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<br /> '� ° �wow�u.w�avTMSSe�ESF.Mrs:Tnu Thomas D. Raebuck end Laura F . Roebuck� each in __ -- •-
<br /> ,Wx�!�'i�r
<br /> • �_ -� •�-- h3a and her own right� and es epouae af each
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<br /> � . :,, ot h e r� poripp,r�i,nt�w a�e or mae^�a oaawasum ot We au.a� __ -- _-
<br /> - dj ;�,- Seve� Thousand and no/100 ------------------- --"--�------ -��-- 'FiBW►RS ���r.����
<br /> .-.�h,5 k i" ' � � I�i1M1I a+.id mony�x by The E4uiubW Bui{idinf and l..no Aaocia�bn of Crand Idand.Nebnf.,Martg�ee.oPu^ 7 0 rJwes of aoot ot . .
<br /> . = Y
<br /> ;::�;. �..�, . oca �.ssoct�roN,c�nu�,u No.�I 940 FHA ,ao n��ny�r.�u,oa►Kr ,�a�n���o�ne �.+a �►ssac�s�noN w touowta�
<br /> y�t;,,�� . ;' •�` des�ibed rc�l atale dtuated in NaU Count}.Nebraska: °_
<br /> :ar� - ' -- - -
<br /> -- � . . ._.�ws:ta^ �ri-. .
<br /> . - . ''�' �.- �. . ,
<br /> � � Lot Seven (7) � Block Four (4) � Nlorris Second Addition to the City af �rand �«, d
<br /> " Isla�d. Hell County. Nebraska.
<br /> ... i , �_`� �.,...,,.�.t..�
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<br /> ', .1:.:�j, "' ta�ether vrith all the te�etnenls,heredi�amentc and appurten�nces th�rcuMO belanFing.ineluding ritad►ed floor cuuering�.a11 wladav�ens• �.,t,��';-_=
<br /> - -. �� uistdors zl�dss,bl4s�ds,�tor:ts rtindows,�+rnings.h��ing,air onnditioning,and QlumbinRard waterequlpmentand ue�utks theroto.pump�.�. -�%':'r�!t'``��:;�"'�—
<br /> . -.—�.._.�-, :s �^t" ;...r<.v.lA._„_._:.�•
<br /> � � s reGi�enton,and other fixturcs and equi�ment nuw on c�rc�fter�ItacheJ to or ured in�rnnerliun wiih sffd tesi aaata � �y
<br /> ..�i���'',YlJit,r' �'-
<br /> �.1!,1.,4,.
<br /> �,'::•'�,• 1S�„ And whereu the ssld moNg�g.�r'hus agiad and does hereby agee �Iwt the mort�agor shall and w511 psy �II taxh�►d+s�tamenu levkd or � . �,. �•; �,,.
<br /> • ;r.• .��;, ,' . , . :
<br /> . ,•;,'�r',�:`.�,;,, � �e�ed upon s�id premises and upun ihis morlgAgc and the bund secured thercby bc(orc�he rune sfw�l become delfnquent;to Pomi�approved �
<br /> ;�, . '°� inwnnue u n Ihe buildinga on nid remi+c�aitwt�d in�Fe sum��f S �ble ta oid ASSOCIAi'iON md to delivm w�id `•:S;r`;•;;',%7 � `
<br /> ,,, ,.�.:, p� P 7 000.00 �y ; ::l'�..j.'-
<br /> ,.�J�. ASSOCIA7'ION the policies for siM imuranco;and m»t o commU i►r permA any wute on rn abuut aid premises: • :�- ' '�f:•_�;,,
<br /> �'� ;..„�,.,�' e or �he bond secured heroby.the mortg�gee th�U, "�... �.
<br /> ��. In ase oi default in the pedomr�ncr af any of the�erms�nd rnnditbn:uf this ntongag
<br /> � , �`1��!�'�`" ; on demand,bc entiUed to immcdlule poacuion nf Ihe mortgageJ pre m�ses 3nd Ihe mongagor hercby nuigns, tnnsfers ind teta over to the ` ;,�{%'',,.,
<br /> '�'����'�" ' morlga�ec�II Ihe rents,revenues ond incame lo be derived from thc mnttgeeed Qremius during such Ume as the mortg�ge indebtedne�s s�ll�em�in f , ,-� '. -.
<br /> `.;�<:`''%"���,, unp�id:and Ihe marlgagec ih�ll have thr puwer tu�ppuim ony agrnt ur agtnt�d moy d��i�e for the purpose of repairing wid prcmtses and rcndn8 � ;����;;,,
<br /> ' " ' � " U►e t�rtrc+�nd colkcting thc rems.�evenues and mwme,anJ it may p�y ow of said incume all cxpenses of repoking nW prcmi�es and neoeuarl' ; .
<br /> ' �'�' `• oommlssbm and ezper+ses incutred in renling and nuna�ing the same and of collce�ing uat�ls lherefrom: the balana rcmtlnina,if�nY.�a be
<br /> '� � ';s• , applled toward Ihe dischar�e of r�id murtp,�gc indcbtcdness;thesc rights ul'thc mortgagcc may be exerciud at any timo durins tha e�noa of�h (, . �
<br /> ,.,;.';�:r:".;' deiaWt.irrcspectiv�e of any tcmporary waiver of thc samc. '� ' ' ,�'`�
<br /> i.•�.�:., ,�.:.
<br /> �:': .:j�.�. .. These 1'rexnt:,huwerer.urc u�un Iht Cundidon.Tlut if thc said\lurtgagor slull�epay safd lorn on or before the maturlry of said slures by � , 'i} � . � , -
<br /> ��15��!�;,;;!i�' ' ' the 7tiveMkih d�y of�each d c ry mo�nth'untd s�1id I�an uuUy paid;pay a 1 t x scand assossments leried agvnst nid p�rcmisesandon�thi�M�°�tp�e , �.�
<br /> ; •;�.��,.
<br /> . ._�.,., ,� �.l ' � . �i,.
<br /> ,.,,.• ' �nd Ihe Bond securcd thereby,befure dtlinquency;f urnish�pprovcJ insur�nce upon�he buildings Ihereon In Ihe sum Jf S 7 ����.�0 WYib�
<br /> �` .r<<i�•,.. ;,+? to s�id AS50CIATION:rcpay to said ASS(X'IATION upon Jem�nd�II money by it paid for such wxea,a�s�nvs and insunna wlth interest at : ,
<br /> .:�yS�t;{;c!':�+�;�'� the msximum kgal r,�1e�hereon from date uf p�yment r+ll at whkh Mortg�gor hereby agrees w p�y:permit n��wa:laon s�id ptsmites:kap andaomply . ,�(�:,, ` .��•�;�titi°
<br /> ..��..,,::r,��}. „
<br /> ' :;ie`��1',����f`••.' . wilh oll lhe ogrcements anJ conditi��ns of the R�md Pur S 7 ��0.O O�his dny given by the said R1urtg�gor to said ASSOCIATIt11�.and oomply .
<br /> ��'.s�co+�" . � with apa ahe requirements of thc Consii�u�wn and By-l�wsursaid ASSOCI:�TION:�hen these presents sha0 become null and wid,c�thcrwtse they
<br /> � • �Full rem�in in fuQ fu�ce and may be Wreclused at ihc upuun uf�he s��1 ASSOCIATION �fur failure for thrce months to m�lce�ny of said
<br /> paymenta w be thcee n�ontFu in arrcars in m+kmg s�id rnunthly paymen�s,�►r tu kecp anJ wmply with the aQreements and wnditions of nld Bond: F ,�,,;T.��
<br /> " • u�d Morlg�gor�grees lu fiawe a rcaiver appointed furlhwith in such foreclosure pruceedingx. '
<br /> � If there is eny change in ownenF►1p of the real esta�e mur�g�ged herein,by s�le ur uthcrwise, thcn the entirc rcm�L�ing indebtedness hercby : •�� �
<br /> " Kcured slwll,at thc uption uf The fiyuitable Building�nd I.oa�,A�uciahpn uf(:nnd Idand,Nebnska,become immedLlely due andp�yabk wlttaut ; ` �,
<br /> further notice,and Ihe amuunl rtnuinm�duc undcr s�Id hand,:#nJ apy uther bon�fur any additional adwnas made therounder,shall,from tt►e ;
<br /> � date of eze�se of s�id upNon,bear�nterest�I the►n�timuun I ta1c.and Ihis morlg�ge may then 6e forcclused to ntisfy the amouet due un sa�d �
<br /> �, !f bond,and fo�intwnahond xea and assenmen s�and ats tr�etmg extera��n chaJigibeyi,wd T�taAettt,thereon��am�d�e n!F�ytneqnt �t the dmutimum
<br /> ,•. •• .'�'�;' � �i�tra e. • � � �
<br /> •I'�..�
<br /> , 'i';,',;�:;`:' ' � As provSded ia ihe Rnnd secured ta�rcby.wh+lc th�s murtp�ge�rm:�m in eifer� �he mnrtg�gee may hereafur adranct�dditionA7 9uma to the , '. •'.
<br /> ` ,��y!;•e�..�'�:' : • , , rtnkers ui s�id&►nd.their�ssigns ar success�,rs in m�cres�.whiah s�c�q::�t.�i71 Fe witfim the setunty ui ifiis murtg�ge the sLtrc u tAe'fo�n�origirdllY ;
<br /> � ';•.C.' �' �ecure d t h erc b y.lhe total amounl o(pnncip�l deb� nnt to ex.e{d a�aae Iame lhe��tlgm:i��mtront nf�hig murtgage. ,i�',�.� .
<br /> r.4S;•�,���';:i.� • '�• . ��.• .
<br /> ' ; �'�>..:;<t� � ' t���a�n�: 26tn day ui oecember n.n..�9 go , '�;� ,
<br /> ts4'.`.�If, � . ti � �/� ; ' � (,
<br /> ' ',��, :I 4 �,,. 1.�
<br /> �' . �,�.c,�,..�'h .
<br /> , .,� ,� � � s . d1'c! . .. , : � . :
<br /> . . f t ' ' '�
<br /> .— . : � -
<br /> - �a a . '
<br /> � " + sr�T�or•Ntew�su,�►.� � .nerorc�,e.
<br /> • � at (1n 1 hls ��1 .I�y nf �C@�@T 19
<br /> f01lN7Y OM lIALL
<br /> . , , � thr andersigt�ed.�`��tary Public m utE far stid County�PQnonallyame
<br /> Thamas D. Rnebuck and Leura F. Roebuck . each in his and wh� ere pe�w�+�uY�*��
<br /> � her own rsght� and as spouse of each other
<br /> me to he Ihe�dent�cal pers�m S wlwsc namt 8 8 TB •rlfixeJ to thr ab��vr msnumenr•rs murtpagor S and t h B y ievetaU�
<br /> , acknuwkdged Ihe s�fd�nstrumem�n be t h@ 1 T ��dunury�cl auJ deed.
<br /> WITNP5S my hand anJ N��tana!tir�t�h.datt�tuuwiJ. ,
<br /> My l'ummissNm rap�res ��_ � � . �f ��• `L(��•�
<br /> �"."-Ia.0�-l�-_ - - IVutary Public
<br /> �CEAfpAI�TAA�,S�1f 1���IY
<br /> ���� SNEM.I►,l.I11.OEq
<br /> . ; rl Cti�a Eq,llw.q 1!!1
<br /> . .
<br /> . � I _ _ __ _ -_
<br />