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<br /> 7YlQ�i7'19�R WI't'N all t1w Imisru�rnK��te nnw���hc�caf4cr crcctcd nn tho pmpeny.nnd all cusrmcnt�,appune�uuurs,u�ul
<br /> ffKu►rcv u�i�v ar hen.�uqer a �:�n aP �ho pe��perty. All repin�cment� nnd ndd�U�m�� Fhnil nlvo he ���vcrc�i hy thlx Sc�v�eity
<br /> Insttument. All af'the f,�rogofn�ix rcfcr���11��in thly Sc,:u�l�y Inylrumrn�as tho"P�c+{�etty,"
<br /> ltORRUW[3H CV]Vt'sNANTS Ittcul pun•�►wcr le IuwNlly set5c�1 ai'Ihe cstutc hcrrhy rnnveycd qad haq�h�e�irbt tt��trant aRd
<br /> cnpvey thu P�aperty cuut !�u! tt►� P�vpc[iy ly m�ettrNntlu.rcd.exccpl far cnrumbruncrs uf rc�v�rJ. li�jrt�nve���ru.tro�ur und �vill
<br /> dcfcnd Rencrally tf�n titta ta tka i'ro�crly ogninst ali ctainn me�l denwixfs,KubJ��ct m any rn�umhrn�nc�cef'rcami -
<br /> '�NIS SH�UAITY INS"PRUM�NT cambin�a unffimn.v+vcnn►tlx fa�nntlannl use und n��munii�.�mi ruvcRan�r with linsitc��
<br /> vaNatinn.r hy�uristii►ttun to�r►n5titutc e unifarm�cct�rity iagtnimrnt ravcriny rr;il�n►���ty.
<br /> UNINARM C(1VHNANTS. l;nrm�ver uiull.Lnde��ti�vcnmm�nJ agre�uv Fi�ll��vr�
<br /> 1. f�aymc�nt at Princlpatl and intemrt�i �p9lYmr,ttt Nnd f.aM Char�re. �nnv�vcr ehall pn�mpily puy �vhci9 duo tho
<br /> principal nf und intc►esl on tl��debt evi�4e�iccd by tho Noso prnf any prrpa,�nxnt unA ian�rha��cs dac undcr thc Natc.
<br /> 2. FUativ ftu�T�txcs cta�Ittcui�nc+r.�bJec1 ta ap�licablo laa��u ta o�v�ittcu wuiver by I.endcr. i�att��wc�ehnll p�v t�
<br /> I,crKler on tho day manthly p:lyn�cnta ure dao undcr thc N�ta.until tho{�atv is pald in full,n hum l"Fund.r•"1 Pur: 1a1 ycarly tAte�
<br /> und nssessmEnts�vhich mny nttuin prlarity avcr thiy S�:u�lty Instn►rnent ax a liri�un tho Property;lh)yea�ly I�asch�dd payme�
<br /> nr gcaund rentR an the Prope»y.if any:{cl yeu�ly huxani ar ptoperty insumncc premiums;(d1 yeurly il��ced insumn��e prcmlumv.
<br /> ff any:(o)ycnriy nmtigall�hrsuruucc prcmiums. iF any;n�xl(�uny sums paynble by Bmmwcr ta I.cndLr, in umirduncc wlth _
<br /> the provlslqug of par��n�13� in Jt�u uf tha payment af mattgagv insurunee premiums. Thcse item9 ure called "Escmw ltems.'
<br /> Lender rrnt�. a�.�u�y r.innc. �xr1Jr:Y1:utnJ.Isrslci Fund9 in nn amaun!teoi to cxre�+d thu mnxiinuni amuuat u lendcr fiir o fedc�nily _
<br /> relntad mws,�,r�r:tv;�.z rrr.r�cr.�uirq fur L�nower'e escrow acec�unt under the federnl Rea! 6stato Settlemeat Prc�eedurcs Act af
<br /> 1974 us esm�s,n�:ti+1 from ti�;�e tn tinw. lZ U.S.C. Seciian I601 et seq. ("tiESn/4"1. unles9 anothcr law thut opplico tu tho Funds
<br /> scta a tc�.��rrr�unt. If sa, Lend:r m�y. ai any dmc. rnitcct nnd huld F�nl7t�iir rnt unwunt not ta exceod �he Iesser aniaunt.
<br /> l.ender u.��r r�,iJ�nato the csnwunt of l=�mrSrs�iuo an the bavis af ar�mnl dnra artd m�onablo esximate4 af c��itures af thswre
<br /> Escinw dr.��,ar otherwiss in nccordBSn:r:arirth applirablo luw.
<br /> 7tie�1:nds shult bc hcld io un F�itution wQrsrc: ds�t� �rr�: insurad by a fodensl rt�,t�;m�+. iaurumentulity, ar erni3y
<br /> 4istcluding L.ender.if 4ende�is such un institutton)cr tir;m�+�adr.rat�ime l.�an Bank. L.ernlar rit�ail8pply tha Hwrids to p.�+y the
<br /> 4iscrow itemv.l.cndcr mrr�coi cha�e Horrower f�I�r�lding anJ a�iying tho Funds�wutua!!yr ttr�„glyzing the esLmtv upcpunt.or
<br /> vcrifying thc 6scrow It ���,unle,�.y Lender payx Bomnwer interest an t'�o Fuads and appliatbtc t;cav pe�mits Lender to mntce surh
<br /> a churge.Hawever,L.end�.r may require Borro�vc�to pay u one-time chargo for tsn indeper►dt�R Qeal��stnte taa mponing servlme
<br /> usod hy Leniler in c��uaocUon with thie Icwn. u�l�s.9 applicablo law pravides mhenvise. Untes9 an ugreement i9 m� or
<br /> ��licable law requl�+es frna�t to be paid.Leuder shatl nat be royuited ta pay T�u*m+ver ony intcrcst or c:uninss an q►e Funds.
<br /> l�arroa•¢r und i.endcr rt��a��ee in writing� I►swever.that Intcrect�+hall ho pafisi�*n thc Funds. I.cnder shall givo to Bomnwcr.
<br /> �SttxmAt r.�.:,.�e. an uniivai a000unt�ng of tha Fundo, shawing craltu+nnd debtts to the Funds and the purposc far which eact�
<br /> � �3Cbit ttr rPub�:'i�r�nds wu.g nwdo.Ttte Funds uro pl�dged us tiddiNonal r,ssurity for all aum.q secucai by this SrcurltY Inst�mrnt.
<br /> . . t[te�r�`i�rn1�hcld by Lend�r c�i the ammmt�permitta�iri in:iec3o Sy appi:cat�o i�v.�-:�aii s��°
<br /> � fi�s tho axas.a Funda in raccordance with tht requircmeats of App(icaala law. If the wnount of tha Fundg held by I.�eix�+cr ut any
<br /> tf�a ia rwt sufGclent co��av thn Escraw Items when du�.t.ender may u+natlPy�nrnnwer in wriNng.and,in s�caso Aorcower
<br /> �wii pnji iv L'c.�c"i iRio�R�iii iiw.�""'-'"';3 iis ii�s it�!!��.l3�`;. �st�'°3�9!!��!r t,�w�IrFirir�i�m mncie t6sn
<br /> twelvo monthly paymcnta.at I.�nder's sole discretion.
<br /> Upon paymcnt ln tutl af NI sums sc�cured by this Serudty Inst�ument. l.ender shaU promptly refiind to Ba�rower any
<br /> Funda held by L.ender.If.under pamsrnph 21.Lender shaU aoquin�or sell the Praperty.L�ender.priot to the aoqu€sitiau or salo
<br /> of tba Property. s6uU ep�+ly Rny FundA hetd by Lender at tha time of aoyuisition ar sate x.9 A crodit ugui�st tha sums s�x,�►rM by
<br /> thia Secudty Inst�urt�ent.
<br /> 3.AppikaNan a!Psyments.Unles.g applirubte IAw pmvides othcrwir�e.uU payments rescivod by l.ci�der�snder parag�a�pbs
<br /> 1 and T.s�.�n7C(tr applicd: first.to any prcpayment chatges dua under the Noto;secwnd.ta amaunts pnya5le under paregrapt�2;
<br /> thiM.to iraur�st duo: fourth.to principal due;und last.ta any lute churges due undcr ihe Naae.
<br /> A.Charges;Liet�. #lorrower shall pay all tuxes.t�ssessmenta.churges. fines and impositians uttdbutable to tNo Property
<br /> which may atWln priara;�r�vcr thia Socudry instn�ment. und l�►�ehold paymerec�c�r�mund rents. if nny. &bt�awcr sha11 pAy
<br /> thesa obligations in tho�nner pmvidod in parugcaph 2.or if nat paid in that m�r.►�ar.Borrower stwll pay them on Hme directly
<br /> to tha peisan owed payment. 8orrower shnll pmmptly fLmish to l.endrr all cxxiae.w of amaunu a�o ho paid uncler this paragmph,
<br /> If lbnawer malces�hes+e payments dir:�.�tiv.Burn�wer Fhull pramptly€tu�iish to L��r recci�:s�vidcncing tha paymcnts.
<br /> Borrower shull prar�tptly disch�,:P any ltcn which has priarity����er this 5ecv�wmty Instniment unless Bannwer: (a)ogrccs in
<br /> writing to tho�aymcr�t vf nhe obli�ativn rscurod by the Ucn in n marumt acae�e�fi+9e�ta�Lender;�b)wntcsts d�a�vad ialth the lien
<br /> by. or defcnds eg�inst rziforoemem of tho lici� in. legnl procood,n�s which i�:c11c Lender's opinian ap�ratc ta prcvcnt the
<br /> enforoemen�af the lien:or(c)secures t'rom the holder af the licra ir��reement satisFactary ac�R�ender subardinnting the li�r►ta
<br /> thie Sccurviy I�.strun�.nt. IF i.ender determines thut any part af ttto�'ic►pefty ir Fubject ta u lien whi¢h may�ttuia prlodty over
<br /> thia Seca�rity Insuumem. Lender may givo Bomawer n naticc idcntifying the tien. Horrower shall AatisPy thre i4ian or take onc ar
<br /> maro af tho sctions te�forth abavc withiti�10 days af tho giving of naiicc.
<br /> form 8�28 Hl90
<br /> vape 9 019
<br />