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tF-�-t}�7i�.7 �IM�1����iG '�'� „i�3t��4 t�yUk1 u � 7 ....a .�lZS:S.��`.S}�csi ilti'���{.i3'{va.4N+ ���iti��-,1 ?ht`�+:..��t,;.,.��.. . . . . .� .. <br /> 1'�({�{�!{�I([�f 4 � .�. �,`y i `, � l A�i� .:�Y?;•."t l.Vf 1�t' f} �t ��•`1 1 � : \t\- j P <br />�'S11��a\'�• '•,}''1�.�1�`..�'� }�`L� �1�. .I��y��ltf���l;L�•,�'�•}:i .�5�''�'1'� ` . (LJ��-�1 `��l�� �� <br /> }�;�.5,a�,� �i ..- , y.' ���! .'��'I.`.;�" ����•``�,•:i�.: ... <br /> • - �-��:}• � �- � <br /> ' .,`_ _� � .; � <br /> `� �+► � � <br /> ,e..�.� , . <br /> .,. . � � ;; . ��a "= --_ <br /> � :.�_ „ � � , , . ' . _ ,-�:���.�. - <br /> . . ..� , � <br /> _<..� - _ , ° . . ;: :. .,a,���y.�:._-�.� .,�,, — _– — <br /> ., , , .- <br /> �: <br /> �,� �;---�.�-.. .KQ� , - <br /> — ,. . . - . . _. <br /> . , - <br /> T . - <br /> - : .. � , ,. ., � <br /> ., <br /> -- <br /> --- — - r-_� . �, ....._. .:_._..._.--------�— �� ._.. ..... <br /> • 17.Tran�Pcr oP 1hc i'�►periv ur u�jetificla!Inte�:�t In S�tirruwca�. !f uU�+r nn}�part uP th�Nr.��u�ety ar nny intcrc�t ln ii <br /> iw�+ald ue transfcrrcd lu�Ik u t►rnc�irfal iutetr�t In Hurr��wcr ir s+�id ar tr�mvl'�rr�,l►+nd Hur��►�vcr iy n��t a auturnl per.�,n1��itt�uut <br /> Lcndcr'a prtar ��ritten coaQent. l.endcr nmy. u1 Ilv u��1b�n, r.Nulro imm:dlutu paynm��t io iLll al' ull �unw ��tiur�vl hy lhlv <br /> ., Security Instni�uent.Ha+vovc�.�hiw��ptl�►n Ehull nat be rxemit;ed hy l.ender il'rxc�rl+r Ix pruhihited hy i'cdc�id law uy ul�hc dute � <br /> � uf thfs SccurUy Instrumc»I. <br /> If t.e�dcr exercises thiy apitun, t�cndrr hhnll�Ivo Siurniwer nntic�o uf�ue.icrotlan.Th�uullcc sttuli pruvl�tu u perl��i��I'not <br /> trsti thun ZO dayti fmm the dnte Ihc n��tl��.Iti detivered or mntl�vl wilhin whtch li+�ra�w�r mu�t �;►y ull yui9ts sc�aurc�! hy thiw � <br /> Sccurtty In�ttu►nent.!f Aatep�vcr fails ta pay thr�r tun►v priue t�►the rxpiraliun uf'Ihi�peri�ul,l,ciutcr muy invukc uny rem�vlica M <br /> ��ultted!►y d►ia Securi�y Ins�r�ment wllhuul Nnher n�qice ar dcmuml on Burruwcr, � <br /> la, Ilarm�rer'H NI ht to Iteit�stutr. lY Barn»ver mrcty rcrtidn cunditlunv. Bnrru�vrr tihi�li harvc thc ri�ht tu huve � <br /> eniiu.�enu�u ui thio Secur�ty iastrument aiinc�mii�iu�l�t any ti�m ptinr to thr rarlirr ut': (u1 S +1�y4 !ur such lnher �cri�ui,�. � <br /> upplirnblc Inw muy s�x.�cify fi�r rcinctntemcntl hefnro Falc af thc Praprrty purwu�►m t�� uny p�nvc� ui'�ttic caut��inc�t in thiy <br /> Security Inxtrument;ur(bl cniry uf�,Juctgmcnt c�for�ing tt�l�S�urity la�trunient.'Tha►sc candltiims ure thi�t Ha�rnwcr. W)puyv <br /> l.cnder oll Kums whirh thcn �vc�uld�:dud'unde�thia Serurity [ust�umcnt nnd�h� Nme u� if na nccelcraU�m had accurn�i;(b1 N <br /> cums uny defuult uf uny other c�we�iunts o�agmements;(r) paye c�ll rxncn�ex ineurrcJ in enfi�mtng thix S�tiu�ily Inruument. <br /> inrluding. but nat Ilmited t��, reu�canuble uttome�y�' ferr: nnd(d)tnke�.uch uctian as Lender nury�ra+aiwbly reyui�r tu u.wsure <br /> that the lien af this Securlty lnstrt�menl. I,en4iar a dAhly {n the Pn�porty:anJ Ouriuwci r ubligudun tu puy the sums�ccurcd by <br /> Ihis Securiry lnotrument shull �v�ntinue unchungcd. Upon minruttenum hy Buerawcr, ihis Scrurity Inatnmient nnd the <br /> obligutluns accurcd h�rcby ehall remUin t1�Uy cffectivo�.v if nu acceletutinn hnd��ccurrcd. Hn�vevcr, this�igM t�ninstute shull <br /> n�t ap ly in the cuse�P accelemtian under pamgmph 17. <br /> �9. Sale o! Nnte; Chttnpte of lapn Secvlcer. Thc Natc ur u paMinl intcrcst in the Notc(tugcthcr with this Sc�:urity <br /> lnstniment)may bc+sotd anu ar mare times�vithout prfu�noti��c ta Rorc�»vc�. A c;uto muy rcsult in u chanFo io thc crttity tkmnvn <br /> t+s thc "I.aun Scrviccr")thut calicctc monthly paymcnts duc under thc N.�tv nmi this Secu�ity Instrumcnt.'1'hcrc alsu m�y bc onc <br /> or maro chungcw of tho I.�an Scrvicer unretated ta u sale uf thc Note.lF thero is u chunge uf the Laun Servicer.�ii�rmwcr will be <br /> givcn�vdtten notice nf the chungo in nccorclunce with purt►g�uph 14 ubove and upplicuble luw.The nutice�viU ntute the na�ne artd <br /> uddress oi'th�new Laun 3ervicer und the¢ddre�x ta which�u►ymcnts�shtmid he made.The notice v�ill alsa enntuin ctny ather <br /> infortd�tlnn requircd by applicabte lu�v. <br /> �. Haaatdous Substan�. �rrawcr sRall nal cAUSC ur pern�it thc presencc. usr. dispowl, starugo. or tclrase af nny <br /> Haz;e�n,'kwu.v Substnnces an ar in t�tiL Prapeny. Barmwer shull not da. nor ailow unyone else ta do, anything Affecting the <br /> Pmperiy thut is in vlolatian c►f any Bnvirottmectial Luw. 7`he preceding hv��entenees�hnll not apply ta tho pmsence,uso,ar <br /> atamge on the Pra��.Tty aF smull quantitics uf k9�;urdou9 Substanccs that ure generally mcagni�.ed ta be upprupri�tito to normul <br /> tesidenUW u.�es r�x�W muintenunce af thc PropraQ,v. <br /> &+rm�ver Fhatl promp�ly give l.ender wrltten notico of imy invcstigatian.claim.demund. luwsuit ar ather ucdan by uny <br /> ovcmmental or ulata n ency ar privnte psuty involvin�the Pmperty and uny Har.xrdaus Substanco ar Environmental l.uw <br /> of which BuROwc t►n�a tc u�knawledgc.Ii'Bnrrower leam.r•,or is natiflcrl by any govcrnmenml c►r �egulutary uutharity.thnt <br /> uny re��iuvui ae other icmediation of any Haxatdau9 Sabstance affecting the Property is nece.csac_r.Horrowcr shall promptiy tuke <br /> ull necessnry rome�ial actians in uccardancc unth�nvlranmentul l.uw. <br /> As uFr.d In tMs pnrn�;mph 20, "HI1ZAi�t11S�SUb9lIIriCC9" are thmo substunecs defincd us taxic Qr hazmdous subatances by <br /> Bnvir�mnentnl Luw �nd the follawing substunces: gusolinc, kemsenc. c�ther tlammable or taxic petroleum pmduct4. toxic <br /> p�.ctici8es ued herbicid�v,voluti��solvents,matedaly cont�3�aacL�acbesros or formuldehy�la�,�tnd mdiaaetive mntetlnis.Av u.qed In <br /> th�a p�a�g�s:�. "g•tlY�i� �.B�Y� m�na fcd€rz41:��s�1d lnws of tho iuri�+.;4�iti�n whcro the Propeny is locuted thnt <br /> relate ta h th,safety or envitvnm�nt�l protectian. <br /> NON-UNI�ORM COVBNANTS.Boiro�ter and Lender ft�nher caver�art and a�ri.�r�.o follawa: <br /> 31. Aocelersitlaut Remedies. Lcndcr sAuli give�ottcc to Hurrower prlar to sa�eieratian tollawlog Borrower•e breach <br /> o�a►q comwni ar q��i� i.—. :3�� �i::; It�ts:ssss�! !lKSi �t �.."k�' !Q �•`!�ratt,►n under na;an;aQ�t 17 unl�s <br /> oppllcnbte law provides otherwise).'f'he nalice ahail Rpectiys te)thQ dei�uitt lb)tf�adion rc�airet�ta cu�e tls�defau!!; <br /> (c)p date,tto!le.c9 than 30 daya Pram the date tt+e nottce Is g►ven to Sorrower,by vrhtch the detault must be sb�rMlt and <br /> (d)tts�t [Aquro ta curo tdo detault an or biefore the dnte apecilicd t�thc nattce may n�sult In aoceleratinn�!P cAir sums <br /> secured by lhis Secu�ity lnstrument and�nle ot the f'raperty. The noticr ehnll iurthe�In�arm Ilacrowe�of th�right to <br /> retnstate aftee�acceler�tlon s�rtd the�igl+t 4��ring a court actian to a�.�ert 1he noirexi�tenco ot A detault or uny other <br /> defens�e ut Sorrawer ta seooeleratian und�sn�e. It tQe detault I9 not curcd an ar 6efore the dat0 spcciAcd tn the notice, <br /> I.enck�, at ItA optlan•mAy �eqLti�e imme�iiuto payment la tY�tl of atl sums socured by thi9 Security lnstrument withaut <br /> (qMhe�demAnd and may lara�,��11opo wer af�sulc ond Any athcr�emecli�c permitted by applicublo IAw.l.ender xhall be <br /> cntNted to mllwt stU expeitses����rcd�n purisuing tho remedicv provided tn this pa�ngraph 11.Including,but�ot Umltcd <br /> to,reasorwble attorneye'tees und cast.9 oP t3�10 evidence. <br /> It the�oKaa r��?�le Is Invoked, T�a'�an ehail recurd u notice �sS c�lefault in cuch county In which any part ot ttee <br /> pi+opeMy is l�ca4�and shali maii mples�6'such nottce in the manmur�rGSCribed by applica6le law to Bormwer s�nd t� <br /> th�e atl�er persor�prascrlbed by pppitcable taw.ARcr tl�e t8me required by applicabte law,Trustco Rha14 gtve publtc notlw ' <br /> u!s�all�to lhe pensan9�nd In the manne�pmscrthed ny npplicuble law.Trustee, withnut demand on Hormwc��shail sell <br /> �he i�o�erty at publtr r►ucNo�ta!he hl$h�st btdder at thc timo and plase and uader tho terms desl�nated In ter a�otice at <br /> sAle in one or mare p�rccis nnd in aoy arder'Pnisteo detcrminc.w.Tru.ctec m�v pnstpono sulo at All ar eny parce! at tdo <br /> Nr+operty bypu blic nnnouncement nt the time und place a!any previaasly rcheduled sale. I.enda� ar It�deslpnee may <br /> purcfw�se the Property At any sale. , <br /> Fo�m�OZB �1�S�ttT <br /> PBpo 6 0l 0 <br /> ''F'4i.����.._. <br /> --_ ��F 1 ��+_`�i,Arrw._ _�� <br /> �,�t.� ,.... _. <br /> -- °=�r "+��ki4�';t��'�°�---- <br /> �= �ar. - - �f-?4v.,.s�a:�c.�ai���..�t�- - ----- - — _ <br /> ��+R 4-�tf�1�lJ'��ta3��• .+i" �: � ..�._—�Y-_-- <br /> , <br /> �.1 . - s- - r� _�{� _ <br /> hw�'�s (�+• -I y _�._ .��.r <br /> . <br /> re�ctr�� � ,• . 1 p�4_ �U � _ —�� _ <br /> � r <br /> . <br /> . <br /> - � �.. .... . . .. . ��.�.�.4�. ��f <br /> .� . . � a� . -.0 - . •..a .. ... - - ...r�� ..i-..—G.iliiiYw—fi.i��._ ___ <br />