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,.i - •�:., .-�iTM;. r�.. �y.`� .` ..���. i�•.i•!;. ,�. ,M� .i. ��•n�._ `5. ,�..n..�.-i .�yr�,�.. n�+.: .i :rl�•a�r.. <br /> il •,t•t2 YN,�t"\ ;d: �•. .Z'lk Na` 1..�', c� �•r l.. L�'a(`�_���;"r�:�1 `LL.. .r::A1::�'; '�'i�\l 1Y .l' nyN.�t'a, .h. .1'1 l., a��....'a�-1,i �l. - <br /> .�ti�� �' i .,,r•�a1L�i� �•.t':.�' •�,��' �•\,a�t.i: i'. ���.. i.. �..���i; :F=� .�.t..::...�'�:.{' !' ;:, ,1 �. ��i.t_r�a:. .. i.=m�a..` �idN,,vt�ri <br /> -�., V � 1 u l. t3 1 p 1p 1 !� - �- -i i !� �'t � li �� <br /> �,� ,�tt`+,k'����L.�`��fi�+��Sd�:�\��,� s :'1��73''������L�°�^����t��y:�":���v�!?i'3i1;����'a'�Trij't?:a+u'�:�::V4.���:. � .a�a�..CL�..�L'�. .d�- -,d ,-�_1A�. <br /> },. � �L"�h`y... -Yi! .�:. <br /> u .1 ` � I, <br /> ...� � .� . ..�'1� ��� �i4 ,a.yi\i� . ' . ��i ..� :i!� <br /> .� • , .`y:'�.. �'�:', , <br /> ,� . i <br /> � ` <br /> ��as�� . . � . . ' . <br /> .. . � ..s �� �:t'i • � .. ' � . . _. 11 .R. .-"Y"i�J3�'Y 3�� _ <br /> � .._�__...__..__iM1" _ _ ." .. .._ . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . _ . . ., .. .. _..._._ .�... -. <br /> . .`. � ' ' 9�� i�}�,�s� - <br /> „ ' payrnent�muy no I��ngcr ha requlrad,nt�ho upllan ol'I.cndcr�!P man��o insumnco curcr��u(hi!ho iunu�mt�mU fiir tha�xitdul <br /> that�ier�cWuires)pruvi�t.d hy nn in.surcr�pprovn�by t.�ndcr a�uin bccnmr9�ivnilnhlu und ia ubUiinccl.tlarm�v«;�hnll pay Iha <br /> � prcmlums ec�qutrcd to mnintnln martg�qo insuranca in cifect,nr cd pmvido n lu� rc�crvo,unui t�o rcq�drcmen� far m��r��sv - <br /> � insuranro endy in cn.tiurdanco�vtth any wrltten og�rment behvccn Hurru�vcr wid t.c�tder ur upptirablu�uw, <br /> � _���ctMA. t,cndar ar fts ogatt mny mstca t�nnblo tmtricg upnt��nA ttts�et.•tiat►�ci!'tha i'�ape�y. Lettder�1!�iva <br /> �c�rmwar noticv at tho ti�o ot crr prtnr tu�ut(t�s�xsi;il�n t�jh�ifjrl��g ruLUnu�la cqu+�fi�r Ih�inspt�.tian. <br /> : :.-.�. t 0,C s t�d;.r r�n a t:a a, 'i'!�a ,.., s c s�'�n y ��::�r d a r e l�4 m !'�r d a s s�.°��.d i r�i c�e x i a���e n t l�l� i n s r s t�y 4�s� +:l�t t a n, <br /> rnndomnnUan or othcr tnking of any pnrt of tho Pcopcily��r for cnnvaynnce In licu oF candamnuttc�n,uro hcrcby uvslgned und <br /> ��'�� shA11 bo pnid to 4cndor, <br /> , ,,._. <br /> -_..�. ta tho ovcne of u totul tuking of tha Hvpatty�tho proccedA shuli ba t�pplicd to tho sums eocurcd by this Sacurity Imtrtuncat, <br /> :�i�� whathor or nat thrn duo,wi�tt�any oxcas�pnid w Harrowcr.In iho avcnt of o pariL�l tm:cing of th�Propeny in�vMch tha fnU markcl <br /> - ` vnluo of thu P�r�perty Immediatflly boforo tho�uking is cqunl tv or Brctitcr than tho iunoant af tho suma socu�ed by this Sesurily <br /> � ` � InFUUmont immedlately bofora tho taking, unla�,v 8arm�vor and I.cnder othcnviso e�qceo in w�iting�thn sums ses:ured by thiy <br /> '4 Secudty inswment shatl bo ceduccd by tho amnunt of tho proccecLv muldpliatf by d►o follo�vin�f�ncdon;(0)th0 t0IA)1lmount Uf <br /> �. � thu �ums socum+d immodi�tcty bvforo tho tutcin�, dlvidad by @) tho f�ir mttrkci v�luo oP tho Propcny immadlnroly baforo tho <br /> � � ta�tng,My butnnce shuU bo pnid to Bor�ow�r.In d►o ovent nf u pnrdml tnking of tho Propariy in tivhich tho falr mnckei valua uf tha <br /> �lrpany tmmedintGiy bo[aro tho tnicing is less thnn tho amount of tho sums sccarcd immadi��taly ltt�faro tho tnking, unloss <br /> . . Borrowor and Lcnda�oQ►erwiso agrco in wridng or untess applicublo I�w otAerwiso providas.U�a proccecW r�hull he applled a�hfl <br /> sumA sccu�ed by this Socudry Insuument whe�cr or not 1ho sums am then duo. <br /> � .+.��, If Iho Ptaperty ls abundanecl by 8ar�on:a,or iF,nticc noUco by Lender to Hairower thnt tho condpmti�or offen�to mako an <br /> � awsud or scuto o claim for damogc�.8anor�rs Pails to r4spond to Lcadcr within 30 dnys aftcr tho dnto tho nodco i�givcn,L,cadcr <br /> _ �:_.' <br /> is nuthariz�ed to codloct and apply tho prneecd�,at tts u�siu:,oither to n�stomdon or rcpair ot the Praperty ot to��o autna securod <br /> _�-„�� by a�i�s Secudty Instrumcnt�whGher or noi then d�o. <br /> u;a,�� Unlass Lcndc�and Hoaowcr othenviso qcrco in wrldng�unq upplicutlan oP procceds to princlpal shaU nat oxtenA ar ppstpono <br />-���, thC duo dut4 of t4ho nlanthly��uymcn�v�efcsrv�l r;�in psungr�phs 1 and 2 ur chango the omount oP surh pnymcnts. <br /> - Il.Dorn►�•sR Nat RcteASed;Forbearnnae By I.eadcr Not o Wu1��r. Bntensian of tho�imo i'or puyment or modt�3cuUon <br /> af umortizudon of Ihfl sums seruted by th:s Sccurity Inswment g�untcd by 1»ender to any st�ecc�ssor ln of 8arrawcr ahall <br /> :,,�,� t1U1 OptuAtO to[c�teASO tho Il�ili�yr pf th0 bl�gllllll BOrifOWOt Ot BOffOWCt'9 RUCCCSSn1'9!�1111Cf8S1.L�Cfld01'ShII11001 b0 MQUIIiC�)IQ <br />'r'.�� , c�r�tnonce proceedinge tlguln�t�tny successei in tnterost or rcfuso Eo oxtand timo fo.��.1�rncnt ar othr,nviso modify amortiratitxt oP <br /> ��s3.-,� tha sums sacured by this Socurlty Insmtmvn:�y reASOn uf uny demrotd mndo by tha orl�innl BoYrower or Hoaowar's succ�ssars <br /> �__� in intarest Any f�ttbcamn�o by L.vnde,rr irn�.ta:auing Any r�ght or remedy chstl not bo a walver af or procludo tho ouer�lso nf eny <br /> _.--° ri,��t or�mody. <br />,�,�;���i <br /> - �L�-.&t�....��'fl�s! � p t�t!���e!�S���-lAb1_lt�y�, 'It�e cnvonnnts nad �,�tn�n�q of tWs <br />_--=_�� Secwity Instrumcat shall b3nd-And bon�t tho auccc�sora cmd ussign� of l.cndnr �nd 8orrowc�, subjcct w tho provision9 af <br /> pumgraph 17. �airowcr's cQ�w�nnts tut�9 �menta ahaU bo jalr•.t nn� aev�ml. My Borrower wbo co-slgns this Socurity <br /> Iass�ment but d;� not axecaw tho NoiG(�1.9 CO•slgntng this Soc��rity tnF3rument only to mangugo�grant anQ convey I.hnt <br /> a s Bairowcr's i�ttxa4t in tha i�.�ty �rtder tha tenns af thia Socuriry lr�xtrument;(b)�S nat parr�naAy obUgei�f cQ pey 1hc+eume <br /> socurcd by thia Socudty Inswment;und(c)ugroes thut Lender and uny aiher 8orron pr mny aF{t�o to oxtcrtd�madityr.forbeas or <br /> maka sny uxonunodaUans wlth mgurd to tho tem�of this�ecuricy Inswment ar tha Now without that 8orrower's uonsont <br /> �� -__= 13.Lopn CNa�ges, Jf tho lonn sccurcJ by this Scscuriry Insuu�cnt is subjcct to n aw which s�cts mnximum loar►charges, <br /> __= und thut Ww ls fln�lly intetprctad sa thut �UO�ate�ast or othcr lann chargoo oaltacted or to bo oollocted�n cor►nt�cdaa with tho taan <br /> -- --= aacoed tho pennluod limits,then:(o)any sua'h Qaan chargo sh�U bc��ucod by tho umaunt nocossary to rcciuc�a tho chnrgo u►tha <br /> permitted limit;and(b)any sums ntrcady collected irom iB;���wer whtcn�cced�d pesmittsci ilmita will bo refundod to Horrawer. <br /> I.cndor muy chao� w moke thls rofl�nd by reducing 4�r �r.incipal owcd under t�o Noto or by rtwkln8 a dlncct puymant to <br /> �nrcower. If u rafuttd redutc.a princf{�1�tho tedacdon ��'�� �+o nontIIa m.9 a puttitt!pmpAyment wlthout uny prepaymont churgo <br /> undor tho Now. <br /> 14.Notk�es. Ary naUsv to Borrawcr providcd tor in ah3s Sccuriiy ansuumnnt ahatl 6o givcn by doliv�ing it or by mailing it <br /> .-- _�, by fi�m cla�m^�il unlc,:s Appllcablc faw rc;quir�o uso c►f i�.vaihcr mcthal.7rio notiw ah,all bo dircctcA to No Propctty A�dre.cs or <br /> ____ any pttter addre,u�8cncaacr�tos9gnuuss by notico to Lcnd�.Any nodw W I.w►dcr Shr,U bo�ivcn by ticst claas mail W l.cndcr's <br /> addross swtcd hcro�C►,or aay �+ldor address Lcnder dcslg�Ates by notico to 8arrawar.Any natioo provlded far!n this Socurity <br /> Inswment sh�il b3 doemed ta havo bcnn g��;,n w 8arrower or l.cndcr when given nv pr�vlded in�his�mgmph. <br /> ts.OovernlnA l.x�vt Saverabittty. Ti,f1�o's Secutlty Insuument sl�nll bn gavcmed by fcdcral law anA tho !aw af tho <br /> Jurlsdlction ln whlch.tho Pmgesay is Ia�cA2t�. In tho evcnt tlwt any provislan or cl�uso of this Socudty Inswme�u or tha Noto <br /> cAnNcts wltt�npplhuble Ww.a�a�c�canflicE shsill rtoi t�S'�F�ttt�alhpr pravislons of thts Sacwlry Inawment or tho NaW whkh can bo <br /> ; �lvon affcct wltha�at•tho contUcttng provi�an.To thls ca��J xho pravlalona oP this 5acurity lnswmcnt and tho Nato an�doclaretl to <br /> bo sovorublo. <br /> Portn,uQ�91oa <br /> ��dR(NE)toa�Ql.o• P�p�4 018 �nn�►n: . <br /> _ __ <br /> --- -,u�; <br /> -- ;;:��t <br /> ,��,.,, <br /> ...�. <br /> —::_.�• <br /> ,_... . _ <br /> et��;` J: _ ,-}-m r .�t���rrar� _ <br /> � . f ��Y�'�FT��Vy . . __ -- - . <br /> -...Me�.r� . - �t .-t Ai" 74���'�'� - _—_- <br /> .----- " , . . � • -- � n �rti-��r .4: °° - ----°=- - <br /> � ' ' :��,5 ';»��t��i �S� � �����..� _ <br /> -�� . .. ` , �_ r �,.rr ��'t"�1�fvC4n'+ssrr ' — <br /> r . . ' • `; �� .' .�o — - <br /> -i�YD(9l1Y�. .. t. �y� d <br /> :-nliis . ' . . � l �'Ar...� } _ � _ �Lr #11� L.;iwFi. . <br /> � � �{ -{ �r r� - .. f � r'g � . �T41. � .�bl�C�.._ <br /> rt 1 �t <br /> - v.a�"l:, . " ,.fvv.•�►.t ir �rr•,C'-wa- ,k:'Q�ti_ _ .F+'�ut� .l ._ �O'� . .= - _— <br /> .li�W�� ' ' � . � � .. . . . . :. l..�. / .. . . '.�}� _uT p,+{, TT�`6 YL..�i�4= � – –_ <br /> � �..- �7��1y�( •. - <br /> .if.��A�i.��; . � , - n . " � . ' .. �n ,f]�,�--_ �� <br /> _.;�3-r:-� G' .. . -- _----- --_. <br /> .+--;i...G��: . . . ' _—. <br /> --.L.Cr'6'�Il+ll]��.. . . . • .. �. . . � �1 <br /> -°-:r . . . � �. ' ' + ��-�..�a.. <br /> ----�vir�., . . . • . .. �r ��.}o �..-.--_— <br /> �.� •';. . .. • ,. : �, r , .. a -. , ' ;' - — <br /> �.Ai.+:. N I� . . , ..� -' . ' _ —� <br /> N..{Y*,wT� . ,.� . . . .� . .�� �BIr.�1- <br />-_. ._L�:.�__" . .__ . . .:....... . . . ..._ ._. .�."".�:. .L��l'ai�' i .1«.'� �� '_�l_y .�.'�t..i S- _-_ - . _. .-_.-._ __-__ <br /> ' °.i . :•� x. ry ', . r �Y . .. <br /> . rf� . i ..... �.3 c.. .�.CY�.w..n.1�5: -�.' ���I.�'�'., A��IL�iit.�.� �i=♦�i __' �...�� <br />