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<br /> ""� `� HUFFMAN A BINGLE
<br /> '" v KNQ41 ALG MEN ElY TN�SQ PRCSIiNTSt thut HOSAI.RN� J. _._._—..
<br /> '-'`:i PER80N , haroinuftar soforrod t�t�� the 'TruaCor". tc� occuro u NotQ �
<br /> �.�' baaring ovan dota horawith For Cha princip�l amount af EIGH'�RF?N 'i'�IOUSAND_
<br />-s''�'� SIX HUNARED AND 57/1q0---^----- Dul�uce CS1a�0.57�Y�blu to tl�u ordnr �
<br /> of�` pFtl►Np ISLAr:9 �'JINANCG COMPANY. hurei�aFter raEnrred co ae lhe "Bano�icfUry",
<br />= providi�nt; fn,�a �riaymank o� tho ontira principal balance, cuaeChc�r with intear�:�t
<br />,-��;o et Chp x�1tw dg 15.899 porac+nt (1 .�5, 999 �) per annum. �n monthly
<br /> inRtallm�nte of FOUR HUNDRED 'Y`WO AND Ag/A00---°°-���-n�llora (S 402.45 �
<br />=���� ElACII until FSBRUARY 9. 2005 _ , X7�D ,�„��. et wh�ah C aa all
<br /> prinaipal And interoet provided fnr by thie Note ehAll hava bpon poid, �to .
<br /> -�- � haraby gr�nt and aonvey unCo AREND R. D4►ACIC, AttornQy at LAw� tho "Truetc���"'.
<br />`=;� thp �allowing-daecribod proporty:
<br />� _��
<br />__.,�.� All oP Lpt Qne Hundrpd Twenty Sevon� (127) and tho North 7t�enty Four (24)
<br /> - font of Lot Oae Hundred 1�ranty Eight (128) of Huwthoma P�.ACA• an Addit�c�tt
<br /> _ to tha City o£ GYand Islund, HA11 County. Nebsaek�►
<br /> � �� A�� �� ���8 F�Q oo�� �¢S_�_r w�rh at1 anQurtenan�ces. in trust
<br /> �m novor2��oleae, bmd fn caee of dofnult fin the payment o� seid Nota� or any part
<br /> tharepf or intoraat thoreon or in tho perfarmonco of Any aovenu�it hereinc►ftc�r
<br /> set forth, ther tha Truatoe ahall h�vo tho power to aell tho ubova-daac�ibod
<br /> - prapert�¢y� and upon requeat of Ch� 8onafiai�ry. tha '�ruatuo ahall fila for
<br /> raaonc� in the Rogieter a� 17oeds' Offico o� ,�� Caunty� Nobruako� t�
<br /> Natiaq �P Defr�ulC. setti��t �orth thc+e a brcac.� of an oblignCion� far which tho
<br /> said prapcsrty wt�n convoyed ee� eocurity� hns pvcurrod, und eotting� forth Cho
<br /> natur� of auch breaall nnd the Truetce's election t�+ aoll tho property Co
<br /> sAtiafy the obligation; and after �he lapeo of nat lla�s thc►ri ono ( 1) month.
<br /> �� thn 'T��aWtee ohall aivo ��rittan notice oP tho timo and pluaa of »�a�li which may
<br /> Do bo���eon 9t00 a.m. and 5t00 p.m. at tho pr�+mises, or at the ,,,�, tounty
<br /> CaurChaaoo, and paYticulurly daecr�bing tha praperty ta ba eolel; said Notice
<br /> ta be publiehod in a newepapo� of � ga��erel ciYCUlation inpn].3. � _County,
<br /> Nubsaaka� onco o week far Pive <5) eoneaoutivu woeka� tha laet publ.icata��n co
<br /> bo �t laaet tan (IQ) daya but not mato �hnn thirt y (30) daye prior to tho
<br /> et��e; and Cho Truatee ohall then aeli ea�icl proporty ot �ho tima ond place
<br /> designutod in tha Notica, in Cho mannar providl2d by �aw i� affecC oC the timo
<br /> of filing anid Notice, und public nuction ta� the hi��+��t biddc�r far caeh ai�d
<br /> ehall doliver sa such purahaeer a daod to ttee proge�c�t�r epld. conaiatent with
<br /> tho law in effocC at rhaC timo. �Additia�e��1y, Tr�s�oa ahall mail 'PruRtor a
<br /> capy of uny Notiae of DePnult gnd Notica af Sala haseunder upon dafuult
<br /> addresoed to them at 1204 l�,Anna �3, Grand Iqland, NL Auk oP tho procaado af
<br /> said eale, thp Truetne eh�ll reta�.an t�nd poy Piret all faes� chargoe a�td cotsta
<br /> � o£ oalc� and all manisa advnaae�! in thQ exerciae of the powc�r o� sale�
<br /> � �� iocluding tho poyment oP tha TrueC�e'a faos actually incurred, and pc+y e�cond
<br />----� the obiigati�ne oacurod by this Daad of Trueti and the bulAnce, if aDy'o°�,eon.
<br /> ba pc►id to Cho poraon or poreone logully ontitlad tharoto. Aay p
<br /> - includi.ng tho BAneficiory. moy purchaso aoid proporty at ouch oal�.
<br />- -_- Tho Truetur covonc��to thut at tho tima of delivoYy uf thes� prasanta.
<br />- �T���" th�y Atro soixad of eaid propucty in foo aimploti and that oaid proparty ia Erap
<br /> '���.�.�� uf encumbrnncae, oxcopt encumbr�+�cas, er�semonte, righCO-of--way, reetrictione
<br />=.-,- and reaorvationd of rocord, and thQy will properly maintpin tho property, koep
<br />-T""�""' all buildinga ineurod for firo aad extended covorage in un amount aqual ta the
<br /> �-��
<br /> ��'`� unpoid balanco of the eforeaaid Note. with loes payable to tha Henofic ary.
<br /> �;'�F� "+'� and will pay all toxee and oeaesamonta a�ainet e�id proparty �nd amounte due
<br /> ..�.F�.�,,.�.,�.
<br />:-�;=:���� on psior ericumbrancea. and i� thoy ehall Fail to pAy i�eurance prem ume or
<br /> --!��' Caxuo an nmounta due on prior o�cumbrancos, the BenaFiaiory may pny the eame
<br /> -y�,:l,.i'��..
<br /> � and all amounra ao paid oholl bocomo additionel indobtodnoss duo horGUnderi
<br />- - � - and in caec af fareclosuro� Truetor will pny eny roaeonable ottornoy fooe
<br /> '' incurrad by Bonaficiary or Trueteo in ouch forealosura proceedings.
<br /> _ -1-
<br />