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<br /> • . . - _ _. . . . ,., . ��'\ .... . .a.�1::i.:.
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<br /> � OOt11t'at6 WHh OADIxUb1A 41w, auCh CpNL�Ct Ohlt��npl eite0l alhN prOVIJIOnp 01 Ih�a &o0urfty Inptrum�nl Or th0 NOtO�vhtGh Crif1 00
<br /> " ' � BWon ottcol wqhoul tho aontibflnp��ovl�lon. To IhlO and Iho prOVl�tcn0 0}lhl9&oOUNIy tnOtrumoni anp tho Noto ar0 daol�rod to C�
<br /> ,. ba ooverob+a. �
<br /> � 1G. �or�owee'e �t+py. Qarrowar ahatl p��hzn ono conPonnod oapy o+fho Nata nnd ot thls&oeuriry tnahumanl. I �A
<br /> . . �-
<br /> {r'
<br /> � � `.,+� 1�. N�dl1l10 St�bslt�ll�A�, OaRp�n�r ehau not eouuo or patmN Ihp proaeflae, ueo, dispoeel, etaraQe,ar re�ea99 0l M =
<br /> ' � nny Herartlouo 6ubOtanCOa on or in tho F'iopony �orto�vor ghnii aot do, nor alta�v anyono otso to do, anylhinp utiocttnp lhp
<br /> , `. Nrop�Ry that I� k� v�otat�on ol eny Envkonmonhd la�v. Tt1e pt00opU�g pvo eantenao3 ehoii not appry ta fHo pmaor�c0, u30� dr �
<br /> . ntoraQcs on Iho Propsny at nmatl quantltles ot Hurnrdouo &ubotanaoa tAat aro Qonoraly r�mopnizod to bo approp�UN to nortr�ql
<br /> ` � roaldonik►��soa and to maNtonpnco ol thp Proparry � �9
<br /> .,.�---' poRONOr uMOli promptry pMa �andor wdriun nptiCO of any hva�tigatlan, o4�tm, dompnd, Wwowt or othat aation by nny ,-
<br /> , b.�i ; govommonial or rupufatory epenoy or prNata pnrlY hvoNinO tho Proporiy and ony Nar�ardauo Sub6tanoa ar EnvUanmonlnl Law of �
<br /> whtoh 9orro�vor hao aaWai knowbdgo. If 8orcawor br.mo, or Is notlilnd by any gavammyntnl or rogulatory pulhoNiy, thut nny _-
<br /> ...� rpmoval or othor romodC�tton of any Hnrardaun Subntanans alloat�ng th0 PropoRy 1� noaoneary. 9orrpwar ahall promply taku atl —
<br /> � ti. ,.� n�cosoury�omad►a1 aatlonn In aaoordnnco�vith �nviranmonlul Lnw.
<br /> As uaed h thla pArqpraph 16, "NUmrdoua Suhotaneo�"aro thoso oubstnnces dolinotl as toua or rpznraou�substuu�uy by
<br /> „ � Envhronmcmnl La�v and tho fo!!owlnp aubatanCO�: gusolino, karossno, other It�mmabto or toxio polrolnum produots, tox:o �
<br /> a .� postbldas nnd horb�ldos,voL�tlk�aokcnto, mnturL�ls oontatnlnp aabasto� or tortttntdohydo,nnd mdloaatNo mntnriats. An usod M
<br /> • t � � tho parogroph t8, '��vUOnmontol Law' mpuno fcttlornl bwa and L�wa ot tho�urtsdlolloo �vho�o the Proporly l�locatod tt�ot roin40 _
<br /> , �? to hoatth,antoty nr er��•i;onmpnlEll protaatton. '
<br /> „ •�;t�\• NQN�l�N1FnAM CC�\�NAN�S.torta�rur nnd Gondor tudhor covonant�tni epmo os t�lbws: __
<br /> .•.,+�s�
<br /> ., ,�)� ti77. As9fpatt���ot af ��7��0.8ana►vor unoondflionalry A�sy3na pnd transiere to lendeT�U tho renty and revenues o�tho
<br /> � ��• �; Propflrty.Hano��er 41u1hpr�oa lsn�ar ar Londar'a q�itmte ta oollgol tha�ente and rovonuoa ond hor�by diruo2a eaoh tenant o1 th9
<br /> .'�` '' � PrOparty to pAy th��an1a to Londet or 4endor'o ��an:s. Howovor, prlor to Londor'tt ootico to Bonowor o! BoRawor'e brosoh ot
<br /> ony covonant or agronmont in tho Socurity Int�trumvnt, Bonower shall oolleot and�ecehro nI1 mnta and rovonuo9 of tho PropaAy
<br />� ao Iruotea tor tho bonotit of Londor �nd 8arcawor. Thls aoalgnmont ot rontu oonotRutos an abaoMto nanipnmont nnd �ot an
<br /> ' aeslpmm�n�tor ndd►tiona�evaurRy anry.
<br /> - If Wnaor gMoa nptice ot hraaoh lo Banawor. (a)all rento receNad by BoRawor ohpll bo held by 8orrower c�e truatee for
<br /> �., benetit oi londor onry,to be applied to th�eume 9soured by tho Seouriqr Inetrument;(b)Lendet ehpil be entRbd to oo!bol nnd
<br /> recpivp oll ol thp ronto Of the P�opwqr: and (o)oaoh tenpnt of tAq PropeAy ehail pAy pll rent4 duo and unpakf to Lindx or
<br /> , �� Lsndu'e aflent on Lertdefe w�lttm demand to tA�tw�ont.
<br /> � BoRO�ver hae eot exeouted nny prtar aaelpnmonl of tho ronte nnd hoa eee and r�ill not paAom�any ect thet wou1�prevenl
<br /> Lander kam exsrcialnp Re rtp�te unaer thts Par�praAh ii. �
<br /> . , Lendm ahs11 aol be requted to entar upon,tak�oonuol of or malnt�ln th0 Property befara or o�or p�alnp notbe ol brwah to
<br /> -��'� Borcower. Howevar,lortder or e�udbbly appolnted reoeker may do eo at any tYne th�te h �breaoh.My aFP�«bn at ranto
<br /> —�•�� .. g 1 anA.� T 1►aeahnmon nt mntn e!!lu Prm�etq
<br /> sin�&nai oure ai wGtn6 in�v'i��iiw iii :i'.:�"�"'•t3:,tii II!!�S t'j�!!?f f°�!!!°�'", ! ,._�.. !!_ ---_.- �
<br />'_�:%�� ohetl tormheto when tho dobt aeourod by!ho Seourriy Instrument Ia pald k�fuU. -
<br />-�,_�
<br /> � =�'�'� 18. Foreoloau�e Procedure. If Lende� repuires immedlate payment In tuil under Pareqraph 9�
<br />--3 l.
<br /> -.R
<br /> Leader may Invoke tho qower ot aalo and nny OtAOf �0119E{�IEb permittod by epplloebie Aw.
<br /> �� ���. Lende� sh�ll �e entitled to coil�ot atl expanaes inaur�ed In pursulnp the remedles p�ovlded In
<br />;�°ti�,�,,� thls Paragreph 18� Includin�, but no! tlmlted ta. reasonabie attornoya' taos and costs ot titta
<br /> �;�;� evide�n�e.
<br /> - It the power of enle ls G�,ar�ked� Trustoe shall �eoord e notloe of detsutt In eaoh caunty In
<br /> _-- whlah �ny par3 c�� the lar�eolrty la lor,s+t�d and sha�il n�aii caples of euah notice In tha manner
<br /> - ° prtsarlbod by a�ey��ioabl� 1��+ to Borrower a�d t� tt�n other person�prosatibed by appllo�ble law.
<br />-_w..,:,� Afl�sr E�'ee time r�guirad f�g��alicabte tsw� T�uatea d1�11 �Ive publEo noUce of wte W the pe�sons
<br />__�:.�.,�� And ea�the man�ne�prescr'��� by eppllesbte law. �Qa�alee, witfeoul deena►�zi pn Borrower�ehail troA!
<br />-�•���" the P�operty at �pv�llo n�a��con to 1he hipheal bldrl�r at the Uma and �4nce and under the terms
<br /> ===�i� deupnated In e�e� aaUca of sale In one ar mur� �m�mela a�� in any order T�u�tae d�termines.
<br />.�-:��::%� Trus3ee msy poatpana �le of ail or any perael oT tAe P�opo�ly► by pubtlo announoement a! the
<br /> time and plsoa of any �erevlouely soheduled se►!�. 1.ender or ib desl�nee m�y purohste the
<br /> ��_='= Property at e►�y aate.
<br /> ____'� Upon r�celpt of psyment af the praae bld� Y�uatee sha�a d�liver to 1he p�reha�er T�usteo'�
<br /> °`"` deed conveytrt� E�oe Property. The recttets i� tha T�uatee's daed ehell be prima taele evidenae of
<br /> T�:� the truth ot the �letements made tha�el�. T�ustee ei�tl appty the prooeed� of the wte in the
<br />__,.;r;,_ tolbwing order: (�) to a7l casts and expa�ses of exerolalnn the pawer af sate� end the ate,
<br />_��:�f Inoludtng the psyment ot the T�uatbe'a tee�aotuely ineu�red, �ot to exaeed three 95
<br />_- _ ot the p�inolpal emount ot the note et the time ot the deotaratlon ot dettult� �nd rea�onsblo
<br /> `-"-- att�rneys' tees as permitted by te�w; (b) ta ell sum� eeeu�ed by thl�Seourity Instrument; �nd (o)
<br />���- any excos� to the persan or p�rsons ta�eifiy ontitied to i�
<br /> . If the Lende�'a Intetest In this Seeurity Imtrumeat 1� hotd by the Seorotary end the 8ecretary
<br /> " � �equl�es immedl�te psyment in tu11 under Peuegr�ph 9, 1Ne 8eorotary mey loivoke the nonJudtol�l
<br /> power o4 s�ede p�avided in the Single F�mlty Mort�epe Forect�ure Aot of 1994 ("Ac1') (1Q U,B.C.
<br /> ;:�"�� 3761 � �.) by �equesllnp a tarectosuro commissioner dasf�n�ted under the Aot to corr�men�e
<br /> �` tereotosure end ta aell tho Property aa provlded In tha Ac�. Nothing In tha precedU�� sentence
<br /> . shatl depr{�e tt+o 8ecretary of any rlahts othe►wi�e evailabfe to e Lendor u�der this Pare��eph 10
<br /> s or e�r�ticabte le�r.
<br /> • • 19. RCZO�m���OCO. Upon paymont o1 atl eum� securod by thla Socurrity InaWmonL londor ahall roquost Truateo to
<br /> r000nvoy tho Propa�;y and sAaA aurrond�r this 8oturftyr Inatrumvnt nnd atl n��oo0 mtdenotr�g dobt securod by thf� Socurity
<br /> ;'����;�:;;�;� Inetrumonl to Truoto�. T�usteo shAll r000nvoy the PropoRy wltheut wartanq and wlthout eP�a�co tho poreon or porsona lasaly
<br />' .:'.`YS���';�1` vntfttofl to U.Suoh
<br /> ,, ��.,, poreon or RnreDns ahall pay eny reoordatbn coeta.
<br /> '���'i.
<br /> ., • � rse�a.tMO�+roe� a�o•�oi e
<br /> .. . � oeo90
<br />