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<br /> , d��9C�� ��� �Q��,��� (������ �"I��J�`� �+a��g '. `:
<br /> ' ILAe�i fl18 y8��4l0 � � (�bi�lRri�tBd� - ``
<br /> :�,,
<br /> „ _ -�_- °� ,�..
<br /> (b) Comre��e►�sctlon ha tapciaQo lR!s Qe�a!Yrust a9 a martgege�appWnt e recelvt►r ar a�ecfilca[ly cnforca nny a?tho coYar�na y
<br /> 0
<br /> •. h�rcor,aed 1�
<br /> (o) Qc:iv�r to 'tnr4Qa 4�rAtt�n d^�taraUcn ot d;,7nu�i ctnd dnnand tcr c:ta and n wdtt�n nattc�at dotau.t und ciratlon to a�u�o Tn�stcwo �k_
<br /> � � intara�t In 11� Pro�ss�►y to bn¢e:d,r1h!ch noLC�7rusMO ah�l cst�3 to!t�duty t!��9 tar rccord In tR�appra�,tlnto ofk:�of itt3 Courtty In �-;�
<br /> - �vhfoh tRo PropeAy!s lacutpd;and
<br /> . ;`�
<br /> • (d) YntB res��cl to all or uny psA o}tho Pantanal Propttrty,Lor�r aAuD huvo nIl thti dght�s and romad:�of q c�aurad party un42r thm �
<br /> - NsDrt�Eca UN!'am Commerciat Cod�. m�x
<br /> •� � .. F�,iet"^:."'!t0 Ps,�°�-:�_!°�. ii(.c�Q�r e'�cb to ferccla��by c:ccrc��ot th�Porlcr��J�hrrcin cqnte�nnd,tc�nd�r onau eotiry Y�e,.9tco and �r
<br /> aha'i Q�o:Jt wiih Ynnt9e tht�Oaad af Trust artd fho Noto end suoh«scolpb nnd oNdenco ot expondlturos mndo And a�aurod by lht:�Dc�ed o! _.:-
<br /> _��.--�• T�t as Tnr�toe m�y2qu!% �.__-
<br /> . � y- ' (a) ltPon�ptot nuch nottco hom Londur,Tni�too st�eli cau�o to ba n3cordod,publbhud and do'IVUrad to TruAtor uuoh NaUco olO�ta.�Yt =_-
<br /> and Aotice ot S910 ss thon roquired by law and by thb OaAd ot Ttust. Tiustea shatl,wtthout QnmAnd on Yruutor,uPer auch Ilrrom na m�y ====
<br /> ^ thnn be req�Cr1M by Iaw nnd mftcr roeordatlon nt suoh Notteo af QataNt nnd aft�r NoVco of SaW lu►ving bean pivam ao rc�qu!rcd by la�.C�1 �z
<br /> , ° tho Propcxly�111�tlmo and pl2ca ot anto tbu�d ay It in auoh Nottaa ot SNo,oithor na a whal�,Ot 1f1 LIIptif�t0 lOb Gt aIItCG!3 CT Il2tit.9 b8 =
<br /> • Tnisttm sha9 deom oxpr�dl�rd,and tn suoh ordor us lt rtwy dotertntrto,at publ!o nuctlon to the ht9host bldder br cA�A In lswh[I mo�y ot ___
<br /> * tAp Urdted Stafie7�tayabta at iho drtro o!sat9. Trt�ttvo Ghall dullvot to 3uofi wohzis�r or parahasere tharocf l�tl�end ButP�cl3rti102��4r ��•�-
<br /> Qt�
<br /> t dee�aanw�yF[rg Ll�pntpst.y so aold,but�vithout any covenant or warran�y,o�ross or tmplk�d. Yho reatats In oaah dsed o1 ac+y m7.t6tr�
<br /> .,: �, or tacts shaD be c¢nd�prooP aJ tha hulhtutnct^;s thnreof. My pWSOn,indttding vilthout qmlMUOn Ttitstor.T�too,or LraTS�ftr, mny _____..
<br /> ..,.,,. . Purah.�oatatach�.ia . � ==_-
<br /> " (b) As mey ba permiHsd by I[�,ci.?er daducrina sN costs.teas ertd c:�semes af Tnistw arttl o?thtA Y�us4,lna'u�:n�cost�o!�a�Rda�a o! --
<br /> .� G"�lo Connt�'m v�stih splo,Tnis��ehail appty t?�o proco3da ot cuto to pa!m�ont o} p)ett cums o�on0ad undcr t10 torms ot iR"�Oad o! ti:-
<br /> � Ttu�ar undec-fna t�rms of the Nota no!then rt�a:0,lnduding but not Qmtted to vexrued iniorc�st and t�to ch��, pq atl ott�r�4m9 th:n
<br /> �. sacured f�ero'€�y,en�0�)ti�e�emainde►,If arry.Ea tt�e porson or porsons tepaLy e.��C�ed thereto. •
<br /> .,,�E (ol Yn�stes rtt2yln'tM mnmm�pro��tded by taw pos�ono sato ot el or nny porftoa of Hw Proparly. �-=
<br /> Romed(es Nat Ek'�3u�hte.Trusto�artd l.ender.end each ot tRem,c�!�n41�e er�titbd to on}orco puyment nnd porformanCO of eny t�w�'t+tsdn�x► [`-
<br /> ° • or ob�gatlons s��t�d hy lhts Dt�nd ot lYust and to oxarciso csU dy�his aT29 power8 under thts Qttad o!Y�ust,undor tFs��ote,n�at+rny ot tM1a -
<br /> � .� Rotated Dxumant�,a undor nny oihor ugrooment or any Inwa now or Ra�aftor ln Po�oo;notwJthsFnndirtp,oomo ar u0 of sach Irr��b'h�re�rs3
<br /> and obtiQsUOr�s se�tQOC1 0y thb Dead�t Trust may now or tiereefter be ott�erwlse sacurs9,whather by mort�ayo,daed af trusb D�d�e�Uan. �t:`
<br /> e�lgnmont o�o�v§e. NaitP�or the eaceptnnoe at this Qeed ot Tnxst not lis ortFon�monf,whotf�ur by eoud acUon�pursuant to fA,2+�fairc�a o7 __
<br /> �� eab or otheP povrsae co�tatrtad In this Qeod o!Trtssf,sfioU pre udico or in any mann9r aNect Trutiaa'o or Land��fi�t:t to r�►;IGt� t�p�or �:.-
<br /> • enta0�nriy ottNr es�our[ty now a h8r8aRer held by Trust�e a�nder,lt beirtp my�eod tMt Tructo�and LandQr,anq��h o}tt►��n„cM1�t!OA _
<br /> en�Ued to entoroe!nb Qeed o!Tnrit�n.i any attu�securlly rtrnw or herearter ho18 by Lender or TruLtot►In oucb ordar Gnd ma.nnY o,3lhsy m -
<br /> „. r� exctusfve o�f anyy�remedy In hts Qoed o!Trust or by taw�p rovtdsd orpo�mtttod�but c¢aAr�a Mdbo�cu�mN��ar,�sho�bonin�u�A�lr.n tn �--
<br /> " every oN�er rerrtod�C plan In thb Deed o!Tiust a now or haroaftsr eidsdn�a It aw a in�qulry or by atatute. Evory po�v�r ar rem�fY givart�by ltra _
<br /> f . •��� Note or nnr o?Br�Ralated Dooumenb to Tnistoe ar Leader ar to whieh efther ot ihom may Do othoN�ise oa9flTod, may bit �ucdo!�ofl,:
<br />-. , concwrentry or In��ndenUy,trom Uma to t►me and ss otton as mny be deomed expod�ent by Truutoe or LendQ►,ae�d olttrar o!tht:n mtY
<br /> -.,
<br />_,:,,° : • pw'�Sr.�'�r�r�..o. S�!lStsp!s�!hk�3 ffi Tss�t:.°�:�s��pt�l.es�+er lrsm ceglanQ o dtSial�tnsv,�ted�.��t . ,
<br /> aQatnnt tha Trusta ZoNa oxtent auch soHan Is pamttted by law. -
<br />_'�=�'' . Re�uaa!Far I�Od�.Truster,on behatf of 7Yusta and Londar,heroDy roquests that a copy ot eny Notloe af OefaNt and a ca9Y af�my�1451sro
<br />�p��.�f�� af 3ab artder tNs t�a0 ot Tnt:,t ba muUed to them at the addresses set 4orU�In the tir8f pareyeph ot thls Dood o!Tnat.
<br /> -.-w... .r,..._ .
<br />„:;q,�� ��� Attort�a'F�E�tpen�a. If IAndor Ins{ftutas any st�t�r aOHOn to entorce any of ih.e torms of this Qoed of Tnrst,uD�a�O r a h y ll Da�m'i l l r r d U n.
<br /> •"�"��'�i rec�ver sueh aum �Ih�cowf mdy adJudpe reesanable aa attemeya'tees et biia!enA on nny c+pposl. Wheiher a�nat an cou�4 aa9r�,�,U�
<br />;�,n;,";.o�;'•;,�,;,.
<br /> :''.�',°�4'� Invohre8.�i ressor�aCb e�or�°.�es lncurted by Lende►whbA In Lenc`;a�'s aptnton are�iseoes�ary at any tlme tor tho protectton o9 Ly tr�y,�s'matmu tt�r
<br /> �'�"��`�����i enforoement of fb riy�b�h�,7 boaome o part ot the Indabiudnesn puyabte on demnnd snd oht�t�r intemat at the Nof9 mtb+trofi 11r�i4t�� -
<br /> �;�``''�� e�endifura unti�d. E�onrss oovared by thb partgraph lnctuds,withaut Ymitatlon,ho�ever au2�;aet to any Ilmib urA�s a9r�+:u►3b��.'rt,
<br />�:��:,•w:c�• L,andePe attoreNy�' t�es wheiMa a rtof tl�era fa a tawsutt,lndudt attomeys'tees for bankrupfay proeeatUng�(Irt�udl�+,g eif,roto ta m.��1,m
<br /> a
<br /> -- v�b any autom8no amy or In�unauon),ep�eats end any a ated pos�udpmnnt 'ca:octton saMcaz,tho ca�t at cc�tsoRh� r�,
<br /> -�,:�::.�,-iw�� �±taininp,Ulk raporb pn�c:udlnp tarc:.toauro ropats�,sunaaYms'ropab.appratsai Ases.Glto inswanco.and tuIIS for tha Tnt�ta�,lu tQro a:t�mt
<br />_�,;;,�;y,�°;;,:, parm[ttsd by epp�luw. Ynista atso wiU pay any oo�ri aos�s�ln��dd(llon to all othm suma provldcd by law.
<br /> �k?f�,�
<br />_,—�-�.
<br />—_�"'=�",�g MiSCE1LAt1E0US PRmZA81t3P[S.TAo toliowinp Mryctd!arteous provlsicrsa mr�a pnrt ot th�Oaod o!Trwf:
<br />-'���.'"���
<br /> �:�r.�:�, AAWte�te Law.T�b 0�ed of Tru�E hq been dWn,ffr�eti 4o Le�a►�r+d�c�epted by Lendar In the Stato of NeBm�toa Th1A Qe�f ot Tnut ,
<br />";T�,:;;; � ahrd!Oe paYeme4 EparM Co�truod(n aCCO�daao�w11A the tanq o4 tRO Sta2o o?t7abra�Eca. ---
<br />--°'>u.r;:':•-" ltrns lo ot 4Am Eos�anoe. llmo kt oi tM e�sscnce In the portamarx�ot this Deed af Thist
<br /> _;.,�ti�r4\;;"�
<br />:_�.i);�;�,,__ Wdv�s andl Aon�ntl. Lendw ehell not be damed to hava walved m�y�hb undor this O,xjd o?Ti�t(or�rtdar tTar�Rttatm��o�umems) f
<br />_�;�-.� _:.��, untess such w� b in v�'rNtnO artd et�r►sd by L�t. No d�ay a om�ion on tha patt o!Londa Ite arerc�lrt9 nny s1�rJi�ta�tt�ayovtrte as e
<br /> _- ___� �*.�+c!�.�t�."!L��s;�s t!2lt± A 4�t_tt+�►!+y�d i`erN,!�f e�r!++A�en ot!NS!�e!ef T�txt nRne ru�t r.nrtstihctn e watuur e!crrpr�ainIDca 1he --
<br />-- =—==�;+�a DtAyb ripM ctt�►rs�e 1a damand ehiat Cotnpifar�s wtih t)sat provision a ar�y aftter ptoti9sion. t�o pri�x weEwr 6y o�anta�r.faat a�iy cou�a;►o? °
<br /> - -_ ---='sy d�tYeO b�tNreen L�bx trtd Tiwta��sheti cora�3i�to�w�o!arq►o!Lendors rlphb a any af Tru�tor's oDU�►tilk..""�3 au to a�ry tutura
<br /> =°�- Ti t
<br />____--"'�: �� Er�lnnsattlon�. WMr�e�er aonsent by Londa ta�s4t�d M tlds Oeed ot Tnn1.ti�prarritng ot cucn core�e�by L,mndar ki asr/.i�ttno�aNJI not
<br />—;V'��;�}:�' coratih�aonSintl�acns�M to auhseque�l�Ln�whare setch cnn:snt is rsqulred.
<br />_ '' 1NW�r of iloeNR�d E]um�ll9n. Tnistar h�eby retesses and aa;ues atl iighta artd bonohb at 4Ao homestosd c�xosr,FUa�tavr�df Zhe Stato o}
<br />-';,.-�'". � Nebraska as to a�t�Diodnass seeurod by tt+h Oee�o}Ttu.,H.
<br /> =;.... '
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