,�.' ✓.�@![� :I- ii .' \r ' I t.�. �r ..`;Y.._J� '��.4y�� �1PS 1�1 :�tli��,Y .� i\�:5�i� �.. . . . . A �}d__. .. �: �- 1.
<br /> , �l.,t,.. �r . t.. . .,i':'��� -i �V.,� ti'�-+ �=7 4 ti�.E,.•..1�L;.�ld._rr��`J-I=+=';��..:,;,�: �.:.•; �.,:,�,�.t. :.z�.
<br /> .+�tS♦ 1�tF;,`5 t� f':y� � I�1 L �� 4.� � i \Il.�•,F �. t. $' Lil•i .i�1 {'+.l'.
<br /> r�'j51ivi.tiCitRyi�—"���ih}j�Sly�i�, ,:��:t4��;n.��::;t. 'iV�N�-31tr-Lt9�CS!tJi +�n �•i
<br /> .� . .. - • . • .ar ,.. � . ' .
<br /> � . - i� ., ' ' '
<br /> :,.�, . - .�.`.
<br /> .� �
<br /> +�'
<br /> �
<br /> ,. ti . , , l .. . -_ ___....--
<br /> .� ,
<br /> ,• .,-r,.,> ` • " - - '
<br /> � yt. T�ane4ar o4 tha P►opetry nr a soeo71�1a1 I�tcreat In 8orrflwvr� �� e11 or any plul ol thn PraperlV oi
<br /> uny tntmo�l in It ts oold or trnnotarrod(or II a banotic4lt Intorost in 8orro►var 13 snld or tranat�rtud and FJoRa�aor t3 not n nnturpl
<br /> � , paroQn)wUhou!lnnd�r'o prtor wrlton ooneunl,I.ondGr moy,at Ro oplton,raqu4u hnmodlnta paYman� tn tu��o}QU aumo actnurod by
<br /> thU 6rourity Inolrumont. Ho�vovor, this apllon ohull nol ba oYOrolaod by Londor ff oxorol�o�a prphl�ttod by todornl �w ao ol Iho �
<br /> dt�W ut tht�Saaunty inatiumonl. �
<br /> . tt lasidor oxorol3os tAls optlnn, 6enAnr ahall elvo F3oROwor nottco ol nacot�rntlan. Tho nolbo ohetl provlde a portod oi not
<br /> __ _:
<br /> baa th�trrt 30 dAYo �om tho dnte thv �at�o is c�otNOrod or mulbd �vithln whbh Rorrowor muol poY ull Oum9 cocuracf By thf9 �
<br /> '_ ] &sourtt�r innhum�a►1. If BoROwet fA�j9 to DdY th000 aums prior to th0 N�fl���►pr► al lh18 Rerlad. LendDr maY Nvoke eny �em ba �
<br /> � �mtttod by thls Soounty Inatmm�nt wnhoui t��i�►or nattvo or damnnq on 8orto►vCr. �
<br /> _ i�. Bama�v�P'a A{�i�4 4� €�elnst�t�. it 8r�oe� r�a eerts� een�+a►�s, 8ortoare� 9A�U h9v8 tit0 rIpAI !0 hOvo
<br /> •• � vnforcomonl o!f�b Seawiry Instrumenl dlsaontlnuod al nny tima pr�or to the earti�r ot: (a) a dnye (or suoh olher perbd ae �
<br /> appt!aabb taw may apeclry tor relnatatemeMl beture aoi�ot tAe Pro�r1Y PureuAnt ta any pouer ot eala aontnhecl �n�h�s F,e�urt1Y T�
<br /> Inetrum�nt;o�lal er►try ol n �udpmenl a�toroinp Ihls Saaurtiy Inetrumonl.Thoea oondHbr+e trs ihal Oono►ro�: (�1 p�Yb �end0�tt11
<br /> , �` eums whf�h then would bo due unQer thh 8tcu�Ry Inetrumnnt�nd lho Note�e M no tooaleretion �ed oecuRad; !b1 ourea eny �
<br /> dEftup Cf Ofly OIhN GOYO�Rt1) Ot�Qf8Et11lf►ls; (0)P�yo YII�Meo� lnouned In enforalnp thi9 8eaurqy inttruma►1, NCludhp,Aul =
<br /> �o�Ilmavd lo,�eaaontbta ettnmFye' fus; tnd(d)tnken euah aalton ae lende� mey rtaeantbry nquto to sesure Ih�1 1he I�n ot _
<br /> IhU F�iirNY initMm�nl, len(S�rO r�hlQ �1 ihe PropetlM dn0 QOrtOwePe obl�gai�o�� lo pnY tho ouma acourad by thhs Srcu�Ry �
<br /> �; butrummt eh�11 cont�nue unohAnped. Upon r��etatNr,enl bY BoROwur, thl� 6eauiHY 1na►nimcnt and lhe obtl@atbne eoaursd
<br /> � . '. • horsby eh�li rpinaln Nty ett�otNY aa N no aao�t�rtl�On htd occurced. Nowavor,lhta right to r�lnetats sh11A aol�AAN��h�aass -
<br /> � ol ac��Y�ratbn undpr Per�pnDh tt. _
<br /> � �9. Smle of Notej Chanpe ot L,asn 8ervlca�. Tho Noto or p a parltal ht�reat tn the Nota (losether with th19
<br /> Soo�rNy Inetnimvot)may ba entd ona o►moro tlmao without prtor�iotke to Bortowor.A ea�a mny roauM 1i s oh4npe� Ih�entih
<br /> (known as Ihe"4oen BoNaer"1 lh�l ool�ole monthy paymenta due undor the Noto and lhl�Security inehumunt. Theca Abo may
<br /> be one or moro ahMpee ot ths Loan Senlcor unretated to a aala ot tho Nota. If thore 1s a ahange of tht► �oM Senricer�
<br /> � 8or�awar wttl ba pNen wrNten natice ot tho ohpnpo in ecoordunca�vlth para({tuph 14 abovo and appliotbb faw. ?he not�e will
<br /> st�te tha�Ami and address ot the eew loan&o►v(cer und tho eddress ta whbh pny�nente ehoul4 be matl�• Tho�c►fce w�u ahso
<br /> t' pont�in anp othw NtOrnfAtbn requtad by�pp��CAbla Inw. —
<br /> ` Z0. MSI�tdOW Stlbi1�11C00. BonOwOr eht111 not Cau:o Or poTm4 tho presenCp, uae, dlsposA4 storaae,or rewasa of =
<br /> �� . Rny Hemrdoue SubStanaea on or k► lho ProporN. BoROwor ehap nol do, nor a11aw onyono e�ta to do, anythhp afteathp teo .
<br /> PropeAy lhat Is In viotutbn ol any EnvtonmonlAi Lew. Tho P�od�B �o aentenaey shall oot appy to tho pns9enco,uee. ot
<br /> � ato�aa on!�e PtopaAy ot smali quanttllafl ot Harerdous Subatnnoos that aro gnnornlly roaognix�d!o bo approprfatv to nom�l ,�
<br /> � restd�ittal uaofl and 10 neahtonanao of the PropeAy. _
<br /> k3ortnw�i nha11 promp!!y gke Len�r wrUten nptbo ot any invoLllpRilOn, a�tlm, domuntl, 41w8uN or other iolbn by ony
<br /> . po��ammental or ropu�tory egenoy or p�Nato psny hvoNhp the ProDanl+ and any Ho:ardoua bl�batance or Envtonmo�ta�La�v ol
<br /> " whicA 8ortower has aotual knowk�dpo. It BcnOwer b$ma, or ►s notllbd by any gowmmontal ar reputitary author(ty,that any
<br /> remvvat or olhar �omodtatbn ot any Mamrdouq Substnnco ath�ct�np ProParry tn aacesa�rY. Bpnpw� aM0 promptt� tnke aN
<br /> , � necosyary romedlal aotbna 6n acaordsrtca wBh Envaunmental4s�v �a�oos daiined a�toxb o�hamrdous euDsUnres bY
<br /> As uab�in i`n��r"�r'�h�Si. `l3ssr�sts BuQster►eea'??�4n�9 _ __
<br /> Emira�rne�tAl Ww und thp foL'rrrin0 oub9tencos: �asot►�:� t�uosono, othw ttammabb cr toxb pouoleum pro+wc�� M:tb
<br /> pestlldus and Aorbbides,vot�tile soNente, motsrinl3 aonffihhQ ma9a9tos or formatdehyde,and rt��bactNe mttwiab. Aa u$'���
<br /> �����!' aaraaroph 20, "Emkonmentaf Lew" moano tatSersl laws und iawa a1 the�urisdloltoo whore tho Property Is looated that ro�'te to
<br />` �"'�":.�" or envlronment�l rateotion.
<br /> ,; ;r; f�s!!h,satOly B
<br /> ���'� 1V�N�UNIFQRM COVENANTc• Bonowor and londor turtS�cr car�onant nnd aprer��e fotlowe:
<br /> .��;,
<br /> '•;�;r�`�' 8�. Aceeleretlon; Hesmreslle�. Lender �haG9 �Jve noUce to Bor�c►wer prlor ta aacetcF �n�n
<br /> ��i;�t; � b�lawin� Bor�owe�'s breach of any aovena�t �Q ��reema�t Im ihia �aou�ity Inatrumont (b�ab an�t
<br /> prso� to aaoete�atlan unde� pnra�r�ph 17 u�leaa appllceble Isw provides otherwise�. The ae�3�ea
<br /> ` a?ea11 speoifys (�) the defauHi (b) �� ���n required to euce the default; (o) �dete, not lea then
<br /> � '�``�'�' 84� dsya from the dato the ootlae t��7van��moqaowe�, by whloh the deMuH must ba ourod; �nd
<br />:_�.M�',,
<br />_,�.�,F+.�, �8� �at tailuro to ouro the doMuit q� ar be��m ahe date �peoiNed In the natlee may �e�aamt in
<br /> ?;, ,,,: ��ca9ar�tlon of the sum�aecurod I�t31�1s Seo��a�7 9nitrument and stle of tha Property.The n�4�Loe
<br /> �,,+; �he11 tanher Inrorm eorrower ot t�►+� �1�ht to rolnstete �fter aeaeter�Uon and tha �l�M to bri�g �
<br />__:.._.,° ccwrt eotlon to s�sert the non+exlstenoe of a detsutt or aey other detems of 8o�rower to
<br /> :�i,;;� ar�c�lertllon and Qale. te �4t,� dofoult I� �ot e�nrm�! o0 0� betoro the d�ts �peoiflad In ihe notle�.
<br /> G.�ia�tler at Its optlan may o�oqui�e Immedlete p��mnaot In f�10 of�11 aume seeured by tht� Sea�arity
<br />:�.- InaVument wHhout turther dam�nd snd msy flanvake the powar of salo �nd eny otl�e� re�na�fila�s
<br /> :r�..
<br /> , permHtad by �pplloabte law. I.e�de� ehell be enUlUed to �olleet atl expenses Incuned n pur�np
<br /> ��'=-��"°' the �emedlea provlded In thl� pa�re�raph �t� Includlog, but not Ilmited to, re�somble wttorn�ya'
<br /> ��,�;,.'4 4�ms and costs ot title evldenae.
<br /> Of the powe� of ale la Inv+oked� T�ustee �aii �ecord � �ooUce of detwit In eseh cv�rnit�t In
<br /> whloh eny p�rt o4 the P�operty Is loa�ted �n� �hall mvll ooples ot tuoh notla� i� the m�m�er
<br /> � p�escribed by appltaa�blo lew ta �ana�mr ent0 ta tho other perwn��tre�a�ibed by y�pilcable Isw.
<br /> -.-°`��� , AR�r the ttme roquired by eppliopble {�w� TvuW�o chall �lvo publto notlae of�le to the p�r�ons
<br /> t and in ti�s menna�prescrlbad by eppllcable law. Truatee. without dein��d sn 6onower. �hall sell
<br /> � ' the Rroperty �t publlo auotk�n to tho hl�hest blddet at the tlme an6 plado �nd under th� ta�me
<br /> _.�,__ �:�.t�d tn tri� notice o4 aifo in ��o or mor4 pareels �nd in my orelnr T�ustt� determines.
<br /> - � Trwtee m�y po�tpono qie of �II or �ny parcel of th� Ppopepty by pubiio rutnaurt�attien8 �i tno
<br /> �" tima �nd pisce ot �ny p�evlou�ty seheduled sale. Lende� �o� Iw deslynee may pu�ah�se th�
<br /> „ I'� . Property�t any ale.
<br /> --����'� Upoo ��ceipt of payment of U+e prloe bid� T�ustee ahill detiv�r to ths purahss�r T�u�U�'�
<br /> � ' � deed conveytnq the Property.The recitat� In the Trustee's d�od Nwtl bs prim� t�alm evid�na�ot
<br /> ths truth ot the aSetementa msde theretn. Trustes shefl epply ths proee�d� ot the s�la In 1he
<br /> � � bl{owing orders (�) to sil costs �nd �xponsea af axerclWn� the powar of �le, �ne� thm �ale�
<br /> includin� the psymont of the T�uatoe's teoa�atu�t{y INCU��em. n�t to exaaed ee
<br /> . 96 ot tho pNnotp�l �mount oY tho
<br /> note at the dmo of tAo doelaraUon ot dotwlt,�nd reasonpble� �ttorney'a tae�a pe�mitted by law;
<br /> (b)to efl wms secu�ed by this Seaurity InsVumeM; and (o) �ay exeai to ths perwo or peraons
<br /> . � tesaliy endtled to 14
<br /> . t o0 P�p��ot 0 �:i�l�-��i/
<br /> PI9teLbeQ1/ 1
<br /> � oaooa
<br /> ..,'
<br />