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� <br /> ,� _ , ti . . .. . . . .. <br /> •'�":r'.,i�'i��ti,r i�i.�,��d,v}..+�,�1;':�:':+•��:�i�`*�" ' ,,;'�i:,` ,;• .\� ', : <br /> .1�� � . <br /> .. ..�h' .�.i:� .�;� <br /> ' i ' <br /> t . !�-i'j • ' <br /> 1 + <br /> '� � _. . <br /> �. t <br /> ����,. �-, .. .. . . `� - - . '"_ _ ._.,.....' `�_ � - il. .. �� . . .._. .. -'J '__" <br /> _ _ f1YF'iW-� ' ' • .. ' � . __.`��._�1�.`;..Yfi la{<<i�iY�Y�a- .��ci� d ..w1__. <br /> YYa}ds' ' <br />.��-�����Fr_ _ ' .`__ '__�.. .,_._.._..._..._.�.".' ' " .. ' .. .. � .. �1� ........ ��. .:.. . : - <br /> • � • • <br /> 99° �«s��r� = <br /> 1�.�arca`auwe Fmcedurc.If l�cnder requl�t�allate p�yment lo tWl undcr pAraBraPh A�4ena�*maY - <br /> tavako t�a�awcr at eelo�nd aay at6er remcdlcs pcnntttc�l by appltcabto Ipw.Lcnder ehall bo enNtic�to cu{lect <br /> ali cx�casca tncarrcd tn pursuing thc rtm��dlea undcr tbts par�gr�ph 18. tndudiag� but,not ltmitcd co. - <br /> rea�sonabla attornoys'[ees aad coste o1 dUo evtdence. <br /> It tho power nf�nio Is Invoked,'llnc�tee sltatl crcord x�nolico ot dcfaul!In each county Ia whtch uny paM o! <br /> the Pt+aporiy ls toa►ted pnd eholl mpli coplcs of such aottco la tho muancr pr�cribcd by nppllc�blo law b <br /> IIoiruwcr ond ta tho Whcr persoa9 prescribed by appltcuble law. Mtcr the ftme reqai�ccl by pppltcahlo la�v� <br /> 71�u.�ica ahall givo pt+ylic notico of enlo ta ttis�ersonv and tn tho manner pn�cribcd by npplicablo lew.'d�ustee� <br /> wltitflut dctstan�on Iioiro�ver. ehall sc11 tho Pmperty nt pubUc aucUon to the hl�dest bldder nt Qhe timo and <br /> plato antf under tho tcmtp deslgnatecl In tho notice ot sale in ona o�mora pArccls And In any order 7Yusteo <br /> deteiminc5.75rustce ms►y pa,tpono snlo ot all or aay paere9 of tho Property by publlc announccmcnt at tha ttmo <br /> aa�l plsto�!any prtvlou9�y sct►cdul�d salo.1+C11aC1'4P If8 dC3IgpCO lniiy p11t�CILU.�"01U0 Pt'O�y st fltly 6AI0• <br /> It!Tro l,ender'8 fnterest in thls Sccudty Instr�at 4v hdd by tlao 3ecrotaey ond tho Sccr�tt�ey requirav <br /> Immrdtate payment h� f'nll unslcr Parpgraph 9� tho Secr+etur� may luvako tho no�udtcial powcr o! sato <br /> provldcd la tdc Slaglo F�cnQy Mnrtgago Fartclas�arc Att ai 19Q4("Act")(1Z U.S.C.3731 et se�.)by raquesting <br /> p farcctosuro commis,vlaner designa4ed und�r tde Act to conimeuco [orecYavuro und to sep the Prupaty �.v <br /> pravided In tho Act. SVt�tding in tho p�ccc�ing scntenca ehall deprJve Ql�ro 8c�retaty o!Aay rlghts otherwtsa <br /> ovallAble to A L�ade�'n'�7rdrx t4is Fe�gre�b 18 ar appitcabte Iaw. <br /> U�x�rcceipt of�wymeat aP fbo prlce bld,Teusteo shalt vd��vcr to eha purchascfi'ilustoo's deeil conveylag <br /> tbe �i��xiy.'i4ie ratitAls in tRo�lustee•s d�ehall De pad�.Y�facla svldT�ce ot thv 8ruth at tho atatcments <br />� madu S�a.�YUS�CO BIfaII wjlpl�1I10 pY�O�CC�1.4 Ot 1I10 BAIO ID thP fOROWIl1$Ori1C1't(A)�('i 41�i C0518 Qlid CIIjICILSt9 Or <br /> exemising tha power o?sulc,nnd tha eAle�ineludiag the pAyment o!tho Tru.qtee's fces n�YUS�llly tuca��ed�e�ot to <br /> cxceed f 1 V8 (5) 96 ot the prlacipW amouut at tho noto at the timo o!tlte dscls�ra�io��t�Y dcfault, <br /> Alti�t't�1R'ilAablO 9tt011�H'fees as ptr�nittcd by lwwi lb)ta Atl eums secured by thls Secanit�ItuStruatant;and(a) <br /> an�y eac�t.�to the persoa or pers�n9legal�r entttled to It. � <br /> 19.Reconveyanco.Upan payment of all aums sxured by thls Se�udh�Inatrumont�Leador shell rcqucst'Csuatee <br /> to reoonvoy tho Propecty and aha11 surrcuder thie 5ecurlty tnstruraene aud tili notes avld�noiUg debt sccurc�d by thts <br /> Security lnauument ta Teustev. Tiwtee s�hall recanvey the Pcopeny whhom wurrm�tY �md withoat ch�go io ttio <br /> porsou�tr�rersone logally antitled ta i1.5uch p�rson or parsons aAt�!p�y any r�ordation os�sia, <br /> Yv:s,a6�ti«aio itari�.i.�cnd�r� .�iii v�tvA. ra;�€�r�;:r�tss tft�r.�r.r Ts��:�x!s�lnt s:s:�� _ <br /> tniatno to any T�usteo sppolatal hereunder by aa instniment cerorcled iA tde couaty in whicb tGis S�curlt�d�natiument <br /> la rcoorded.Wlthout convoyanco of tho 1'taperry.tha euooessor trusteo shnli sucseed to a11 tho tltle�pawar asttl duties <br /> canferrui uppn Tnu+tee horota and by appltcublo law. <br /> �l.ltequeri for Nottces.Borrowtr reguesta that�opics of tho notioes of d�fuult sut�salo bo sent to 8orc+uwar's <br /> �ddres�whicd ia tha�r6perty Addtrss. <br /> Z2.�tlder�to th1�5fecur[ty Iastrument.If QA0 0!IUOPO G'31�Ot19 Ai0 OXCCUtE(�bJ/BOfiL�IYC!ARiI iC00TilIX1 t0$Eti1lJ <br /> with tbis Sacuriry lneuumont� tha oovaaant� af cach such �idor ehail bo incaryorat� aAro aud ah�ll �mand �nd� � <br /> auppiement tde covGnants and agramenta of thla Sccudry Irstnumnt as IP tho riderte)wem a put ot thi� Securiry <br /> (ast t.(Check applici►blo box(�s)). <br /> t7undominium Ridcr Qrowdag F��ity ltider 0 Othor(FgcciPy] <br /> � �ttwned Uatt Davclopment Rtder � (iraduate��`N'�ment Rider <br /> �A1HE)���.m ►+w 7 0+e r,�IUyr� <br />