. �:'� ..t. t...ti81, ...;+g171�� IfviiY{'3,y��•.C,° �,,.'l�"h'���'''�' uY+: •�5I%;i' r�; ' . �•:�`i�ir;p'�C!!YM�� „�..
<br /> , �'i iff7!� �
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<br /> . . d3M �rm-,. .- w . •�'�--
<br /> _ .'N:}�as�
<br /> .� v. .•
<br /> . . ' . .�. • • �
<br /> , .. 'ti.i.i:.,: _•
<br /> �..�- i � �- -_---__
<br /> - . !' .. - ' . ._ ..._
<br /> '� . h.;dY.N.: . _ -'�.�_...
<br /> ��. 1 —
<br /> 1`Y.�.f'n --
<br /> _ -��_... ` 90-- 107499 -�W=---..-Y��.__
<br /> . ,.;,;� ---=_ ---
<br /> .t.. �.�
<br /> ���.� 1e. NMc.Yn.o�w Pro�INoM.
<br /> T.
<br /> p) �bnpw�Nd II�IMd.Exts�flon ol tho dm�lo�p�yrnmt or modllloatbn ot�mortlutlon ot ths wm�Mound b�r fh�� ___
<br /> D�sd ol Tru�t pnnhd by Und�r ro any�ucceuor In InUrNtof Borrower atull notoperate to rots�sa,U�ny mannK,the i�.aury ��__ _ _
<br /> of th�orl�in�l 8orrow�r��d 8onowsr'�euccsasan In Intsrpt Under sball not be►squlred to commence procNdinps a�fn�t �ryr;��;�----
<br /> ,; .., ruch tucce��or or►Mu�to axbnd dma lor payrn�nt or othwwb�modlly amortf�Uon of th�tums s�cursd by MI�Dwd of Tnnt —
<br /> , ., t•-� - by�e�n ol any deewnda rtwdo by fhe ori�lrwl Borrowor end Bortower'a aucceasoro in Intereat.n,01 an obll don herein C
<br /> .. r .���• (b) L�ntlw'�Pow�s.Wlthout allecdnp ths If�bNlry of my othsr penon Ilabte for Me psyme Y 0� ,�
<br /> msndon�d,md without aHecdnp the Ilsn or ahuye of thls Desd ol Tru�t upon any pordon ot the PropeAy not then or thentoforo 3y.�-,�, ..,,�
<br /> -- � � '"°""` rNsawd u aecuriry lor the lull amount ol all unp�id oblipadons,Lender mey,lrom Hme to tlme end wlthoul noUce(i)rNeate any ,.,,,,.,h• h;;�.,,:.,.
<br /> � �4'�� ~��-� ' pwson so Ilabts,pl)extend ths maturity a elter any of the terms of any such oblipatiom.(iil)�rant other indulpence�,(iv)releue ....�,r�
<br /> � ��Ri ��,; , ., 1...�.,�.; ��..
<br /> _ _ -_����' t �, a r�convey,or cau�e to be rel�a�ed or reconveyed at any time at Lender's opdon any parcel,portion or ell of the PropeAy, ,.,,���•_�:�,
<br /> —� �,.;r.'�J� (v)t�ke or relea�e any othar or addidonel eecuriry for any oWlpstlon he►ain mantloned,or(vq m�ke compoaidons o►other v,����
<br /> -- �s ' - • ' - '� ananpements with debtors in reladon thereto. +�''.��-�-�"
<br /> f (c) Fab�srana�b�I.�ndK Not�Waiwr.Any forbeo�ance by lender in execc�sing any ripM or remedy hereunder,or „�y;�'':•
<br /> ���•�� � i�:��� otherwise eHarded by applicable lew, shell not be a walve► of or preclude�he�axe�clse ot pny such dpht or remody The � � _ ,�� ��'
<br /> :(s•.��� 4 j-h 4
<br /> __-:;,�.�t� � •. procurement ot fnsurence or the payment of twces or other Ilane or charges Dy Leee�lar sAau ncc lao a Waiv�r o�kws�'a rf(ihl to �-� -- -
<br /> - ��s��'i�ry,,,,��,:,�,-�, - pccelerate the meiturity ot the indebtedness aecwred by thle Oeed of Trusl ,a
<br /> �.'" "`" , t �,,„,4 � ' (d) guee�oRS+wd wsflpm Bound;Jolnt and Sw�l WWlih:Capliwr,TM�covenants arr�aczraoments het4in con- � _ _
<br /> �' ained sh�p D►nd.rind the righta hereunder shell inure to,the respective succ�a°s and assigns ot lender and'�RUSlor.A�I " 4 '� ----
<br /> �t� ` �.
<br /> ' J'a� �.`�,l;;�l:`y:: covenanu air�d aQr�wnerets of 7ruator ahall be jolnt and sws►al.The capdons an�f rt�a�,nga of the para�ra�s o4�ls Oaod at • -
<br /> ;�....,'.r �.,�
<br /> .;. :�- Trust ene br convenienco only a n d ara rtot to b�used 4��et oR deHn9 the Rv���a�na here0l. ,�YY;�.._ --� -
<br /> .' '- �1 (e� pp�o�q lo�Npqe„,The parties hereby requ�st W^.�t a cc�y o��ny notice of de�a�n nereunder and a copy o4 any notice ------_----.-
<br /> , ,", '+:`. t ','.''���' '.'. ;�;�,.; . of aak Bien�ucWer be maited to each paMy b tA�s Dec4 c�p►wt aE ttse addreae set fonh above irt�1he manner prescrlbed by F�f�'w,=--
<br /> . ,.. , ; �i;.��.����.,�....—
<br /> appllcabk I�wr•Except for any o t her not+ce required�wrC�e►a�ptic��le oaw to beyiven�n��oc�e►'m'anner,any notice provided �.��—�_
<br /> ,,,.; �,• � br in this Oaed of Trust shall be�iven by malllny sucM�ai:ce by certilled mall addressed b the other partlel,althe address set �° •^ �_M.
<br /> : -.,;,',r�;,��;.� lonh abovo.Any no6ce provlded tor In thl4 Oeed ot Trw�1 ahaq be eHecdve upon nwi9r�g in tfie manner desipnAted hereln.8 ----� �
<br /> = � Truator is more than one person,nodce aent ro the addreas set tohh at�ove shall tre n0t�ce ta all such persons. �
<br /> �:i�.`�:�'�,':• �"' � � (q Imp�eHon.Lender may make o�ceu��to be made reasonable entrles upon aa�d Inspectlons ot the Properry,provfded ,�M,�;�.,,..�
<br /> ��� '.��-�::
<br /> . that Lende�sha0 plve T�ustor natice prlor to any auch intpectlon specllyM�reasonable cauee therefor retoted to Lende�'s ,.a�+,-€:---
<br /> � ,. � ° • . Intereat in Me Properiy � . ' � �r.:'ii;y.
<br /> .� ^ „ �� (y) paon��yanc�.Upon peyment o1 all sums secured by thls Oeed ot Truat Lender shalA requAat Truatee to reconvey the � .
<br /> 'P�operty end�hall eurrender this Deed of Truat and all notea evldencinp indebtedness aecurec!by tAis Deed oiTrust to Trustee. .,�
<br /> �'��� � Truatea ahall reconvey tho Property wilhout werranry and wlihout charye to the persan or persons�eya�ht�t�1�ed the►eto, �. �� r.°;.
<br /> •���;,;,;4 �. T r u s t o r c l w l l p e y a l l c o s t s o t r e c ordetion,if an y. �y �. i�,e1�.. �1�=
<br /> _-— •".—T--�:�r.,,� .._. r L_�,I. _ oi_Cf'.'7
<br /> ; �.'y" ' , •,��f (h) P�s o n a l P r o p�r l y:S�CU�q�r e�01.AS edtlltwnel seCUnry ior the paymani ui Unr+kuia. T�Ma��..o.atsy Gs�^.., �.- �
<br /> ' ,,. . ' ;;;. ���:�: Lender under the Nehraska Unlbrm C�m^merciel Code a security iMereat In all Ilxtures,equipmen:.an�o t her per a o n a l p r o p e i t y ! � ;� `, �h! �+1��+ --
<br /> �,µ+t',�y t� used In connecUan with the real estato t�improvemente located thereon,and not otherwlse declared or deemed to be e pert of �4. �}�s�`�t:'"
<br /> .. ; .;.��i ` F�Ir�.i;,
<br /> ;�,., ,�:•�� �� ;��, the real e�te seeured A�ereby.This inatrumeM eha11 be conatrued a9 a Securiry Agreement under sald Code,a�d the Lender „`+'��rll +,,, '
<br /> ' ,,...:,,°,.
<br /> • a .:,�, • shallhavea111he�iyhtsandremediesctAaexu��J.^a'�, undereaidCodeinaddiUarttotherlghtaandremedieacreatedunder � �;�:.,.�t���;°.�,;;���,
<br /> �„t,, � � `�'" ,''�:�j:,�l and accorded the Lender pursuant to th�a t}aed oP"�..s::provided that I.ender's ngt+ts and remedies under thls peragraph ahall .�.�,�- - • .�
<br /> . � ��lr.., ,a. � _
<br /> .• -�,, .. '' ',;:;f�ly..,+ be cumulatia+�wlth,and in no way e Itmilat•an on.Lender'a►Ighls aotl remedie4 under any other security epreement siQned by ,;.�i�,:,:;:�----
<br /> •. ..e•e�• .+."1�9C;.
<br /> ;;i;:l i+ . ���d.�,�,�!1� BOnowe►or Trustor. . .
<br /> ,,•.�.�.,.
<br /> p) LMns and Encumbnnc��.Trustor hereby warrants and represents that there is no default under the provlsfons of any �.:�:s.:+�=-w= ., •-,,
<br /> " ��,.}:,�,.�;� mortyaye,deed of hust,leasa or purchase contratt descrlbi np all or any pa�t ot the Property,or other contrac�Instrument or . � •
<br /> . a g r e e m e n t c o n a tit utin g a Ben or encumbrance against all or any part ol the Properly(collectively,"Liens"►,exisllnp es ol the ys�;,
<br /> ° � date oi thls Deed of Trust,and that eny and all exfating Llens remein unmodlfled except es dfsclosed to Lende►In T�ustor's ..,_ a..-�,.•:�°,-!C,+;;�
<br /> , ,
<br /> ...•,F�..±;;,f;�fi,;%c�;;" wrltten dlacloaure of Ilens and encumbrances provlded lor herefn.Truetor shaU qmely pe►form all of Truslor's obllpatlons, � ' .1:
<br /> � �-•�� :. � � covenente,representeQons and warramies under eny end all eKisiting and luture L�ena,shall promptly forward to Lender copiea :�r���'
<br /> �f��ec�:�:��i;b�:;.;: . „ .�•�:
<br /> � ti,:•• of all nodces ol defeult sent in conneci,�n with any and all existing or luture Liens,and shaU�ot wHhout Lender's p►ior wrltten ,�• .• . .;,'�Y��
<br /> ' yit��nr;�,F�,.;;;t�': , •_
<br /> ��%��!%.;•:r.��,�;a, � con=ent In any manner mtdlty the provia�ons of or fl!�w eny luture advances under any exisling or tuture Uens. ...
<br /> ��:.`.?"'i';�����,"!',"•�•' Q) Applle�tlon o)P�aynNOb.Unless otherwfse re:,.,�red by law.sums pefd to Lender hereunder,including without IlmitaGon ,,.;�.;.._�},;.,,•:..�ti�:r�
<br /> ',ay:�"��`�`•'� ' � payments of�•..�sclFa��nd interes�inaurance pro�aeda.coMemnptlon proceed8 and rent3 end proflts,shell be epplled by •� • . -{-
<br /> ,;��;. "�� • •r.•i Lende�to'V'+e a:r.�unta tlue and owing 1rom Truator anJ 8orrower in such order as Lender fn Its sole dlacretlon deems destrable. ;'fl'F,:�,`.��� °"`'`�
<br /> .�:;'_` f
<br /> . (k) Sem�+pbilH�r.II any provisfon ot this Oeed o1 Trust conll�cts with appUcable law or fs declared invelid or otherwise
<br /> "?' unenlorcea�le,such contlict or invalidity shall not aHect Ihe other provisons ol ihls Deed of Trust or the Note whfch can be ., ,
<br /> given Qflect wltltout the confllctinq provisfon,and to th�s end tho prowsions of thfa Deed ot T►ust end the Note are declared to be '
<br /> • • " �:-•: sevarable.
<br /> ° Q) T�nm.The terms"Truetor"and"8orrower"sha��mcl ude both singular and plural,and wAen the Trustor and Borrower , �.,:� .,�
<br /> are Ihe=eme person(s),those terms as used in this Deed ot Truat ahall be�nterchangeabte. " -�
<br /> ,•..�t;_.,,. . �'��..
<br /> ;�,;��� � ' � ' �� (m)Qor�mtno 4w.Thls Oeea c°''r.�st shall be gover�ed�.b"^e�ews of the Sfete of Nebra9ka. . • �;,`!�
<br /> � � y•- -• ' Truotor has exacuted thls Deed of T►us��s a�'the date wrilten ab0 . -- — '! °�
<br /> �,��� , . '�'''.,...
<br /> ,y r' .
<br /> `•� ;3. . . • J s A. 3tauas. Trus�os Hueband) :.;?�.y',� .
<br /> ' ��;�1;�-1� , _��"` — �'? , ' 1 .
<br /> . ,;,' . r}.. (C�31�� ta118s. Tr:.ase�; Wife) � �j.�-
<br /> �
<br /> . �
<br /> � , �
<br /> •- i
<br /> • r . ._. _ _. ._ .._.
<br /> �
<br />