.,,., � . �. �;it •�'iyl�'�_,�_�r_ e! ,1 r Sa �:,s�1: �^S 1 i"1't �.u�\c ,+f v v ��vr� �4.�.a�i1�`aU ��. ...,�....... .,.... .
<br />-'?"!��..� i:�!1:.iG:?;�r .�G!{ ..�v,-" ts.:i.. ..lt� :..�. �Si..�i;.Ti:1-�.k�ii� h� V+ !c1 t , v� .... ,
<br /> , �•
<br /> i
<br /> i
<br /> . . •• •. �..,. ,. , .
<br /> , . .. .�.��_
<br /> „ �, . .. _:.._.._...__... .. . _ _ �
<br /> ' • 97, Tvanet�r af th� Preporty dr a 8�nefialal Inteiesi In 8ov�ow�r. If oG ot ctny ptiA of Iho PtOpfltiy 0+
<br /> eny Intaro�t In tl t�nolA pr trano�rrod (or H A Danoticl�l Interost In F3anowor t� ookl o► trAnatorrod and Borrorrar 13 nat o nnturol
<br /> � ' porpon)�vithoul Gondor'o prt�r wrlltcn oonoonl,Londor may,al Ilo optton,requlro Mm�dl�ta paymont tn Ntl of ntl numu 000urod by �
<br /> Ihis 6ocurit►r Ineuumanl. Nowove�,thh3 optton oAaU nol ba oxr.ra�aod bY Londar 11 oxarot�o Is prohtDtrod bY �ndom� 1�v� es ol Iho � ,.
<br /> � dAt�Ot th19 150au�ti�(nptrumOnt. � . �
<br /> It LOndar or.arpi�qs thl� aptloo,LanAor ohatt ptv� BoROwor not�co of nccoi��alton. Tho natbo a�an provMo n p�►iod ol nnl �
<br /> • _i Io��f than 30 deye ham t�0 Anto Iho not�o b detMered et t►'►e� wAAH whl�h Elorro►vet muflt pAY cW Duttt9 ei3CUred by thb � -
<br /> � : � Sr.tturtty Inattumont, li Aarror�ar tail� to puy iho�o�ums prbt to fho axptrallCn o! th19 pa�ad� l.endat mt►Y fnvoke lU►y rttmed�
<br /> - p&�ss�lttad by th►s Sr�urity tnstnisngnt�rttha�t Hnhe�an�r.o or d^mand on Donowa• �_,—�._.
<br /> � 10. �or�owdr'e Rlpht to Relnetate. �� aorrowor meAto cnKa�n candttlons, BoRO�vur oh�tl hpir0 tho rlpni to hpvo �
<br /> ` pntorcomant ot lAI9 Soourity inotn�munt dtaaontb�uad ul ony ibno prWt to iho oarl�r ot: {a) 6 daYn (or auoh othor pmtad aa .
<br /> �� �ptlaabb 4a�v muy apooiry tor rotnstotamontl boforo oab of tno Propary pu�auant to any powa►of aab aontatnad tn tht�8nourRy .
<br /> � Inatrumont; or (b) ontry ot p ludBmont onforalnp Ihls 600urity Inotrumonl.Th000 oondlllann aro thnl RenAwa.!ta)paya Londar�n .
<br /> ~";' sume whbh thon woutd be duB undw tht3 &oCarit►r Inet►umont end the Note ae U�o ucceterallon had ocaurtad; (b)ouroa any _
<br /> � dotouh ol any othot aovortanl or agraomunto;te�pays ull omonco� houROd In ontarohp thts Soour(ty tnatrumont, lnoluding, dut .=
<br /> not Iknitod to,roaoonabb attamoys'taoo; nnd(d►l�kos auah aollan ao l.cod�r mny roa�onabb roquao to aoauro that tha Il�n of
<br /> � thts 800urfty Inntrumont, 4ender'o righta tn tho PropatY and 8orrowor'a nblt�ntWn to pny tha auma noaurod by thls Soc�utty �,��,.`-
<br /> 1,' Inouumont ehati oonthuo unohanpad. Upan ro(natatoman! by Flonowar, this 3oourily Inntruma►t und thp obnpallona aeaured __A
<br /> <r horoby ohall romnh Nly offoatNo ao lf no n000brallan hQd oacunod. Hpw�+A►,thta�Iphl to rotnataro ahntt nat appry in tho caao ,,��-.
<br /> t' ol t►¢ao�rptlon undor ptungruph 17. '''
<br /> 19. $6�t� tl� N010; Changa ot Loan Senriaer. ThO Noto Ot � 0 pitrti0il Intoro3l bt iho Npto (tOg0lhOr witil thi8 ��-
<br /> i SocurUy Inatrumonq moy bo ootd ono or moro timon wtthout prtor�otbo to BortAwor.A oab mny rosun 4�o ahAnpo In tho mitfry -_
<br /> (k�o�vn aa tho"lonn Sorv�or'1 thnt oollnoto monthy paymonto duo undar t�o Noto and thl�Soourity I��ai�um�nt. Thoro ntao may
<br /> • bo ono or moro ohangou o1 thc Loan Sankor unrotatod to o ar�b of tho Noto. II lhe�n t� e ch�n�t� of tho Loan Sorvl�er,
<br /> Bonowo�wi11 bo gken writton ootbo at tho ohanpo In acaordanoo wRh psrneraph 14 aDovu and nAP�kuDto tnw• Thw eot�co witl �'-
<br /> � • ,�. etnto Iho namo und eddteao ot the�ow Lcnn Seniacu and tAO eddreae to whlch pAymanlg�houtd be mttdo. Tho��ttcp wlll olso —
<br /> . ti� oontah any athor Intomiatton roquked b�ctppibabb 1aw. Y
<br /> " Zp. MezetdOqs&ubetetlCes. ponowor annu noi onuso or tu�rmR tho prosonao, uno,dispnsal, etoraQe,or roA�ase ot _
<br /> •� any Hasardoua 5ubalnnoos on ot in tha �'ropoAy, 9ortower ehatl not do, oor sttow unyono ofso to do, onyth�g aiteoling tho --
<br /> PropoAy tAet 4� �vlotntWn ot any Envirpnmontnl Lnw. Tho proceding two �ontanws ahnit not appy to tho prosoaco, ueo, a� � -
<br /> stomgr� on the Proporiy oi emt�tl Qumntflb�of Horurdouo 8ubotaneoa that urp gonomlTy recopnlzod to bo oApropUn!o to nortnal �.
<br /> �. --
<br /> • . f09ld811tI3)u!199 8fld!O rt►Alntdtltiti�60 i1!th0 PropURy. --_
<br /> }j Borroa�.0 ehaU promt►try (�ko Londar �v�(tton notlao ol nny t�vo�tigatlon, ot�6n, domnnd, Iawsuit or ot�or eatlan by any -
<br /> ,• povemmental or roputatory agottoy or privttta paAy InvoNlnp tho Praportlr and 8ny Hcunrdouo Substanca or Environmont414uw of -
<br /> whbh [3orra�vor hAO nctuni kao+vladga. N Borrowar bamo,or b notiflod by any eovemmental or repulatary wthorky, th�t nny _
<br /> � , removal or athur romadl�t!�n ot any Mtf?�ntous SubBtanco aMonting PropOriy ts necoast►ry. Bartowor shall pro�zN take atl _
<br /> � �,oaoanarY samad3a!ssctlosso '.n aceostl�nas�qh �nY�i#nmot1t911_.aw.
<br /> Ae uaod in this parnpraph 20, "Hazs�doua Sub�tan�:ab'ar�thoao substanoos doti�ad es toxb or hozardouo oubslances by
<br /> Envlromnental law and tho fallowlnp subatancos: 8aeoline, korosenfl, othor flammabb or toxic petroloum produots, toxb
<br /> �'��� �'� Do�tbides stnd herbbidp9,val�tlle soNOnta,materlats oonW„hp wa0eatos ar tom►atde►Aydo,and rndtc+�at�ra matarWls. Ae used Y+
<br /> `:R'`;,,� P�flit�h?D,'�nvironmental L.aw" meens tettetet t�wo and iawe o3 ii+e jar�d�i� �ao i�s;��rs�.�: � �:�!-°�4!�°!"-°�°tw�n _
<br /> .. heaflh,eafety or 6nvaonmgntal protoatbn.
<br /> NON•UNIFOAM CpVENANTB.BoROwor nnA Londor fuhher ocvenan!and ogroo aA folbwo:
<br /> � 21. Acaeleratlon; Remediea 1,�nder 6�1RI1 QIVO R011CO t0 Bor�awer prlor 10 a0Q01AfA1100
<br /> tollowlop Borrowe�'s breaoh of any aavenent or aq����eot In thl� 6eaurity Imat►ument (bu1 not
<br /> � , p�lo� 4o aooeleratlom uoder per¢���eph 17 untess appldceble law provides oihnrnrise). Th� noUce
<br /> shatl epeoitys (a) the defeult; (b)the eotlon requlred to eure the dt�t�ultt (o)s date� no� les� then
<br /> � '` ��''��'� 30 daye from the da4a the notlee Is qiven to Bor�awe�, by whlch the defeult must be eurod; and
<br /> �:� +5r . (d) that tallura to eure the de4�utt on or betore the e��te e�eoliled In the notlae may resuit In
<br /> � `� '••` � eaoelet�tlt� oQ the sums eacured by 1h1�S�ouriry MsS�arnent e�d �ale of Nls�IPropclty.The notice
<br /> '�� ,'a �haii tuMhor Intorm Borrower of tho �I�ht to �einstete atte►r eccele�sUon es�� RQro ri�ht to brinq e
<br /> �oun aatl�n to ns$�rt the �on�exlneoce of a default or er�� �lher defenRe ot eor�ower to
<br />� � aeealc�etlon and eate. If the cleMutt is nat aurAd o� o� betore t� dato speaNied in ths ootleo,
<br /> � Leroder �,11ts option mey �equl�e Immedlate psymen3 1� tuli of eli aumA seouretl by thl�Seourlty
<br /> '•�-s_ InsUu��i�mt without turthe� domand And mey imoke ah� power of sate sra� any ether remedle�
<br /> �,T•-�',, pe�mitted by sppliaeble lew. LendQ�ariall be entitled ta eolleat ali sxpenses Oncurrod i� pu�aulnp
<br /> � �'� �� the �emedlee provl�ed In thls pePapraph 21, Ino�uding, but not Ilmited to� �eaeoneb�e attoroey�'
<br /> _��+�+� .
<br /> �-�� _.;. te�eo and oosts of title evidenoe. —
<br /> � If tt�o power of Qalo to ia��kvd, T�ustee shatl raeord a noeice ot defautt In eaa� aaun�y In
<br /> ��: whtc�a any part of the Properct�► is looated and aha3l a�aii copiea ot auch �mllce In tRe manner
<br /> ,_--r===� p�e�cr�aad by applicabi� I�w ta 8orrower and to tl�e alher peraom prescrlbesf by e�piic�ble I�w. �
<br /> Atter the Uma req��u�red by e�ppiloabte lew, T�uslee stiall pive publto notice o4 sate to tfxe pe��ona
<br /> �; and In the manner presoribod by appliceb90 Isw. Tn�ateo� wlthout de�mand on �orrow�.�?all sell
<br /> ��r�c,s� the t'ea�orty �1 publio auotion W the hl�heat bld�aa a�! the tlme and pl�ee And under t]sa terms
<br /> . :,;+�;� 8e�s�r�ed In the nottce oi �e90 In ona or more ��r��f� and in a� or�s� 'i���a ��rr+#�a. �
<br /> ,.•;�,;; T�usi�, may pastpooe �ale of atl or any ptrcel v4 r,� P�operty by pub�lo �nnouncemeM �t ttt�
<br /> �'�`;" Ume and plaee of eny proviou�ly saheduled tate, Lende� or Its deetgneo mey aur��ase the
<br /> � Property et any eala.
<br /> "" ' �, Upon �eceipt of psyment of th� p�lce bld, T�ustee shall detiver to the purohsser Trustee'�
<br /> + d e e d ao�ve yln� ttae P�o pe�ty. The reoiteto in the T�uatee'a deed �hsll be Rr[es�� faole evidenoe of �;..
<br /> � � the truih ot the tte�temea�ts made the�eln. T�ustee ahall apply lhe p�oceeda of the s�le In the � :
<br /> � � toitowin� order: (e) to all coats and expenses of exeroial�p the pawe� ot aile� and tho �ale�
<br /> , ; Inotudl�ta the p�ym�nt of the Trustee'�fee�sotuatly laourred.�at to exoeed �hPee
<br /> „ , 46 of the princlpal e nt of the
<br /> rtote a1 the time of the de�le►etton of defauit� �nd �eswnebfe ettorfley'�tees as pe� d by law; A��-
<br /> � , (b)M all wms aecured by thl�6e�u�ity Innrument; and (o� any oxcew to the n or par na �;;
<br /> ,. IeQdty entiUed to I� ;
<br /> � ��_
<br /> • . _ , -_--
<br /> • F1310.LM0�1lDA� P�p�1 0l 6 — _ r�
<br /> r. '" a6Q�S ._
<br />