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<br /> �. ,�:i:4tGNl�9E�'1'f�F 1��AS��, ll�ntt I..estidar's�equt�t. 8arrowct ylt�ll a�s{gn ro l,c�der�ll ic�sss oP tha _
<br /> Pmpeeiy anai all scGUricy d�rostts�t�tada tn�ronttetesiun+vlth 1e�9�P tRt�['�ip.�mr. Upan ihe�ig�ua�. Gea�r _
<br /> lhitll 1aVd t�ii3 i i�hS ib:i1tTi�I1�, =��1�:s i "i+t�t^dxi�tu►u_IC:L9C9 Slld�0 d�CSUI@ ROw 1C15C9.In Idndcr'��olo
<br /> discretiun. .�s uscct in thla patsgraPh C1,�ho word"!easo" zh�11 mcan "subiea�e" i(cho Secunry•Ins�n+ment is un
<br /> a lca�ohold, rp�� p� �qgE�IOfV.
<br /> H. �►SS�G�111�1E�T OF EiE.v'1'Si ,�PPOR�T�tE�I'C OF REC�i'VEFIt LE.
<br /> gnrrc�wcr ahsolutaly�sd uncondltlonNly �lgns aad�ranafers co Landcr;�1�it� rents and rovcnucs t"Rcnta"1 ut
<br /> �ho !'ropeny, rcgardle9a u� �o whom the Renc� oP the Propett}+ �ua p�►yable. Borrawer authatiz�+ L.cader or
<br /> Lcndcr'�sg�nce to coltcct �hc EtRt►ta, and agrccs tbnt c;ich tcnant uf tho Propccty shall pay th�Roata co L.endcr or
<br /> Lendee'e agents. I�owever. Bottuwrr sdnit recetive tho Renea unul tll Leadcr hu9 9iYen Sortawer ito�tce oP default
<br /> pursuant�a pnrngraph=l of�hc Cecurtry Insaument ancl�Nl Lendcr h�givcn nat�co co the tcnomtlsl that tha Rents
<br /> aec co bo pnid co Lcnder�r Lcnde�'s agcnt. This assignment of Renta constttv�es aa absolute��ssigisnncnt and not
<br /> a�i as9i8nmcn�for addicional secudry anly.
<br /> If Londee gives nadco oP breach to Botrowar: (1)�Il C�sttts reccived by Barrower�h�ll bo held by Bomower
<br /> ag trusteo foe tho bencFt oP Lcndor oNY,to bo applicd�o tho sums secwYd hy tha St�uriry in��xument:di)Lender
<br /> shall bo eatidcd to coll��ct axtd nceive all oP tho Rents of tho Propesy: Nii1 Bomower�grees�hat each ceaant oP►.ho
<br /> property shall pap alt Renu d�o an� uapuid co Lender ar 1.ender�a�gCAI9 11p0A LR1IL�8!'s wricten d�mnnd ca cho
<br /> ceaunt; (iv1 unless appilcabte law peavides at&et�riso, nil Rents collected by L.cndor ar Lcnder's a�enta 4bnll be
<br /> app�(ed first co edo cosi�of cnking con�ral oP and mannging�he Propem and celtectiap�ha Rents, ineluding, bu�
<br /> not limlied �o, actomeya' fees, c�eeeiver's fres. ptemiums on receivor's bonds. ccpair and matnee�nac� eogts.
<br /> lasuranco premium9, taxes. �sessmcros and ather churge�on eho Pr�peiry, and �hen co�ha suma secured by cho
<br /> Se�:utitY Tns�rument:iv�l.ander, Lender's agenta or�ny judicicUly appoiuced receivor�hull bo itable�o nccouns ior
<br /> enly choso Rents actunlly ceceived; and (vi) Lcadcr 9hs11 bo cntidcd to havc a receiver appointed ca cak�
<br /> possission af:u�d munaBe thc Ftapetry and collece th� Rents an�1 protita derived from�ha Properry wiclu�ut ,�Y
<br /> showing 39 co che inadequucy of thc Pcopcm�s secur(ry•
<br /> [f the Rents of cho Properry are aoc sufficlen� co cover the casts of takiag conuol of and maa�aging �ha
<br /> propetty and uf colletiiag�he Renw any tLutds exPended by Lender for such pueposes shaQ brxome indebte�ue;a
<br /> of Born►wer co Gcnder secur�i by the Sccurity tnsuvment pursunnt ro Uaifatra�Co�ve�n�t 7. �����
<br /> @on�ower�epresa�ts an�«zvc.�tnta citat$orsowce i�a;nat�c�tssed saY P� �� -- ..
<br /> aat and will no;gerform any acc�huc would�r4weat Lendor from dxercising its cights undcr this paragrupb•
<br /> Lendee, oc �.cnder's �eats or a jGdic�aiiy appointed receiver, �?tall noc bo crqulced co enter upon. take
<br /> cn�cot oi vr m����'i ��r� ��}Y� �`-�-°°°f�ute eo 8omower, tIawover,L.cader. or __
<br /> R,:�,xi,at�A agonta ur a judiciai1y appointed rtceiver, may do sv ac:u�y e9sne whcn�a default occu:s. �aY QFFQcailQn
<br /> o�t���e sA�ll nos curo or wuivu ony default or invniidu�e�.�y otl�er�i&ht or cenaedy oY Lender. Thia aa�igoutent oP
<br /> Rents of the P+�',.�znY aha11 tettniaau wAen aQ the swns s,.-�t�rcd by the Securiry [nsnutaen�aca pald ia U�ll.
<br /> I.CROS��EF.1UL1'PR�VIS[ON.�orrower's detault or breach under aay naco or ag�eecaenc in which
<br /> l.ender hs�v an interat shall bn n bteach under tho Seeudcy Instcument and Lendor may iavoke aay of tha cemedies
<br /> petmitted by the Secudty Instntmeut.
<br /> BY S1aNiN0 sELOW, Bonower acccpts und ugm�s �� tho tCrmg and prQr`;�iona centnisted ia this t•�
<br /> Famlly Rider. .
<br /> /' r„_..a.. ` � ��/ .
<br /> � �.! ' � _"' ��Svail Yud� •...�..,,��''�!�1 QQaI)
<br /> .�r�,+►.c�
<br /> - U NGIL fl PAPSTE'YN , •Etorrowor JA ELYN K P S'��d�y •su�r����r
<br /> ._...._.
<br /> tScal) �. �_�._.--tS+.•i►11
<br /> •8ortowor , •Da;owor
<br /> ' ��87�030��o+ v.�.�o+a Itiam 31 JO 3�93
<br /> � e.
<br /> ' j ,�—.
<br />