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<br /> -,;i; ��t,��,.:�,.�„;�.�., wo�rr�cR —��-
<br /> ��� �'���'�^��. AIORTGACE LOAN NO. L 25650
<br /> , ;;�� ,:.,,' ,�
<br /> � •�`"' ' �`'r q�p�rwu.wsN�Y7Nes�nt�s�rrrs.'rw� Jemes C. Ardnds and Frances A. Are�da. each in nis end =
<br /> �. ,� ;� ,�;�_.,n , -
<br /> �'� •���,�•� her own right, end es spouse of eech other.
<br /> _ �•• C.._ _"_.__-._. . .._.._ _.
<br /> ���"iti�:,�.'i*�• �iOfl��•MIItI/Nt 011L'Of IIfOIf�ilf OoOtidll'llbll Ot 1�M wYll O� --
<br /> . _�.� �t8r ����������� �������� ����������������..�����'�'��^..��.� .. -__--__-
<br /> _ . �'� T�1e�tv Six Hundred and no/100 _ - ' �►� ...
<br /> � � " lo�nsd to aid mortaa�nr bp The Fqufl�bla Buildiu�uu1 I.aan Amcbtion of C,nnd Ivand.Nehra�lu.111ort�ee.upon 26 �hsro�of ttode ot .. .
<br />-�=�`•� � � � � �nd mon ualo tbe dd A.SSOCIATION Ibe fodopUq =:_——_ -- '-
<br /> , . aid ASSOCIA7IQN.CeRifivte Na.L 256$0 ,da hateby Rwat,aoaYay i+pe
<br />-;.:;':`�, dwaibad ial aaa�e.sitwted in NW Cauary.Na4wsk+: -
<br /> • � , ---_ �_-
<br /> ' ' �'���•, ��-.-11. a.t'rr��J.•...
<br /> � Lot Ten (iQ)� Block Eighteen (1�) in Schimmer's Addition to the City of Grend Islend, ;L___._ _ _ ..','-�:.�..
<br /> .. ,,. _
<br /> � � Hell County. Nebrask�. �X;�:�_�""`��
<br /> . fi"'- _—_
<br /> .. . . =..��_�_ �
<br /> , • ��•` ••'�"-�_��j �
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<br /> :,t:,��b,'�:,it�.� . �.i:4w..�.,
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<br /> , „ ,_;�- ;ti=_
<br /> �. r' �. . _.'.(_ .
<br /> � '- . ,i • •� � ' � .. �
<br /> � � to,etY�e� wNh all the tenements,hercdiumenti and appurlenances thercunlo 6elon}ting,includmg alttclKd Ilaor corering.a6 windaw�aeero, . •"__
<br /> , •.,.: '----=.�� w��sluda:.Dlt:sdt.slormsrindom.arrafng�.hcat4ns.+!irrnnditbnin¢.aadQlumbinRandwalerWuipmentandaccssoriatheaW.PumP�.ttove�, �=•----- ..- .�.--�-_
<br /> �,.:..
<br /> � ,'•�.: •.. teBi�,e�atots,and other Putlures and equipmcnt nuw or IKreafler�tuched ta or uud in:�,nneNiun with sdd re�)est�te. �`w•• -. -•��q1e`•_
<br /> ••';�;��.� 'i � � �qd whercas�he aid mortg�gor has a and das hcreb � a tha� ihe m:nt�s or shaU and wUl psy aU Wces and aa+emnenb levfed or ! .t��,.:'�
<br /> '•�%'%�''�'•'�� 1 ' • �� moucd upan s�prcmise:and up�n this m�gc and thc bund ucwed thcre6y be m the r�mr vdap become delin uent;to fumieh a d , ''�"''
<br /> f 9 PWpK ,+,.,• ,�ns>;:
<br /> :.�:'�. . . ' • •��;� „ ahle t�c�sa:d !1SSOCUi'lON u�d tv aklitirr to�qiit 'r
<br /> . �.� � �''� inwraace upon Ihe buildings on s�+d pr�:mises sitwled in the sum��i� 2,�QO.00 Pa� � r ��s'• , ����g
<br /> ,;•' ' ' �''7;?.';::.�,, ...�, ASSOCL17iON the policies for said u:sw:rnce:and not �u commit ur�crmn ar.y wute on ur a ut sc�l�r�misn: 1��,���.� , ..
<br />. � .:� ', � '::il{;�'::� � � �i;=.:,
<br /> :1:��.'. • In are of defaula in�he performance of any of the terms�nd canditions oP tfiis mortRrge w lhe bond�ecaued hereby.the mor1y�ce�7w31� ;�.,
<br /> � on demu�d,be entitkd to immedute pusccsdun nf the mortgagcd pmmiscs and the rnorlgPgur hercby rssigns, traaufea and ieta over to ¢!�e �'
<br /> . mort�ee�II Ihe�rnts.menues and income to be derived from the mortgaged prem�:::during such Ume as�ha morl�e indebteduesf�haU rem�in
<br /> unp�id;and lhe mc►Ap�yee sha0 have lhc p►wcr tu appuint any��ent or�genls it may desirc for the purpose of repalri�s�id prcrt�u�d rrntlad �. .
<br /> �1�e s�me�nd cdkcting the rents,revenues and ina�me.ond it�ruY p�Y uut uf said incume �II expenses of rcpsiri� siid premi�n aad neoessuy ,
<br /> aoma�tiaiu and ezprn�es incurred in rentmg and managmg the s�me and of cnllecting rentals therefrom:the b�lu�oe rcmafnlnE,if any,to 6e
<br /> �pp1ied torard Ihe dischuge of said mortgage mdebtedneu:these rlghts uf Ihc mortgaga may be exerebed at�nY time duH�the e�tsnca of wdi � : _.
<br /> def�Wl,irtetpective of any Iempurory waiver uf the nme. � ""'�
<br /> `;�:';
<br /> � '('hefe f'resents,Iwwever,are upon the ConJition.Th��if'the said Morlgagor shall rep�y said ban un or before lhe m�turity of dd thues by , •;�{.;;�,,:
<br /> ' payment;pay monthly lo said ASSOCIATION of ihe sum specilied in�he R��nd xcurcd hercby�s intere:�and prindpd on aid lo�n,on or befom •,! ,.�.
<br /> %,�''s`"' lbe 7�venikth d�y uf each and every mnntfi,unlil said Icun u fully p�id:paY all lyxes and assessmcnts levkd ag�inst s�W premi�es and on�I�is Mort�e ;' ::• •:, , ',1f;;•.;'_
<br /> ,�:r:,._.•�.., , .-. . ;
<br /> {•>" ud the Hond ucurcd Ihcreby,6efure�J.:mqucncy;furmsh�pproved�nsunna upun thc buildings ihereon in the sum of S 2�sO�.G'.Q payable �: f' ,�;;';;�i.��
<br />- . ,..��i�y.��"... .
<br /> - to said ASSOCIATION;repay to s�id t15SOC1ATIQN upun demand a�i muney by it �ufd fur such tasr�,asuurtrcnt:and ins�uan�e wilh inletest il f� '���''��''�� r:'};;;,
<br /> ' ���:, ' tht m�ximum kgal rate lhereon from date�if paymcnt all uf which Mot�gaaor hereby aathes to pay:permit no w�ste onraidpremiserkap u�doomply � 'xi�.';f_
<br /> ' :•�,, �;;� . � wfth aU Ihc sgtameats nnd conditiuns of Ihe&�nd fi�r S 2,6��.00 i::a dayµave-t+y the s�W Mortgagor lo siid ASSOCIA710N,and ood�ply � . _�' �
<br /> ' �� wllh al1 the requlrementa ol'the l:�mst�tution and Bydaw:uf sa�d A5Si1Ci.1T1UN;then these ptetent4 shall become null and vo1d.otherwhe they .
<br /> � �tl rem+in M full iorce and may be fureclosed�t the optiun uf the s�id ASSOCIATION after failure For thrce rnonths to m�ke any of nid
<br /> . � , , ", psyments o� be threc months in yrtears m m�king sad monthly paymen�s,i�r w keep And unmply with the a�peemeats md ootwlitioatoP nid Bond; . ' " :;,'�,,�,.
<br /> • and Moqpdut�qren lu have a rcceivcr appum�eJ Wrthwith in such furecl�►sure pruoeedings.
<br /> • ������ . . � If there is sny change in uwncrship uf thc real esute murtQaged herem,by ale ur uthcrwise, then the rntUe rcsminipg i�de6tednes�hercby •
<br /> , •,�,�
<br /> ". �i L„�• seqered sh�U.�t Ihe uption uf The I:�r�itable Building aild luan Astocf�t+on of Ciand Island.Ncbratica,bewms imn�eaiauy due and p�yable�vilhout
<br /> fw�U�er notiee,rnd tfee amounl rem�inmg duc under nid Dond,Mnd iny u�her bund fur any additio�ul advancos tmde thercuede�,slull.from Ihe �
<br /> ��' L,� • te of eYOrcise af pid option,bcar intc�cst�r the m�ximum kpl r�te,and this murtyge puy ther.Me G�rcclosed eo ntisfy tht atuouqt due oa a�Ll � t
<br /> �t�.�• . � . � ..
<br /> . • ;2i'�::' q �,an��ily other 6und fur ad�7i:iut�.v;�dvances,taRethcr wit��II sums pa�d by aid The F.qwt�hle li.:nding and Lwn Association tr7Cwnd Island.
<br /> , `{.'t�:.;� . aaca i9r imurana.laues and as�r.�rtk�ts.and abstaatmR extensiun;cha�es.with iMerest Ihrrenn. From date of paymeot a¢'!he muimwu . +,:;'
<br /> , �F' kpp�au.:. '
<br /> � ,,' .. ,;� .
<br /> ' ' � � �a pOVided an t?ae&mJ srcurcJ hcreby,whdr th�s'�mortgage rcma�ns m ri1�rs the mortp,�ee m�y heretiter�dvutce addiNonal swns to IGt �
<br /> !��.:��.t,:., ,� teakeas mts�id Bond,e.�,e�r assigns�u wcceswrs m mterc�l.whicF sums sh�ll be..nlh:� �"ir wcunty ut'Ihis mortg,sge the nme as 1he iundsoriprmGy •
<br /> • . • aetared sGeeby.the total arm�un��d prm.�pal deht no�tu'ex�eed u ar.>fr:r.c!<c+���r'1 nmt�uM of lhis nwtlgtge. , . �•
<br /> .i'�
<br /> ' r�a�hn 26rh ,t,y.,r Decemb�r . �A.i�.. �y 90 , . . .
<br /> , � � , , ; t . , `
<br /> ' .� � . re ���u ,.�..,�_. _ , , j ,
<br /> � ? 8111@B i �
<br /> . . � • -�1:�s_�.• r-.c�. sL -' ���
<br /> �' Franroc 0. Arwnds
<br /> .._. .' ' _" L '_�"___ '_• _ _
<br /> � STATE OF NF.BRASKA,� � (ln this 26th ��y��i Oecember ty 90 ,befixe we.
<br /> COUN't'YOI�IIAI.I. r� p�n
<br /> ���f11Sc B�IU�h@T�OWf1uTi9fIL d tuc sudCounty.peroomllyame
<br /> James C. Arends and Frances A. Arends, each in
<br /> and as spouse of each other wh�� are pe�un�uykn�►wnw
<br /> me to be Ihe�Jenl�al pcnunS wtKm nameS 8T@ �tfixeJ w the al���'.m.trumcnt�s murt�ur S un! they ��y
<br /> ad�nowkd`td Ihe saiJ murumem w be their v.dumay ut md J�Yd.
<br /> . VYI1NhS1�ny hand ard Notarul Seal�he dau�forewd. ( ', , -
<br /> . � � � � ' ( ,
<br /> MyConimiu��nci�re� ,-`,i� , + f •
<br /> � - -- NoRarp Nubtie
<br /> raar�� iE���OOtlMfM
<br /> ' Mrtia br.M�.�1flT
<br /> . 1 _
<br />