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<br /> d`����i�a ����������iTl�]� �8�►0`� �
<br /> . �����s���aan� t�s�ci�u��� Q� ° g�'j�a�'9
<br /> .. �---- � ..��-��—�- -- �
<br /> . , R�sts an9 th�Ra�uonaJ Rro�7ty dotlaad Cs�ow.
<br /> ' &£�FiP1iYtQ'in.Yha��c�h1�vrords nha0,Pta�o tfla tatio�vfnD rttsintng�n��n ua¢A In t1`s Q��O o!Tnt�t. Terms�ot oth�rr�t;�dutln�d In tht�Oecd of �'�'°
<br /> Tru�t Ch�p itav�tiW rc9.lninII�nt3lsut�d tn auofl t�rna In tri�Untiarrm�cmr�rc�at t�oda. Att��rc�ncc�to do:inr umount�oRat1 m�an umounis fn �
<br /> • I�tiutN mcney ot lhs t!n!tad Stataa af Amertaa. ��
<br /> utN
<br /> ,+•;
<br /> • Qu37CSA'�t. TPta�iord`Guntnntof ineana nnd Irtcludc�e�ilhoul L'ml��tlan nny art�rJi pu�rnntore, nurctl�,nnd accammodntlon paRtc.'s ln
<br /> Connan;ion�Yln tRa Indcb:�dne�. �•
<br /> � �r�gTOVIIm0rlt0. Tho��mrd 9rt�ro�o�yonte"means nrtd Inctuda�wilhout tlMtatlon e0 o�dsUnD nnd tuturo ImprovemGntu,bu�Ging9,etructuros, " =
<br /> �� m��!!o Roms3 af�rsd on thv Rtml Rro�tly,tacl:lttGS,eddtitOn�,repl�cecnQnU 4n0 othar conshttcUOn on tho Rt�al Ptoparty.
<br /> � �".�:-;�� I n Q e t l e t h t e s a. 1'h e wa r d R rt d a b t a d n a z�'m e ana n9 pd n c t pai and Inter�st pn yable under tho Noto and any amounts o�cnBod ar udvnncud by ��,:
<br /> � ' Ltntlm ta QMoh�rpe aD;Ipattura of T�y��tor ar e�oas�lrtcurte0 Dy Ynrt�or LsnB�to enScro�abUgflUons o!Trusta unslar tM.�Oced o4 Trust,
<br /> '"' taputrta K�th in2�eat on cucb emcdn't�aspm vlti�d In thl9 Qaed af Yrust. In additton to tha IVote,tho wqrd Rndebtodns�s•Inctuds�ati
<br /> '� obl�a�ons.dobts and ltuD(tlibs,pl�intnrest themon,ot Tnista to lendar.a nny ano ar more ef them,as wsll as s9 clalncs by Landar a�Nrc�t �..��`
<br /> Trusta.or nny one ar moro of them.whath�now oxisVng m i�or�i�a��.s!�,Hlsotl�m�at;d af unrc��d ta the purpase ot ti►n Nato,whathor �'�-
<br /> votunttry ar oth�e.wlutiMr due or nat dus,abso:ute a con�npent,ItQutditad or unitqutdatsd artd wh�ther'Itusta may E�e Uab�e trtdivtduatry -
<br /> or jo;,i�y�v;ih oihe�s,�hetAsr oCtigat¢d as flu�►ntor or atterurise.and wMthat recovary upon sttoA indebtedness may tie or he�eatt�etay .�,r.�
<br /> bettom9 bttr�'c�0y any�tatute af IlneltaUons,nrtd uutnihw cueA Indab4adnes�msy be or heue34tar may beeome oth�v;se unentarsabla �,,-.
<br /> Not(iy.w�t�nut UmltnUnn,this Qoad of Thxit Eeaure�In adrfiflan to t1a amounis epe�£�r�(n the f�ote,ua tutwe amounb Lend�r tn ib �±::-
<br /> ' sc�eSon rtusy toan to Yne�t tagatAor wttn all Ir�t theeeon•howovar.tn rto evant ohu9 e�u 7�Muro¢dvam.�s te�x�clu_dl!��Interest)excead In �,,.
<br /> m.a�r.y�ate anc�so.00.t�ho tl$re of tP�ts Oeed of 7fust ehnti not exe�d a�eny one time an�u.00. �*�-
<br /> lbta lha word`Yicfm"me�b tiH11�1oM d�ted F�bnt�ty 0�9940,a19?��IR�Ipt31 Mt01lId 0}�6��478.84 trom 7nptor and any °_
<br /> ' � co-0urrG:vaa ta LcnQVr.t�'ff�r r:fth oll esnxs�ets,extenstans, moEltfcatlo+a,rotinanctngs, and oubsUtullom3 tor tho Ndto. t�tOTtCg TO
<br /> �,• 1R1F3T�iq: TIfE t70TL COtiTAtRB A VAAIABLE INTEREST RATE- _
<br /> �_:�
<br /> ' r Par�rud Pmoperiy. Thv rrerds'4�sonal ProDerly'mean all equtpmenT,Podurea.and other arUcte9 0!pe�uonet propMy rtsw or hs�eatter -
<br /> ° � o�.vrt�d by Trustcr.nnd rtzv�er horGaftnr cttt2ck�ar at(txad to tho Rt�l Prapo�r,tag�thor wlih M nccasslwt3c Rafit.nnd uddlflons to,a!I
<br /> � reptaonments af.artd�JI Eubs�tultoas tor.any a?evch pmperiy;and topethet wtlh M procouds (includtrt9 w[itaaut ltmitnUon eU tnsurartaa �• ��
<br /> ' v�• �roee�ds and refurtds ot pntmiums)t�m�l snb a othet d�atdoo ot the P�opeAy. =_
<br /> "" :�'H . ' -
<br /> Wu�erty.Tim�rord�ly'rt�sb eetlecWMl the Real ProPcwq►and the Pemon�al Propc+dfl•
<br /> . .,;sa`� � �3at P�oR�Y•'�e vtard9'fi�!FL•�pirt�mean lhe PraPe�t!►�lnteeosb and dph'�d�sailsed a�ovo In ih0"Conveyar�artd Qrard's�Uon. �`'F.°
<br /> .. Celtrted Oocu�t�. Tlrs wort�'�lated Qocumerds•menn artd inctud�wlBtout NmtffiUOn�A promts�oty nofss.credit igtaementa.ltwn -�:
<br /> . , . ��d�1s. �whaiiaat�asow or h�e�enRqWdstlng,noxscut�In�eon�on wltA the�tednes9. ��nd ail ofAor tnstrurrtent3,eg�e9m�tds and �
<br /> •..•� ��wad`Ranm'moans eli pr�ot►t nnd tuture rents.rerenues.Incoma,Issues.royatttes�Profib.artd other benetiis derived hom the
<br /> - �� Trttatoi Tf:o ward°frustar'means�tp artd a11 pcxsons and ont.f�s wcocuU�tAts Deod of Trusf,Inr�uding wltt►out llmtla�on e8 TNStaa namee
<br /> WoW9. '�•
<br /> . . PAQPI��.18 VE1�14�8Ed�iE�t 1��PA AYMFM Q�1�RND ��AJrD ��pj�ppIN�T�B�1'��ANY A?�TA d1�.6.08blMT�t'DQiS CF
<br /> ti, ., 4RU3f073 d�tiD�R Tt�9�OTE.TFI�F�3�TFn D0dltA@Mi'8.AMD 1W8 OF�OF 7RU9T. '�FQ8 DEED 0'F lidU3Y Q$QIlVr7i M1D AOCEf�7E.'D
<br />_ ,•.�?�(:• ' ONYtl�6�'!!i�WtN378RI�8: •
<br /> +,;.,i,`. `l�' PA�T AP1�9 P�AFQ�13AA1It�. Ek�:�t ma othonaise Provtded tn tNS Qoed ot Trun.Tn�stor sliefl PaY to lsndor eA amourtts eacured by ttas Doed
<br />��:�., _ e!fir.�as theY bocottCU�i�n,nr�d shaA a�►nrd ln e UmetY mannar perfam eG o!Tt�s4ofs obUpat�rn�unQer the ha2�.this Oeed af Tnes1.artd ihe �
<br />'`. ,., RelntodDocuments.
<br />�.w.JLl'�� . .
<br />_ " . PAS8ESSIQN MPD Itl.47ATZEHA2it:E OF 7f�PROPERTY. 7Y�stor r.8re�a that Tt�tar�P�esstor�and uso of the Prod�1►sheY bo pav�mod by �
<br />;,,:' .' ,�':', tht�fo?,a�vinD provhs'ons: •
<br /> r�„��:: r Poisa��aloe and Ute. UntN tho oecurrsnca o1 an Everd o!Do'.au1t,7eustar mny (n)romNn In posse�ston and controi ot tho Proyorty, (b)uso. _
<br />�=•=�n=�' lfp8TII40 at f111ftQ99 tRm PfOpBfly,end (c)colteet uoy Renta trom tDa Pro�peHy.
<br />' --`:.--�� puR�tp f�1�ftYn,Yrustor ah�1!motn}�in ttw(�roperly M tonnrNnbta cpadltton and promPtty Perform aU mpnl�s.ParAlarame�nts,artd malntonance
<br /> i`�_-_�'��A�� ao�essarytopres8nnttsva►�ca. .
<br />�:�;;:,�:°:-. IO�rdoue Subater�es. T�usta repreconts and wartams that tha�ro�mty novor has been,end�var wtil bo ao Iong as thls Deed of'Ifust _
<br /> -�;;�;�Y�x�, rernnirts�lten on t1ao PirePatY.us9d fa the O�a�•rt�nt�l�tfixe,8ton►8�,trentment, d5 r�sn4�e ot tlueata���tNeese ot e�ry
<br />�:�:,.u�q.,.
<br /> M�p��OW rinsk�a a�►�oo an Qhtfce tenm are detlned ln ths Co►nprehlr�sNe Envlronmer�l tr3ponse, m�r�a
<br /> }�'� '�,�;;��:A�• 't4fl�as amerttled,43 U.9.C.�Soctton tiG01.d se4e('�RG.A9,tta Su�perfund Amendrt�r�an8 Reautho��tton Act('3ARA',��+ - -
<br />_ ' . e�te or Fedotef Intasi.or repWa4ons aaopiad PtwstFaM to nn3►o�t1qt�otn�. Yh�star eutha{�s tsnder and its eDe�►ffi to en{ur apon trta
<br /> ��� PraP�Y to metw euah hupecdans aRd tusb as Lsnder mey daam�ADrop�lat�to aatem�tne comPAanoe p?the FroAerH with R�b sectton W the -
<br /> -�*=-�--^=� Q��O ot Ttust Tnutar hero0y (s)teiedsas and vnlves any Muru dQims apetrtsi Lender for Indemn[ry or eo�ibWon In tAe evaM Trustor ,
<br />---�?�":,�.." pucpmas paDb ta c�.anuP or other cab�cnder anp suc.�h lawo,artd (b)eys�e�e to tndemnt end hdd hannh�s Lender apatmt enY dnd aA �-.
<br /> --_`���� ''c7lilms and bs3a�rosuttlrq(rora a b�eh o!tNa 9�O�ph o!tho De�d d itt�st. 7ht�obiip��on to IndomNty eMJI eurvS�re tt�payrtwnt of Ne _
<br />=-�°.,��t.. In�oD4sEneaa and ths stt8taetion o!tlds OMd at TnuL
<br />�°;,....:-�•r�. Nub�fce.tYaed�.Yn�ator ehaD not au��condud ar permtt�nr�ulsnnoe nor ccmmt�Permlt,or suthx nnr strlPpfnp o?or was+s on ar ro ttis -.-..
<br /> -- ri�,�.r.. a
<br />— :",.'�....�. or anq{�orn of the Rropo¢y�Nfitho�!i1mlBnp the pe�erafiql ot the ta�'atn4.Tnutor witl not remove.ot grent to arry atAer piut�+the --
<br />-°-��.�.:_. � ht to mmo�nl.Et:�i�llinber.mfnorafs,((�vduQtng ofi m�+d pas��soSl.Qrnvel or rock p�uslaob wlMaut tho p�tor wAtten consent of londar. __-
<br /> .'. ... �• .DO1C�,B41 tilU�i-fxi►VSfliR BY LF1lA�kl,�Lefsder mny.at ls o�Uon dec4ro tmmediatoty duo ortd CayaDta ell sums secured by lhb Ooad of 7hrsf ::.�
<br /> . .:� �Don��n cafe ar tramta.wlthout tno hArders D�o�wiitten corcment,ot&G or any�rt of t!ro Ro�tl Pm�s�A'�or nny In4trest tn IDe Reei Propetty. A �;':-
<br /> ,� '�aS�cr trnrtstar'moaro thocomrey�o t R e e!P�r o Q M Y a n m►A sR t,utb a e►turost tt�uretn:�:t�x�:�ut.�onoAct�1 or a4uunfok�:wnethnr vclufltery
<br /> . � , «ir�ar�s,y;�r ey ouMa�t 68.Se.doed�Ins+�ttrt►s�esie cor►tract,taa�d conVacL contract for doed.Wasuhad tntflrctst hdth n tarm gtoate�ihnn �':-:-
<br /> ,. . �� three(91 Yc►ar3.�oaso-o�.ton centred.dr bY�ete.es3lgnmenL or translor a!arry lranetidal tnt�t In er to enY 1a�d tn�t hoidl�tiCo to tho Ree!
<br />-_ }:�r� �;�t-
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