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<br /> paymcnta uiay n�la��gcr be requiced,n11ho aptiun ui l.endce� it monpc�na Ingurance��►verago(in�hu umnun�and f'ue�ho p�rind �
<br /> . . �hnt Lcn�t�r rcyuirca)providrd by nn iasurc�appruvcd by l.c;,zdcr agai��i►Mai�KS mallnbla nnd Is�Mnincd. Dnrtt�tvc�qhall paY �
<br /> �ha prcr.ilum9 rcq�dre+l tn�nalmaln mangc�o Insura��co U�efiei��or ta��mvida n In�a�escrva,ue�tU the�cquircment fu�nt,�ttA��tc
<br /> In�u�nnco cnds in a�ardanco wlth�iy w�iticn nArcenum betwcen Qorruwcr nnd Lcndcr�r app1ic.1nlu la�v. ,.
<br /> . - -- y. i�ps�ttan.t.endre ar{ta�gen� nmy�nn�e rrt��in�ahtc�ent�irs�i�n niul in�uctinn�af tka Prrupeny, l,cndrr ehul) glvc �
<br /> -F. i�xro�et nc+iicc�a�the tttne M'�r priu�t ta na ius�tztian�gesitying rsasc+t�n4+IF ettuRe fi►r�he Inspecttnri. ��
<br /> 1�.Consf�tnt�.:;lnn. 'T�(SiitL'�'{1S 0I Al1��Wti�d QF C�AI111�Q!�IlQl�e9� dt�ect or cun�rqucn�lal. lr� c�nn6�ctl�n with any
<br /> , '-�� cen�n�n�ttnn Eu•�her�nking u!ony�art uf�hc Pr�pertv.or for c�nvcyancc in Itcu af candemnntlon. ar�hereby nssl�nMt nnd '
<br /> --� 6hn11 be paid to l.endcr. �
<br /> .��:� In th�cvrnt uf n tatal tniting or the Praperty.the pnueeils ahnll he a�+licd ta the sum9 securccl hy this Sccurfry Ins�rumcm. �
<br /> ._�• �� whcihc�or not then due, wi�h any caccsa pal�l t� Bormwer. in IAo cvcnt oY n pinlni tnkina of thc Pn►imriy in which the tair �
<br /> .--�i°�'� marke�vniao of Iho Proprrty Immcdintcly b�4'om the te►klnII is er�ual ta or�rc�tcr thnn thc nmaum of the aun�s sccured by thia R
<br /> �� � Security Instnnnent immediatety hcWre the U�lcing.unless Domawc�and 4cndcr nthcrwir�ngtee in�vriting�the�ums accured by _
<br /> . v i thia Sccu�iry Insinrmcat shiill bc reduccd l�y thc amaunl af thc pnnc��t9 m�dllp11ec1 by thc fallo�ving i��tiim: (A� IRC (01AI �
<br /> '�� nmaunt at tho sume 6�ecurcd immcdiutely befo�thc taking. di�lded by tb)thc fair mut;et valuc pf'thc Propeny Immcdiutcly -
<br /> � bciorc�ho tnking. Any balnnco snnil bc: putd to Borrawer. In�hc avcnt of o paniai �a�inq of thc Propeny in whtch thc lnir
<br /> - , �:� _ m�rket vnluo c►i the Praperty immeQiately befaro th�toking is less tlann the amounl ot the sum.o secunxl immecllntely brfaro tho
<br /> , �. tu{ein�}�unicss ftanawer nnd 4c�s�tcr athenvise n,gree in w�iting or unlega u��licublo law�thcrwisu pir�vidcs,tho procceds sh�ll
<br /> ,. bo applttd to tho sum9 Rc�:urcd by thls SecuNty Instnnncnt�vt�cthcr ar a�t tnr�ums a�thcn duc.
<br /> � It�he Property ia abandonrd by l3arrowcr,or if.opes e�L�tice by l.crtder to Barn►wcr thnt�he condomnor offera co mako an
<br /> � � nwnrd oi�seale a clnim fa�r damages. Bom��ve.r faUs tA t�s�rtnd co 1.ender withi�� 3(1 clayn p�e� the date the nottce is givcri.
<br /> � Lendcr is authotix.cd to callect nnd upply tho prooeeds.At tta aption.cither to�+estomtian ac repaie ot tAe Pmpeny or to the sums
<br /> = • secuceYl Qy tQia Sccudry Inst�mcnt.whctAer ar not then due.
<br /> '4��a Unlc�s Lender anA Bc�rrowcr a�herwiso c�ree in writing, uny upplic�tion of prncecds to ptir�cipal shall nM oa�end ar
<br />:,i�� �o�tp�ne the duo date of tho manthly paymenta referre�l tu In paregraphs 1 ai►d 2 or chanp,e the a�►wunt ot such paymenta.
<br /> :��"' 11.Oo�+ower Not Re4r,►sedt�orbeaesnre By�rn Not o 1V�Qve�r. Bxtensiun nf the dme for Payaxnt or matificutlon
<br />_�1�;�:� ' of aznotitizntion ot th0 aum9 securc�l by this Srcurity In9tamxNat granted by l.ender to�rny successor In interest of Borrawer ahall
<br />--- not opemto ro cetca�e the liability oP the original Borrower or Bomnwer's euecessore in lnterest, Lender at�ull rtot bc nquired ta
<br /> �.;� cr�zu:ncc pracrcdinga aguinst cu�y suocc�or in interest or rcilisa to eatc�timc for p�yment or athenviso modlf�r amartiz.udtm
<br /> <�� of thc sums secun.d by thls Securiry tnsteumrnt by erasan v!�y c4emand tru�.t� k�r tho original Barmwce ar Borcowcr'a
<br />___<'� s�Krssors in interest. An,y furbcarance by Lendet in caentsing any Nght or er.m�dy h^.�11 not be e waiver af or precludo the
<br /> cxcseise of any ri�h�ar rtmedy.
<br /> l2. Succc�o� ond A,ssignv Bound; Jatat and Sever�l lAability= Ca-signere. The coveban�s uns! ug�ecmenta ui ihis
<br />�'�''�,�� secusl�y r�.t��.�►�m af�aU bind and 6eneflt tha succcssora nrsd+�ssigas of l.ender and Bortower. subject to the provlsto�s aY
<br /> ---= par+�.gruph 17. Rarmwu's covenanta nnd asrcemer�ts aha11 be joint and severnl. My Borrawer wbo co-signs ti�is Sxariry
<br /> t!�xterr.�ent but daes not executu the Note: (a)is casiBnlna this Secudry trstiuin..-nt aniy ta martg:,gc. grnnt and conv�y ihat
<br /> &rir.u�c:cr•s intarcst in the Praperty undcr the teRns of this Sa;udty Gutrwncnt;(b)is tta4 per�onally obtigated to pny the sums
<br /> __� stcitrrd by thte Scr�dry fnu��+eat;atW(a)ugrers mat[taaer mo aa�r adirr�mmw�r m�4�io c����i4�.t'a.-�r�
<br /> -..— �nako nny a000mmodfltiot�.9 with rcgard ta the temis of tAia Secudty liutrument or the Noto without that Barrower's oonsent.
<br /> — 13.Lo�n l,yhnrges. It the toan�ecureel by this Securlry [nst�umeat ia aubject to n Inw which sete maaimum loan chaeg�rs,
<br />�� an�ehnt luw is finutly intetpteted so thut the interest ar mhrr laan chnr�es oallected nt ta be collectal in oonnection witD�he
<br /> la�axoeed the p�ermittud limit�.then: (a)nny such loan chttirge shail bo reduad b�r the nmaunt necessa�y w ceduee tho chugo
<br /> ta tha pemaltttxllimit;and(b)ar�y aums alrcady oallccted fram Botrower whisb exccedod permittal limita will be reflandcd ta
<br /> eorcower. 1.ender may choose to rnalco this refiued by re,�lueiag the prineipal awed under the Noto ar by making u dice�t
<br /> payra�ent to Bornower. It n reil►rtd redusea principal, the redu4tioA �t�J U� tr.�stcd a9 a purdal prr.payracnt wlthaut ar►y
<br /> im:�ayment chargv undor tho Nnto.
<br /> 14.NMkd.My noticc ta Barrowcr provlded for in this Secudty Inatrumc:*t e1x$al be givcn by delivcrin�!t ue by mutling
<br /> it by firet class mail unless appHcabla Inw re�uires use of nnother method.Tho notico shall be di�ertod to the Properiy Addres�
<br /> or any ather addnss Borrower designat� try notice to Lender. Any notieo to L.ender shall be givcn try tlrst ct�as mAll tu
<br /> 4ender's addross etated hereln ar any other address l.ender designntes by natice ta 1Bonowcr. Aay notico pravided for in thia
<br /> Sacudry Instrumcnt sbull bo deemed to huvo been given ta B�orco�ver or Lcnder when piven as pravided in thia pamgrnph.
<br /> 1S.(:overning I.awi Severobittty. Thfs Security lastn�mcnt ahnll be govemod by fccictnl luw and thx luw of tho
<br /> jurlsdictian tn whieh the Properiy!s lacated. In tho event that any pmviaton or clausv of ihie SecuNry Insuumen�ur tho Nate
<br /> c�onflicta wirJ��,��ticublo law.xuch c:anilict�taa11 not affoct othcr pravisf�r�s of thi�Security Insmiment ar the 1Voto wbich cun tac
<br /> givcn cffect wit�out tho contlicting provi�lr,ism.To this end the pravisfau�s of thie Sccodty Instruinent nnd tho Nata cuo dc�b�c4�44
<br /> Go be severable.
<br /> - l6.Horrower'e Copy.I�orcawcr shall bo given one wnforneed capy of tha Nata a�d of this Secudry lnsti�iaxrnt.
<br /> -- r•orm so�e a�ao
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