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<br /> . _ _� This lastr:ra��: ': mndc as aP ,�°_.... . �a �aac� (•LioAholdcsr")� � �
<br />-:��,�,.^� �x��� on �" . hnving its prindpal pluco af buatnoas ot
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<br /> ::{�r'��_
<br /> ;;��_` RECITALSI
<br />�''��`-:.
<br /> �rr1.���
<br /> -= A. Li�nholdar ia tho holder o£tha bnaotidal iato�ast in u aate���c�cad�yy�Qdee��l�truat (tho
<br /> ����� ^Second D�ed ai Trust" an the M rt d Praparry�dnted � -�
<br /> "�- — zecuted by �re Funa�n �or . aa reco:de an
<br /> __�,�� -- ,at
<br /> eb-�:.. "'�3�1 1�6� �in the raal estuto
<br /> ���� ' -- �as iastrument Caunty�
<br /> rec�.ards of n A�.�. �
<br /> ±�'��� N E e N A S K A _ _ — __ .pertnining ta tho ceal catatc tacutod At
<br />��'�s�l ,�P_296 MFSST 11T„�j STQ[�T QRAND iSLAND NE 88803 � ilttdl�lcthot
<br />°-- descrlbed ae foAaws(ibo"MortgAge d Propert y') ��a
<br />------ *"' SEE ATTAGHEO LEGA1. DESCRiPT10t�
<br /> --==�
<br />�� B. The Secnnd Deo�af Trust bald by Lionhflldar is junior aud subardivato ta u deed of tru.qt(tho
<br /> '• =F'ust Ucv�i vf .. '} hcld by s�l��,ac3flidenial Moxt3�a�, ina. oa tha
<br /> "''� ANIEI. L JANES and BECKY L .1ANES �
<br />_= Mortgaged Prapa�fl}.,p
<br /> __ thv o�*zses('Owaer")of the MartgAged Property desireA W rofinanco tho FYmt Deed of Trust laan
<br /> ou tha S�axtgaged Proporty.
<br /> -_ �� � Far good and vul�Jka consideratlon,tho recoipt aud autfidency af whicl►t�horaby ucia.;���3edgod,
<br /> . Lieaboldar sgccos aa Qa�Uuws:
<br /> 1. Tha S�cond Deed af Truat tecid by Lionhaldot el�sill bo subi��!nad ste�+�rr{tt+natv to a acw de�d of �
<br /> trust ("Now Deed oi Tcust") ae�yuiag a l�aa arigianted 6}� C'olu�ubi� Fedoral S�raqga Bnnk
<br /> pertaining to the Morigagcd Proparty aad aacwing a nato i�z�n artg�cr�al princlpul uuac��'�t nat to
<br /> _ pM�d, Sixty j�l„S„e� Thou� nd Threo Hundrwd F1d'tu Dollnrn
<br /> �y" g 3� 3 5 Q .0 0_ �,,,�� �� bCAf� tOittSt AY tl IA1p pOt IO URCCCd
<br /> S�,�,,, e n d 0�,g / M a 1„f,_„psrcant ( B . 6 0 Io) per ctanum,
<br /> and meda primarliy for the gwposo of rofinaadng tho First G�+ad o Tru.gt laaa.
<br /> � 2, Li�holder ackuowlcdges tbat Calumbus Fedarul Saviap�lBaalc i.g�e1Yin$an�his ins^wiut1cat in
<br /> maktng tho loaa se�tintod by the New Deed af Trust. Lienholdar a�reea thAt tho New Dced af'frust
<br /> 8�i8I�f1ilV8�0 8R1II0'1�rilldlty,priariry�and otfact as if csxocuted.deltvoced and racarded prlar to tho
<br /> datc af tite Secand Dcad af Trust,pravldcd,howover,that natbing in thiA instramcnt shall in any
<br /> ro�loalse�oi al�ecgthe vatidi�rhprurarity of ihe Seeond Deed af Trunt,ox�aspt t►s providcd�salny WAY
<br /> F.Wercd lnto this 29 th day oY.�1�l�tl:dr.li —• 1�.`�
<br /> EMPJtli� FUNDING CORP. ."1�"„i'"�,,, ' .
<br /> ,�' � `� �:,.
<br /> ---�- `.�`_Y,�1101�e1 ��
<br /> .— ("Liunholdar") ti.�� .,�`�,......:; `?�:;,`.
<br /> ._ � \/ �hl r 1�1�
<br /> �,�� / f� i�' �� . S L'.
<br /> _ _.:.� &;' p� � A A• 5S '4.���`` '` ►��`��.
<br /> Nac�v;, ��t,•`'1 ik�'j . , ;�C�.
<br /> '��� '3 v�:��':'s v f�i1 :''S
<br /> -- MICH LE HAli s ASST S�C � �•�. � .�"`
<br /> ;:FP��� STATEOF�EiCA° -- -- '`` �•�••h• .
<br /> - = COUNT'YOF TRAVTS __._._.._._..._ ���'''����;;�����''
<br /> - --�-:�
<br /> �qAa_.boforo
<br /> -� mo,a Nat—�lic,per�sonally�S�d,B, . S�A�flL�'i._�rA�N°Mi���r.x� NI►RMC1N
<br /> P o�
<br /> �.. --_ . to me personaUy known to be the
<br /> — _ � an who by are duly sworn,
<br /> — -� snbscxlbed the�r na�ne to o forcgoing inatrumcnt av tw afflccr of esld wrporatioa und
<br />_ ,����� ackaowledged the exccution of sucJ�instrument as tho valuntary act uad decd aP said cotpcunticm.
<br /> =- -,�� .�...va .
<br /> — ---- ``''� h BAIOOEI'KAVBTROUD -------� —.
<br /> �;.,,s;-,� •�• ����� Natary blic BRIilt3E AY S'PROUD
<br /> `--,••� ''+ a��''* APRILlt4�Q000
<br /> ���: Myco�����: -
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