°tr' .—�4: ^e'.n �7I �t,+'i � '1:�1' :��"t.. nt �y..` `�' r ''� '�\- ��' ��' i�t Y i. Te�•q ��fr,r•n^,
<br /> ,•+• 1`�}.•�.r,4:�\}•"84�• ,}Y��l�'S�`��. �j:,(� .��� :'�tyE. �� a.a•�,,,y.�r.,,Th, - ,l�ir.�.ii' ��.. :t�: `1 �' 1_��:�rii,.�11 `'�'�: .1-t�'1�°�p�.'idC�l�. �iy� :V��..
<br /> �� �� �yt. ti :,,t��:,s 1,"� �a� � a ,�. .4t• �.4�•����., t . :�; :. :�:� � �,:1� a a4��41i'��.,•��. � ., �• r.h �, ,
<br /> i*-�Lr�-tt tY��ji�s��+��� �_ �t, � ��2,4�°V,! l'��`�"i�� f �,;� , �1 �•,}; r .� !l
<br /> v ��7��y, !sl� h �i �' � + i � ' `�+A�.ti. .��'�--'-�—» .'o .
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<br /> � � 9�° ������;
<br /> . �
<br /> . - 1-� FAMI�Y �IB��t -�
<br /> � �� - �Asatgnm�t�104 Re�t�� l-�
<br /> - _ � �� TN19 1�4 PAMILY RIO�R I�mada thl� .. .g{�._. daY o�.. ._..._.._�R��1!4�tY...-----,-���A---,an0 ta inaoryamMd�nta and ahatl ba r�
<br /> - _ i�'` � ct98m�d to nrtrond d�8 duiKiE��ssitt tt�d i4�8rt(}�tya, t�d a!T[u9!gt&?�ut�!!l�3C lthP°3.�ur�p Inettumetll') Qt Ih9 88m8 dot8 9NOn by __
<br /> � tAa underolpnsd(Ihe'portowsr")to oocure 8om�we�'e Note to F�A Q�S�[�A�?d..���!!A�S19�k-a.t...�-�L-ll�-���!t�-° �he°I.endnr'ti ��_
<br /> . ___, _ . l ,..
<br /> of tha oemn date and oovoiMe the Pro�pnA donarWad fn the Seeuriiy Inatrumant nnd locatod al: ��-
<br /> .;�_�=�F` .._.._._. .._......__ �s.���dNl�l.���l, t� A :1��1d,_['�[[!�!�lttL8..�1Q4L�....�.. ---__.._..___— �
<br /> ._,�-;�-. ._. �woua�y aoa�..o� �_-
<br /> � 1•4 RAMILY COVBNAN�B. In addftton to tho oovanants�nd eereemenle made Y►the Saaurtd lagtn�mon7,eorrower and lendor _ _
<br /> turthnr o0vonanl and egree a8 fclbwo: C:'�
<br /> ; � �� A. ADDIYIONA� PROP�RTY BUBJECT TO TME SECUHIYY INBY�iUi19�NT. tn ndd'dton!p th� Ptopurty do�CNbnd �;_
<br /> in lho Saourity Instn+mant,tho tollowhp ttams nro added to tho Propariy desoriptlon,and ehatl etso oon8t�aut�tAs PrApsRy oovorad by tho
<br /> • 5ooucqy Inauumonl: huflding mutoriala, appltanco� nnd pood9 ot avory neture whetoaovar now or h�c�191t9r loCatod !n, on, or uaed, or
<br /> '�� tntendod to tro ueod In oonnooticn wUh Ih� Property, Mobdinp, but not lynitod to, th000 tor tR9 pv�Ar+oa o! oupprylnp or dt�trlbutlnp _
<br /> � . haetinp, aoallnp, eteotrWlty, eas, wato►,ab and Upht,fun prevttntlon and oxl0�pul3hing app�rntu9, c+�CV�1:��and accose aontrol�ppnrstuo, _
<br /> � ptumbhp, balh tube,water hvatore, YtQ10T Ql088t8� etnke,ranpes, 610Y89� raht�orotore,dinhwa9h,re, dGjpuaato,waoh�ea,dryore, awningn, M
<br /> atorm wMdo�vo, etorm doore, saroono,htinde, ohadva,aurtalno and ouRoln rods,altaeh8d mVraTe,aablrreta, pAnotiing and ottQOhed itoar _
<br /> �= oororingn na�v or horoaRor attnohad to ths PropoAy,wU of whloh, Nobdln8 roplaoamants nnA addVtc��s t�or�to, ehatl Oo deomod tn bo -
<br /> pnd ram?�n n part o1 iho PropaAy eovarad by 1he Soourtty InatNmenl. Afl 01 tho lorogolnp togath�r wtth!ho Prop�riy do3cr�ctd In tho _
<br /> � • 8ocuriry Inguumanl (or the basoQold estat� tt tho Seourtty Inatrument Is on c► k�aso�ottl)aro rorttrmvl t� �n thb 1.4 Famiry RIdM nnd tha
<br /> •. &ecurHy Ir�Yhumant eo the'P�a�erty'. _
<br /> � , B. USE OF PROE�CRTY; COMPLIANCI�1P�ITN LAW. Borrov�N�OhA��not nooh,�Q�W tG Of rt19�N a Ch9rIQ0 In(h�UCO o1
<br /> ' tho Ptoperty ot fta mnN� olaooNioalion, uM888 L9nds* R89 CQf88d (ll wriHng tn th� ohanpp. eotrowor sh�A ap:npN wltA flll Wwe, _
<br /> �._� ordlnsneos,repulatbna and requiremento 01 any pov�r►�uuv�tal body epplksabb to tho pr�jeny.
<br /> C. SU80RQINAT� LI�h9. Excnpt ae pOrmRted by tedoret Iqw, Etar►awsr oholi not attow ony Ifon b►Wrfnr to tho 5ocurity
<br /> ' � inut�umont to bo pertoatod agalnal the ProDORy w(thout I.ondor'a pstor writton ponnisslon.
<br /> 0. F3ENT 40S91N8URAI�ICC. Ronowor ohell mnintsh Insurance ngahst ront loso tn Nl�9ton to tho mhor houtrde fa�whbh
<br /> .:� Ineuronco 1�roquked by UnHortn Govenant 9.
<br /> ' E. "BORROW�R'9 RI6H`f TO R�iNSTATE"DELE1'�Q. un�tom Covanant te b dotorod. �
<br /> .M F. 60RROWER'S OCCIIPANCY. Unb�e �endor and Borro►vor otnonnlsb neroo in w�idnB. tha fkel eentonce In Unlbrm
<br />"`•� Covenenl 8 oonceminp Qoao�ti+era oacv.�n:r:_Y ol the Property I� d¢kted. Au ramaininy aovenants tlnd ngroomonto flot forih In UnitoRo
<br /> i�r',,,
<br /> • :;,. ,��,x, 1� Covencn18 aholl romaln h efteot.
<br /> '._,�_;! G. Q�IQNMLNT OF LEAS�S. :�on 4an�o�'o requos4, p4::awer ohall aonign !o lon�its+Ati tsaees of tlw Prope+'1y E���au
<br /> :•�'`�i� coourily depasRa maCe�►oonnootton wrfi' i�uva oi i�i+=*a�oRg• t�p�s tha aas�sl.Le�sd=r�?�re!hs i��!!!�modUY��d cr
<br /> �� tarminete the exlsthp laases and to exoauW now Oatis�s, in Londer'o eob dlsorotion. Afl uaod In this pnragr�oh p,the word•W&ae"
<br />�°:'`-�':v� ohnil moan'eubbstae" M the&eourky Inahumonf Ir on p ta�tAOhold.
<br /> --""G:'� N. ASSIONMENT OF RENTS; ApPO1N1'MENT OF RECEIVEA; I.ENDER IN R'0.48E8SION. earcowur abaolutory
<br /> -___ and unennd!lMneky e�signs and transters 9a LanOe��n tne�eme ano rsver�ueo i�'i vi im�".v'�""���i�+=a!4a�lsasst l3ss P�s�
<br /> TM^���'t, ot the P�opsRy are payabb. 8ortowet �.�`+o�i�s Lender or Londers aµenta to oolbot tne Rents, fl�'�At�reea thyt etofl ta►itflt of ttr�
<br /> re
<br />-_..�`.��r���h�s PropoRy eheil pay thA Fla�to ta 4ondar or Londo�s aponto. Howover,8ottowor ohoU roaoNa ihc�Run13 unlii(q Londor hno pken Borrowar
<br /> Fla
<br /> �:�+-� notice o1 detauM pursusnl to parapraph 81 ot the Stiaurity Inatroma►t and(Iq 4ondsr has Olvon noibe to Iho tenent(e)th�t th�Rente an
<br /> ,��',�"•�+ 1� bo pnid to lendar or 4andar'a agsnt. This aoel�nmoni ot Renta oonsiRutoa n�� �aaoNto aonlpnm3nl and �oi �n asabnment tor
<br />-_=• �cy..•: addkbnol aeourity ony.
<br /> '�-�`�"�;', If lender plvo�eotbo of bre�ah td�a:Tawor.Q)all Ronte rooaNes!Qx 8orrower eBati bo hold hy Dartower oe tru0toe(or th9 Oonetlt ot
<br /> ,-- �,,�
<br /> �"��i;� Londar onry, to be opplbd to tho suma eeourod by the Seourity In:Mu'n.nl; (A)Lender shatl be en1111�:9 to oolteet and rocebe A11��1 tho
<br /> �`�ti Reate of tha Prope ; plq Bortower ayroos that eaoh tonant oi tho�c:�;r��1y ohaSi!�Y all Fiont� dun snd 4+n;��1Q to 1.ender ar 1�ndnr'e
<br /> --���
<br /> - aqenta upan 4on�e wrkten demnnd to lho tennM; (N) unlesa epp�bable I�w ps�vi0e9 otherw+se, oA�1a �t��loated by l.endx or
<br /> —`'i� Lendcir's aqenM sh�ll be applbd t�s1 t�tho aosto of Ot�t�ng aontrol ot ttnd manaqlnq�9ha Properhi�nd oalteotin�Qra'fiente, Inoiudhp,but
<br /> .,_r`�}� fl01 IYIIKO��O� 9RORIBy�9 (OB9� �aoaNars feea, premlume on reoeNa�e OondA, repa�a;t� mulntennnae ooata, If10i1:�noe premlum9, 1YXSS�
<br />_— °°'-- asaessmenb �nd othet ohsrp�a on th�i rr ropeAy, and thM to the sumr eeoured by tho Seourtty t�st+umenl; (v)4endw.Lo�de►'e aQents�
<br /> �-``j��� or eny ludbisly appohted teaeNer �1ntl'pe tl�bla to aaoount lor ony tho8e Rente cotuply teoeNa�;and (vl)Lender ahqll bo entflbd to
<br /> s,�-� hpva a rucetver appolnted to tako posposslon o1 end manaso tha PropeAy and aotix�t the Renta end prolita derNed hom tha PropeAy
<br /> _ - wflhoul any ehowhp ae to ihe inadequAOy ot tho Proparty as 8oaurky.
<br />=-----�_= If the Rante ot!he PrqpeRy ere nol suNblant tp oover the aoatn of takinp oonUOl ot snd manaqlnp the PropaAy and ot oatleatlnp lhe
<br /> -- Honte any tunds e�ended by t.ondor for auoh purposo9 ohnll beoome Indobtorin�se ot Bonowar ta Landor soau�od by ihv SeourByr
<br /> Inetrumont pa�utnt to Unifortn Covena��l 7•
<br />'�"'R""=i70� 8ortawot repreaenta �nd waROnte thel �oROwer hAa nal exaau2ad any prbr esslpnmeM o9 ��?�g R�nte and hoa not an� �v�l not
<br />�-';h��� portorm any not that would preveM 4onder ham exercishp Re dphte uncJer thl�parap�ph.
<br /> lende►, or Lenders � ta or w Judblaty appobted receNar, shatl no1 be requted to entor upon, take oontrol 01 or mak�lnln the
<br />------- - Praperty befon m aRer pM� �otiae of deffiuR to 8onawer. However,L.ender, or I.endare agents or o judbiely appahted recuiver,msy
<br /> �.r'� do 0o at ar►r Cime wAOn o dofauN oCCUre. AnYap ptbelbn ot Re�►te ahad not auro or wake pny deiault or Invatidate any othw rtpht or
<br /> ,__�._�,�..�� remedy ot Lindbr. This itsannment of Rrx�ta ot tha Prop�xty ehaq terminate wAon ail the eums 9ecurod by tho Ec+ourNy Inatrumont nro
<br /> i.__.�a� Paid b NU.
<br /> - ��=z�� 1. CROSS-DEFA�1LT PROVISION. �ORCW0f�8 d810UM OT breach unckx any noro c�s dgroenwnt h whbh 4ender hao an
<br /> °-'''"'�°� Intorest sh4N be p breaoh undor tho&acurky Instrumenl and Len�may hvok6 any of tho rqnedles parm�tod by Ihe SeaurHy inatrument.
<br />�_=?il�+� 9Y 810NIN0 BELOW,9onawer aceepts and amroes to tho terma and provl9ton�oonri this t�Famly Filder.
<br /> �.�� - .` � � , j� i- r� -
<br /> tg /I/
<br /> 1 Cl�'.•r (��� _.�.��..
<br /> �'- �'���� poirown mas . nzon
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<br />:t,�. . � �
<br /> �!1S� �, (��
<br />—' �• ,* Efonown p C 0 . 6 i10011
<br /> --:�v�.4!��"
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<br /> . • ���• �&eaq
<br /> aonow•i
<br /> �� 5
<br />' 'L.�/.,f. �:#.
<br /> .��* . ����
<br />, ,,a Oo�roan
<br />'�-���� �:4 MUL7ISTATF. 1�4 PAMILY RID�R•Fonnb MaelFredtlo M4o UnUorm I�atrumar►1 FoRn 3170 9l80
<br />_��,�. F�aep.►Ma�ero»
<br />:*��. ;� ;�
<br /> .,.,....�.
<br /> --- -- - � Q0007
<br />