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<br /> Mt�R'PQAQ� �1D��NDtJ1ltl �����4t1�:�
<br /> me randw�,o oro aaa�n�►co mo nno,t�sga. �,ae cn�c++tne��. rna aaa��+m an�aa awu aa►,�o�arae� - _
<br /> k;to,nnd rc�o�dfld wiifl,tMu M9�i�upB. Tho tarr�i'NtaRpapa'onaa ba dr,.,�m3d te�setu�s 'D�d of T►vsL'N epR�4�eHte. _
<br /> THIS TAX•Eat6MPT FINANCINQ RiDCR Is made this 30�t��day of�i'j�,_,_,,, „_;_,,,,,,�9Q(}_____. qnq b 4ip4Tpamtod _
<br /> Nta nnd ahntl bo doamed to am5nd and auppl¢mnnt the Mortpago, Ooud ol Trual ot Socurity lJnad("��AUn�ty �nniamont') 01 iht► ttmo dnto
<br /> pNun by t�o undcr9i$ned("OoROwar")to aoouro Bonowor'o Noto("Noto")�o��,� o or e�u►��4t�e�n�.,t�g.r�lc o�a�nd ln (1t1�_—
<br /> ('Landor")ot tho oamo doto nnd cowrMp tho prop�rty douarbod h�tho SoourUy Instn�mvnl and tncntud at� 1QQ�1ZVl��lA��Lat�.�3.�1�+
<br /> QrA d a1�1d..�L�4�l0� _.�.....,.--
<br /> t►ooa.i�y�F�'ro.e
<br /> .1b adUttlon�t�the covenant� and egraa�ronta mada h� iho Sbourlty tnstrumc+nt, t]orro�ver And 4onder hirtnor ouvennnt s�na A�ra�r.n �amfl:�tl
<br /> PArnflrt►Ar `�01 Ihn Modef Moftp�g9 Form,antitbd "QroUY1dA PF.'ACCA1ptAt�O(f O}�9b1" as by addhp pdditlanal flraundg 4ar c�;.C�nitrr4bn ao
<br /> t01tow8:
<br /> Lendar, or ouoh of Ito suaoesaore ar aeaipna no may by aoparete hetrumgnl naaumo tnupanatbllKy tar�aaurtnp oomp5aooa I�y the
<br /> [iortawer witn tho provlsione of thb Tez�Exempt Finanolnp Rtder, may requMv tmmUQhlu.paYmnnt fn tull of nA ouma eocu:�sl by thte
<br /> 600urft�►Intatrument 11:
<br /> (a) AU ar psd af Ihp P�opMy b �otd or oth�rwtio uanehrted by 8oaoww to p puroh�dor p�athar tranatur�e:
<br /> �Iy Who annot rwitontbM tr�axp�otQd to 000upy th�propaly ae�prino�al nsld�nou wl�hln a ratanAbis tkna aftsr 1�w an�or
<br /> tr�netrr,.n as vtuv�asd n s.o�bn ��co��no�ixa�op iti�(nt0md RwMW COd�;or
<br /> (II) Who hu h�d A R��tMtt OwnN�hp htirNt 1� �ptYlCtptl �sldN►C�durY+p any p:q of th11 IhnMay�tr pHbd�nd3tp un Ih�
<br /> dat�of Ih�e�M ot trAntKr,aM�t provkMd In 8potbn 1�3(d)�nd(fH8)o!th�IntKn�l iiivmu�C�d�(�xorpt th�t "100 p�m�tt1' olt�Y b�
<br /> wDitRut�t�or"p0 pK4Mf1 ot maca"wh�n th�M�ttN�pp�en 1n 6�alku► 143(dx1►)ot
<br /> (UI� A1 Mn toqultkbn oaft whbh if prfotK lh�n 90 prresnt of Ih��v1aa� fse�numhnue prtc�(grsiter Ih�n 1t0 �+a�nent tor
<br /> tarp�t�d era�mklenonl.�e a�arovm.ci h s�oian »t�)tnd(IK2�o11As Ini�md wv�naa CoMn or
<br /> (N) who 1�y �pro�p Mmxy lnoom��n �xoua ot tn� �ppltol�bN pKO�nt�S� 01 a�1pN2ahi�modiin tamlry hoom��� prp��s��d M
<br /> Srotton 1�13(1►and(ly(8)o!th�Irct+mal R�wnu�GocN;or
<br /> (b) BonowK t�u� tu acoupy th� propKty dnora�d n the S�ourNy tn�trumint�wlihaut priar w�Rton aone�nt of LtN►tit+t or Me
<br /> ouecn�on or R»I�r d�iorlb�d at!h�bphnhp of thls T�x�Ex�npt Ffrt�nolnp tL'dK, or.
<br /> (o) !Borrowrr amR� ar mNr�pros�nta �iaal th�t b mtt�d�t wRh rosp�of to thp pmvYLlpna of Seotion 143 01 tRa tntemll Fi�wnw
<br /> Cad�In an appfloitl�n tat Us bill��6u1i�aY thh�SOOUrNy IneWment.
<br /> R�tKmoes an to th�tntwnal Ravenus Cado ae amendad and In efMot on��tta dnta et leouanoe ot boads, tAe proo6siia a1 �vhioh
<br /> wW b�ue�d t�Hntnc�tho Saaurity In�tmment and are dear�wd to holuda the tmptl�f�i�niNp tllpul�tlonp.
<br /> Di`+Si�INiiiLO t7`4'•—i,vt�i��orrow�r w�7Pw�nu i�iws iv ti�iwm:'smi�.�v`+�.'io L"i��i�Ts�S...�""SS�!P.'s'.Sl�"-�'!,�^f��!�+.
<br /> _��i� ���'`�ryr�`�_ t�u�
<br /> oorrowa p�p ; u dliU'L"�
<br /> , � a � �tl tQ �^��1 P�r�(F,dt�t.)
<br /> . ��oN•� e ea u�'n u errez
<br /> y803 W. Jahn l�tre+st,Qva��md INAnd� NE 888tD3
<br /> if, oa fonp ae the MoR�Qa is nutat�ndinp, all ur any pAfl 01 the property b eotd or�tranatnrrnQ by BoRaw� w}tAOUt t ont�tw'�prbr
<br /> wrlttan aons�nt, oth�than a G�nfbr by dwl��, debaont or by operAtlon of law� th� LanclW..may, aR 4ondor'� optfan,daotuo �Y U►r 6uma
<br /> wourod by 1he Ma�Sp�flga to bo tnmedktey due�nA ps�yaaM. • .
<br /> � . .
<br /> (C�diAL)
<br /> BorroMa
<br /> (t�:Al.)
<br /> Q� 0o��orr��
<br /> TH18 TAX•EXEMPT FINANCINQ WD�R ta m�d�thh_.,__� day ot�,�,.�. . nnd !a fnoo�poratb Into �nU
<br /> shtl Ce d�rtied to am�nd and�uppMrt�ent tho Mortp�p�,Deed ot Tru�t or SeourRy D�ed('E1�aurity.Inntrument")of the enmo cialo plron by
<br /> tho und�rs�ned("eurcaww")ta e�our�8ottowefe Note('Noto•)ta
<br /> ('•�onder")of the sama�ta and aoveilnq the praasrrtty dsa:�a0 In tho Seourity InaWmont nnd Iocatad�ntt
<br /> - --�QP.rp,9�tly Addrqt)
<br /> 0/,16170f.1 Nlf'A YIfN
<br /> Ft�16.LMU(0/01) P�y� 1 0l 8
<br /> Q�0�0
<br />