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<br /> 'tY3t11iTl�E�R 1V1'ill u111hc�im�trnvrmcnte nmv a�hplr.oflct�c►ected ot►tho pnnpcny,und all rnten►ent9,�ppurtetwnrcy, und
<br /> flxtwcy m�w un c�rcnitcr u part uf thu pr>>pc�ty• AU ��pbu�emcrtle nnd udditiu��s ahull ulnu hc cc�verrd by thls SccuNry
<br /> ln5tn�n�rn�. Ali uf Iho fi„G�uln�1 IA rcParrMt tu In�tdu S:swrl�p In�UUU�em u.y tha"Pmpcity,"
<br /> H�INRUWt�It t't)V�NANT9 thiN Hu��wer ia lc»��f�li��r�l�td ui 1hc:cstutc hrrcby�v+nvoycd and hns thc�iaht to gmnt aut
<br /> convcy tho 1'�z�}i:�ty�rcd tht►t tit� lfi�getiy la u�tentiY�mbes�l,ex��ept fi�e cncuu�br�u�rra nf re�v�Kt. tl��rn�wer wurranGr and wUl
<br /> �t�fcsul gr�ictatly tt►u titla to thA 1�tW�tY ullalnu ult rtuittt4�utd dcm3n�39,sut+Jcct to uny snti�utnl�t�wt��w��f�-eiv�rd.
<br /> TNIS fiEt�l)RI'TY IR+S`CRU(ME�NT�rmibli�.-s unifi�rrn�xrve��a4r ti►r�uutnctul use and wn•uNform sovcnania with limlt�l
<br /> vari�li�+�y�►y j��r��il��tl�u�w Uu►�iuun n w�►corm xc�uritp lns�iUmc�at cuvcrinu rr;►1 Progcrty. •
<br /> UNIFqRM CQVEiNANTS. B�.►m»vcr iutd I.cncicr m��xnnnt nttd qqrce av fallotvx:
<br /> 1. Fey�i�ent oP f'��1itc{pal nttd t�terest= E�tcpny�n�a�tt nctd I.ote(:hurges. I3o»ti»vcr slrall pmmpdy pay wl�rn �iue the
<br /> prinripnl��i'und I�tcretit�m tho deM evlcton�rd by tl�o Notn nm1 nny prcpaymcnt und Inro charges�lua under tho Nntc.
<br /> a. Fund9[atr Taxcg und Im�ure�ecc� SubJcsl�o apptii;ahlo luw ur ta n �v�i4ten waiver by I..ender. Borm�ver shnll pay to
<br /> 4ender on the d�y m�mhly paymt�nle i►ne duc�uK1cr tho Nutt►,uotll tho Nato is pafd in fLll.c►sum("h'unds")far:tn)yeurly tnxev
<br /> mtd i4cscsgmcnts�vhich may nttaitl nri�ttity avcr this St�curity�Instrununt as n licn an tho Property;(b)ycurly Icusehold p:�ymenis
<br /> or ground re,hta on tha Properiy��P nny;(c)ycarly hDr�rd�i�ptrperty inyttrnnco promiun�.q;�d)ycarly fluod insumnco premiums,
<br /> ff uny; (e)ycarly martgago insunutco prcmiums. IP anyi a�rd(n uny sums payublo by�onawcr to Lender. in acrardanco with
<br /> tho provisio�t�nP pa�apraph A, i�1.ltuu�f�he pnymrm at muduaQc insur�nro pmmiuma.Thcsc it�ms uro culled "Bscmw Itcm.g.'�
<br /> l.cndor moy. at any time. calleN and hnld Funds in an nmm�nt nnt tu exw-x�i�he maaimum umouns u lender f�r a fedcrallJl�
<br /> rclatcd marigugo lnnn may ccquih fc�r Horniwer'�cscma� �4rnunt midcr tho fvdcml Reiil E.r•tate Setdement Pracedures Act of�
<br /> 1974 a9 nmendod tYam tlmo to timo, IZ U.S.C. Saction 2�qi et seQ, ("Rf?SPA"). unless unother lu�v thnt opplfcs to�he Furtds�
<br /> scts n Icsser amannt. IP s�►, l.emio�nu►y. at any timn. ootlact unci hald Fundv in an umaunt not ta oacc�ci tho lc.gscr nmount.
<br /> I.ender m�y estim�to tho mm�unt oF l7unds due an the bimis of currcnt dutu und resuanablo estimates of expenditurc.w of tUtu�o�
<br /> �scrow Items ar oshcrwisc in a�unrduaco�vith a�pNaal�lu lnw.
<br /> Tho Funds ahall be held in nn insUtutlan whnso c9apc►sita orc insurcii by n iedcral ugency. Insintmcntnliry, �r entity
<br /> (including Lender,if I.cndcr i�anch nn insdtuti�nl or 1n un��Roderul Homo l.oan aank. I cndcr shall opply the Punds to pny�ho
<br /> �srrow Items. L�:nctor nmy nat chnrRo Ik�rrower fiir hpltlinp nnd nppfying the i�unds,uunuully annlyiin�tha�c�nw aocount.or
<br /> vedtying the F.scmw Itoms,u�ins.g Lcnder paya 6c�rra��t^.r intorest on the Funda und applicubla Inw permitA!xc►der ta mnko such
<br /> n churgo. Howevcr. I.ender mNr rcquiro Barrow�r tn pe��a ona•timo chtuge for nn indepeudent cxwl cstaw tna reparting servicv
<br /> usc�t by l.ender in c�cnnccttnn with this lann, unlusa �pllcable luw provid�s aihorwlso. Unlcss nn ag�+eement Is made ar
<br /> appticuble tuw requircy huu�a to bu pnid,I.enetas Fhall nnt ba r+cquirc.�to pay Bor�+n�ve�any interest or eamings ao the FY+nda.
<br /> Borrowec nnd l.ender mny a�h.�o in writin�. haw�var, thht intorest ehufl bc paid on tho Funds. L.ender ahnll give to 8omn�ver.
<br /> without charII�. an nnnunl nacxu�nNnII af tho Funsis, r+�a���ing credits��debits to thc Fumie nod tho purpase for which cxti
<br /> debft to tho Fun�s�v�mfxta,'Thu Furtds nru�lodgai ns t►�dlflotu►I scc��ni�j�Sor all sumv securod by thie Sccu�ity lasttument.
<br />_ �g�n�u�i�d by l.e,ular oacoc�t6o amountr�per��itted ta ba:Cr:Ti�by applicuble low�I.emier eh�il aea�unt ro B�arc+���� .
<br /> far 4he exccss Funda in nooc�nl��ae with thv rc�uirame�►IN u1'nppltcable law. If tho amaunt af tho Funds hcld by Lcnder t►t any
<br /> timo is nat suff7cient to pny thw�crow Items whan duo,l.cnd�r muy so nat{fy Born►wer in wdting.ar�i.in suah cASO florrawer
<br /> sAs►11 pnY ta L.cnder tha amaunt necess�ry tn mui:a up thn do8cicncy. Qorrower shull m��ke up the do�ciency in no moro than
<br /> tt�relea nsonthly paymsnta.a1�.+:ndor'8 sole�dissrstinn� �
<br /> Upan payment 1n fLil of all si�ms sccuood t►�� thlC Socu�ity lnsttumem, Lendcr ahnll prampily mf�nd to Borrawcr an�c
<br /> Funds hcld by Lender.if,unda�pamgniph 21,4end�r�I�u11 acquiro or seU tha Property.L.cnder.priar to tho s�cquieidan or ea►lo
<br /> of tho Praperty� xh�ill apply nnp�Funds held by i.cnd�r m tho time of ucqulsition or Ralo ns n crrclit ngoinyt the aums secured by
<br /> this 5ccurity Ittstn�mcnt,
<br /> J.Appfd�uzlon at Payw�nt�.UIIJCSY Sy�1IIC<1t1H7 Ip111'�►�r�vides aihcewiso.uil payments rcccived by I.xnder under pamgra�'�s ,
<br /> l Alld�ShAI)�D A�IIU(I: fimt. tn uny pray�a�m�nt�ch�r�os dua un�ier�a Noto;socomd.ta umaunts pnyabto under pnrugruph�;
<br /> thicd,ta intvrest duo;faurth;�tc�pdrtcipnl du�;and In3s�;�n nny Inte chan�es duo uadcr Uio Note.
<br /> 4.Chat�esi Llens. Hurrower ahull pay nll taxe:s,;res:.c�smones,rh�rges. tine�su7�impooittana nttributablz C��nho Property
<br /> : which may attain prladty mror this Security[nstrum�ic,r, �nd Icasctae+1.1�x►yments ar ground rents. if any. B�s+mn?.wer shall pay
<br /> theso Abligati��n�in tho mnnnn�pr�vided!�a,ramgr��h,',i,�ur lf nat pai�cn�ihut munncr.Bnrmwer 9hu11 pay thu�un timo dircctly
<br /> ro tha person u�ved ps►yment,�AArrawer�hu[1 pmmptlp�..f,urnlsh ta l.er,<Irz uli notice.g of amauatn to bo puid uttdor thie paragsaph.
<br /> lf&,rrower makes theso payaiQnu+directly, Rnrcc���r.r�I.n'.1 pmmptly furnish to l.endcr rcccipts avidonciag the p.�+mcnta.
<br /> 8amnwcr ehnil prompli;V cliuchurgo uny ll�n Hhi�a 4ns prlority aver this Fecurlry Instrument unlcss Borrav:�r:•,(n)ngrces in
<br /> wrlti��ta thc payment af tha ahligiuiu»a�s��ic�i hp t1iA lion io a mnnner awcptnble to l.cndor;(b)cantests in gc+c��:�,kaith tho lien
<br /> by. or defcr��is aguinst enfa�ement af tt�e iien in� Il4P111 �IKICCC�1f�,�S W�IICII �Q lh0 LC11dCf�A RpIt1I0t1 0}1CT6t0 tA j1f�V@ht UI�VYO
<br /> • cnforcement c�f tho Nen;ar(c)r,ecuncs f�m thv hnitlCnnP tho licn�3�reement e�utisPactary to Lcnder subardinating tho 13,�s�3a
<br /> this Securlry Inscn�ment. If I.undar dctenn9aca th¢t�t►a���putt af the f'�'aperty is Rubject to o licn which may ua�in prlarity ovcr
<br /> G`nis Securiry Instrumcnt, Lendor�nny give anma»�ex a.u��21uo idendtjrin�the Iien. Bormwor ah�U�tisfy the lu�ur�cv wke one ar
<br /> rr�or�of th0 acU�ns set fonh ubovo wlthin IQ de,ys ui dtu giving aP notico.
<br /> - w�eo�a vr�o
<br /> Popo�ot 0
<br />