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<br /> �i�,:;����;��
<br /> � ,� . � i7I.��,:
<br /> � . �. . o t,
<br /> 1` ��
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<br /> ��
<br /> � .. ...u... ..�. . -...:t_._.���- .
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<br /> / . . ., . . .......... ... _. ..
<br /> 1 � • ..
<br /> ' � 02-U�1fl80 DE�D O�T�t1� PoBo 4
<br /> Loen 6Yv ya�8ily (Con�le►ued) �°'��y�,S.��-��,___ _ '.
<br /> ,.� .�-��.—..� _ _.
<br /> rcpard to tlx�nd�qu�oy a!lta c^.�u�lty,ontor upon nnd tnko po��:ton of thn PrapoAy,or nny pnA tharcof,In Ib own�nmo or in Nro�amo
<br /> n!Tru3ta�,and do eny�,.^t0 wh!oh it doorria nnc�arY ot daslrnb!o to prCJctYa tho vuiuo,mmlcotnbllHy ot rontnblllty at tho PropCtry,or pntt .
<br /> I ot tho Properiy or intcro�l In tho F►operty;Incres:�iho I�orn�irom th�Rroparty or protast tho sccu+ity of thn Proporiy;and,wlth a without
<br /> tnhing pos:a�.^.lon of th�Praparty,ou�tor or othcNd��co!:cCt tho ronb,fasu�und profitn at tho Pro�oAy,Including thosa pn31 duo nnd �
<br /> %� I unpatd,and nppry tho aame,loss cosb and o�n�of apcmUon and colt,eUon,irtctuding ariomoys faos,to nny Indabtadness aecwad
<br /> by tNs Ooad W Tnrsl,aN in such ordor no Lend�sr may d�tartNno. The entsring upon and teking po�sesston of tho F�ropoAy,thv coUOCllon
<br /> pf uuch rent�,Mstr�end proti�,nnd lho uppt:catton th;taof ohall not auro or erNv�nny dofnult or notice of datault undcr thls Qcsd of Trust
<br /> � ot lnvatt�lato 8ny eet dano tn msponsfl to oaoh Qotnult ar parsu3�to ouch notu�ot dofnuu;and,ao{�rilhsianding tha con4inuanco In
<br /> � posse;ston af the Proporry or il�ce(leei►on,�oetpt nnd appStcetlon o?ronts, IQsues ar proitb,Trustoo or landar ohall bo anuttBd to
<br /> • o�rot�,a ovcry dght providod tor tn tho Rot3 or!ho Ratutod Doeumenb or by inw upon tha�ocurronaa of any ovant ot datnult,lrsciuding tho
<br /> _,. , . dpht to exa�ctso tho pow�ot sn1e; ,
<br /> � (b) C6mmenoo nn acUon to torectau►th�Qoed ot TNSt ns t►mort�g�,c�pPotnt a rscelvar or spedfleMy ontorco nny ot tho eovonants
<br /> hflrcoh.nnd '�
<br /> � I�forest i�n ho Prop¢uly t bo fto d�hGOh o0 COBTNSteo ehM Causa o bo�duty fitad�for reCOr61n t eWuptopde oHi�ca3 ot ttra Counry in '';�'�'
<br /> � whtoh tAe Property 1�tooatod;and � �
<br /> �;.:�
<br /> . ;.�
<br /> � (d) With rospect to nl►or nny ptuf of lta PeisonsJ PropeAy,Lend�r sh�l1 Asvo�II tho dghts and remedios of a secured pnrty un�er tho ;�;;.
<br /> Nab�ska Unitattn CommnrciW CoaE� .,''�
<br /> ' ' Fe;e�taattroby paroter of 8ote. If Lctadcer Qtocts to tarocl�3a by e�re'se of th�Powas oi Sslo h�^�1n�anintrtod.lendcr shalt rtoTy'tTc�ta�nnd
<br /> �;:�.
<br /> • sFselt daposit witA 7histoo lhfs Dead o�Tn�st and tho Na:�end such rocetpb and ovtdonco ot ayra��tturc�s mude and�csourad by�?�Da�d a! .v�!;�:
<br /> �. � Trusl es Ytustee mey te4utre. ;,•,•-
<br /> � (a) Upon�e�eipt at such notioo Qrorfl Lend6r.T-as1�sh�ti Causo to ba rexerd°d.Publl9hed fl�1d t4011veted to TtuBfor euCh N011Ctiof DOttlult 1_�"��%��,
<br /> and NaUoB of SatO ns thanroq ul.ed by law an�Dy lhis Decsd of Trust. 7ntstac�e�h�ll,wltrtou!demand on Trustor,aRor such tlmo ns maY I'�'rU
<br /> a
<br /> ' ' ( then be requlred by law and after recoMntlon of suah NaL'am of Detautt ar�d after Notfco of Sa1a 1�avinq been ghren as reqtdred by I�w,sotl �:.�:�'.
<br /> ° � tho P�roporly nt tho tlmo artd pL�ao o?salo thcad by tt In euC�NoL'oe ot Sate,oithor ns a whof.a,or in sopam4e lots or parools a ftems es �!a�:;
<br /> Tn�stoe ehaU doem expedtent,and in sach ordor na ft may datcrrNno,nt publlo eaotlon to the higP�ast btdder tor cnsh in IawfN moaay o! �, ;;
<br /> ��.' ihe UNted Stntes pa�mble at mo dmo o!sak�. Tnatae ahali ddhrsr to sueh urchnsor or purohasers thereof(b Qood end sutficfant deed or _%�___
<br /> a
<br /> �� doo4a convoying tho propnAy so sold,but wfthout any cavanant or wfsrrnn�y,o�ress ar implie�. Tho rodtals in such deed o! a�+mdt^;.rs -���,:,�.,
<br /> 1'• pr}acta shail bo conctustvo proof of Mo trutRtuiness thnroof. Any porson,Including wiihout 1!mitatlon'frusto�,Trostse,or Lendcsr,rt►�y �::
<br /> ,�..; .::
<br /> � � purchase at auch suta.
<br /> ��, y (b) Il�►may ba permittod by law,aRar doducUnp ffil cosi3�fees end expenses of 4et�e end ot thfs Trust,Ineiuding cost�arf �addanco of ��s•'_;
<br /> �;�1�-� 4Us tn connedlon wtth Kak�,Tnmteo shan appty tA9 procec�ds of se19 t0 payment of p)aU sum5 eoQ�endod undor the terms o1 41�b Doed o} ,
<br /> Th�st a unda the tartns o!the Note not thon repald.U�ctudinp Eut not Iimitod to flaorued Ir�erast artd late charpes, Qq aIi othaQ fums then �1�;,
<br /> '? � fi secured horeby.and (UI)the remelnda�M any.to the pe�son or Peisons to�t►hY�n0lfed tAeroto. a�r�'�';
<br /> '`.. '� # (o)Tnx�tee maY tn the manna providod by taa►postpono sak�o!sti or any pnrllDn ot the PropeAfi• �_.�
<br /> ���.'. � • Remedies No!F]cctwtve. Trasto4 and Lender.artd eeeh ot them,shell be oMlUed to entoroe payment ana pertamar�co oi a�n i:,deoi�7� `��-'�""
<br /> wP�I�patlor�t r.ocured by this Rvod of Tnmt end t0 axerctst►e6 AOhts aod Povrers under thb C�ed ot Tntst,under the Note,un88rren ot the ���'��
<br /> R�r�u-
<br />" � �a�►'ted Oocumonb�o►under any athor apreemon!a any laws rtotiv a fcoroafter In tace;naiwllhstendinp.sortq or eu o1 sucn ta�dsb ness ---
<br /> '' amE�abNpaCons 6ecured by thts Oeed of 7tt�st may now a hereaftnr eo atta�wlse secured,whethm bY mo�pv�dc�ad ot trust, �ied3e�Iten,
<br /> .. r�, as�stpnment a othe�wlse. NeHRe�the acoe0tarw�a!tNS Oaed ot Tnict na tb entotaemoftt,whethet by cotat aCion or Pur�ttrmt to tAe Dower of _
<br /> '� cate a other p�owers contalned In Mts Dflod ot Tt�t,aha9 pro u�e or tn nny manner atfeet 1'tusts�b or Lendars AgM to realtsa upon or
<br /> enfone nny other secudly now ar horeaRor held by trustoe or�ndar,lt boing agreed that Tnisteo nnd Lsnd�r,ftnd euch at th$m,sliail ba
<br /> tn
<br /> � a i Qa2iP.od to entorce th�Oeed of 1Yust and any ethcr seaurlty naw or AereaR�►hotd by L�ende►at Yn+at�o tn sueh order and manner fls they or
<br /> � '� oilnor of them may M tMir ebsatuto discretlon detennine. No rcirrr�dy aonterted upon or rosurvpd to Trustoo ar Lender.ta IntanOed to bo --
<br /> � + e�t�sNe o!any other remed�►in thks Qeod ot liwt a Dy Inw prm�dad or parmftted,but eacA ahefi bo cumuluUvo and shall ba in addiUon to ___
<br /> every olhst�emad�r piven In thb Docd of T►ust or rtat�r or haoafter a�de�lrtfl at tuw or M e4u►h�m by��. Ev�r poafer or romedy flNen 0y the ,.
<br /> . ' Noto or am►o!tho Rotatod Documonb to Trustoc�or Londa or to w�'ch oltA�r of thom mey Da ottwiwk.�e entlUed, may be exe�olsed.
<br /> eonaurror►tt�r or t�de�adentty,from Umo to tlmo artd as otten as may ba doomnd o�o6lor►t by Tnt�tan ar�eader.and eUher 4f U�sm maY
<br /> �OUSUB Incor�SteM rerr►�d3es. Nothing In this Dead ot Tn►s!sh.+J!bo co�trued es prahlbltirtfl Londer trom ssetd�a de�rJoncy Judgmant
<br /> • r�yn3�i the 7tusta to the mRe�auah ectlon b permttted by taw.
<br /> t@a�ue�t Fa Notlee. Tnutor.on Oohalt o!TnMtor and Lender.Aaebyrequesb that n copY ot e.ny NoUoe of DefeuR end a caDY�f eny Nottce
<br />_ �, ,� OP Stio urtder thts Oeed ut TniM bo maibd to thom at the eddres�set fath in the tlrs�paraar�ph af th1�Doed o!Tn�.st. —
<br /> pttan�eya•Fe�3;l�tpat�sq. tt Lan�a U�a�tutrs any etd!a ncHOn to ento�f�eny ot tho t�snns af ttds Oead o!Ynast,lendcs�et�eU bs errdtlsd to __
<br />- � � n+cover auch sLan ma the court muy adJudpe roasonnble es attaneys'feos at 4r1at end onarry appeaJ. W1rrAher or n�ta�ry cou►c�d►on b
<br /> ' ����; tnvotved,aa roesanable eo�enr.ao inatxrod by Len�whicA tn Le�ndcrs apinton ars��eoe�r�►�ant arry Umg tor tNo protscEon of ib ta�erest a!f� ---
<br />-. . . '�'.�, entqroemerti o!tb riphis cha8 Docvmo n part o}tho Indabtedness pnyaDla on demand and sh. bear Ir�erest at the lloie mte ham 0o data of
<br /> :��. . orponr4'ture ur�tD rsp�10. E��or�soa eovmed by thls O��h fo�dude�without L'mStatton.howo�r�wb1�to any Iimtts under�pD�cabia tew. .--
<br /> ..�,�i,`, I.eadore attameYs'teos whatha a not thare b a Giwsufb�notu�aID attansys'tees for banlcruFtaY Drooee�ngs(lnctudtng ofttr',�to rtiadty or �^
<br />-� „ - vacate any automatlo emr or tNur�ctlon),appuat3 Qn�l any antteipated P�-1udOment coitectton sa�vioaa,the cost ot soarc�unp raaords� -
<br />'�.�� , ` +- obtelntng tltle�ab(tnctudtng foreclosure rePatu)�sunrayoro'ropat�.nAP�t foos.H�o tnsurana�.and tea�s tor the Trustee. to tho e�dunt ;:,
<br />�-,- ,,�, '� pe�mttted bY�PA�db��w. Tn�tor,etso wiU pay any courf cosb.!n addlUan to all other sums provlddd by taw. �.--_
<br /> .� V._
<br /> • t � �i��._
<br />, ' , ±i � 6.4lS�TttS,ANEOIiS PROV181AN8. �fdsD foRowltW m�oCitan0ou3 proat�taxt uro n patt o!this Q90d oi Trt�sx ��-.---
<br /> t
<br /> �l�yp p�o p�pYdem2�lLy ind OOitf strttad M scc�t�01AAG1 tRe ok�re t the�o°dT�t�btmtu.In the State oi Nehre�a. Thlt Oeed of T�s! �;��
<br />- ,, �_� ui:.-
<br /> c"r_°_
<br /> �� . „��� .Ytme I�t o!ths Ea�ancs.Tlmn is af!ho ossance In tM pafortnsnao ot tAki Qaed cfI T n�s t. __
<br /> -� E�:k`i;'_,.: � Watvare cnd Oan�er�tm. terzztm�t�cll not ba deomod to hava vtelvod eny A9hffi andur lhb deed ot Tntst(er undor tho REat�af OocumcreM) �,.~.
<br /> . i�:ii�5;.. '�. a n l o s s s u c h w a h ro r I s I n w f,�r.p m n d s i g n o d b y L c a 4 o r. N o d a a y o r o m�ton on tho pad at l.�ru�rx In oxar.�ing anY�il�sTmt3 apaate ns a
<br /> �I.,:
<br />� • .' '�r:,`,-.,�,- `sec��-
<br /> . .,.,. - _z .
<br /> ....'�.,. , .
<br /> ..... ......_..._._�. �=-
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<br /> � , .. - u . �t;r�• - . . , ,
<br />.__ . � . . . � � .. - ,' .� .. � - ' ' . �' o •.
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<br /> , , " .. ., ..� ' .. .,�_..'�._..•,. .� u. _ ._ �'� .
<br /> .�.—.— __'__' _'__. ,
<br />