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STAKING SHEET - UNDERGROUND <br />Company: OPTK Networks Exchange:Grand Island <br />CONSTRUCTION PROJECT NOTES <br />1 The Sute, County. City personnel shall be notified a minimum of homy eight 1481 hours in advance of inial project <br />ccnsiructen_ <br />2 The achy company and the oontrectorts) are responsible to have at least one person on the job at all times, that is <br />'sae supervisor- oerlded <br />3. The contractor shall adhere to the currem permit and contract specifications. <br />4 Th*lotatnn5 of all aerial and underground obey faclities may not be indicated on the protect pans. The contractor <br />is required to contact the Nebraska ane Cobraoo 811 one call notification center (dial 811) forty-eight (48) hours <br />poor to sorting in me oty right of way. No excavation will be permrted in the area of the underground Wises anti <br />all facilruss have been located aria identified to the satisfaction of all comes. The contractor shad be responsible for <br />protection of all underground and aerial unites and infrastructure. <br />5. Whenever underground facileies are in close proximity to the proposed pathway location ar vnsnwer the verecal <br />location of the underground facility is unknown, the contractor shall use special measures to deernere the locations <br />or such underground faolrbes. <br />a If the contra -tor is conducting the excavation by digging Main the surface when in a close proximity to the <br />underground facilites. the conrracror stall use hand digging hydro excavating, or air excavating to boas such <br />Fatality. <br />b If the contra-vzor is conduct ng the excavation by tunnNing o bonng.:he corerarsor shall determine the vertical <br />location of the underground facility by potholing or any caner method approved by to director of public marks and <br />utilrbes <br />it Project plans shall dimension new farulues being installer_ <br />7 Unless agreed to in wnsng n advance me depn of instated famines in city and county row shall be at minimum <br />as :wows <br />a. Pony -eight (48) notes in son <br />b Forty-egM 1481 noes below a projected slope from the Bow line of a ditch at a three (31 hor:orial and one 111 <br />vertical Lope. <br />a Forty-eight {48) inches under a roadway measured from the surface of said roadway to ire top of the elstatatroi. <br />d Sixty (dol nches under a storm waver or creek channel design bottom or pipe, and <br />e Maintain a minimum of twenty-four (24) inn -hes of vertical and hcrimoreat spacing from existing ogees. <br />I Be located as tar from the existing or proposed curb tine as possible to avail paternal, future confbes <br />8. At non -street sudace materials that are disturbed by excavabtn and backfding operations shall be replaced and <br />restored <br />g City and county street surface materials disturbed shall be backfilled, tamped and repaved by city or county forces <br />or approved paring oonvaoror. <br />10. if sidewalk, wheel chair ramps or any porton of the pedestrian facilites are removed or closed, a pedestrian detour <br />shall be estataru i d and maintained during the tame of me closcin and the enure pedestrian facility shall be restored <br />within seventy -tiro (72) haws. unless de contractor provides a nerd surface alternate route approved by the city or <br />tawny. <br />11 Al pedestrian detours and any reconstruction of pedestrian facilities shall sleet current Americans with Dis.abibty <br />Act (ADA) standards and specifications. <br />12 Al pedOnrtan detours shall be par of an approved Traffic Control Plan ITC?). <br />13. Al notes made in the streets for the purpose of performing vacuum excavations to locate underground utilities shat <br />be restored to their original condition with the reinstated core flush with and in the onginai orientation as the existing <br />surface massing enstng pavement surface appearance <br />14. Whent the contractor is not actively working. all equrprnet, (enema. debns. etc. Shad not be placed endure the <br />lnartgular area required for sip rat distance of vehicles exiting or entering an adjacent property or intersection. <br />15. Al excavations snail be adeguatery fenced and covered when conrancr IS mat present or project site left <br />unaaotded. <br />18 No lane closures allowed on arterial streets dump AM and PM peak hours. <br />17 All work cone traffic control. including pedestrian control measures, shall be in oompanoe With die MUTCD and <br />ADA <br />18 The contractor shall maintain a set of ''as bolt plans on site with, danensiorang. These plans shall be presented <br />upon request <br />lb Final "as -bull[" plans shall be filed with city and.ror county within 30 days of the compluon of the project <br />20. The comractor shall follow construction standards pertaining to the lateral corridor facility placement and minimum <br />depth requitemena and clearance requirement of other facilites. <br />21 A current State. County. or City permit shall be maintaned on each work see by the contractor. Tris contractor <br />shall present such permit upon request <br />22. Airy held adjustments to mstaxason of faatises, wend" vary from the pans that have been suamrtvA and approved <br />during the period appdcation process, shall comply with the following <br />a. Toe contractor must stop work immediately and contact the facility owner of the proposed aunges <br />b. The facility owners representative stall contact the city. county or state nghtef-way construction inspector and <br />pro' de them with the details. <br />c. The ROW inspector will make a determination on to to proceed. This deterrnuuuon may range from approval <br />over the phone or via email to delaying the project until plans can be updated and appropriate review can be <br />conducted. <br />23. Stake mounted warring signs and marker posts (BM52) to be placed where appropriate_ <br />24. All conduit and fiber is to be installed at the back of the roadway ROW unless otherwise noted. <br />25. Leave 120' loops 180' tails at splice ports) for manhne fiber in vaults <br />Conduit shall not be placed between the City's traffic signal cabinet and connecting traffic signal <br />conduit/poles <br />Conduit must be offset a minimum of 5 horn the base of arty traffic signal cabinet traffic signal <br />pole. or traffic signal pull box <br />Contractor wit be required to obtain a permit to work in the ROW (including a traffic control plan) <br />before any physical work is to take place. <br />Locate flags shall be removed after the 'excavator" has determined the work is complete <br />IF SIGNAL CONDUIT/WIRE HAS TO BE CROSSED THE NEW LINE SHALL BE A MINIMUM <br />OF 6' DEEP WHERE CROSSING AND THE EXSTING SIGNAL CONDUIT SHALL BE <br />POTHOLED AND VERIFIED ON-SITE PRIOR TO BORING. <br />ossooggog <br />