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<br />I ".;. <br />,. <br /> <br />,I <br />,;',~ <br />'\' <br />.. <br /> <br />, <br />\'i' <br />..,:i <br />~j: <br />.. {J <br />- <br /> <br />1 <br /> <br />~~ <br />.'~ <br />,'1 <br />;4- <br />{I;. <br /> <br />.'1:' <br />.', <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />'. <br /> <br />::)i <br />"1 <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />,', <br /> <br />,I <br /> <br />~'".~''''''''''''''''.''' <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />," <br /> <br />,'l.,~'~t' .",> . """fI '. <br /> <br />-" ~ -, <br />.' , <br /> <br />. .........~~.1-_..'. <br /> <br />.;,'-. <br />'1,':- '. <br /> <br />'~ <br />- t4\~ <br /># -\ '1 - <br />'" )..~'11"" . <br /> <br />. .' <br /> <br />[....:r: .p;~it~.~-..~_uu <br />. ,.; . \"'i~."'N--- <br />" . . ---:-,~~ <br />. .,~~,.--..:~ <br />:/IJ..';" -- <br />r' -"".-' "".'-'-.i.-.-c- <br />I: ..., '~, ;0fi~~:i~ <br />"::~1P'::" . <br />I <br />1 <br />~ <br />. <br /> <br />.., <br /> <br />l <br /> <br />-. <br />'..... <br />. <br /> <br />i <br /> <br />MoaroAGE <br /> <br />91-100003 <br /> <br />11I1a Mortpp Is entelWd Into between <br /> <br />lenD" A. CQrnellrs, a .'n918 oeraon. <br />! (be..ln "MoltplOr") and <br /> <br />i <br /> <br />I=lv. Paint. Rank, Crand, N.braaka <br /> <br />(bINln "Noftlllee "), <br /> <br />MoJ1CllOr II Indebted &0 Mortp&ee In the princlpllaum of' ,., ~, o. so , evldellClfd b, MorttalOr'lIllole <br /> <br />dated Dec. 28, 1990 (IIereln "Note") pnntdlnl for paymen~ of principal and Intern\, with the baIaD.. of till <br /> <br />ladebtednl!ll. If not soone, p.ld, due and paYlble on June 26. 1991 <br /> <br />r.. :':':~'~ ;~~.~.'oflhe Note, with Inte...t IS provided therein. the payment or.1I fllhenul1'II, with late..., <br />, IlIfpced b, ""r&cqlleof.o protect the seeurity of thll Mortple. and tile ptrlonauce of the mvelWltl and ape....... of <br />~ tII~' ...... ....~: "....In, Morttalor does ......y mortp&8 and CCID'Q to Mortp&ee the folio.... IIesedbId <br /> <br />propeIly located In lIa II Coullty. Ntbraslul: <br /> <br />A t...ct of Ilnd sltulted in the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SWlSWl) <br />of Section Thirty-three (33), in Township Twelve (12). North, of Range Nine (9) West <br />of the 6th p.m., more particularly described IS follows: Beginning at a point on the <br />South line of said Section 33, In Township 12, North, Range 9, West of the 6th p.m., <br />said point being situated 1161.8 feet West of the Southeast Corner of said Southwest <br />Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 33. In Township 12, North, Range 9, <br />West of the 6th P.M., running thence North parallel with the East line of said South- <br />west Quarter of the Southwest QUlrter, a distance of 660.3 feet. running thence West <br />parallel with the South line of said Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of <br />said Section 33, a distance of 65.9 feet, running thence South parallel with the East <br />line of said Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 33, a distance <br />of 660.3 feet to a point on the South line of said Section 33. running thence East <br />along and upon the South line of :aId Section 33, D distance of 65.9 feet to the point <br />of beginning. <br /> <br />'fopther with all bulldlnW\. imJllOvl'menu, fixtures, stfft-t.:.. alleys, passageways. l'lI5l'mpnts, rights, prlvlll.'lle5 and <br />appurtenances located thereon fir in aa)'wise pertaining thereto. llr,d the I'Pnts IssUl'l\ IInd profits. revenlonllAd rellllinden <br />thereof; Includlni, but nolllmlted to, hl'ltinll Ind C!oollngl'quipll1t!nt lAd such penonll property dIIt ilattacbed to the <br />Improvements so as lo constitute a fixture; all of whieh, InrludlnlreplaCl'm.nts and additions therew, II hereby cIeeIIIId <br />&0 be a part of the real flute sPCurl'd by thl' lien of this MortaaRl' and all of the roreJlOlnllll'lnl referred to bereln - the <br />"Property". <br /> <br />MoriNor Curther convenanls and all'l!l'l\, with Mortllaa~'~. IIll follows: <br /> <br />1. PI)'IIIeDt. To PlY t.he Indebtedneq and thl' Inlpll!lit tbPl'Pon a. provj~d m this Mortp&e and Ilk' Note. <br /> <br />2. Title, Mortgagor Is thp owner of thl' ProlM'rty. ha.o; Ihl' rIght and au~horlty to monallll' lhe Property. and <br />warrants Uta' the lien created hpre'by Is I nnt IInd prior IIpn on ltll' Properly, pxeept as ma~' otherwise be set forth berela. <br /> <br />o The PrOJK'I'lY is lubjPCt to a Mortpgl' whl'l'l'ln - - .... - --- <br /> <br />II the Mortgagee, It'colded at Book , Pag(' _ _ ~ or lhl' MortRagl' Records of <br />Nebraska. which Monplle II a lien prior la thl' lil'n (,lI'llt~d hl'r('b~, <br /> <br />County, <br /> <br />o Other prior liens or encumbrancu: ______ H' _ .. <br /> <br />3. Taxes, Assnunents. To pay whl'n dUI' all taXl'S. spl'dal 8SSl'li.sml'nt.s and all Olh~, 4!ha'1l!S IIgainst tbP Property <br />and, upon written dl'mand by Mortgagpl'. to add to thl' payml'nb n'qull'l'd under thp Notp :It'curl'd hl'rebl'. such Imount IS <br />may be &urndentlo PllJbll' thp Mortgalll'!' to pay ~uC'h taxl's. BSSI"~ml'nts (lr I.t!>!'r ('h;u'Il'" B~ Ihl'Y tw~'omf' <lUf'. <br /> <br />4. Insuranc.e, To kel'p thl' ImproYl'ml'nts now or hl'relfter locah'd on the reBIl'State described nt'reln Insured <br />81a1n~t damage by fin> ilnd such othl'r hazards lIS MOft~aR!''' ma' II'qulrt'. in amounts and with companll's acc!'pla blp 10 thl' <br />MortPilt'p. and wllh loss payabk> to thl' Mortllagft. In C<\,,,. of 105b ul1dl'r such policies thl' Mortcallee L'I authorized to <br />Idjuat. coIlet:1 QlIId compromise. In Its dlscrPtlon, all t'llhns t'hPIl'undl'r at lis soil' option. authorized toeill1er .pply thl' <br />proceeds to till' Il(>storalion of thl' Property or upon lh~ Indl'bt~dnl'Sll !ll'cu'l'd nl'reby, but payments Mn!lmcler shall con. <br />tlnue until thl' $~III.'; si'cu~ hereby IIrP pllld In rull. <br /> <br />i. iJ r:KroW Fol' TlULn and inJtUcance. i~ui.wiiiI3;'i1I)'lill~ afJ~.'niI1K ,'uniai...u U1 VCl'h'j"I.ii~; 3 iiid ~ ~;:j;?;! tv ~I:: <br />contrary, Mortgagor shall pay to thr MortllllRel' at thl' tim(' of paying thp monthl~' lnstilllm..nb or principal and Interest, <br />one.twl'lrth 01 thl' ~.t'lrly laxes, lIl\Sl'5Sml'nts. hazard insufancl' premiums. and ground "'n'l.i (il any I which mlY attain a <br />priority oyer lhl!> :\lortpge. all as reasonably estimawd from timp to lime hlo' tht' Mortlallt'p, Thl' amounts '30 paid shall be <br />held by the< Moneilg{'(' without Inte<l'Pst and apphl'd to lh. plli)'ml'nt or lh.. Ill'ms In ",spert to which such ..mounts were <br />depoalted. TIll'lUlll5 plld to Mortgallft hl'reundl'r II'l' pll'dlll'd as additional !ll'curlty for thp indebtednl!lS 1lt't'ured by this <br />Mol1p&e, Mortlllgor shall pay to MortK11I<<' the amount 01 aRlo' dtofi~len~y bPtwppn tht.' IclU11 taxes, 1ISSl'!IIllle'nb. InsuraRa! <br />premiums and IfOIInd rents and tht.' dl'poslts hl'fl'undl'r within 10 days .ltl'r dpmand is mack> upon Mortpaor fequestinl <br />payment thl.'rror. <br /> <br />6. Rfpau. t.1alnLenlDCl' and Use. To promptly replllr. restol'l' or rl'butld any bUildings Oflmprovt.'ml'n U now or <br />herearter on thr Propl'rty; to kl'l'p thl' Property in lood rondltlon and I'Ppair. wlthoUI waste, and rrel' from mechlnlc's or <br />other IlIi'DI not tlllpll!SSly lubordlnatt'd to tht.' 1I1.n hereor: not to makt.', surter or pt'rmlt any nuisan<<> to t.'ltlst. nor to dimln. <br />Ish or Imped f.Mo value or thl' Propt'rty by any let or omlllllon to art; and to comply with all rPqulrements of Ilw with <br />rrspp,ct tfl tit\! frOt)t'rty, <br /> <br />.-1 <br /> <br />..'-~";~ . <br />'("c~~ <br /> <br />.,1.." <br /> <br />,L <br />.~' '., <br /> <br />':, <br /> <br />., ".,' <br />,i." <br /> <br />I'; <br /> <br />, . <br />