,.,`. , . 1�� �".� �,,:r...�... . .�_...n. r�V' _"'ta"c' . ' �"• r 1 l"
<br /> j�,' .. . i �' a^ ,- „ �! r Z,(�.. 7! �r� . �b� •it�'.i:.'.. .... , �.��%':4 f.
<br /> t. � iJ�' 'f,t: .i_
<br /> . ,�t`�'i _ .y. � . y�';a i �Nu,r �i•,'cc -•y;- •.ti . .._._ :.�.t ...- '"��,.;lr•�wZ�,.�� 4 }l. k}�.yc6�' --- --
<br /> .. . ,:,N•a,, ....�,.,,,Jl�,+�R. �f, � . . . _ — ..*1}��r.:c_'nr
<br /> :�r�.v,,. ,,.�,.. . :�w�ra�e�,•t.�.�.:i:w.!'�,."'Yj • • .'r
<br /> r. , -, --
<br /> � i4,14c...,';�:.'t� _�- _ .�- -_.
<br /> 90�-�- -- �-�:~_----_�:-------
<br /> . 10750'7 -:�:�:;�.:::.
<br /> ..s:.3:a�¢ai
<br /> _ .r. �p' ' i'h'('I�YI,���A•,--
<br /> ;t . . � � '-. •�.•_���
<br /> — -- �:,rw,�.,�;4, ,,' nny Appiicuiion uf ti�c piu�«:dc to thc principal shul! not eatead or pt�st{x?ne et�e due da�c o1'�he manthlv paymen��:.which ! ; � ___ _
<br /> `' ` ure referred ta in Par�a��uph 2,or chanye the umount af such payment�. Any exceas��aeed� over an amflum required la ���.� � ��'-
<br /> ' � �`��`���,��.. pay all uu�standin�indebl�dncss under Ihe Nnte and�hi+Sccurity(ns�rument shull be{wid ta Ihe eadty le�ally entitled thereto. -�---�`
<br /> �� —
<br /> ' � ' "' ' . t,FeK. Lender mwy collect fees And churQes outhoriied by �he Secre�ary. �
<br /> ' `:.:.�%o-=----___._�
<br /> ' '�.: 9.Gruuads fo�Accekratloa ot I)ebl. ,�
<br /> i ,l..;�'i:' n.'�` Y'xidd?.�r�-
<br /> -. ._____... _"' ` lal Det�ult.4ender mny,ercep�a�Nmited by reRulotions iFSUed hy ihe SecretAry in the ct�se of payment dePeuUs�require __—_ __._
<br /> , , . immediate payment in full of ull sums secured by this Security Instrument if: '•--;�:���{�yai
<br /> � •�'����s�i:`^•:
<br /> ,•.,.�::;;,r u.. �t
<br /> ' (i)Borrower deiaults�v fuiUng to pay in full any monthly payment required by this Security Instrument prior to •t:�Y�,,.t;'�.; ,
<br /> ,� � • or on�he due date of the next monthly payment. or ••..•�1;� , . " �w: ,
<br /> . - � . . <,r.A�y,.L�•.
<br /> . . (ii)Borrower defaults by Pailing, for a period oP thirty days,ta pecForm any athe�obtigations contained in this ..4_��s�.� ��
<br /> .• Security Ictstrument. :•'�',�-:�
<br /> e;
<br /> � ��;�.,: •.,-�.•�;• .! •.:"i-:;_�i�.,�""uu,'t�' `
<br /> ° ° (bl�le WiIYwN Credil ApprovAl.Lender shall, iP permilted by apptirable law and with the prior approval of the ;;�.,.;...,, �,Y.,. r
<br />• ' � Secretary, rec�uire immediale peyment in full of all the sums sec�ered by th�s Seru�ity Instrument if: ' .
<br /> . . ' (i)All or pan oP the Property is otherwise IransPe�rec! (aher than by devis�e or desrerctp hy the Borrower.and 4u� ,, 3.. -,�;::.
<br /> • �j , `� . :tr:.��:����
<br /> �;�`,;� (ii)The Propeny is not occupied by the purchaser or grantee as his or her primary o�s;:«�n�ary residence,or the "';•,,�1.,:,��5;
<br /> _ ,;�• -' . purchaser or g�antee does so occupy the Propr�ty but his or her credit has not bcr�anpTOVed in accordaw��e wilh �`.�r'�;;;�;;��,�.
<br /> the reqairements oi the Secretary. � '�'' ''� �_
<br /> ., f '�:;.::,'.�::�;�'Y°_��is;:::
<br /> (e)No V�'wi��r. li circumstanres occur that would permit Lender to require immediate payment in full, but Lender ��;:;�;1„,�;}�:::i�:<<.:,r---�-_-
<br /> ' doeF n��r•equire such payments, Lende�does not uai�e its ri�hts with respect to subsequent events. ' �}lf;;;:`�t�f��;=.
<br /> '','' ,. n circumstances re ulations issued by the Secretary will limit Lender'x rights , __
<br /> c;i��i� , (d l[t n�f A 1 1 a n s a f H U D S c c re�p r y.I n m a y 8 � '"
<br /> •. �. � `�:�.;:�`�� `.• ;;�r.
<br /> �, �� •� i�the case o�payment defaults ro require immediate payment in full and foreclose ii not paid.This Securi�y in�trument �t,: _ .;,',.,
<br /> f. ��.� � " daes not Amhorize acceleration ur Poreclosure if not permitted by regulations uf the Secretary. ri,.,�+;;4. •+��
<br /> ' ., , �` �';
<br /> � " � • f0, Rtinslalement. Borrower has a right to be reinstated if Lend�r t�as required immediate payment in full because of . �� ��_`=�
<br /> �',, • �:•,_. H o r ro w e r's f a i l u r e t o p a y a n a mo u nt due under the Note or this Securii�•la�trument.This right applies even after ioreclosure �.,,; _ �
<br /> '«''•,<••�•-. procee�li�gs are instituted.To reinstate the Se�urity InstrumenS, B.�rrowcr shaU tender in a lump sum all amou�u required :� �5� �:�,y
<br /> � ���f'��•�'�rt`=�` tq brin�+Bnrrowe�'s account current including,to the extent the�•are o�+Ngatians of Borrower unJer this Security In>uumem, . , �-
<br />� ,��;�'� • , ���'•' � ��i. �i - -
<br /> .=�t.:.:fr;��.•;..la���: foreclovure costs and reasonable and customary attorneys Pees and e�cpenses properly assoriated with the foreclosure pto�eeding. ,• 'M'"`-
<br /> �' ,T'•`�tj�3G;'};i�'f,'. Upon reinstatemena h�.•�orrower.this Security Instrument And the obligation�that i[secures shafi remain in eiiect as ii LrnJrr [ • J'.,"`
<br /> ' •';;�'�/7';''•t' ''j had not required imn��ediate payment in full.Ho�vever, Lender is not required to�rmit reins�atement iP:(i)Lender has accepted � ,
<br /> ' � �.;t�"�:'.:�:'4�"���,;' reinstatement aRer the commencement of foreclosure praccedings wi�hin two yeArs immedlately preceding the commencemem � • ::•' �-
<br /> � � , ',rr��•';".;�''"'� of a current foreclosure Exocecdin�, (ii) reins�atement will preclude foreclosure on diiFerent grounds in the future.or(iii) �'��'�•, . 'r• `
<br /> ,i:t��.;:•;:.�:,:„ reinstatement will adveT9ely affect the priority of Ihe lien created by this Security Instrumenl. � ••
<br /> .�� . ��/f.1-'.• �� .
<br /> l. �_
<br /> •,. ,,' - '� ' U. Bonower ti�oi Rele�sed: Forbearance Bc Lender Not o Waive�.Ex�ension of the time of�+ayment or modification "'•�'�� ,
<br /> � ' of amortization of ti�e sums se�ured by this Security Instrument granted by Lender to any successor in interest of Borrower � . ,
<br /> ' � ' sha11 not operate to rcicase the linbility of t he original Borrowcr ur Borrower's successor in interest.Lender shall not be required ��
<br /> to commence proceedings against uny successor in interest or refuse to extend time for paymcnt or otherwise modify Amanixation . ,.
<br /> � • oP the sums stcured by this Security lnstrument by reason of�ny demund made by tlx original Borrower or Borrower's successors ' %;�:
<br /> • �� . in interest. Any forbearance by Lender in excrci�ing any right or remedy shall not be a waiver of or preclude�he exercise of • • ;
<br /> � �•! ' � any right or remedy. �
<br /> '�. . .
<br /> ;....`. . . ;
<br /> ; ,,.,,�� 12.Success,on am�l A�Rf�ns Boend;Joiat and tieverwl Lfpbllily:Co-Slpners.The covenants and ngreements of this Security
<br /> ' �. ;i�..:���:�"�� �.,., Instrument shall hinc7 nnd benefi� the succestiora and a�signs i�f Lender and Borro�ver,subject to the pravisions of paragraph � •
<br /> .• ��^ 9.b. BorroH•er's covenanls and a�rcements+hall be joint anJ scveral. Any Borro��•cr u ho co-signs this Securi�y InStrumen� i '.i
<br /> ' .;•°��%;� .• , •
<br /> . ;� ,,s•,�;.;,�,�� but does not execute the Note:(aj is co•signing this Securit� I nslrumenl onl�•to mur[gage,grant and convey that Borrower's � , .
<br /> • . �; ' ' „ • , interest in the Pmserty under the�errns of'this Security lnstrumcnr,(b►i. not penonally obligated to pay the sums secured
<br /> ,'�_ �� '�,�;,, •: _ ' ° by this Securiry In..uumen�;and Icl a�rees ihat l.endrr and any othe�Borro��•er may:�gree w extrnd,modify,tbrbear or make � . ,
<br /> ��,,�,, ; ;�:.;:,,�,Fiz�.•,....
<br /> any accommodations w•ith rcgard to the �errn ot'ihi� Sc�urit}• histrumcnt ar Ihe Nrnc without Ihal Borro�ti•er's wnsent. ��
<br /> : � .,��r.: _,:�.(�' �:� i
<br /> • � • ' •�^• ' r:.- 13.`olices.Any noticr�o Borro�ver pro�•i�ed I'or in thi+Sc�urity Inurumcm�hall be gi�•rn by deli�•ering it or b> mailing �����•
<br /> ' "�� "'�:���:����,'��A i1 by fi�st dass mail unless applicable luw nquirr,u�c ol'another methoJ.T'he notire shall br dircacd�o the Prop�m AQdres� ,
<br /> �' '• ..1,}.�:, .
<br /> � �'„ or any uther addres+Borrower dr�igna�c�t+y notirc to Lendrr.Any noticc tc�Lendcr shall be gi��en by first clati�mail tu Lrndrr'.
<br /> . • ' address s�ated hcr�in or any addrex,Lrndrr Jc+iEnatr+b�•notirc io{3orrrn�er. :1m•nrn irc rrocidrd far in thi.S��uri�y Instrumcnt ,
<br /> ' , ;+�,';�.•._ ' shall be decmed ta h•r�r bcen �i�cn to Borroa�er or Lendcr �sh�n �i��cn a; prrnidcd in d�i+ paragraph. �
<br /> I�.�C:avernlnR l.uN:tieve►ahi0���. Thi.Securi�� In,trument+hall hr g�,«rucd M Fecferal la�� anJ the la�� ol'thr juri+di�tion � .
<br /> � ' in �.hicr ihe Propen�• i�lo�aic.l. In the��•ent�hat an> pro�i,ion rr�lau+e of thi� tic,t�ri:� In,trumeot ur the Note conflic�ti , ,
<br /> ��•ith a�plicable I.��.+,,u.h contli�t sh�ll ni�t alfcct uth�r�ri,�i,ion,��(thi�Sccurit>� In,irumcnl or thr Notr��hi�h�an bc gi�cn
<br /> , , el'fecl ailhnut the mnfli�ling pr���•i,icm. 'lo Ihi.cnd thc rrn�i.ion.��t' thi, tic�unt> In,�rument and the Nute arc drelared a� i
<br /> bc ,e�erabl�. '
<br /> IS. 8a�rower's Cnp�. l3iirruacr ,ir.tll hc�i�cn ��n� :��nt:,rmrd�ap>� ut thi, tirrurii> In.�rumcnt.
<br /> 16.AssiRnmeni uP Nenl�.liurru���r unrundi�iunull�:i..i�n.and tran.l.r.�a I rndrr;dl thr rrnl�and re�enuc,ul�hc 1'rn�rq.
<br /> ' 8orro��rrauthori�cs L.rnJcr ur I cndrr'.:i�cm.�u:��llr.i thc rrnt..�nd re�rnar.and hcrcb�dircrt,carh trnant ul thc 1'ru�cn>
<br /> to pa>• the renl.tu l.rndcr�,r 1 cnJcr'+agrnl,. Hu�����r. ��riur In I�nJci'.nnlii� �u liurr�����r ul liurru��rr'�hrC�l�h u( an)
<br /> �o�enant or agreemcnl in Ihc ti�runt� In+�rumrm. {iurr�,��rr .h:ill�ollr.t anJ ►«ri��all rrn�� and rr�rnur,u(th� {'rr��rl)
<br /> ' a• tru,trc t�ur Ihe Ixnrfit ul 1 rndcr :uiJ li�ttru��cr. 1 hi, a..iEnmrni ut rrm..un,titutc,an ah,ulutr a.,ignmcnt anJ nu� an
<br /> . a..ignment fur a�iJitiunul,�cunt� unl>.
<br /> I1�L�rlJ�r gl�cs n��liC<<�t brrach to liultaa�i:I.U;�II �rnh rriri�r�l l�� 13urtoa�r,h,dl h� hrlJ h� R��rruacr u.lrU•l« lur
<br /> � Iknrl'it ul Lcn�cr unh�.iu hc applir�l tu ihr.um.•«wr.l h� ihr ticcuui> Imtrwncnt: 1��1 I cndcr .hall hr eiuul�J tu.��llei�
<br /> and rccci�r:�II ul' Ihr rrni•.H ihr Priqkrn: :m.1 lil r.iih len:uii ul ihr I'ra��ci�> ,hall ra> all i�n�•�;i�anJ un��:�iJ t.�I rndrr
<br /> or LcnJrr'. a�cnt un LcnJ�r'. arinrn Jrman�l to �hr irn:un. �
<br /> B�,rraarr ha,n�n r�c�incd an�{�nrr a��iEnmim �H ihc rrn�.:�nd ha�n��l and��ill nut��rrt���m sie�a.t th.0 �•.�t+le)pre��nt _
<br /> I rnJrr Ir��cee r�eriitiin�: il� riEh�. unvrr thi. paraEra��h It�. •
<br /> 1 rrtd�r.Ec.�10 u,,- hrrcquirrd turnirr urun. tal,e�umrul��l ur meun�e•:�ihr I't���,rri� hcl„ie.�r.r :� _��u��_u,�li.r.,l hrca.h.
<br /> IU �+�ff��x�C. �"�Oca�c St. I enJrr ar a )Ut�tildl�t dr���tlt1�CJ tiiCl\tI I11J♦ ��� x� :U .�tlt IItI7C I�1CIi I• J I��C:li�l. �11� ,i�����t�.1:tJC
<br /> PI fcq���hJ�i Il��l :IIC� Pf��JIkC JIl\ Jet.eulr ��f Ifi�.1�IJJh'dli� ��l�1Ct f 1.�11 ��t tCflld�t� c•-f ��Ill�l'1. ��11�:I�N}�l�llilt! ��C L:IIL.��".
<br /> th� ('r++pert} •he66<<enunaw�.f��n the.t�•ht ��,.urc.! h� �1<<tir:uiu� In.i�nm�r' �. i�.i:.; �n tidl.
<br /> i�. . . ,
<br /> .
<br /> � _ _
<br />