- . '6,�,:. �'u '�iy'-�r�d� � �.�i!3P.d:'::.. .. - , . , y;,;j .; .. �i,:.3�ypP,:,c;'=
<br /> �� t:.M . __ - „ :.�.. r�( . ,��; . 6'' ;;;>, ��
<br /> . . �,��. YNrJ� -�.+�-����..-��.- .
<br /> . ..�i+.+s-......y7�'Y "'r�'�JG::'��T''.:- . '_,__-_-
<br /> . � ' ..' ,«J.a �C1:1'�' ,
<br /> �•tw,..,.,.,.�':: . - — -
<br /> .. .q.,��?� . . a ^u _ _[:�ir�_ -
<br /> . . �+����YY��r. . . .... + -n.�_� NF
<br /> . ��- ,
<br /> - . '�'+n,...�i�,;;..�R � �;,..
<br /> ; 'n. • �p���� */� y��p��� ��y��p p�p��'y!
<br /> - -' wiai.ilw4M" !� iY �11/!lfa�e�b�*S*�61Y�T �'��:-- -- - -
<br /> ��. ' .i ....." . � � �J.iYL� �lii
<br /> �� �' � V4
<br /> � �-- 107485
<br /> .. . r . .f..';ILCYY;�`t�.i.�
<br /> R'_r i�Y;
<br /> :`•;. �""�°'�� Tn a�cord�nco with ttw provisians of ths ti�braska Far� FioMStaad Prot�ation �--
<br /> °• °'"�'-�-.��;���' Act. ths urbersioned Edward R. Beckler & Dora hea ax B nd wife, and ��.;�r---�
<br /> •• � ; Raynwnd B�ckYer b Neomi �ec er prior to ex�outirq th� attaahsd Mortpa�e or � � ��
<br /> Y",.'--°•��'�-".,� O�sd of Trust d�t�d � �19�Q by and betw�an the j°� �--�--M,.�A..:
<br /> . ,��`s:���^�.�,�°�'� und�rsipnad �nd The ��s Benk of Gai�rQ. +�_Me�rdaKe� @ankin�_ .C�rvs�r��i4n � „ ;°'<�--_ . .
<br /> . � .. °�:" (hsroinsfter referr�d to as "Mortyepe" or "D«d ot Trust") her�bY statA and . . --��m�_+,���•;-.
<br /> ,,4�:;�.�; . �.,��„�;,� aaknoMlsdps: �- ~Y ,
<br /> �. .�,' '�a'r�.�;� _ _ L�•.
<br />•'`'4;>. ' . ;n'... ',J' _5-.v�i'�.�,7�7��1=.
<br />;:.
<br /> ° 1. Tho underaipned atetes. werre�ts and ropresenta thet ttwir dMellinq house — _
<br /> ' and other buildinps aub3act to a ho�estead are pr�se�tly lxeted upon the l���-- - --�_
<br />. ' • fol.lowin� daaarib�d renl eatete (hereaf'ter arferrec! to a "Parcel 1"� =_--- =__
<br /> • , . • ...�I��:��rr�.•
<br /> , ���'�' ... .
<br />.' � ." ,�:•� Halt d thr SouthN�t �rt+�r (Si/4SE�/4) al' S�ctfoe 13. � ., ,
<br /> TA� 9ovRA �p� `, := ':�
<br /> ' iZ Wst ot fh� 6th P.M.,. wi� cour�r. • r....:. . .; �
<br /> . . Tow�ahip 12 North. 1iN10� � o� tIMW C �Co.. and ��aaPtf�q ' ' :;;: 4;�r�•p�'�' �'s
<br /> - �+,�oo,pt r.naro•t..+o. � rJ�vnt-at-M,�J.yp e �o aa �,�y{.��� �r�� �3���;+:,:�'�. At::.:,�:;��"
<br /> Nw�r� all W{��i ��' V, ti� �lY WY� R1111� � �� �7M�MAM •�"(!'t'�,f;�l.ra�i�_�,'�+i:��.�s�
<br /> (si/2s�i/4) irt�o s�+� ana w.st aR tn. �o�-�-wy oR tt�. c e � o a� oo.. �:; �,:;`' : ._
<br /> . ccx�bfninp 1.8 �cros �onv�rid by Trawelers lnsuran�e Co�Panfr to Q�1 Pi.i� ,,�:, :,. .�=�_--.
<br /> �tt,�•�... „
<br /> by wrranty d»d dstsd Jwnuu'Y 24, 1439. a�d exc+Pti� ��tro� a o�rtaf�a � �, :_��4;
<br /> � .�; tnct of qwwtd �a'b Pa�cula�ly desc�9bed �Lro a Ma�rantY ds�d r�oor��t At�.';:<,::,� `J,:�.�
<br /> Book 14T. PaOe i ths atKoe af t,hs N�ll�untr ReOisf�r a�t O�b ; :;:,.�
<br /> 15 o v�ticularly d�scr3b�d in a `' �;;;;�
<br /> '.���,� e�coeptino thera?ro� a tra�t aT ���d �ore W •rr��`" ' '
<br /> c�- w�rarttY ds�d r+eoo�tiNd et 800k 125. PaO� 2S] in ths attios oT ths FI�11 Canty ,t. ,.,� ��, . ��-
<br /> :;'x {ipist�r aT Oeeds and e�ao�ptitq thsrefra a tract e�! �round �+s P�rticuL�lfr � �....�; _.
<br /> ' ^�4� dsed ��t�ot'+eled �s docw�nt.s f76-0014ZS and 76-0019Z� i ':���,,� .r� -e,,�,�-._
<br /> � �r���"• �d,;,.,:.f,;-��--
<br /> � • .;�ti�� dsscribed in the rraaty �� � ,
<br /> - ,�>�;�.:�. •�'"�;:' fn Ele� oNfcs of tlw li�ll County iispiater of and also xe�ptirq i ,,� • (.,:;..,;�.n
<br /> . , C�: .'�:�' �..
<br /> • � t ��.,� thsrotro� a tract of aro�x�d �oro Wu"ticularlY desari�d in iiw �rr�+ZY � ���..;=�, '.:��•r����•�
<br /> . '.��;,�, "`.' '%;�:�.,'�: �ecw,�Md as docu�ent i77-007a08 i� the cftic+e aT tIN H�li Caunty ReOister at }�`.
<br /> .�„ . �.�;..;,� �. . .. ,; �
<br /> ..+', l, . ',-;bi'':�';.: pll Lhe�t patl^'t OT Lfle 90�ft09 }IWlf o4 t'he SOi�uthliebt Qli�t"t�e�' (81/ZSMl/4) thit 1fM , 'rr,�f .
<br /> �•`;! ;' .�;t,> `� ;i���;c��:`'; at the C B R Q RR Co.. in Section 13. � .
<br /> {, , �,��r North a�d East c�fl` the RiqMt-�af-MaY . �y}-:;�
<br /> >: ;�v�`r"-'^'�': TaM�ah3p 1Z !ba-Lh. R�npe 14. Ne�st aP ttw 6th P.M.. Hsll CountY. lMbr'asic� � ,:�-_
<br /> . • �.,1..
<br /> _ 5. i/ . ,.:... . :
<br /> ..I/• �'l .'IiFF,/ + . 1. . _.
<br /> .', , .i`i � ��j�jtlS R .
<br /> �:�\ �
<br /> �r' „ , '��(�
<br /> " � • 2. 7he undersigned ecknowledgea that he has a ripht to a�ake a desiqnation o�
<br /> ''� � '�` `'° homestead in the Mortpaee or Deed of T rust for the purpode of atfordinn the
<br /> . �.;.,.
<br /> ;:. ,,, .I'.`•. .
<br /> ,, , � •�.... :; opportunity to retain their hop�estead in the event of default and foreclosure
<br /> �`�,,,;�'� ,t :'�''u�;" under Zhe Mortaege or trustee's salu undar the Deed ot Trust. ; ,
<br /> ..r;,r�� -. , i . .
<br /> �`•' ` 3. the undersigned acknowledpea th�t the execution of thfa r+aiver conatitutes �!
<br /> '!���•'� � � �.� "� � ���•�f,+'�. the conplete waiver of ri�hta otherwise available for the purpose of affordinq .
<br /> �::,��, ,.
<br /> %'•���","" " � ���•"'��� the apportunity to retain a homestead in ti�e event of a defeult and any
<br /> �':r:. . �', ; . �,r,,::,
<br /> � � ` foreciosure under the Mortqa0e or trustee's sale undvr the Deed of Truat.
<br /> ;i: ;ti•:;'. .� .� �}. � • . .;s�, '
<br /> ��
<br /> :...•!;�7;`• .. , `�'�".:.., . _
<br /> � 4. The undorai�ned states that thia acknowledgement a�d waiver is their
<br /> �:..t + ���. knowing and voluntary act and deed and the undersigned does he�by willinply
<br /> ;;. .
<br /> � and, voluntarily waive� r�linquish end re�fse any and all ri9ht to Meke a
<br /> �':��;�,��,;;�'�� � : �IeaXqnation of homestead in the �?ortqage or Deed of Trust.
<br /> ���1�'�� ��� •+ 5. '�The undersigned further understands end ayrees tha�t this acknowled�t��eent �
<br /> ' • ',�t?��Y. : 8 � .
<br /> � anci:+waiver shell be filec! as a Preface to and becane a part of the Mortga� or
<br /> , ^ Dee�o�E T ruat. ; . '' ,
<br /> oE .,
<br /> '� �IATED /�-�i ��'%�� ,• . � � ,
<br /> • / i: . ' ,
<br /> _.. � � � !`., . ��Wt:rd R i$s�k���r
<br /> __ . , •- 1 ,�, .:�.ti t Lt��- ,�..._..,..�:.
<br /> � : � , ; por hea •M ine Bee�c?�r
<br /> ' STATE OF NEBRASKA) . • � � , ��1�
<br /> : i )SS. � � R ond C ler
<br /> ; CWNTY OF Nd 11 ) � ! t � '
<br /> i ` eom Beck er
<br /> The forenoi� i�strumer�t wa� a�knbwl�d�d be rei �e this
<br /> � ' . c• by �dw rd�R. eeCkler an_d Dorathea Maxine Qeckler, husband
<br /> , an �y e, zn a~ n ec er an3 eom Bec er husban and wi.f ,
<br /> , ; .,, -� - ��c�
<br /> . ���r� Motary P�lic
<br /> p���,,�ii t�
<br /> . ,
<br /> I'
<br /> � _
<br />