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� � - <br /> �, 89� 1(�6412 <br /> If'Lurder required mortaa�c iaaurance as a condition af rri�king the to�n secured by this Securiry Instrument, <br /> r Borrower shall psy the premiums required to m�intain the insurance in e�'ect until such tirine u the requiremeat for the <br /> insurance tenains�es In accordance aitb HorroMa'e usd Lender's�ritten aaramrnt or�pplic�ble 1a�w. <br /> a. Ita�ecdoa. Lender or its a�ent may make re�sonable entries upon�md inspecHons of the Property. Lender <br /> sbtll dve Borro�ver notice at the time of or prlor to an iaspection�pacit�ri�g re�sonable cause for the insp�ection. <br /> � 9. Ca�dtmaadoa. The pro¢ads of any award or claim for dams�a,direet or consequential,in connection wlth <br /> I �ny condemnstion or other takln=of any pRrt of tha Property� or for conveyaace in lieu of condemnstion� ue hereby <br /> � auijned�d�hall be paid to Lender. <br /> Ia the event of�totd takia�of the Property�the procad�ah�U be applied to the sums aecured by this Secwity <br /> Irutrutnait�w�hether or not then due��vith any excaf paid to BorroMer. In the event of a ptrtial ukin�of the Property, <br /> Wtles�HorroMer and Lender otherMi�e a�rae in Mdtln�,the eum��eewed by th�s Security Imtrument shaU be reduad by <br /> ths amoun�of ths prcaceed�multiplied by the follo�ing fneHon: (a)the total unount of the sum�aecured immed9ately <br /> before the taicinj.divided by(b)the fair nnuket vvue of the Pmperty immediately before the taking.Any balana�hsll be <br /> pid to Hornorver. <br /> If the Ptoperty i�ab�ndoned by Horrower�or if,�tter n�tice by Lender to Borrower that the oondemnor otfers to <br /> make�n aMard or settle a cla9m for d�ma�es,Borrower faila to respond to Lender within 3a d�ys aRer the date the notice ls <br /> dven�I.eader is authorized to collaot and apply the procads,st its option,either ta restoration or repair of the property or <br /> to the�ums�ecwed by this Socwity Instrument,�vhether or not then duc. <br /> Unlas I.ender snd Horso�►er otherwise s�ee in writing,any application of�roceeds ta princip�l shall not extend ar <br /> pc»tpone the due dste of the monthly payments referred to in puagrspha 1 and 2 or ch�nge the unount of such p�yments. <br /> 10. Horwwer Not Rela�ei; Forbanu��e Hy I.eader Not • Wd�er. Extension of the time for payment or <br /> madi8cation of smortiution of the sums secwed by this 3acwity Instrument gnr�ted by Lendcr to any successor in <br /> interat of Horrower shall not operate to rele�se the Iiability of the originul Borrower or Borrower•s successors in interat. <br /> Lq�der shW not be reqnired to commence procxdinp sgainst any successor in interat or refl�se to extend time for <br /> � p�yme:tt or othenviae modity amortiution of the sum�secured by this Security Instrumtnt by reason of any demand made <br /> by the ori�tnal Borrow►er or Horrower's auacestors in interat.Any forbesrance by I.ender in eaercising any right or remedy <br /> shall not be a�vaiver of or proclude the ra�ercise of sny ri�bt or ranedy. <br /> li. S�c�on�d A�d�n Hai�di Joiat aad Se�enl LiabWt�,Ca�ip�eri. The covenant�and agrcemenu os <br /> � th9s Secw�ity Instrument:h�ll b�nd and bendit We�uccesar�aad aa:i�of Lender and Borrower,eubjoct to the provisions � • <br /> oPparajnph 17.HorroNer'�covmanu and a�ramena�hall be joint�nd several.My Horrower who co-si�ns thi�Security <br /> ' Instrument but doa not eaxute the Note:(a)i�co-�i�nina thi�Security Imtrument only to mortgs�e��t snd convey <br /> tQ�t 1lOf'l0�1►e!'i U1tEf�Eft iZ1 td0 rtapefty luf0ef tA0 temi�oi thif$eCUriiy imfrumeni;�v�ifi ri6i peFsC�nidly G`vli�itv'i'v p:j� ; - <br /> the swn�securai by thi�Secwity Insuumrnt;and(e)a�rea that Lerider and any other BorroMer may s=ra w extend, ; � <br /> modif�►.forbar or make any accommodations witb re�ud to the terms of this Security Insuuma�t or the Note without <br /> that Bon+oMer'�con�eat. <br /> 12. Clur�ea. If the losn�ecured by this Security Instrument is subject to a Lw which aets maximum loan , <br /> �har�es, and that law u fln�lly interpreted so that the interat or other loan chu�a coAected or to be collected in <br /> � connxtion w�ith the lan eacad the pe�mitted limiu. therr. (�) any auch loan ch�rae shatl be reduced by the�mount � .�-= <br /> nuxuary to reduce the char�e to tbe pecmitted limit;aad(b)any eums alrady collectod from Borrower which excaded : °�-- <br /> permitted limits will bo refl�trded to Horro�er. Lender msy choo�to make thie nfund by reducing the principal owed '; : <br /> under the Note or by mskin�s direct psyma�t to Borrower.IB�refLnd reduces prtncipal,the reduction will be treated�s a !,; <br /> partlal prepayment without�ny prep�yment chu=e under the Note. <br /> 13. Iw�W� AltecHa� I.ender's Ri�hb. If enactment or expiration of applicable laws has the elfect of <br /> renderinj ariy provision of the Note or this Sxurity Instrument unenforcable according to ite terma,Lender,st its option, ;: <br /> may require immeditte p�yment in fu11 of all sums secured by thia Security Instrument and msy invoke aay remedies r' <br /> permittad by paragnph i9.If Lender exercises this option.Lender shall take the ateps specified in the second p�r�grtph of �� � <br /> P�i�Ph 17. ;�,'� .• <br />" 14. Notkea. Ar�y notice to Borroaer provided for in this Security Insttumettt shall be given by delivering it or by <br /> mailina it by flrst class mail unless applicable law requires use of another method. The notice shall be directed to the :_� <br /> Property Addr�a or any other address Bono�ver daignates by notice to Lender. Any notia to Lender shall be given by , <br /> flnt cla=s mail to Lender's sdd:as auted herein or any other address Lender daignata by notice to Borrower.Any noticz . <br /> provlded'for in thia Security Instn�ment shall be deemed to have been given to Horrower or Lender when given as providal . <br /> in this P��Pb• � <br /> 15. G�ernla�Lw;Se�erability. Ttsia Security Instrument sha}1 be governod by fedenl law and the law of the <br /> �usisdiction in which the Property is locsud.In the event that any provision or clause of thia Security lnstrument or the <br /> irfote wn&cts with appiicable l�w.such oonAiet ahsll not affect other provisions af thss Secnrity Instrumeat os tkc Nate <br /> which cut be�iven effect wdthout tHe oonlficti�proviaion.To this end tht provisioas of this Security Instrument and the <br /> Note ue declued to be aeverable. <br /> 16. Hoerowe�'�Copy. HorroMer shall be givrn one cenformed copy of the Note and of this Security Instrument. <br /> � � 17. 1'nader o!tLe Peoperty or •Beaeacid Inteeat in Horiower. If all or sny part of the Property or aay <br /> intenst in it is aold or transferred(or if t beneflcisl interat ia Borrower is sold or transferred tnd Borrower is not s nttural <br /> person)without Lrnder's prior writtec�consent,Lender its option,require immediate psyment in full of all sums <br /> socured by this Security Instrument. However, this option sf�all not be eaercised by Lender if exercise is prohibited by <br /> federal law u of the date of this Secwity Instrument. <br /> If Lender eaercises this option,Lender shall give$orrower notice af acceleration.The notice shall provide a period ;---_ - <br /> of not las than 30 days from the date the notice is delivered or mailed within which Borrower must pay all sums secured by � <br /> this Security lnstrument.If Borrower fuls to pay these sums prior to the expiration of this period�Lender may invoke any <br /> remedies permittod by+this Security lnstrumrnt without further noti�e or demand on Horrower. <br /> lA.8orrower'r Ri�Lt to Rtlubte. If Bonower mats certun conditions,Borrower shall have the right to have , <br /> enfatcement of this Security Insttument discontinued at any tim�prior to the earlibr of:(a)S days(or such other period u <br /> applicable law may�pecify for reinstatement)before sale of the Property pursuant to Any power of sale conained in this � <br /> L Security Instrument; or(b)entry of a judgment enforcing this Security lnstrummt.Those conditions are that Borrower: <br /> (a) pays Lender ap sums which then would be due under this Security Instrument and the Note had no acceleration <br /> occurred; (b)cura any default o1'any other covenants or sgreemmts; (c)pays aU expensa incuned in enforcing this v <br /> Security Instrument. including,but not limited to. reasonyble attorneys' fees; and(d)taka such action as iender mey ��� <br />, reasonably requ�re to assure that the lien of this Security lnstrument, Lender's nghts in the Propeny and Borrower's � <br />- obr'�pt�on to pay �he sums secured by this Security Instrument sh�ll continue unchanged. Upon remstetement by , � <br />�s Secunty lnstrument and the�bligations secured hereby shaU remain fully e}fectrve as if no accderaUOn hed �• � <br /> occurred.However,this nQht to re�nstate shall not apply in the casr of accelerstron under patagraphs 13 or 17. <br /> � <br />