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<br /> (2) To melnitain �nd ropoir ar raplaaa as neaase�ry ail
<br /> -- -�_- utilitles within that owner's unit and �ny c�amayo to
<br /> �-� -
<br /> - ='� the common utllittes aeuse�l by uaa within th�t �nit. _
<br /> T .��,�: !3) To �efrain irom paintinfl. decorating ar ohenginp the _
<br /> :-'���; appearance of any port(on of the�xte�lor of che unit
<br />=-_;,� unless approved by tha A�soclation in w�iting.
<br /> '� (h1 To properly �epart to the Aasoci�tiun any dotect o�
<br /> noed for �epaira which are the r�rs�onsibility of tha
<br /> ` �;� Associatlon.
<br /> :•;::
<br />•��'�;;+�, (e? Each unit si�all bo used and occupiod only by one family, its
<br />- serve�ts and guests and be uaed for r�sidential pu�poses only.
<br /> ''"�` No unit rnay be subdivided into a smn�9�r unit no� any po�rt��n
<br /> _.�r:,_
<br />�`,:,`;�q thereG4 �old or transfer�ed w3thaut first amen�oanp this Mastor
<br /> -___— �eed �r�t� Dealaretlon and ot�4�IMng the w�itten oonsent af thea
<br />-r�;� lq�sociation setting fnnh the changa in the unit to be subdlvided.
<br />�_�;�;� (f) No p�a�nice or use ahall be permitted o� the �ondominium
<br /> =- property ar in �ny uMt which shall be an ennoyance or nuisanco
<br /> `��-� t� other owners or residents and which shali intertere with their
<br /> --��
<br /> =„� peaceful use and enJayment of thei� unit. All po�tions of the
<br /> ,�,:y� condomi�ium and of each unit sh�il be kept clean, safe and
<br />�^'fAl���� sanit�r�f .and na use theroaB ��all be made whE�Pn �onstitutes a
<br />:::,;i��;,,
<br /> -_� vioia�.3T, af aay l�wp, ��l�g �rsiina�aes. UQ�Rr�m��t��
<br /> ------- regulations, or reguletions of�h8 As�soc��tlon. No one shall fix ar
<br /> repafr vet�icles on the cnndorcainlum pro�erty except minor routine .
<br /> -_ _ ►epatr ag venl�ias owneci � the unn own�rs, i'.iv va�sta��a
<br /> �t� ga�d�ns shail be ellowed on Llaa condomi�ium pro��rty except for
<br /> deaig�ated areas nat axceeding eighty squara feet paroels and
<br /> located wlthin tw+�nty feet ot the outside �erlmete� og ihe
<br /> aondomi�lum property. Afl�ardens a�e to be well m�intained and
<br /> shall ba k�pt tree of weeds at all times. The Associatio� may
<br /> establish f�om tlm� to time �ules and regulatlons �ega�ding
<br /> gardons a�d other uses and practices ot owners, gueata, and
<br /> residents of the unite.
<br /> Ig1 No animals of eny kind ahatl be kept in the unit fo� commoraial
<br /> purpoaas. Household pets in the unit wiil b�aubJect to �egulatian,
<br /> re�triction, and �x�lusion and spacial �ssessment as rtin���. be
<br /> determinad by the Associatian from time t� r�me, including
<br /> �emoval of any pet which b�comes an annoyaa���a to other unit
<br /> owners. Each unit owner shall indeavanify the Associati�n, all
<br /> . other unit owners, and the Declarant��Iainst any and aii Uability
<br /> - arising from malntaining a �et. Awni�g�, sunsareens, outslde
<br />_ - -- televlsion or othar antenna�, �atelUte dishes, sAo�age or parking
<br /> ----- ot boate. camps, treilers, motor homes, equipm�nt, machinery, o�
<br /> ��-= simiiar it�m� s�i�t{ aii be subject ea te{�ulatlon, s�tsl�tlon,
<br /> _-- excluslon and apecial assessment by the Assoclation. individual
<br /> --= �arbage cana or t�ash recept��ses are to ba permb�t�d outside only
<br /> -= in areas deaigned therefor I�y tho Assoclation. Outside wood
<br />__ -=-= pilea, clothes linea and clothes hangers will be subject to
<br />-��-'�■ rogulation, restriction, exctusion end special asoessment of the
<br /> - ��.-�� Aeaocietion. Outeide use of barbecue g�llls wlll be subject to
<br />,�1;�. ,
<br />_= �"��5a• regulation, reatrictlon or exclusion by the Association. No out
<br /> '=l� buildinps or ather struatures mey be erected on the condomintum
<br />-��.r� � � property withnut the approvel of the Assoclatian. No playground
<br /> �a;�f.
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