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<br /> REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE 89�"'�a��7s
<br /> ot tAe County oi NALL �g �k oL NEBRASKA�,er��er c�Ued We party ot the ilrat p�rt� ia
<br /> � ooatld�ratioa ot � HUNORE� SIXTEEN THOUSANQ ANQ NO/1�0----------------------- �y���
<br /> la b�ad P+ad. do hsreb7lti'�nt, �'i�. �11 and con�► nato tbe 8ome�'�daral Sa�lnp�Loan Aaoelatlon o!(�rand Ieland�
<br /> arand Idaad. Nebr�ka,md its woceNOey and aui��,We iollawlaa real estate�t�ituatad in NALL
<br /> COI1Df,�. St#t! O� flIG'RRA�IC 0 � � tdN1L2
<br /> i
<br /> i
<br /> I
<br /> � To�ather wlth all the aPQurtenanee� ttiereanto belonginr�and all covenanta in all tbe tltle deed�r�ndnQ witb said re�l atate.
<br /> i snd aU the reat�, iaues�d ps�b arlsin� therehom aiter default fa perlw�mance oi an,v mventn! x conditlon herein co�
<br /> ; hiued; and wasnnb the title t�o periect and claar euept tor ttds �wst�a�e.
<br /> j Durlt�tl�e time tl� mortgage i� in force the mort�ora agree:
<br /> ; F�st. To Pu7 all t�es and apedal aueermenh levled a�ainat aid ptemiset. includinzi all tuea and a�ments kvied �
<br /> � upon tbi� most��e�or the debt ucured by tWs mort��e. f
<br /> Second. To kee� all buildinp thereon insured a�ain�t laa by i'ire, liahtnin8 and tornado in some eomp�ny, to be ap •
<br /> ' 216,D00.00 �� � '"
<br /> . � �-
<br />' _ } _ � p:'°v�ed bY the e�id Home Federal SavinSe& Lo�n Assodatton oi Grand Island in the aum ot �- ' !or S '_
<br /> tlte beneiit o!t�e Wd Alto�Lt[On,ann its succeasols ar asa�ns� ana io depo�tii xaid puurao rviiu iiuu'�aaauE�ui„+. iu�i si:it nC� =
<br /> oommit or mHer an,y► w�ate on aid premises, and ahall put and keep aaid real eatate buildiug� and improvements in Qoad �
<br /> oeaer.
<br /> Tbird. To pay or cause to be paid ta the Hane Federal Savin�s k Loan Aaaociation of Grand Islu�d, ita succ�aora or -
<br /> � �e ��� TWO HUNQRED SIXTEEN THOUSAND AND NO/100----------------------- DpLy�� .°
<br /> p�yable as tollows: :
<br /> i
<br /> M DUE NOUEmBER 21 , 1990
<br /> , .
<br /> ;
<br /> �
<br /> _
<br /> ' �
<br /> , �
<br /> with interdt tbeeeon p�yable,according to the tenor and eHect oi the one certain ilrat mortgage aote oi said mort��ori,
<br /> bearla; even d�te with thae Praents. Atter maturitY eaid bond draws interest at the rate M Nne per cent per annum. ' =
<br /> Ii aaid ta�ca and a�es�me� ue not I�id when dne, oz if the buildings on a�id premises are not insured ts above pro- �
<br /> �lded,or i!an�r oE�aid latere�t is not paid wltea due,then said whole debt ehall bccome due immediate3y,at the option of the
<br /> s�id Auoelatieq aaQ s�ll there�iter dr�w intenst a!th�e rate of nine per cent per aanum.
<br /> The mocR�a�a'� herebY �- to afd mort�sgee all re� aad �ncome ui�dng at aryr and ari timea irom said
<br /> ptopesty and hercb�anthorise sat� mort�a�ee os i4 a�e�, at ib op�€on, upoa det�ult� to tate chuge oi s�id propesty and �
<br /> cdiect all reab aad income thete�om and appl�the s�me to the p�►ment oi interat, principtl, insursnce pnminm�,tua, .
<br /> : a..e�ts, rep�ira or improvemente necewry !o reep safd DroDerty ia tenaataDle wndition, or to other chu�ei a��ay-
<br /> ; aseabt p�ru�+rlded fae he�reln or in the note hereb� seeuied. T4i�reat asdpment sbatl continne in la�+ce until the nnpaid 1� g
<br /> � u�e of�+�id note is fully paid. Tfse taldn� oi powasdon tiereunde!sba11 in no manner prevent or retard said mort�a�ee in
<br /> . the oollectian at taid sums by ioreclaure or otherwLe.
<br /> ALether said debt becomei due by Lpee oi tlme, or by reaaaa.oi the fdiure o!ffie puty of the gnt pRtt to compTy
<br /> wiffi any conditioa lrcrein� thb siid Home Fad�ral Ssrin�a lc Loaa Asssociation o! Grand Ialand, the aneceswrs and aai�a�,
<br /> shdl Lare tbe rl�ht ta besin tlte loreclaun o! thia mortaa�e at once oa the w�8ole debt hereb� secured, aad to ineIude
<br /> tLe[ain dl taxat, a�re�menw, inp�raace Dremium� utd costs, p�id by it oe them; or said Ae�ociation, ib sueceawn or
<br /> aMMjr, mqr fa+eelae oN�► �s to tbe sum pa�t due, aiffiout iqiury to tbis marlga�e, or the di�ylacement ox impairment
<br /> o[ ttie Ikn thereoi. r--_—_'
<br /> Aad t�e sald $rrt party and the mak�er� ot eaid note, e�peciaU7 a�cee and decl�re that ttte aeparate atate ot eacb aad '
<br /> e�r�r�r on� ot t�m. fncludin� botb that at►w owned aad tbat heera�iter acqnired, is pledged and bouad for the payment at ;
<br /> tb� d�bt berabr�ecur�ed. � .
<br /> Aitee t1�e commeae�a�ent ot aa�► wit in loreciaut+s tbe Dlaindi!thereln iLa11 be entitled to the immedLte posusdoa of � �
<br /> sai�f peusir�s aad t�e a�oia�ment oi a r�ceirer tberefor� aotwithstaadin� theY mu► be the homeatead oi the occuMnt and 4---
<br /> notw[tbrtaadbas tLe ps:iles liabls for th�d�bt ma�be �olv� and the tirs!party hrseb� coa�eats to the aPpolsctment ot a -�
<br /> s.airar u�o. tb. yeodudloa ot ews inaonturs, wtthak otber e.daeaee.
<br /> L Tl� tae+Kdat eondit�aps�ad ajes�ment� aIl and ��ular,belas fu11p pertormed,thla convsyaacr ahall be void, other�
<br /> aw eo b.ana r�m.tr� to rulu taere ada .�cs. ,�
<br /> Sitned tbL_ 21 dq► oi.�..._. N01lE(�8 �;,1 8 �
<br /> - , . .
<br /> In pr�+eoce ot �
<br /> E3R1Prd, Hat�IL iJra • r � `
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<br /> ['�;F7[ Y �+nr��ri_ rClr;
<br /> ��i��;.�rawlw�c'.;, ._..._..__...__ _. _ _ _—__�.�. _ ----'- �.-�w�c.::�tr .. �
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