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<br /> Up�u rccelpt af paymcnt u�the ppice bld, Trustco�hall deliver tu the ptn�hn5cr 'f'rustc�'s d¢c cunvey uR tho �,
<br /> ~ 1��prrly� TI10 CC�IlAI9 Iil(ItQ TPU51�'t��A ttCCi)FftOI) IJC �1P�iilll PE1�I0 OYIt�C1iCC 0�llll'll•utl� ot ths stntcmcntn r�uda ti:::c(n�
<br /> 'i'fustca shAll epply tho N��ds o!Itte snlo(n eho Foltu�ving arclec�ta)t��ull costv and e�pe�bscs uP excrcisin�fhe pntiver�f
<br /> 6nte,wnd the�mle�ledt�d{ng the{e�+Yntcnt oY th�'Prt�tre's fec9 astuully Incu���ti.uot tu excecd
<br /> �►f tEw p�ctpal�muuni o�P thn ante ut iht�Ilnto of tt�declaretto��of defat�l4,and rrt�sotYnAle attorneye��CCu.9 as�crmUtcEl
<br /> by M�=ts)to e!1 steta�s�rur�ct by fhi�Beeurt4v[nstrun�catt�ud(c)env cxcc�v to Wn p�eson or�crsoay legatty cnttt�ed w
<br /> !!, -
<br /> 22. Rernnveye�c. Upon puymcnt uf nii sums secuccd by th{a Sc�u►ity Insitumcni� l.e�l�r..4in!! r u��� Tn�st�+ N+
<br /> remnvey fio Prapcity and shaH Furrcndcr thle Cecurfry histrumcnt nnd �dl notcs ovidcncing debt Feturcai�,y thlc+ Secu�ity
<br /> lnst;vmcnR tu Trustco.Trustcc shali recanvey the Propc�y wllhout wnRnnty und witiiuut�:ha�'Qo ta tho peraan ar per�ans legnlly
<br /> entftic+i ta it,Such person or persnns shnll pay nny rcrar�inti�m castA.
<br /> Z�. �u6st[tute'Crustcr.• i.cnder� ut ite antlan, may frum tlma to timo rcmovc Trustco nnd appalnt n auccessar tnrstco to
<br /> uny'Cnaxtea appointeci hemundeT by an instrument rec�rded in the caunry in which this Sccurity Instruntent ia rccarcieci.Withuut
<br /> c�mv�yuncu at tho Pmpcny,tho�urccssor trusteo ahnll succecxl ta nU tho titlo, powcr nnd duties canfemcd upon'['n+stcc hercin
<br /> nmi by applicablc Inw.
<br /> Z4. Rev�uesi[or Notlees.Borrower requcsts thnt cnpies of the noticcs of dofnult and snla be �ont to 13urrowor's addresy�
<br /> ���fiicS�le tho Froporty Address.
<br /> t3. ttlders ta this Scc�r��,x I�wlrument.lf ane or irlc�ro r(dcrs nre�xccutcd by Barrowor and recorded together witA th.is
<br /> t o cavcnunts and ngrcememe�t th s�Securi�!n.trumc�t�us i'F ho ridor()wo�r�e ocpnri uf thie Secu�lty in.tru�nent���upA�cmen� .
<br /> (Chcck applic�tblo bc�x(cs)] � •
<br /> Ac�ustubla ttnto Ridcr _ Cnnd��mi��lum Rider _ 1•4 Fumlty Ridcr iTi
<br /> (3rntluatod Puyment Ridor Plunnu�l'Unit Dovolopment Rider �iweekiy Puymcnt�ic�or �
<br /> Hullaan Rider Rnto Impmvement Ridor Second Hamo Rider
<br /> V.A.Rido� Othor(a)(spes9fy]
<br /> aY SIaN1N0 BB.4A\Y.Borrowcr�oopts tu►d a�ree.g ta tho tem�s and oavennnts contained in this Secu�ity 1n.cUvment und
<br /> in any dder(e)axxutod by Barrower and n4caxded with it. �„
<br /> Witnessea: �
<br /> .�:._---(Seal)
<br /> Wd�RD N C OY � •��mr
<br /> � �����fi��s.�:-�i.�. --r a.....�•._l�•�n"�
<br /> .._..... ,_ 1G i M R CVIYKiAJf �
<br /> ...,...�.�S�A1� .....,.. - - —� _____—_..-.-..���
<br /> •iiorrowcr •Eb�awer
<br /> bTA'I'E OF NEBRASKA� County sse HALL , .
<br /> Tho foregoing lnsu►+ment wag acknowiedged befom r�a ihie �.�� day af P�B1��1�1RY '1999 "
<br /> Witnea9 cny hand and ncatedat sea�a in�itl CQUnty�tho duto Afau�ai�.
<br /> n �RAND IBLAND� ��RABKA
<br /> o �,,�:�.
<br /> My Camn�fssion Bxpires; w+-�""�""'"
<br /> ��M��N Noary PuDtic
<br /> My Co�.F�.kR�11.�
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<br /> � apo e o�b ' Fann AQTt �fAO
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