�-�---� ...... .. _. ....... . . . .. .. ...... . . . _ .. <br /> . . , . .. .... . ._ . <br /> :. _�--- -------._ _.__.__.__..�.. ��� ,� ��,._ <br /> ���� o <br /> " COYENANTB ��: <br /> � 1. Paynerrte. Bor�owr�r ogreos to maka oit paymonta on tho oocurod dobt whn1�duo. Uniaon �orrowor ond I.ondor a�roo otharwlon, ony "•�'" <br /> � paymonte Lendor rocoivon Prom Bartowor or �or Borrowor'a bonaflt wlll bo apPllod flrat to any ainounto 8o►rowor owo3 on tho aoeurcd dobt , <br /> � �xciusivo of Irttoroat or prinuipai,eacond to Intoruct,end then to prinoiqal.l}perUsl prepaymont ot tho eocurod dabt cccuro tor ony roanon,it wlil � <br /> �� not reduca ar oxCU�o eny qof�odulod poymont ur�Ul ffio aocurod dobt lo poid in tull. � <br /> �n� <br /> 2.Ctnima Ape!rtsi TWe.Borrowor witt poY aii tax�o,aasoasmonto,nnd othor chorgoe ottrtbuto� �e to tno proportY whon duo and wlll dofond t►tlo <br /> � to tho proporri oOAlnst a�Y o�o�mn which wouid impul►:ho Ilon of this do0d ot truat.Londo►may roqulro 6orrowor to aaalgn ony rlphta,otolmn ar <br /> dotonsoo whioh Horrowot mey hove e0a�net pertfoa�vho aupply�nbor or mntorinls ta Improvo or mnlMaln tho property, <br /> � 8.lnauranae.Borrowo�wilt kaop tho proportY insured undor torms eecaptobto to Londor at Barrowar's exporao and tor Landor'o bonofit. Atl '` <br /> � insurnnco polloy9Any Insuranca procao0o maYrtbo ap ptfsd�wlthln Le dersddisuoYlon�to��albhor tho f a�to otlon�orOrepolr�of tho d magod pruporty �r <br /> ^ ` or to tho eowred dobt.lf i.ondar requfres mo�tflaDo Insurenco,Borrowor ogreoe to malntaln sush Insuranco lar es long a$Londor roqWroo. �--- <br /> ' d; :_ <br /> �=�;.c,°•�� 4.Properiy.Barrowar will koop tho ptoporty Fn good condition and mako oll ropolre rooaonubiy rtoceaeery. �._ <br /> '' ��� � 6.F x y enses.Borrowor egroes to poy oil lander's ax onnos Inoluding�aosorwbia attorneys'foeo,lt Borrower breaks any covonnnts in thia daed Q°� <br /> _.a` <br /> of truet or in nny obiigutlon eacurod by t h la deo d o t�u s t.�o r r o w o r w I I�f o y t h o s�amounts ta Lendot ao providod in Covonent 8 of thia dood a r L <br /> truat. � � <br /> ,, .�, 8�ityfl�o i8 e�B�or�r8owoi�wiil portorm alltottBarowo►o obltgotlons�undor ony 0►tor mortgagon doo9 of erust�or�otharcoacurity epreamentr _ - <br /> '� Inoiudinp Borrowor'a covonanto to mako paymonto who�duo. __ <br /> : �� 7.AtolQnrrnat of Ro�4e�nd P�ofite.Borrowor nualgns to Lender tho reMO nnd profitn of tho proportY.Unie�s Borrowor and londar huv`oridar o __ <br /> othorwTso in writtng, Qorrawar may coliect and �otoSn tho ronta as tonp ao Borrowar Ia not in dotauit. It Bonowor dofoultn,Londar, <br /> opplled fltst to the coe�ta ot mona0ln�the prope�rty, tnludingdeour�t coatoeand attomos cte�oo�cammia l6ono�io�rentai o�on��and any othor �__ <br /> noeoaeary roiatod oxponaos.The rom�ning emount of ronts wili thon epply to peyments on the sncutod debt aa providod in�venent t. _ <br /> �- 8.�.sas�hntdi Condomintumaj PIRnn�d Unit O�valopm��ts.Bonowor agroos to comply wfth the provlelons ot any loaso lt this deod of truat la on <br /> � undor tho�cov�nante eD�y-lawe�,or ragulBUona of tho eondomUium or ptannod unit devo�opment nt.Borrowor will periorm eti of Bonowor's dutioo <br /> '���, : g,quthority of Lender to Psrform far Borrow�r.If Barrower faits to�erio�m a�y ot Botrower'e duties under thla dend of truat, lender may <br /> perfotm Uto duUos or causo+d a continuad cr nnt�aorrted on in o�r9o�aoonnblo monner,LonEOrinay do wttCtovor lo n eoesary to�piotoat Londar a _.,.., <br /> {. • conatruo6on on tho praPenlr �y ' --� <br /> •�,� ���y i�rtorest��trie pYppeny,Thia may Ineludo compleUng tha conauuatlon. <br /> . ;���s.,:, „ , � - <br /> Lendar's fatture to pa�form wiil not Drpotude Londor ftom oxercieinp any ot ita othor righto undor tho taw or thta dnad ot uust. <br /> an0 w U beer8tntorea�fromiha dapo�of he peiyment u tll paldtin�full et��the�i tarostaa o in efteat on tho 6�cia�tted debt unts wlil bo due on demand <br /> ���`" ' 10. D�hutt�Acaol�r�Uon.If Borrower felis to mako any peymont whon du�nder�ma�aca8ietoVt�e iheaman+rhYhof tfio�a�our60g�abt and <br />�`�'�'•�4' :. '� obtiga4ton secu►ed by this daod at truct or eny prior mortQege or doed of uuat. �1r <br /> - ,�t' damend fmmediete peymont and may invoke�ho power of eato and any otho�ro�nedlos pormittod by oppUwhle Iaw. <br />�,'r;.�!= c.S: <br /> - 4�.R.,�ut ia N�iaO of C�fa� is hereby requeated that eaplas of tho aottces o}de4autt and ealo be oent to each peroon who ta e pA�ty <br /> T T�� hereto,at the addresa ot eann euai+porsor�. o0 ost ta�lS l�ttels�• ` <br /> `+Y.�� . 1S.Powa a4 BaU.It the Londor invokea the powet of sete,tho Ttuetea ehaN firet racord in tlu!oHica of tha reginor of daods nf oech aopntv <br />�:,'�'.';.j,,,,i �vt�eroln the truat PrcPof Yttre nom�'�e of dofauAlt to t�he 8on�owei�io ea`h�iaon who Is a pariy htiro onta�i�d w otheQ Pereons��a�rescrTbed by <br />,;J°���, •�.,� ahatj otao mall cop{es s not in ony <br />"=_;'tn`,� . eDA�lcpbte taw. tJot leas Men no manth efter the Truatoe r8eordA the nodc� ot defauit ar two montha ft�truet property <br /> -.- ����� tncotpoLFlted city or��tlepe and�a used in farmMp�poratfona oarrtetl the truator,the�a,�toe„e�O�pTOp�bat publlo eua�ontw t�hee�Oheit <br /> �.y�v,s•. <br /> �_.�,..:, e In the menner preaaihed bY epppiloa6le lew. rustoe,wlthout deman�on Borrower, <br /> W�der.�t�equirad by the Farm flome�stosd Ptotootlon Aot,Truatoo eheil offor the pr�portv In tWO so�arate Balea as�squked y appllcabig taW <br /> '�=��=r-�� Truytae may postpoao salo of aQ or any pereel ef tho p�operty by publio enraursaemeM n4 tho Qme and pieee ot eny provlous�y echeduled oate. <br />---���fi�.���� Lsnder or ks designoe msy purchase tha p�aDerty et any eelo. <br /> 'v:.a��+��;�'1 Upon recafpt of payment of the price bid,Tnntcse sheU doliver to the purohnsar Truetee'o doad cnnveyirtg tlte property.The reaitlate oonteined In <br /> ;�;r,,;_.,._yz��� Tnestee'e dned ehall bs pdms f�ate evtdlenco of tho uuM ot tha stetoments coMatnod theroin.T�at3toe shoU appiy tPio proceede of Me�ale in ths <br /> (o6�iitet mant f�esa�(b�to�B�I sum�aocurod by thin�daaduof�tr8ust,uend tc)thet baionco lf any bro tTha persani lepally entiUBd1 to recor Ivo IY.teea end <br /> '��-�`'����� <br /> -- �-� - �y,Fa��clutut�,qq Lcmder's option,th►s deed oi trust mey be toreclosod tn tha rtannor provtdo By appticebto Inw for foractesure ot martgaQoa <br /> -"'"�'- on raai properqr• <br /> M,,���_� ��,(7�a�o8on.Lendor mey eMer the poRaH to inspeat it if Lcindor givos Borrowar notico betorohand,The notice must etate the roeaoti�ble <br /> -- cas�gv fm lendePe inspectlon. _ <br /> -���� �g,��r�.l9ortower asei ns u Lendor tha rocoeds of any award or elaim for damaA oa connaatod wlth a eorMomnetfon or other teking <br />-- s��"-`�� of ati or enY RsR pQ ahe ptoporiY•�ueh proeeeds wIP be eppliod ee provided tn Covonant t.Yt+ls aeaignmani t�subjeet to No tetme ot eny pr{�r <br /> ::;��::::.- securfiYa9reamerrt. <br /> :,,,1 '`� �8,Waiwr.By exeretsiny anY somedy evetiebte to Lender,Lortder doae not pivo u�t►ny rfphte to IaMr uae ony other rnmedy.By not exerefaing <br /> _ - nny remedy uPon BonawePs defoutt,lender dooa not waive eny rlpM to Ietar cons der the ovairt e defoult If ft happona agaln. <br /> Y��=Y� ������sC Aswr�l u�bWty. Co.s�n;Sueeessoro md Astipns BounA. Atl duttoa undor tfile deod of trunt are joint and eevernl. Any <br /> Bottowe� who rA-a'.gne thte daed ot truat but daea �ot eo-sign thn und�rtytng dobt InstYumentlel doee co oniy to Qrant arrd eonvey that <br />--����� 8onowar's inte�e..�'i dn the propa*tY M thn T�ustee undor the terme of d►te deed oTtruat.In aqtllUon,euah a Borrowot agrooa thet the Londer enr! <br /> ��""�� any other Bano� r unde►thfs deed of Vuot m�Y exeend�modtiv or mako amI o�her ohnnQ�aa in thn torms uf thfa deed of truat ar the aRCUr�d <br /> - ---—� de6t whhout th��orrows�'�eonsant end wkhout�eteaalnp that Bortower from 9ho terms oT thb deed of wet. <br /> �u:', � �� The duUes end bonotna of thla doed of tnast sheB Gtnd an0 usnerit mo euccossan cn�i u�:.3y»ot t endar enc�tsarravr*• - <br /> "-�U:i_L�'L`� lg,lyosic�.Untese otherwise roqutrod notEca to Botrowor shn0 be piven by detivrriUp it ar by maiilnp k by eorUtted mnl�nddreesed to -- <br /> �:��r� Borrowsr�t t?'.e SropertN addreas or any other oddreas tAat BoROwer hes Iven to Lender. 8nta.owor wU give arry noUeo to Lender by certitled <br /> t;,,,:° � maii to Lettder'o arddross on paQo 1 0�Ut►s dse�of trua�or to anY othor m�dre�s whtch Lortdar has doatanated.Any other notieo to Londor aheli <br /> r�?t�; be eent to Le:v:1a?°rs nddroas us stntod on page 104 this daed M ttust. _ <br /> "���'��'`' ` A�ry nottce shnt�Rta doemed to have been aivon to Bonower o*Landor�rhen pteran In tho manncr omtod abave. „_ <br /> ��"`"-"R�'' 19.4cuafrt af tM VroO�rtY a�B�d�i t�nn In ttu 8am�war.M atl nr nny purt of the prcperttl or any Irttorost In it f�6qkf or trantsierrad __ <br /> �•;;'„`,�,. , wftD�cvt Lert�der'p prlor wtittan contom, lendEU moy damcrtd Immad�ata�aYrtnoM of the aao�vred dobt. l.nrtdor may e!ao c4amnnd �mtrtedtnta �;` <br /> .�• v�r ap <br /> 7 ... domand�e�vvr�b'�n th9 abovo situattom 6if,it Is�prohltr��o�d bY todorat taw as of tho Ou o of Uita�eee ot��nnforted. Howava�.�.ocider hf��+w1 �_: <br /> ,�. �� yp,R�cq�Y�yprsuy.YYhen tfie obligatlon sccured by thb daed of trume Tros t b e ohn��arM Lendor has no furtt�or obltgatian to maY.o e:��nnaon <br /> _ � �' urtder tlfe tn0�nd�httll deli ar�tro tho t�ioratnw°r�or to�8dorcow�or�'ts�sueeoasor in intoroat,tho tiu t do d and thohnoto o1dr othor evi9onco oQ•�ih _ <br /> .� c��. '`> <br /> ,:,�.x,t . ±•y_ o�yt��n so setis4ted.8wrowcu shatl paY unY rccordatton coato. M�m ti� �r,n, ,,,du,w a cmv of t!� = <br /> '�-. ` � 81. Sascsssor Yrum�. L� LortdoPe oPtton. may remove iruaioo o.y :.s :........_. .�_- -• - <br /> ' � oubaUtutton ot truato�aa r�luited bb.epplteeblo aw,and ttton,bY fiting the¢ut�stl on of truatao for�ocord In the ofFico of tho ra8latei ot dccde _ <br /> . „ eueeeed t�att�tha po�var dutfoa nu�tlro�end Ute lo oi tho T�nts�oo�nnmad En�co d�d of miat ar�id of nny e�e�eosaorvuuotoo�f�proporqt.ehaii 6 <br /> .. " � <br /> � _ <br /> fprp,2 or71 ` <br /> � OANKER;i BVST[M3.�NC..8T.G10U0.MN 68101 t�-600�981•t?Aq iON�!OCM1MT6NE 6/10A1 - <br />- J <br />-'C <br />