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- � � <br /> ! � <br /> i <br /> � RE•�ECORpL� <br /> a � <br /> �9'"' l 0645'7 �,.89' 106412 <br /> � If 9.znder required mort�a�e insuranse s+a conditlan of m�kin�the 2oen sesure� by this Security Inetrument, <br /> Borrower�hal!pay the premiumt rcquired to maintun the inwrance in eRect untll�uch time a�the requirement for the <br /> insurance tenminata in atcordance w�ith BonoMer'o snd Lrnder's�vrlttrn�sreemau or applicsbte la�v. <br /> a. IssMedoa. Lender or its aj+erit msy m�lce rasonable entria upon tnd inspection�of the Property. Lender <br /> ihalt pve Borro�er t�otice�t the tittse af or priar to�n inspectian specifyit�Q ce�ts�n�b3e cause for the insprcdun. <br /> � 9. Co�da�iuHor. The proceeds of any�MUd or cldm for dams�a�dlrxt or consequ'ntial,In connection�vith <br /> I aoy oondemAUion or other takln�of any part of the Property. or for conveyaace in lleu of coademnation�ue hereby <br /> �aip�ed and�h�ll be paid to Lendu. <br /> Ia the event of a total takin�of the Pmperty,the procceds ehall be applied to the sums�ecured by this Secudty <br /> Jnstrumait,�vhetber or not then due,�vith any exoa�paid to Homower. In the eveat of a p�rtltl takin�of tbe Property. <br /> unlar HorroMer and I.endcr ather�vlu s=ree in w�ritinj,the swn��ecwed by thi�Sacwity Inttrumesit shtll be redaoed by <br /> the�mount of the procxed�multlplied by the follow►inj frutlon:(a)the total unount oP the aums�ecured ima�edistely <br /> before the t�kin�dlvided by(b)the fair market value of the Property immediately before the taking.Any balance ehaU be <br /> paid to BorroMer. <br /> if the Pmperty is abandoned by Horrowee�or if,after notire by I.ender to Horrower that the coademnor o�'ers to <br /> a�alce aA aw►ud or settle a claim for damasa�Borroaer fails to rapond to Lender witbin 30 daye atter the date the notice ls <br /> �ivm,Lender is authorized to collect and�pply the praceed�.at its option,either to re�tontion or repair of the Property or <br /> to the wms teeured by thi�Security Instrument,ahether or not theA due. <br /> Unlas L�ender and Borcower other�vlse a�ca in wrltin��any spplieation of�roeeeda to principal shall not eactend ar <br /> postpone the due dtte of the monthly p�ymrnts referred ta in pars�raphs 1 and 2 ar chan�e the smaunt of�uch payments. <br /> : 10. Hon+oaa Not Aeka�d; Forbe�r�sce Hy Leade� Not • Wd�er. Eatmaion of the time f�payment or <br /> modlsption of amortizarion of the sums secured by this Sxwity Instrnment granted by Lender to wy. successor in <br /> interat of Horro�er ahall not operate to relaae tbe liability of the origlnal Borrower or Borrower•s succaswrs in intera� <br /> Lender shall not be roquired to commence proccediap against any auccessor in interat or refiue to extend time for <br /> paymeat or othtnviae modiAy amortization of the sums secwed by this Security Instrumtnt by reason of any demand made <br /> by tbe oristnal Borro�ver or Borr��ru's succes�ors in iaterat.My forbanna by Lender in eaercising any ri�ht or remedy <br /> shall aot be s Mdver of or preclude the Wcercise of u�y ri�ht or remedy. <br /> 11. S�ors ud AMlpr Hor�Joiat�d S�tenl L1abWt�,Co-�iperi. The covenant�and a�rdements of <br /> thls Seourlty Instrument sbaU bind u�d beadlt the sucreswn and usi�n�of Lender and Borrower�subject to the provisions <br /> of par�p�aph 17.Horr�oMa•�cavenanu aad asra:nenU�hsll be joint and several.Any Borro�er�ho co-sip�s this Security <br /> Instrumait bnt doa not exxute the Note:(�)is co-�ip�ina tb�t Securlty Instruma�t only to mortaase.grant�nd convey . � <br /> thst HonoMer'�interat ia the Property under the terms of thi�Socurity Instrumeat;(b)Is not perwnally oblipted to psy <br /> • the sums�ecwed by thi�Security lnitrumrnt;and(a)a�rea tbat I.ender and any other 8orroMer may ajra to eatead, ; '' <br /> �_ <br /> . me�difb,f�r�e nr maice anv a�rnemm�AaNnrR�rith r�erl tn��t�r,na e�P tl�ia Gnnrit�Tnatn�*n�nt�r ti�w N�2�aritl�^�t ?- <br /> ' t�t HOfldlY�f'!COQiC11t. �_ <br /> 12. Las C7�e�a. If the loui�acured by this Security In�trument is subjeet to s law which eets muimnm loan ; _ <br /> �har�a. and that 4� u }Inally interpnted �o that tbe lnterat or otber lou� chusa collected or to be collxted in � _ <br /> � connectio� w►ith the loui eaceed tbe permitted limits, tbar (s) any such loan char�e ahall be reduced by the amount � - <br /> neoaiary to reduce the char�e to the permitted limit;and(b)any sums alrady collxted from Horrower ahich exceeded <br /> perniitted limiu wlll be�nded to BorroMa. Lender may choou to make thie rePond by reduciug the princip�l owed �: <br /> under the Note or by mskin�a direct psymeat to Borrower.If a rett�nd reduca principsl,the roduction will be treated as� j <br /> partial prepayment�vithout any prepayment ch�r je unda the Nots. <br /> 13. LpdLdow AlfecH� Leader'� Ri�b. If enactment or ezpirsdon of applicable lawi has the elfect of <br /> renderin=any provuion of the Note or this Security Imtrument unenforceable according to its terms�Lender,at its option, <br /> msy require immediate payment in full of all tums tecured by this Security lnatrument and may invoke�tny remedies � , <br /> permitted by pan�raph 19.If Lender eacercises thi�option,Lender�hall take the ateps tpeciAed in the aecond p�ragraph of ! • <br /> Para�r�►Ph 17. <br /> • 14. Notl�a. My noria to BorroMer provided for in this Security Instrument shall be given by delivering it or by * <br /> mdlin�it by Arst cla�s mW unlas applicable lsw requires use of another mahod. 'The notice sh�ll be directed to the �:"�� <br /> � Property Addras or ariy other addreas Bomo�er daiputa by notice to Lendet.Any notice to Lender shsll be given by '. 3,` <br /> flnt clau mail to Leader's address ststed haein or an�r other addras Lender designates by notia to Borrower.Any notia � <br /> . providal fbr in thia Security Insuument shall be damed to have ban given to Horrower or Lender when given as provided � <br /> : in thi:P�i�Ph. <br /> is. Gqfersi�Lw;&�erability. This Security Instrument shall be governed by fcderal law and the law of the <br /> jtsri�diction in Nhich the Property is locaud ln the evtnt that any provision or clause of this Security Instrument or the <br /> Nou conliicts with applicable lsw�auch con9ict shall not�ect other provisions of this Security Instrument or the Note <br /> which�an be pvea dFect�vithout the conlfictinQ provision.To this end the provisions of this Security Inatrument and the <br /> Nflte are decl�red to be sevenbk. <br /> 16. Hoero�rer's Co�y. BorroMer ahall be�iven oae conformed copy of the Note utd of this Security Instru:nent. <br /> 17. Trwter ot the Pro�erty or a He��&i�l Iaterat ts Horrower. If�11 or sny put of the Property or any <br /> interest in it is sold or traasferred(or if a beneRclsl interat in Borrower is sold or transfened end Horrower is not a natural <br /> person)without Lender's prior written consent, Lender iu option.require immediate payment in full of all sums <br /> aecured by this Security Instrument. However. this option shsll not be exercised by Lender if exercise is prohibited by <br /> federal law as of the date of thia Security Instrument. <br /> If Lender exercisa this option,Lendcr shall�ive Borrower notice of acceleration.The notice shsll provide a period ---�- - <br /> of not las than 30 dsyt from the dste the notia is delivered or mailed within which Borrower must pay�11 eums secured by ' <br /> thit Secwity Insuument.If Borrower fails to psy thae sums prior to the expiration of this period,l.ender may invokt any <br /> remedies pe�mitted by thii Security Instrument without further notice or demand on Sorrower. <br /> i�.�otrowrr'�Rl�6t to Rei�tate. If Borrower mata certain conditions, Borrower shaJl have the right to have � <br /> enforcement of this Security Instrument discontinued at any time prior to the earlibr of:(�)S days(or such other period u <br /> applicable lsw tnay spetify for reinsutcment)before sde of the Property pursuant to�ny power of salc contained in this � <br /> Sawrity Instrument;or(b)entry of a judgment enforcin�this Security Instrument. Thc�se conditians are that Borrower: � <br /> � (s) pay� Lender all sums which then would be due under this Seeurity insttument and the Note had no acceleration <br /> occurnd; (b)cures any default of any other covenants or agraments; (c) pays ail expenses incurred in enforcing this � <br />;. Secutity Instrument. includinQ, but not limittd to, rason�ble attorneys' fee9; and (d) takes such action as Lender msy � <br /> rasonably require to assure that the lien of this Security Instrument, Lender's nghts in the Property end Bonower's <br /> abli�stian to pay the sums �crurc� by this Suurity Instrument shal! co�tsauc unshangtd. Upan re�nstatement by '.- <br /> Borrowtr,this Secunty Instrument end the obli�stv�ns stcured hereDy shal!rema�n fully effectrve es iP no accelerat�on had '• ° <br /> occutrtd.Howe�er,thts nght to re�nstate shall not ap�ty m the case of accelerat�on under paragrephs 13 or i 7 <br /> � <br />