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:»,r . .�,H . ,St. i. s.. .� .. _�r:_ __ . <br /> . ... .. .-... . , . _ __ _ <br /> , . .... -. . . _ . .�. <br /> •'�. <br /> . , .. �. y.�. w. .t�y6�,R•.M �A�'iiMf��.t'-/• - � ,s....-.. . __._:.�__ .T;-:.�-�. <br /> . � � ..w.s...�.4....iMtf�.� '" �r ' .�l>v^.. <br /> :r <br /> ..'L_ :_.��:- __.— <br /> . . . i . . . . ._._�_ _- <br /> :-:�w"eFw^�...� �4��� - <br /> � __. .—�__�� . <br /> � � . .. ._ � �M1r�—_.._-�-.. �_.—�-. <br /> � �:`�� 9'.-�- 10002 5 �:_--.�._ <br /> - .�.�,�.�...r_;,Y?, � - <br /> �.w::_�- <br /> In Ih wN snd�b�oluW di�cr�tlon,to�pply NI�uoh ProaNd�, ������- -- <br /> �� � � M�Prop�rty►I��o uk�n or d�m�p�d,L�nd�r�h�N hw�th�optlon. �.. <br /> �h�r d�duaGnp th�r�from all ao�l�and�xp�nsa Incurr�d by It In conn�allon wlth�uoh Prooead�,upon�ny Indsbt�dns�t tscund _._, <br /> , h�reby�nd In�uch order ai Lendsr m�y determins,or to�pply ell �uch Procaed�,after�uch deducUorn,to the retloretbn o1 th� �G��� <br /> PrapeAy upun euch c�nditlons a�Londer m�y determine.Any eppllcallon ol Proceeds to indebtedn�ta�h�N not�xtend ar postpon� -� �y;,_„_._ <br /> ' ths dw d�ta ol any p�ymenls undw ths Nota,or cura eny delaull thoraundor or hereundar.Any unappll�d lunds�h�ll bs Pafd to ����T <br /> • ' "... Tru�tor. � --- <br /> _ . -:"-�:�-- :,--.- 8. Pado►monc�by Lend�r.Upon the occurrence of an Event ol Oefault hereunder,or if any ect Is teken or lepel proceedlnp ,,, .__...._...._. <br /> �., ;:;.. '� . • commenced whieh materlaMy aflects Lender's intereet in the Property,Lender mey IR Ib owa dlaaetlon,but wlthout obllpatlon to do �,}.,, ,�„��1.;,�;��.E:�:u-�- <br /> " , t �; w,end wlthoul notice to or demand upon Truetor en d w t t hou t r e l e a e i n g Tr u�tor lrom an y obl i Q aUOn,do anX act v�hich Trustor has <br /> • � �p►eed bui fAils to do and may also do aay othor ect II deems naceseary to protect the securit�herQOf.Trustor sh�ll.�mmedlptBly ��-,�,,,,�,�„�,. <br /> '�� '"�l�' : . � upon demand therefor by Lender,p�y to l.endav p��coata end expenses�ncurred anq sums expended by leReler�n connecdon with �� <br /> ihe exe►eise by l0nder of the foreDoi�y riphts,topether wflh i�tere3�1 thereon at th0 detault rate provided�n the Note.wA�eh shAll be �,�,������– <br /> added to the�ndebledness securedl he�eby. lender shall not mCUr any I�abdiry bacause �t Anythinp d n'wly do or omit to do .:..�,��—� �.�a <br /> hereunder. `aA �'���- <br /> � 9.Hasudous NIaU�N.Trustor shall keeD the Property m comphance w�th a11 appbcable laws.ordlrtances and rogutatiorts ' ,r. ,,,� ., <br /> ' ���.�'��;'�'� ;: ' refatinp to i�dusM�a1 hygiene or envaonmentao protecnon(coltectavety referred to herein as "Environmental Laws�)•TIU9IQ�9hA11 '�Mb-�_ s!,'— - <br /> . ,. ., . <br /> .. : ..,' .l;J�,.-;r.f�. <br /> •k•,r;:•;:. kep�the Praperryv 9ree 1rom ail aub�tances deemed to be hazaPdou�or toxi c a^eder any Ern�ronmentai Lar�s�collectwety refer�ed to �.r�.�+:=_=-- <br /> . ' _.�1�•�. _•. � 'i.��lli'� .,�jT�TI�•L.�ti'". <br /> � herein as"Hazarqou�Materlal9"►.T�ustor hereby warrants a�d represent�l�:.ender that there are no 4laaardous Mater�a�s on or _ '.�f�M <br /> � . :.��;,r,.� �;.:`��i��l+1l;�`.:a�'r��:'.j?;;•; .�f , <br /> �;.� �,' ,.t:.;,., .,.t�`,:,;�,.;�-;�:,;�,;:,, ,��; under the PPpperty. . us1a�herQby a�rees to�e+demrniy and r�o�d navmless Ze�cter,Its dlrectors,oHfcPrs,empLOyeea and agants,artd <br /> , )t'��. � .,r�,fh��r,���,,r,+��� 8ny aucceasors to Lender's�nteres�from anci ayatnat an�and ail claims,damagea,losses and Ilabflltles adaing i�connectlon wfth • <br /> • ^��t. S��� ��? � . the presenCe,use,dlapoael or transport ot any Haiardous Materlals on, under,trom or aboul the Properly.THE FOREC301NCi ,„� <br /> `�.•' `:i+f,,��{'+' : -�t���`';; WARRANTIES AND REPRESENTATIONS,AND TRU3TOR'8 OBLIdATIQNS PURSUANT TO T'HE FORECi01N(3 INOEMNITY,3HALL �• �+- ,�_ <br /> � �� t � .l,- 3URVIVE RECONVEYANCE OF THIS QEED O F T R U S T. '�� � <br /> � ��G�, �s�.. <br /> ���•���:�s t.-�•�,�;���;;•.� 10. Aulpnm�nt ot R�na.Trualor hereby asaigns to Lender the rents.�asues and prollts of the Propery;provfded that Truator •�� y <br /> �''°''•°'•f f,�!��i 1 ahall,unUl the occurrence ot an Event o1 Defaull hereunder,have the rlght to collect and retein auch rente,Issues and prollls as they ,; �ft,44��rF,;•_�r:� � <br /> • �.1:i:;,.,.?:,t.;,.. — <br /> ��i;:;�".�,'',.;�•'���•�����' �� become due and payable.Upon tha occurrence of an Event of Default,Lender may,elther in person or by agaM,with or wlthout T^,,.`�' � � <br /> l;:H;;:�;'`��"�: ., , Q 4 ,�tt' . .. .�,rr.:: <br /> �n,,,,y, ,,.`�, bringing any actlon or proceeding,or by e recelver eppolnted by a court and wNhout re erd to the ade uacy ot ita securlry,enter � � <br /> '� upon and lake possessfon ol the Property,or any part thereof,in its own name ar in Ihe name ot the Trustee,and do any acls whlch it 1��%Z�,;,.,;�;;;7r�-,--- <br /> ''�`' ��� ' � �i'� deems necossary or desirable to preserve the value,marketeblliry or rentabiliry of the Property,or any part thereot or inlereet therei�, '>,<<�':;•�''�'- <br /> . ii'�... . u ':�'�t : r li;e}:;�;;.,,. <br /> �',: ,,,'i ... • increase fhe income theretram or protect Ihe securlty horeof and,wlth or�rithout taking possesslon of the Properly,aue for or �•r •.,-,,,Y�,..�,�� <br /> � ' otherwlse collect the renta,issues and proffta thereot,including those past due and unpaid,end apply the same,less cosis and ��' � =��� <br /> ; .:;,, isr�q:�r°'iY!��. • r.�,,• <br /> .'�'� �•� , ,�,;+��,;,�;���;;-rr.c expenaes o(operatlon and collectlon including attorneys'lees,upon any indebtedness secured hereby,all in such order as Lender :,.,.�,,y;. .,�;��b�, <br /> , ��;, ,r�,•' , y,; may determine.The entering upon and taking possnaslon of the Property,the collectlon of such rents,Issues and proflte and the .r' * ,w� <br /> rr � .., , °- applicet{on thereol as aloresafd,shall not cure or walve any default ar r.otice ol defaull hereunder or Invalidate any act done in �ir � j� n^` �" ,�._:_ <br /> ��, �N�,,,�,',I'. !�� <br /> � � �+�� � responae to such delault or pursuant to auch notice o1 default and,nolwithatanding the contlnuance In possesslon ot the Propertyr or � �; ,, �,�-�__. <br /> - ���'�"''``=--"`��'S"' ihd cuilncUon,recelpi ar.d appllcatlon o!,�ssupa�r pmine,And Trustee anA Lender shall be entitled b exerclse every rlght �� <br /> . . --,; , - - <br /> � � provlded tor in eny of lhe I.oa�Inatruments or by lew upon occurrence ol any Event o1 Delault.Including wfthout Iimltatlon the ngnt �..� .�:- <br /> � • to ex3rcise tl�e powet ol sala.Further,Lender's rlghts and remedies under thls paragraph shall be cumulative wlth,and in no way a � <br /> � Ilmitatfon on.Lender's rlghls and remediea under any aesignment o1 leases and rents recorded agelnat Ihe Property.Lender,Trustee i,; <br /> � � , and Ihe receiver shall be Ileble to account only for those rente actuauy received. � ..,!. • <br /> 11. �v�nt�01 DN�ulf.The lollowing shal!c�nstltute an Event ol Delault under this Deed o1 Trust: . <br /> � (a) Faflure to pay any mslallment of pdncipal or iMereat of any other sum secured hereby when due: <br /> . (b) A breach of ordefault under any provision conteined in the Note,�h�s Deed ot Trust,any ol the loan Instruments,or any � <br /> othpr lien or encumbrance upon the Properly: . <br /> (c) A wrlt of ezeculfon or attachment or er�y s�m�lar pracess shall be entered agefnat Trustor which ahall bocome a Ilen on , <br /> lhe PrOperly or eny pOAion Iheteol or interest Iherein, <br /> � • (d) There shall be hled by or aguinsl Truator or Barrowei an act�on under any present or future lederal,State or other `. <br /> atatute.Ipw or reguletlOn reletlny to bankruptCy.�nsolve�cy o�other relief lor debtors,or there shnll be appoln�ed any trusteEr, I . <br /> ! ' � ' recelver or Ifquidalo�ot Truetor or Borrower or ot all or any part ol the Proporty.or the rents.�asuas or prohts thereof,or Truator <br /> or Borrower shall make eny genernl ass�pnment for the benel�t of creditors: <br /> (e) The sale.ltansler,lease,as8i4nment,conveyence or lurther encumbra�ce ol All or any pert of or any intereat in the ' <br /> Property.either voluntanly or Involuntanly. w�Ihou1 the expresa wntten consent o1 Lender; provided thet Truator shall be ' <br /> � . ... permftted to execute a lease ol the Propeny that doee not conta�n an opUOn lo purchase and the term of whlch does not exceed . <br /> ' one year: ' ' <br /> • (� Abendonment ot the Properry:or ' <br /> • (y) If Truslor ia not an indlv�dua�.lhe,transfer,ass�ynment.conveyance or encumbrance of more lhan e totel <br /> •�':; . p� perCeiit of(il a Corporatlon)ds�ssued and outsta�d�ng stock or(�f a partnership)e totel ol percent of � <br /> � • � pertnershlp Intereats during the pe►�od tt�,s Oeed ef Trust rema�ns a hen on the ProDe�'tY � • <br /> � f, . 12. R�m�dlu:AccN�rallon Upa�DNa�all.�rt the event of any Event of Defau�t Lender may.w�thout not�ce except as requlred by • .�';:, . � <br /> law,declare ell indehtedness secured hereby to be due and payable and the same shall tneraupon become due and payable � , <br /> without eny presentment,tlemand, protest or not:ce o1 any kind. Thereatter Lender may: � <br /> (a) Demand tha:7rustee exerase the POWER OF SALE granted here�n.and T+ustee shall�hereafter cause Trustor's <br /> � interest��the F'rpp�•ty to be sold and the proceeps to ne d�stnbuted,all�n Ihe manne�prov�ded in the��ebraska Trust Oeeds 1 <br /> ' Ack <br /> � '';.;�•'., �Di fxerc,3e a�y and all riyhts prov�ded for In any ol the Loan Instruments o+by�aw upon eccurrenCe ol any Event ot <br /> DetaulC anef <br /> Ic► Commence an act�on to loreclose ihis Dee�7 0l Trust as a moitgage,appe�n:a�ecerver,or 8pec�i�ca��y enfo�ce any o'the ; <br /> . covenanfs hereof. � <br /> No remedy herefn Conlerred upon or reserved to Trustee or Lender is�ntended to be erC�usrve ot any Other remetly�erefn,�n the <br /> Loan Instruments or by lew prav�ded or perm�Iled,but each sha11 be cumulaUve.shaii be m adddion to every other remedy glven <br /> hereunder,in the Laan Instruments ur�Ow or hereaNer ezisting at law or�n eqwty or by stetut@,and may be exerCised cunCUrrently. <br /> fndependently or successrvely. <br /> 13. Tru�tN.The Trustee may re��gn at any ame w�thout cause, and LPnder mey at any t�me and without cauae appoint a <br /> successor or substitute Trustee.Truslee shall not be I�able to any parry,includ�ng w�thout limdalion lender, Horrower.Trustor or any <br /> purchaser of Ihe Property.for any losa or damage unless due lo reckless or w�111ui m�sconduct.and shall not be requ�red lo take any <br /> � actfon fn ConneCt�on w�th the enlorcement ol th�s Deed ol Trust u�less mdemrd�ed,in wnting,for a�� tosts.Compensatron or <br />.. _..w.,o........�.,e...urme nr . <br /> _..._ - . expenses wh;a�n may be essoc�ated lherew�th.In aaa�uon.i rus�ee may oecuma a Nu��:iiu5oi ai a�.r oa�'o�...�..,. ...r�••i v--�-'- - <br /> ', � under the FowE�ol sale granted herein�.postpone the sale o� an o- any port�on ol the Property,as prov�ded by�aw.or sen the <br /> Property as o wnole,or ��aeparate parceis or iots a�Tr,stee s d�sc•at�on. <br /> 14 F�e�and E�cport�as.��the event 7rustee se�'s ttie proAe�ty by exerc�se of pewer ol sale,Trustee shall be entitled to apFiy <br /> . , a�y sale praceeds I�rst t�cay�^ent o�8i�costs and exFenses o'exsicising powe* c�sa�e �ncludmg a4 Truste3's lees.and Lender'8 <br /> • 'y��,• pr.tl71L91Ef�5 8t'S�nBy 5 1l�S,aCtually�rGU••ed to exten'pe�rn�8ed ty app��cab�e�a•a �'i^p P�ent Borrower or Trustor exerases a�y <br /> � , • � � r�ght p•ov.Ced by law to cure an Eve�t o��elault.Lender shall be e�t:�,etl to�ecotie��ro� "��ustc•n� costs and expenses actually � <br /> • ' �•I . .'� ir.curretl as a •esult ol Trustor's delauit.includ�ng w�thout limitat�on �:• 'ru�tee's antl attorne�'s+� the extent permitted by <br /> ��• aDF�'tab:e�aN. <br /> • 15. Futut�AdvanC�1. Upon request of Borrower.Lentler rnay. at its opt�on.make atlditional and tuture advances and re- <br /> I a�vances to Borrower.Such advances and readvances +v�th�nterest thereon,sha++be secured by this Deetl o�Tr us�A�no time shall <br /> � me pric�c��a1 amount of the�ndebtedness secured by tr•s�eea ot T�ust no��nc�ud��j s�ms adva�ced to p�otec4 t��e secunry o1 th�s <br /> ' Deed ot Trust.exceed the orlq�nal princ�pal amount atate�he�e�� c�5 wntcrtever�s gre1et��.'' • ' <br />