1 �
<br /> ; ��T,. iQ6481 .
<br /> 9, i� all oe a'nq�art �f c�e proF2LCf C!,°..".p :nterayt C: ?ristars 19 s'�1�, �rar.sFetrc] :r turt�er ?Rt'1'?h?L'9 /lthQ9t !�P bP1Ir?� CO115Pp+ 0I
<br /> tt�e 5:i��fictnrr, :Ga 6er,ei.ci�s9 �ay dectare all s�as se:urt4 �g t�is Trst Grr� to te i�.:rdis:ely �uc �:,d tagaCle ar� g:�ccc9 to th� tese3its
<br /> � available to it ueder E�e defaulL proviss�ns cantgine3 �erein.
<br /> 10, Anp of the Folla�in� event9 shall he deacd en event of default hereunder:
<br /> t. i7uwtore sEtll h3ve fsiled ta�ake paqtent of any instailneni oi grincipal or interuat ar anp othet suas secnr�f hetebs ��n due;
<br /> S, Sbere hu occurred a bre�ch of or defau�t under �ay ter�, cavenant, agreeunt, can�ition, pravision, represantatian ar Ntr�nt� contained
<br /> in thia Deed af 1tv�t, the note ar any other laan inatrWent aecuted hereby;
<br /> c, Shere !ua beea a defdult b� the 9tustors io the panent of ae�prior or aubsequent lien ar encu��tsnce in reapect to ell or en� put of
<br /> tAe prapert;;
<br /> d. ]?ustora stall file e voluntary petitian in Cantruptcy at sAall be adjudicated bantrupt or insolvent, ar e!►all aate nn essigtueat far the
<br /> benefit of creditors in respect to the propert�; or an action to enforce any lien or encWbrance or j�dgdtente agninst tt�e propztCy ie
<br /> cGaenced. �
<br /> 11. In the event of ang default, the Beneficiary va� declare all indebtedneas secured hetebp ta De due and payable and the enae s1�311 thereupan
<br /> hecoie due and ptyable �ithout anp presentaent, de�and, Y�atest or n�tice oi any kir.�. Shereafter, the Beneficiary osp:
<br /> s. eit�er in gersan or by agent, �ith or vithauc bringing any actinn ar praceeding, ar bp receiver appoinced bp a ca�rt and r+ithout regard ta the
<br /> adequacy of eny securitp, enter ugan an� take passessien a` �5e property, or an� part therea�, in ita ayn na�e or in tDe naae of the Srustee, and
<br /> do any ncts�hich it dee�s ce�essaty anC desir3":e �= F,�se�: the v�lue, n�rtetability at rentability af t�e praperty, or part thereaf, or
<br /> intereat therein, increase tDe incoie therefrca z� Fcc`..Q:: �he secu:ity hereaf and, �ithout tahing poaeesaion af tDe prapertp, sue fnr:r .
<br /> otAervise collect the rents, issues and prafi�s :uere:f, iaclu�ing thase psst due and unpsid, nnd npplp the sue, less costs and ez�e^�e� c:
<br /> operation and collection, including attor�ey fees. up�c sa9 :ndebtedneas secured �ereDy, nll in such order as t�e 8enefic?ary 1ay detenine. *'aa
<br /> entering upan and takieg passession of the trust estate. :�e collectian �i �uch rents, isss�s and profits and epplication :�ereof as aferesai�
<br /> sAall nat cure or r+aive any defaclt or noticz of default hereunder ar invalidate anp nct and in response to such defnult or pureannt tr s��i,
<br /> noticz af defau;t and notwithstandiag tAe continuance in possession of ?he grapertp or t�e collectian, receipt and application af ren'�s. iss:es o-
<br /> prafits, 9�ustee or the Beneficiarf oaq 6e entitled to eYercise everp right provided for in any of ±he la2n iastrwents ar b�la�upan accurran�e
<br /> af any event of defnult� inclading tfle right to e:ercise the payer af s31e;
<br /> b. caeence en ection ta fareclose this Dzed of Ttust as a aortgage, appoint a receiver, or specifically enic*ce any of the covenents hereaf�
<br /> e. deliver to 9Yustee a written declatation ei defdult and de�end tor sale, nnd a�ritten notice of default nnd electian to ceuse�'svstars'
<br /> interPat in the property to be eola, ��ich natice trustee shall cause to be dulp filed far record in t5e official recards of the car�ty in y6ich °
<br /> the property ie located.
<br /> 1!, Shatild the Beaeficisr� elect to fareclose bp exercise of the pover of aale herein containtd, the Beneficiarp shall natify Stuatee end shtll ` _
<br />- �._._n �.L o_.._.__ L:_ n�.l t 4�.... J al_ i L � ' i� .1 '.i...�. l �nu� �ri n d l��el�.. �n iti.wFan o�wanuiw ___'_}'-��.
<br /> LLCYU73� �1�L 7CUO�l'C 441a UCW Yi 11Ub�. 6rY LYC IIYtC 6ti'J aubu L.i.cip�i 3i:v c*iuctac �i iApi.i�i�tia�a� m o�iui�u wJ va w.....�y •...�w�ar� - -
<br /> and upan request af the Beneficiari, the �rustee aha11 cause to "e :ecarded, publiahed and deliveted to T:uster such hotice of Defau:t and N�tice af --
<br /> Sale as then reguired bp la�en3 by this �eed of Trust. Trustee shall vithaut deuod on'i�ustor, after such tiae es uy then 6e requited b� lar and
<br /> after recurdatian of sucb Notice af Default and after Notice ef 3�1e �aving 6een given ns required by lar, sell tne propetty et the tue aad place oi �
<br /> sale f ixed by it in sucA ltotice of Snle, either as a whole, or in separaLe lota ar parcels ar iteea es Trustee shall dee�eYpeaient, and in aueh order .
<br /> as it nay deteniae, et puhlic auction to the highest bidder far cash and s�all deliver ±� such purchaser ar ��rcnasers tl�ereof a deed to th? property •
<br /> sold, cor,sistent With the 2ax then in effect. &ecitnls in the Trustee's deed sAall be pr:a facie eridence of tAe truth of the stntaents�ae '�
<br /> t�erein. Srustee ahail apply the praceeds of the sale in t�e follo�+ing order: (a) to ell reasonabi� costs and eipenaea of th�sale, incl�di�g but r.ot -
<br /> luited *a�rustee's feee af nat eore than 2X of the gross sale price, rensonable attor�ep fees and costs of title evideace; (E) W all su�s secured
<br /> bp thie Deed of 1�uat; and {c� th,e eice�s, ii �ny, to the Fersan er persons legslly entitled t6ereta. Aey persan� inclu�ing the 8eneficiary, vey `,
<br /> parchasa stid propertq at seid sale. 1'ruatee�a� in the sanner provided by le�, postpone eale of nll ar eay portioa of t6e property. �
<br /> 13 Trustee dnd the Beneiiciary, ar�d each af t6e�, shall be entitled ta enforce pa�ent and perfennnce af any indehtedneas or obligation secured 4 -
<br /> herebp:.nd to exercise ell rights end poyers under this Deed of Trust or under any laan insttu�eet or other ngrzeaent or eny lav; nar or hereafter T .
<br /> enforced notuithstanding aae or all of the indebtedness and o�li¢ations,secured hereby vcich oa� nay or hereafter be otherWise secuted, vhether by i ,
<br /> � nortgage, deed of trust, pledge, lier,, assigrueat �r athe:r:s�. a�1her tl�e acceptance of t6is Deed of ;tust nar its enfarce�ent, Whether by court �;�;_-
<br /> • nction or pursuant to t�e porrer o� Qa:e or at6er powers hereir� ccntained, shall prejudice ar in any nanner aftect Trustee's or the BeaeficE�.*g's righ*. ���
<br /> W realiae upon or enf��ce aay ot�e� security noy or nereaiter held hp�'rustee or the $eneficiary, it being agreed that i'ruatee and the Ee^�°ieiary,
<br /> . aa� each of them, ehall ce ent?t��: v� ��force thia Deed af Trust aad any other security no�or here3fter held by the Beneficiary or T►ustee in suct, � �.
<br /> ` order aed�anner ae the1�ay in th�r:asolute discretion deter�ine. No re�edy herein conferre�upan or reserved to Trustee :r Beneficiarp is �--.-
<br /> irtended to be e:clusive ot' any ot�e* -aedy t�erein or by lav ;,rov^z�ed or petaitted, but eact� shali Ge cueuldtive and shall be in additian ta every
<br /> other reiedy given h��e�^.de: or nov cr Aereafter ex�s�ing at ;e�:� equity ar cr s:a:u!e. �verp pawer or reoedp given bp any af the laan instrwents
<br /> ta l�ustee ar the Beneficiary er ta vhic6 either c` ��:s na9 s��:�er�ise entit3ed o�y 6e exercised, canccrrer�tiy or indepen�'ently, fraa tine to tiae
<br />; and es of�en es nay Ge deeud e�pz�_e�: �y '�rustee af 8er,ef:c;?yt �d Eitt�ee af tt��aay pur.:? i.^consister�t reaedies. #�ctliag hereir� s�all b�
<br /> � canstr�as �rohih�ting the Eenefic��:y fra� seekiag a deficiencl judge�ent against Trustars �: tae extent such action is pernitted Ep ;aw.
<br /> 11. srustors hereby request e capy af any natice of defauit an� that any notice of sale 6ereunder be nsiled to Trusters at the address set forth
<br /> in the first paragreph of thia Deed af Trust.
<br /> 15. Yhe eeneficiary aap, tp e,rritten instr�ent eiecuted and acknovledqzd by Beneficiarp, sailei �o irastors aed recorded ie the Countp in
<br /> �rbich !he praperty is lccate;, ar„ �y �ther•rise cc�plying vith the provisions of tne app:icable inx of the State af uebraska, substitute a succ�ssor tc
<br /> che :r��stee raQed Ferein or acting F;ereunder.
<br /> 16. ;his Ueed of itss*. 3pplies ta and inures tu the 6enPf it ot an� binds nil ��rties hereto, t�eir !;eirs, �ersor,ai reFresenatives, successors ; ��—
<br /> an� assigns. ine tern "Benef:cinry° sAall �e�s t?�e �+ner and nolaer af the notp, �c::t?r or nat r.q2ed a� �enefic:ary i,erein.
<br /> 11. iiitkout aFfecting the liability ot' anq eth�r Yersan iiabie for *he paynen? �f qny �:.:�ation hnrein 3en+.ior.ed, aaa �ithcu± af�e�tir:g the :ien �
<br /> or chsrge ct tn�s Cee� af ir�st cF�� nr,p pottio^ of the proFerty nat t�en ar theretofore releas� as sec�ritp t'or the fcii Fsssent oi a:; �orai� '
<br /> :bt1�8I?nna� t5e @er,e;`tcinry nny� ffv9 :..° t0 Liaz ar.d Without cotice: (�� rele3se any p°1fi6faS 80 �130:?; �b� extend t!:e aat�rity �c a�iff 31f OF f.^.f '
<br /> :ptas of aey s>>�� aGiignti:s: (e) grnr,� oiler in�ulgecce�: �d) release ^r re��n��ey a' th� Befle::ri•r9's apt:on anp �Sr°�:. azrt:on �r ali �f tne -
<br /> � F'�F'�t7: �e) !�i� or relesse any ctrer ;r �;ditionat �ec,r.:y 10� 9D� CD�ly9C1�*, r.are�r� 7P'ILl�r.ed: cr If� cnde c.:or.s.•:^�,5 =f =��Ci 9rrer.g^�e�,.� Y
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