_ i„�,� _ - , ,�,.il.`�«I���-�"}�i1 'Tnv'.�i� .. , � ^Y �tt�.��`,��frj�V�,��l'2---+ �. ♦ t � i�t�ti '4v1,!` ��"��AL�2 �:(Y�1»77 \ i�..
<br /> n.k.;���iti'� �fl�l�l` :� '����l0.til�{'��� .�� 1:M"�C�i a � .���R2,1i�i�lt��. 1 J•' � �r.:S.. . 1.4:�"r
<br /> `: .. ,
<br /> ,- .. .1�
<br /> i
<br /> ../ � , i.
<br /> i�. � ..,,,., . - 1 . . .. ..... . . ...._. . . .•. � ..�,-- ..'-- .. .. � ��-�
<br /> ' ' TAtif:T1IGR W►TH q11 the bnAraveirwnta naw or harcaahar croatod on tho propoAy, an0 a11 oaaomanto, appuncnnnco�, nnd '
<br /> ICcturos now or horu�Rat a pari o�!ha properry.All ropiaoem9nte and edditlone oholl ptyo b0 oovorad by Ih19 6Cflurliy Inotn�mont• �
<br /> � � All ot tho�orego►n8��rptortod to tn thts 6ncurlly InoWmenl ae thv"PropaAp.° �
<br /> . 80RR6WER OOVENJINY9 Ihel OonO� �����ou'Osmd, txc�Pt tcr onnaumOra oea o�1 reESard•d A�rtowarr wnrranta rand�iv p p
<br /> '� - aonv�y t�a Prop^tt�r and t�at 1he Prap�iy -
<br /> � - dntend 8�ere�Y iha tHb to Ihe Pro}�Ry apaWS!sll oL�9rtw a�d demnndo,eebfeot te any oncumbrunoos ot�000rd. -
<br /> TMI� &E�UAITV tN9TAUML'NT G4mbinoa unitorm aovanante tp�� nat1on91 uae and non�unNa� coven�ts wUn LY���tud � _
<br /> � � varlattonn by�urlsdbtton to ooneiitato a un��arm oeaunty �natn�meni aov�+Y�p raai propofty. � -„-
<br /> . tiNIF�SR Cf��iAN�B, Hanoc::» snd l�nt�►eo�+Ant¢nd pgr�r es rotmwe: �
<br /> 1. Peymeol oi P►inolpel end Inta�edt Prepnymqnt end I.aate Chnrges. 8onuwM 8hall,prompty pay �vtton
<br /> � dua tNa ri�o�iel ot end►nttmst on tho dobt evldanced by the Noto snd sny propnymont nnd fnto ohargoa duo undnr the NotA. �
<br /> . 2. �unds tor Texes nnd Insura�oe.Sub�eo! to eppiq:abb l��v or to a�vrlttan�vaMOr dy Lender,9anowar oh�tt poy
<br /> _�,�;�:;, to Londar on thu doy manlhy pnymonto aro duo under tho Noto, unt�t tho No10 la pu�d In NIl,n oum('i'unda")lor. (A) yoarry
<br /> - texos end aesoaomonto whloh may att�On priodly over thta Bcouriry Inetrumont an a Ibn on !ho Propony: tb) Y�nrry �OaaohaW _
<br /> ' °�'` paymontn or pround ronto on tho PropoAy, ��unYS (01 VQ�►�N htuard or proporty M9urtu►oe p�nlumD; (d) y��►ood hsurpnoo -- '
<br /> promluma, If nny;(o)yoaKy moRp3po inaurcinco promlum9, i1 ony;and(�)anY oum�payabb by �oRO�vor to l.endor in acoordanco `
<br /> � - wHN flw provislone of parepraph 0, tn Ilou of Ihp paymon! of moigingo IneurAnco pr�mh,mn. Thoao Itnmo ara aalbd 'Eooro�v ��'_�
<br /> .� Itomo" ln�der may, ut sny t1ma, ao�bat end hatd Fundo �n an amount not to oxaoad tha ma�cYnum nm9uM a �rnd�r for n �
<br /> , fodamly rotatod moApago tonn may raqulra for BaROwor's asarow acoau�nSpAd'r ^b�Qdpnotheratawathat optp�bs tc t�o Fu da �
<br /> .� Aal ot 1974 ae amonded hom t(mo to timo, 12 U.B.C.I�P60t ot saq. ( ��_
<br /> aot� a loaaor amouni, if op,Londor moy, at nny tlmo,oolloot and hatA Fundo 1n a+ amount not to oxcood tho b�sor omount F
<br /> j Londor may out4nato tAo amount ol Funds duo an tho bosl� ol ourtant dnlc�and �oaaonabb aetimatos ol oxpandlWros o1 Nturo �
<br /> �� � Gscrow Itoma or othonvtso In aCCOrdanca with appli4abb Inw. '
<br /> •t���'�{'�� Thp Funda ohall bo hotd In flo InotiNilon whoao dopaa(ta ara Gtflurod by u loticrpl ctgonoy.Inohumontality,ot onUty llno9�din0 `E
<br /> �:��',1y;�• C,
<br /> t,\��5,� Londor, i1 Londor Is euoh nn tnatiiut�on)or 1n any Fodoral Homu Lonn Bunk. Londot sha11 appty tho Funda to pay Iho Gsmo�v -
<br /> Itomo.Landor may nol ohnreo Bartuwor tor holdln0 and oAPNhO tho Funda.annualty unaNstnB Iho osorow acoount,or votityNp _
<br /> � tho Esorow Itoma, unb�e Lenclor puyn 8onowo� IntArost on tho Fundo nnd applbabb IAw pamiitu Lendor to m�kp euoh a _-
<br /> ��' �� aharpo, However, Londor may roquko 8arrow,ar ta pay u ono-tkno ahargo tor nn hdopondont raal ootato tax roportlnp eonrice --
<br /> c{�"',;�f �' —
<br /> 1,� • usa� by Londor m aonneotton with thls toan, unbsa applbndb Ww provid0a mhmwtse. Unbso an eareemonl 1s mRdo or
<br /> ' '����t applUabiO bw raquaes Intorosl to be pald, �endor eha11 aot b��oQukod to puy 8ortowor any Intoroot or oaminpa on thv Fand�.
<br /> �'.,ti�'�)j� 8o�ra�vor and Lundor may agroe In wAting. however, Ihet In1Uros! ehAll bo pald on Iho F�+nd9. Lundor shaN pbo to Qunower,
<br /> • ���;�� withoul aharga sn nnnual acaounth8 of the Funda, ahowtnp orodtta and dobtta to tho Fu:�:�a and tho purp000 tar whbh oaoh
<br /> dobft to the Fuada wae mndo. TAe Funds uro pbdpud us additlooal oocutity Qor ull ouma aoourod by tho Seourity tneUUmont.
<br /> ��,;i� It tho Funds hoid by Londar pxoead tho amounto pormftted W bo ho�d by+�pp►babb I�w,lon�lor ahult acoount to 8arro�vor
<br /> ,;�`�s, br tfle oxoose Funda k►aeoordunoo wNh the requkoment�ot n�plfoabte Iaw• II tho nmount af iho Fundu hotd by Lander at any
<br /> ., 5�,:t�i, .: �Yno f�rtot ouMbbnt to pay the Esoraw Itoma whOn duo, Len�or may so nottry Bortowar in�wAt�g,U�d, In auoh caoa Horrower
<br /> ��r��'" shall pay to Londor tho amount n000seary to mako up th�dui�cbnoy. 8onowar ohall mra.ta up tho dolbbnoy In no moro ihan
<br /> � ' twotvo manthry paymonto,at Lendor'o oob discrat�on.
<br /> � �,� Upon paym�,�t tn Puil 01 aiI sumn aeouro3 by thl�Sonurity Inalrumont, 4vnder aAall promptry rotund to�oROwm any Fundo
<br /> �}�y l.n�der. �f,undar Qeragrnph 21,Lvett��'r 8h311 flOgulfO 0I eoli th0 Proporty,Landor,pr3or to tho awAu�ilion or 8610 of tho
<br /> ' Pta�ony, oha�1 af,pb anY Funds hflld by Londor nt tho limo ol aaqu�sftion or sa�o ao 0 ored� againol i�o s�ms e�srst3 b,!!�
<br /> ,; ;�';�:�;t �Ot+rlly(�9trum6nt.
<br /> 9. AppllcnUon of Payments. Unbss eppllaabl0 4►w providos ainwwise, ail ca��ymenla �eceNed by Londcr uader
<br /> ��=�;h�`�• . _ �.�� . a.,�s n�u no anpund: �irny tD Bt1Y Ot008lIfllOfl)Q�QT40A dlt9 Ut1dOt(h0 NOtB; oeaond,to amounte payaDla ander
<br /> -°-- - puragr�pA 2;t��d,ta tntemat due�;touAh,!c prinoipel due;end laat,to any mte onorges aue unaa me i�oi•.
<br /> ' ' � 4. Ch!!TQ°8; LI011s. 8ortawer shetl pay pll taxos, eeseoemonts, ohArgo�, fino9 and Ynpoofltons ettrRtutlbie to the
<br /> - ',i� Property whbh may attaln prlortry ovor th1� Soaurity Inatrument,end leasehoid pAYmanto or around ronta, H any. Bonower shull
<br /> ;�� „
<br /> �' ��`�',`L'• � pay the�o obil�sttone In the mnnnor pravtdod in parapraph 8, or M eal patd b that mnnner.poROwM 8hst1 pay them on tYne
<br /> .A.'�..
<br /> �•^�•'��•� ; daootry to the pereon owsd puymenl. Bortpwer ehall prompiy 4�+mtah to LfJDdOt 611 n04iC0a 01 Q�10U�10 t0 b0 pAld utlifEl'th9
<br />__�, ::'�' parupraph. If Harrowar make� these puymente dirooty, Bortowor ohall promnly tumLh to lendor roee�ta evktena�np tho
<br />;�'h� paymmts.
<br /> '".`�,�y+ng BoROwer ehati��ramDtry dt9ohprpe eny ibn whbh AAO prbrity ovor thfs SeoutUy Inefrumonf unbs9 BoaOwon (a)�araea�n
<br /> '"�-� wrftlnp to the pAyment ot the obllpetbn ouourpd by tho Ibn In n manner aaoepteble to Len�or: (b)ooa4a91s tr� pood lnRh tha
<br /> ----"�=— Ilen by, or dofenda aaalnat enforcemont of the Ilen In, lepai praaoedhpa whbh In the Len�lo�a optnbn opor�te to Rrwon4 tho
<br /> �.,�� ontoraenxu�t of the Iien;ar(01 soouros hom the hotder of Iho Ibn an apreemant oatisfuotory to Lender aubordhatha tt►a Uan to
<br /> _- this 8eourRy Inatrumenl.N lender dntermhos thnt sny paA ol the PropeAy 19 aubJeot to a 11en whbh may attatn prbrNy ovflr thls
<br /> at� SeourMy Instrumenl,Lend�may gNe Oortawar a�otbe ldentUyNp the Ibn. Bonowor sAStt eatlsy!ho Ilen o�tolce one ar more of
<br />--:,��� tha Qotbn�oot torth abova wRhh 10 days of tAs plvinp of notbo.
<br /> _�ny_—� 8. �IAYAfd OT PI'OpQrty Ifidtlf�lOCO. Bortower alsati keep the Improvemente now ex�sthp or haeafter sroat�d on tho
<br /> .�i. PropWh► Insurod apahat Mo9 by Ibre, hararda Inotudod wtthin Ihe term 'extondad oo��arago'snd any other h�zardt, haludhg
<br />;,�a�;;:i,i:� tbodo ar ttoodhp,tor whbh L•ander roquteo ineurance. ThI� hsuranoe BhaA bA mulntAhed In the amounle enA fpr tha pwlodf
<br /> wl'.�•'s_ that i.ender tequYes. The hsu�rtY�ae aarcb► provldln0 the InauranCO shatl Oa ohosen by 8ortowet BubJeat to len0or'8�AArovel
<br /> whbh sholl oot be unreneonap�s wNhhetd. tl BoROwer hlh!o mlthtah oovsriipo dYioribod above, 4end�may, at I.�ndars
<br />�*2��� optbn,obGtln ooveraQe to prot�re �o�der's r�'hts{n the PropeRy b a000rd8nce wqh ptreDtAph 7.
<br /> �".�Y.�� Atl Inau�nco palblee ana w���A�s ohnfl Ae eoceptabb to lendor and shn0 ho0�da a eWndar�`�artp�a'p�e�ap11�ece�te of
<br /> ,_���� ehell have the�Ipht to hotd tha pal���as�.�0 renewals, N Londer raquirea,QoROwar stinU�rampty p b
<br />::;�v,,..�;� pa{d premiums a,nd�onewal rtotims�. in ft�e ovent of toes,8oaower ehall glva prpmpt notl�o to ths t�aurance onniar an�lender.
<br /> --=-�F�+���— Londer mpy mako prcot of Iooe i9 oot made p�ompty by BoROwer.
<br /> '���'�"� UnMae Lw►d�and 8otrowot othwwisu a�reo In wrltt�p, InBUranCO proceeda ehetl ba appliod to restoratbn or rop�ir of the
<br />-�'��r`�%� Propwty dartwpod,H tho restorolbo ot repat l�eoonombaly foqsbb and Lvncter's seourfty is nol basanacl.It thv roatorat ton�r
<br />-,.;;N��'��w• ropxfr ts not eooaombauy feaelbta or lendefe aeourity would be lesaened,!he inoumnce proceedo eAatl Cra appll�d to lhp wms
<br />-;�k►e�:_S:.' s�ound by thb Seourqy Instrumw�l, whethe� or not then duo, wRh any enaese p��d ta 8orcowe�. 11 8ottqwot Abandons thp
<br /> --___--- pto�.Qs l�•�nty np:wer wNhin 30 daya e noUce trortl(.6nd8t that thti In¢ur�nce oers'�ar hae aft6r8d t9 aattle 4 el1k�►,thon
<br />_:�,,.�,.;,W� �onder rmy ooiloot th9 bauranae procaada. Lwider may use eho proceeds to repatr ar r�ata�o tho�raD�Y or to p�x eum�
<br /> ��•=?�: � ioourod by thl�SeCUriry In4trurtwnt,whothw or not lhon duo, The 34daY Petlod wi11 bopb wnon Iho nvY�co b phron.
<br /> • Unbss L�nder and Ronoww othwwlae s�ree h wrki�p, any appHaatbn o1 proaegds to princ�A1 ah�u not extend or -
<br />• � �.�� � ,' pottpona ths due aat�of tha monthy paymenta reteRed to in paroprpphs t and 8 or ohanpe Ihe amr,anl 01 tho p�ymonte. N
<br /> undar para�raph 21 thY Proporty la aaquted by LQnder. Borrow�e ripht to any hsuranoe potbloa and prvaeods rasulthp hom
<br /> .�. ", dartvtpe to the Properly prlor to tha aaqulsNbn ehoN paea to LenAor to tha extent ot the auma by thls Seouriry Inetrumw�t
<br />`:+""�. ,• . •': imrtwdl�t�ly Prbr to tho QuQulsltbn.
<br /> ,.r�'_'�.� �' 8. Oaaup�nay, Pro�ervatlon. Melnteoanoo end Proteotlon of the Property; �orrawor'a Loa�
<br /> • � ' AppllcaUona �essehold�. Bonowor ohaU oacupy, esWbllsh,and uso lh� PropeAy 6s 8orrowafo prinolpal ro9lde+tCB wNhln
<br /> s6cty daYS pfter the exawtbn o1 thls Soourlry Instrument end ahau oonthuo to ocaupy tho PropoAy a� Borrower'e prinopel
<br /> . �_ rosldonca for nt 1ea41 one yoar atter the dite of ocoupanny,unless Le+�der othorwlse epreeo In writhg, whbh oonoent shAN not
<br /> ...r be unraaeonaby wAhhYtd,or unbs9 extenuttfnp olroumstenae9 axlsl whbh ue beYOnd 9or►ovrera oontrol. 6orrower shAN not
<br /> destroy.danwQ�or topak tho P�opaty, Qlbw thY Property to d�twbrate, or oommN waate on lho P�operty. Bo w�r shaN b�In
<br /> " ' h torfeiture 01f t e Pr p�eRy Or othre�wl edmAt8�1o11ytYnpp Nhe�Nen oroated by�hbt660urity�lnA�ment 0 rLpndef' 9p�fky��r SuN
<br /> ,�.
<br /> :. .�t` ,� ..
<br /> a�o�e.iMO��roo1 N�p.a o�e
<br /> oep�s
<br />