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<br /> • •IAY n Atld . Aenl��llr� r�le�rd t• �� irr�t�r�
<br /> � �
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<br /> .. . AttM�q �t Lw! iN�eluft�c ��lerrer �• �� Tt�rt�h ��� �1 InR ���re�� 1� • g/'?'-'-
<br /> ' � , �A�7d I 181Itl NF: 688[L_i �n/ i1N!OYL111al1p NATIaMAL�rINR O►61UIM0 IiW10� �t• M l�e t� •tre� t• n --_--_--- �yf.
<br /> � !1�
<br /> H��Ie �rr� v�� �tllnR d�teu 1• P. o. �w liq• Orw�/ l�l�n�. N���uk� N�02. �•Yr•°=`��'"'�;' .:`;
<br /> � . n I����lwMl�ewMli�r�tl�w� 7�u�t�r 1t����e�►ly ���et�. trM�/���. ca�+ef��� ���lp� l�Tt��t��� le r ,
<br /> , „ . , trwt. rltA Mwr d ul�, f�r eA���Mtle � Ma��lq d /nNfl�l�rr. rw��► M/ �a� t t� tA� t�`S� .
<br /> ° . ' sM/tt/��t tAl�ON1 �! l�wt� th� [�liw/�{-daarlM! �tsMttl• l�at�/lw �-�P,�,,, �t^�t`�-'-
<br /> _ . ' IM1��� trrltl • � ., . .' `n.�. -
<br /> ' , Unit No. G o� The ar&nd Islan� Doctors Rui 1 d^r„�+�,►�.���++ , ;� '�.�..
<br /> _ , ,
<br /> , �Ptqpert�y Reginte. es created bv the ik�1 s�At i�n /If�tP/� ��TR{L�R' ',i'.'.:,��
<br /> � . . . '�'I
<br /> � f�...1
<br /> .�. 1980 and record ��' ��,.:�� .�;,�;�
<br /> • iCe� H0.11 COUI1tV. Nebr�ske.� A� ]lrti mwnt �� s���ri]��a�� — % '.,•.y"`}'� :•'' ,s
<br /> together with 8 14X t*+ erBar t� ��••••�•�� Q��n* ��^�•--}---° thereto. �
<br /> t•R•th.� �IeM �ll►wUaloR�. lwpra•eNnt�. ft�tu►es, �tn�t�. �Ily�. p����ItevM�. ���ew�nt�. ►IRht�. prl�l- � ,
<br /> Iq�� �s��pwrteM�wea lec�t�1 twer�on or !e ��r ��r �ert�tnl�� tM��e�. �n� th� ►�nt�. l��w�. ���llt�,
<br /> ����eN� �i tM� e�lel�t� th�ee�t� lealvdl��{ �1l �uth ��ewe�l p��p�tly th�t 1• �tt�eh�� t• th� I�p����� , ,�
<br /> wMe� M N t� ew��ett�t�w ��R�Yf�• •il d vhleM. /��IYUM eql���t� �M d/IR1��� th�r�t�. �r�h��Nr + . ;
<br /> �nl�t�i N M w���R�[ tA� r��l��at� e+�+v���a !n trwt A��►r� it N/w�����M tMs �1L �f tM f���� � ' , .. ;1..�,='�:`
<br /> ��4y�M1L M A���lwdt!r rd���� N �� eM� l�N��t�: .. ° #" ;',:°'
<br /> �OR ipt HpIWiC 0► !lCURiNC� 7�'�si',;:
<br /> (�1 ehe �+M�ent oL InJ��t�Jne�� a�7dancai �r Tru�te�'�,}}p,� ������t� ht��vltl+ M , ., �''�.•�W
<br /> ���.•.
<br /> , � � . e d rc p�9 e N p�i AIM PT ���Y �� toM1�thes t;�{,t
<br /> vqth arl��e�! �2 th�r�te or r�t�� provWe �tlie��ln, oT t e prleelp�" �wi Int�r��t a� �nf . �l•r'
<br /> � ;`�. �i� ��tura �dtent� nat t� e�easd the tet�l p�leelp�l �u� Jnitl�lly �aur�J hete►y �• e�Ideec�A :',-r.�•
<br /> , �� ;.'�y''`_
<br /> �'r'�:, !� b� P�aelwar�nat�� �t�tlnR thar et� �eeure� he�eby, Med �n� �n� dl nn�v�l�. wodlUe�t/�n� � .
<br />.. ' '� �•„��1�.; • �eeor�wi��vith th�•tMtNl Lotth th��dn� vbleA�►r*thl�Nt�s�ne� !�Iwn►� id� � p�t �� '�')� , ��
<br /> . .
<br /> . . ';
<br /> . � M�eaf 1 • �
<br /> . •:1�'�;.�, (�) th�p�r(orMne� a1 eaeh n�ne�ent �n� eo�nn�nt ot t�w�tnr t�u�le ee�t�IMd� �n� . .,. ., �
<br /> ' ;: •�:,.. . . •` .�.
<br /> ,�1.. . f'�....:,�:.
<br /> te) th� p�ri�et o[ eny�u+ or �uwn o[ �e� vh'leh �r�y N h����tt�e pH eT �iv�ned �'., •'.�,,r(�}i',....
<br /> •,�,:' .��„i'` br IM�flef�r� �wl�tth� t�rn� o[ thi� ottd oi 4�wt. to��Eba� v22t� 2atatsa! L�hateeR *t th�► 1.�;�:�. , ,..,:;.�,,.�,'.
<br /> . ' .'� �• r�N �r��lNl iw tM not�. •
<br /> !� �t�t�et eM �uuslty oI thl� Deed o� 7tu�t. Tru�ter h�re�� c���*��t� ��1 �{ret� �� f�ll�w� . �
<br /> l. p� � t ol d�btednee�. To p�r vlKe �u�, tM �rinRl��l �f• �n� tl�� Iwt����t M. th� Is��►t�/-
<br /> ���� ��l��wa y tM net�, thRr���. I��� �nd •11 �tMr ww �� �r��1N/ !� tA� l�M l��tru��wtn
<br /> � , !. T t . T�u�ter l� tl�e ovn�r o( tM Preo�ety �n�lu� tA� rlaht �n1 �uth�elt� ts���a�t� tbl� •
<br /> . � p�d�t Trwt tw���1�at to th�prop�rtr.
<br /> � �. �a� �nA M�����e�t�. Te p�r. vl��� �u�. �Il t��e�. �p�elrl ��wu�nt• �e1 •11 �tA�t e��rp�
<br /> � ��d��t t �re��rtr, •[o��tlu ��.� ��e�.���Iln�r�ne. �w�. In th� �wwt �e��ftsl��y �A�11 /�f��YI���
<br /> t� d� t� tM !,lM�t� r��uln� un��r elr nete �ecur�� Mre��, �rth w�wwt �� N1 �� �dfleliwt t• w��
<br /> ��1� /�M[labsr t� ��r �ud�t��s�. ���e��wa�t• ���tti�e eh�rp�� �� �M� ��ewr /��.
<br /> �. e� ��n e. io ke�r<<�e �wp�ove�.ent� eov e� here�ft�r lx�t�J en the t��l ��t�t• ���er�A��
<br /> ' hetHM le�rre� �R.1„.e �e.Mr,e br flr� eMl •�Kh ath�r h���r�� •� Ilenefle���/ Mr ��qrlr�. Iw ��ew�t� �MI � .
<br /> � eeNMl�� �eeeptella te �eeeflclery� �nd vlth Io�s p�r�ble t• ���enearr. iw e��� �f 1N� u���� ��� I
<br /> �llole�� ��ne[Lel�tr 1� �uthorlce� to �dJu�t. ee4ltoe �n� eowp�o�l��, tn It� /I�erttlae. �11 tl�tr�
<br /> ' tMrtw��e M�. �t lt� �ol� epeloe. l� �utl�orleeJ to �ltl�er �p�l� tl��pranel� t• tM �e�R���tlan •f tM �
<br /> � . �roNrtr o�upon t6� ln�ebtedne�� •enure� I��c��y. ►at o��ent� cqulyd ry tM Mt� �l1 eMtlew w�tll
<br /> - tM�w ��err��h���by •r� p�l� in t�Ll. I
<br /> S. Qe �lr Ilnlaten�ncc anA Ilne. To pro�tl� r�p�f�. ff�t��! Ar fII1tlII� �n� �ull�ln�� er I�pro+e-
<br /> � �ent� ner�r aee� te��on Cl�e p�opertr= to Meep tl�e p�epe�t� In RNi een�ltloe �� r���lr. �Itheu! r��t•
<br /> w�1 f�e� [�o��eeh�ele• er otAec Ittn� net e�p���el► �uAe�Ne�tei t• tM llen h����l{ t��et w�kt• �����r
<br /> �e ����lt �e�eul�wne� to e�l�t nor to dlwlel�h or Iw��l► the ��Iw e�eti.rfe�•rer rf M� �et �r Nl��1M
<br /> , t� �et� �� ee eey�l�.�leA �ll requlrewent� et I�r vlth rt�peet t�t9n p��pert�. . •
<br /> �,.I;� � i. Cond�wn�tlan. IA tIK cvrnt thc prep�rt�. ot eey pert ther�el, dull he te4ee ►y �wln�nt �M�In.
<br /> �eMftel�y l� eetltled to en�leet �a� ��celvt �11 eewpenr�tla+ M�IeA a��It p�t� f�r �/ ►��ptrt� t�k��
<br /> er f�r ��w�{e� ee��o�+•�cr not tnken, wnd �entflel��� �h�11 �p►11 �vei�eNpen��tf�n� �t lt� ept�ew.
<br /> . �LtMr b ■ reiatlaa of eha lnJebtdne�� �eevt�� I+er��r er t� r�o�l r�w�n�to�� th� P�ep��t� �� tdte.
<br /> "' � � , �. Pet(orwMee by He�cflelnrY, nceellel��Y w�/, but dul! lu��no o11tR�tLon to. de �n� �e� videh
<br /> i Tru�to� b�� �It�ed brt [Mied to do, end Sen�Ile/�ry ■�� �i�e de �nr at It �ren net�����y !e �ret�et
<br /> ' th� 11eM h�reo[. Tniwtar �rree• to ropar, upen derned� ��� ��w� �e •rpe��� 6y A���flel�rr fe� the
<br /> � .' �6ow p�roeu�. �� �nr �un �o e�cpended b/ bee�f/el�r� �h�11 b� �dde�ts th� 9a.hitde��� ��eur�� A���- .
<br /> ►r ��i ��eaN •�err�l by the ll�n liereot. �en�[lal�ry �h�i! n�t fneitt�n���t�on�l 11�►1LIe� Mewu��f
<br /> M��I1IM� 1� Mq 1� �t orlt te de he�au�d�s.
<br /> •. As�l�h�eni�o( Rcnt�. �enefleln�r �6e11 li�t� lh• tlRht. pa+er �n/ •ull�o�ltr durl�� t'�+e ¢�n-
<br /> tlnrMe�o�h1� Ilrc� of Truet tn eolleet eIM rn�t�, I��ue• �nd p�o[It� ol th� peeptrtr �nd eJ �n� per-
<br /> •�•� r��r•�e� leewted tl���ero �Itl� o� �Itl�out t�kln� po��e��lan n( th� Pte0e�t1 •(ftete� Aer���. �h�
<br /> T���tor h��drY �b�oluteir enJ �MCOndltlnnnitr �nef�n• •I! rtueh �enew� lw��M• snd pr�flt• t� ��Mftel�r�.
<br /> I ��w�tlel��r. howver, I�e�cbr ccn�ent� to Tn�•tor'� eelleetlen �n1 r�t�ntlee e/ •ueb r�nt�. In�v�� ���
<br /> I pro(lt� �� tl�er �ecers �nd U.eewe r.r���e. �e I.s+R�� Tru�te� t• net, �t �ueh tlw�. Iw �ef��lt vlth r�-
<br /> � ��tet N pwTw►�t ef �ny ln�l�bleduen� wee��r�1 hereAy, e� In tA� p•�I��Mne�o[ �ny qr�e�ent h����s���r.
<br /> • � If Mr e�ent od IeQ�ult �e�e�lhnd I�ereniter In respeet te thl� need ot Tru�t •h�ll A��� m�enrrel wnd��
<br /> . I -•a:�:s- •-�"
<br /> ee�tln�1�R. ���+�f9el��r. n� � �ntttr e� t�Rne �en vichout no�ic� co 7ru.io� .r .n��: ... w -.-••
<br /> 4�o��ter, n����QAeut vrp,�r�l to tl�a vel��e ef the tnut e*t�te ot tl� lnt�rat od tfi�Tru�ter tl�ereln.
<br /> �h�ill INr� tiN r1Aht ta npplr to nny tourt IuvinR )url�lletlm� �e �rrotae � tee�l��r eI tiM pr�pert/.
<br /> ' � 1. Iq��cetloM� Oc++ellelnry, or It� •genl�, repre�eet�tl�e� or�or��en. �re �utl�otlee� to ent�t
<br /> � �e �nD ne�a��b��4Qre uTnn a ln Mr h��� ot tIK rro�erer ror e�. r��ro�. ot le�rtetln{ tQ+e ��+� �n/
<br /> . .. Qor RiM pu:pe�e o�? m��Qon�JeR �nr oI th��cc� lt A� wtAorlad t� p�rloc�a�d�r t�t�QU o! �n► lo��
<br />- � I�t�1wl11�� �71tCYt�d Ib� T�rueto�. ' -
<br /> • A0. lr�n�[er ot P�d¢�rtrt�� I[ �11 0� .�r p•�Q•e er. o�ev.re�or.nr an�e.r.+�o� zrd•noa th�ed�
<br /> _I. . -
<br /> � •
<br /> � ' . , '
<br /> • • .r. .. .
<br /> 6 � . � . �
<br />