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... <br /> � � <br /> I <br /> I <br /> a .�.s <br /> 10V�60 <br /> UNIFORM CovENANTS �orrawer�nd Lender coven�nl�nd a�{re�c rs fAl1 s. <br /> � 1. Payaent ot Pri�ci�al sad laterqt;PreNyn�tNt MM I.�te CAu�, tk�r�owcr qh�l!prc�mp�ly pay when due <br /> the pri�cipai of ar�ti inie:at on the deht evidenct�t►y�hr Note����any pttrafmcnt and tate ehardes ctue undcr the Nate. <br /> 2. F��S for T�xa�u�d lasan�ct. Subjert ta�pplicablt i�w•�rr t��A wrqlen wwlver b}•Lcnder,Hattawer shall pay <br /> to Lenc1�T c�n�he d�y monthly�ayments ue duc under the Nate, unt11 the Nrtte iti�td in full, a sum t"Fu�ds")equA!to <br /> one•twetRh of: (��yariy tsaes and uses�mentd which m�y ntl�in pri�rity over th1� Securi�y Insl�umenl; (b) yearly <br /> lasehold p�ymenta or �raund rcnts ao ihe Praperty, ii�ny; (r1 yarty h�aard �mur�nca premwm�; �nd (d) yearly <br /> moAjate insunnce premium�.if any. 'fhese items ue c�lled "escrow itcm�." I.cntfe�m�y esNrn�te the Nunds due on the <br /> _ basis of cunent dau and�ason�ble estim�ta af fLturc escrow items. <br /> The Fund:shall be held in an institutian the depositt or ueaunt�uf wh�ch�re in�ured ar�u�ranteed by�federal or <br /> state arency(includinj I.ender if Lender i�such�an inuitution)• l.endcr sh�10�pply �he I'unds Ia p�X Ihe escrow items. <br /> I.ender m�y rtot charse fo�holdina�nd�pplyin�the Funda��n�lyrin�the accaunt ur veri�yin�the escrow item�,unless <br /> I.ender pays Borrower interat on the Fund��nd �ppllcable law ptrml�+� 1,ender lo make 'uch�rh�rRe. Borcower and <br /> Lender may a�ra in Mritir��that interat shsll be psid an the Fund�. Unless�n a�rc�ment is made or applicable law <br /> regUim int!�esi tQ���d� Ltrd:.s sha11 s�oi�fr2�ui�d io pwy oa�mwer�ny inieresi ur wini��s on ihe runds. i„ender <br /> �all�ive tu Hornawer�without char�e,an annwl accountinj of the Funds showin�credit��nd debits ta the Funds and the <br /> purpoae for which ach debit to ehe Fu�ds wu made.The�unds a�e p1ed�M�s�dditionai�ecurity for the sums cecured by <br /> this Security Instrument. <br /> lf the amount of the Funds held by Lender.together wi�h the Ihlure monlhly p�yments of Funds psyable prior to <br /> the due data of the acroM item�slull eacxed the amouat required ta p�y the escrow items when due,the excas shall be. <br /> at Borrowrer's option,either promptly repaid to Horrower or credited to Borrower on monlhly p�yments of Funds. If the <br /> aawunt of'the Funds held by Lender is not su}ticient to pay the escrow items when due,Borrower shall pay to Lender any <br /> unount nacessary to make ap the deflciency in one or more payment�u required by Lender. <br /> Upon payment in fi�ll of all aums secured by thi�Security Instrument. Lender shail promptly refund to 8orrower <br /> any Funds held by Lender.If under puagraph 19 the Property is sold or acquired by L.ender�Lender ahall� Ister <br /> than immediately prior to the sale of'the Propeny or its acquisition by Lender��ny �und� held by Lmder�� ihe time af � <br /> applic�tion u a credit aaainst the sums secured by this Security ln�trament. <br /> 3. AMlk�tio�ot Pa�eeb. Unlas applicable law provides otherwix. all p�yments�eceived by Lender under <br /> para�raphs 1 and 2 shall be applied:Arst,to late chugw due under the Note; prepsyment chu�es due under the ' <br /> Notr, amounu payabk under paragaph 2; interat due;and t�st,to princip�l due. <br /> 4• C.7iar/�r,IJe�s. 8orrower shall pay a!l taap.auessments�chu6es,Apa and impas9tioes attribulabk to the <br /> Property wrhich may attain priority,over this Security Inatrumrnt, and leasehold p�yments or �round rcnts, if tny. <br /> Borro�ver shalt pay theae obtiaations in the manner pravided in paragraph 2�or if not paid in that msnner�Borrowe��h�U � ��� <br /> _ psy therti on time diroctly to the person owed n�ymmt.Borrowu shtll nromntly fur�ieh tn 1 rnr1��a11�.,�M..n,f_e►���;;e� � "` <br />: to be paid under this p�rajraph.If Borro�rer makes that payments diroctty.Borruwer shatt promptly iurnish to Lender ' <br /> reoeipts evidencing the paymrnts. . <br /> Horrow�er shall promptly dischargeiny lien which hu priority over eh�s Security Instrurnmt unless Horrower:(a) :E. <br /> agras in writing to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner�cceptable to Lendar;(b)co�tats in�ood " <br /> fiith the lirn by�or detends spinst enforcement of the lirn in,kpl proceedin�which in the Lender's opinion opcnte to � <br /> prevent the enforcement of the lirn or forfeiture of any put of the Property;or(e)secura from the holder of the lien�n '� <br /> asreement satisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien to this 5ecurity Instrument.If Lender determines that any part of <br /> the Property is subject to a lim which msy attun priority over this Sacurity Instr�ment, I.ender msy �ive 8orrower� . <br /> , notia identifying the lien.Horrower shall saasfy the lien or nke one or more of the actions set forth above within 10 days <br /> . of the`iving of notice. <br /> S. H�sard Iaanace. Borrower shall keep the improvements now eaistina or herestter erected rn the Property t <br /> inwred against loss by fire.haz�rds included withia the term"cactended coverage"aru!any other hazards fa�which Lender � <br /> requira inswxnce. This inanrance shaU be maintainod in the amoanu and for the periads that Lendrr requires. The <br /> inaurance curier providing the insurance shall be chosen by HorroMer subject to Lender•s spproval which shall not be <br /> unreasonably withheld. <br /> AU insursnce policies and renewals shall be accepuble to I.ender and shall include a standard manp�e c{ause. '��� <br /> L,ender ahall have the right to hold the policies and renewals.If Lender rccyuires,Borrower shal!promptly�ive to Lender <br /> all receipts of paid premiuma and renewa!notices.In the event of loss,Borrower shall give prompt natice to the in�ur�nce <br /> curier and Lender.Lender may mske proof of loss if not made promptly by Bonower. <br /> Unless Lender and Borrower othen�vise agree in writing,insunnce proceeds shaQ be�pplied to restoratian or rep�ir <br /> of tbe Property damsgad�if the reston�tion or repair is economically fasibte snd l.etider's security is not►esxne�i. If the <br /> ratoration or repair is not sconomieally feasible or Lender's security would be lessened, the insur�nce proceed�sh�ll be <br /> applied to the sums socured by this Security Instrument,whether or not then due. with any exceu�id to 8orrowu. !f <br /> Horrower abandons the Property,or does not answer within 30 days a notice i'rom Lender�hat th�in}�ranc�catritr hss <br /> o�'ered to settle a claim.thrn Lender may collect the ensunnce proceeda.Lender may use the proceMs to tepair or restote <br /> � the Property or to pay aums secured by this Security Instrument,whether or not then due.The 30�d�y penod will beR�n <br />. whrn the noticx is given. <br /> Unless l,ender and Borrower otherwise agra in writing.sny application aPproceeds ta principal shall nut estend ar <br /> postpone the due date of the monthly payments referred to in psragraphs I and 2 or change the amount oP the psymsnts.lf <br /> under puagraph 19 the Property is acquired by Lender.Bortowee's right to any insurmce pol�cies and prc�cecds resulhn� <br /> from dsmage to the Propeny prior to the acquisition shall pus to Lender to the eatent of�he sums secured by th�s Sacuruy ��- =----- <br /> Instrument immediately prior to the acquisition. <br /> 6. Pre�trrstlon and Mdntenance o!ProPe�;I,ta�ehoHL. Borrower shyll not destroy.dAmage nr cuhstan�ially <br /> ehange the Property,allow the Property to deteriorate or commit waste. IP this Securi�y Insirument is an a letiulu�ld, <br /> Borrower shaU comply with the provisions of the iase,and iPBorrowcr acquires fee title to the Pru�xrty,the Icatich��ld and <br /> fa titk ahall not merge unless L,ender agrees to the merger i��writing. <br /> ?. ProtecNoe ot Lender'� Ri�ht� in the Prope�ty; MortpQe Inaunnce. If 8orntiwer fa�ls tn r+erfi�rm thc M <br /> � covenants and agreements contained in this Security lnstrumeM.or there�s a legal procreding�ha1 mAy S�gniflcN�itty�ffcci <br /> Lender's rights in the Property (such ss a proceedtng in bankruptcy, prnbate, for candemnation or �o enfnr�e law�i�r <br /> regulstions),then Lender msy do and psy fnr whatever�s necesssry tm protsct the value of the Pro�+crty r�nd I.endrr'�nph�� � <br />, in the Ptoperty. Lender's act�ons may indudr paying �ny sums s'cured by a lien wh�ch has prumty over Ihiti Sc�urny ~ <br /> Instrument,appearing in coun,paymg reasanable attutneys'fees pnd�n�enng on thr Prapeny���makc rcpair� nl�hnuph ��� <br /> Lender may take actian ur,der th�s parxp,r:�ph 7,�cndrr does nut havr ta dn st� � <br />: Any amounts dtsbursed by Lendcr under thi�pars�graph 7 shall t►ecnme udd�ti�mal deM��f li��rmwer tie.urcd h► rhi+ <br /> Secunty lnstrument.Unless Barraw�r und I.cnder agree to��ther terms a!paymeni, therc urn��uni.�h:�ll t�rar int�ictit Ir�nn <br /> the date of disbursrment al the Nntc rat� i�nd tihall tx payutsle, w�th interc�t. u��►n nuu�r frum I rmlc•r �u 11��r���wcr <br /> requestrog payment. <br /> � <br />