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'{ Y��_. `�� T�;T"'. � .�' <br /> _ �.. _.'r �. ' T 4°'"""}1. -ititl \f� ��l "P ,� , 'i: �'� �r�1 <br /> ti17�1��i`S.7\ti�t� �� i ��� . . :_4it11 4�., l t�r ��:i\� 11�ti �f.� r�'��5�1��'.t •+) i:''(�' . <br /> k ��a a at-..i`i-�. t �.�. 1�ir.i'{;�•rf,'�,\�'•�����1� . <br /> f P ��„�� �S t` I �i 1., �1'• ��.�� l. �;�.�v,\.11:. . <br /> il�p��..��, j� y� l r �.�1 l.i�h` �. -:�! 1�c ' <br /> !.�'+. K�,. ��t � `�� 1;�� • : <br /> � ���1�Z • " ' ' �'�ul��`�i- ;.��•._;,��;, ..`� <br /> � . <br /> .._ . <br /> . � i . � � -�. _ . i <br /> c � � - _�------� _.. <br /> . . _. . ' ._ '._"_' __ . <br /> F � - � „ � <br /> t .. - - - — �__ . . -- --: _._ _ _ __'_ ,_ . <br /> ,. .._- �. . — ,. . <br /> _ . _J�- ',. . _ n _ <br /> „ .' ' . _ - - _ =i iY5!�R9�+ . <br /> ._ • � .`—.�._,........'�.'--^..._._..._.. ���-- - ., .''j---" .- . .r-„-� -.«_3...'.._..'..._.�_._-"--•- : -- .� <br /> - ---- Aiw'e�i.r..�i.ti :�-"�'-- _�'°-r---�s-_-s...�... <br /> ��.���,��� - <br /> tho Clty af Grand Island, Flall County, NoDraeko; as It portalna to Unite Five and Six <br /> or� L.ot Thraa (�1. 8rontwood Foueth Subdlvislan ta tha City o1 ��and Island. FIAII <br /> Cou�ty, Nabraske; aa it partalna ta l�nit��ovon and Fight on Lot �our 14)� �rontwaod -_ <br /> �o�rth�ubdtvlat�n to the �Ity of G�rend I�land� Haii Cuunty, NebrASk�; a�It p�rtalr�s <br /> tt� �nit� R�InA And Ten on Lot �Ive 16�. Brentwaod Fourth Subdiv�sion to the eity of <br /> a�and Isiend. Hall County� Nebraska; and as it pertAinS to U�ita��leve� and �wetve � <br /> on Lot Six (01� Brontwood �ourth Subdivfsion to the City of Orand Isiand, Hall County, <br /> Nebreska; �nd as it pe�tal�s 4o Unita Thlrtaon and Fourte�n on Lat Seven (71, <br /> E3rentwood Fuurth Subdivialpn to tne C(ty of O�and Islend, Hall County, Nobr�aka. and <br /> oa It pertains to Units Fiftean 115) and Sixteen (18), on Lot Eight (81, Brentwood <br /> Fourth Subdivislon to City of Cirand Island, Heil County, Neb��ska� �� it pertalns to <br /> Units Sovente�n and �ighteen on Lot Nino l9), B�entwand Fou�th aubdivision to the <br /> City of arand Island, Mail County. Nobr�aka, and as it pertains to Units Nineteen and <br /> Twonty on Lot Ton(10I, Brentwoad Fou�th Subdivislon to tho Citd of t3rand island� <br /> Hall County, N�b�eska. The baunderies a�e the unfi�ished su�face of the out�r most <br /> interlor walla, firoplace oqa�ings, it any, up to the flue in the closed positi�or�, the <br /> unfa�ishod aervice of the c�lling Immediataly below tha �oof as ie��liceted far each <br /> sopa�ate unit upon the attached Exhibit "A" and the �xtenaion ��f thosa au�feaes <br /> where tha unit inaludes une�olosed space. . <br /> AFiTICLE V. COMMO�V ELEMEN7S <br /> Tho cammoa elements e�e afi portions oE th�condaminlum other than the units. <br /> The Iimited oommon eleme�ta, other than thoso sh�wn on Exhibit "A" are: <br /> Za► !f any chute, flue, s�ucij ��res condult� bearinA �+ca6f„. bea�ing <br /> cmlurnn or any othor fixture Ilea pa�tially wlthin and pa�tially <br /> a�o$side th� baundaries of a unit, any porti�n�orving r�nly that unit . <br /> is a iimited aomnivn eC�no�t al��ata� .t� tt��i ss�li, �n�± A�� <br /> panlon aerving mara than onA unit o� any portion of the aomman <br /> ot�ment ia a pan of the common elements. - <br /> (b1 �1�y ahuttera, awnings� wlndaw boxes, daoratep,s, atoop�� � <br /> parches, b�9ti%nies, patlos and ell extce�ior da�rs anal���indows or <br /> Q�her fixtures deaigned to�erve a al�gle unit, but loca��d outside <br /> �i�s unit'a bounda�les� nr� Iimitod common elements alloaated to <br /> ti�at unit. � � <br /> ARTICI.� VI. SPECIAL DECLARANT RIQHTS ANQ DEV�LOPMENT RIG'�4SS <br /> Deal�r�nt shall �eserve and have the following davelapment rlghts: <br /> (a1 C��clarent ahall aontrol the Aasaciatia�► and may aqpoint and <br /> remove the officers and membera of t�re Executive Board of <br /> Directors aav�tll the earller of: <br />- {7 3 �ikty t6a1 d��� �lter aonveYsnce���[ti�i8iy �ercet�t � <br /> l90°�G) of the ��ita which may b� created to unit <br /> ownera other than the OF�cla�ant; or <br /> (2) Two (21 yea�s eftar Declarant h�� ceased to affer <br /> units fo� sele In the ordin��y coucs� of business. <br /> Not later than sixty (60) days after convey�nce of twenty flve <br /> percent(26961 of the units whiah may be created to unit ownere <br />� � <br />