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<br /> T9iI.S D66D 0� TRU5T, made and anterad in�o thie _,.�� day of Febru�ry,
<br /> 199�3. by and betaeon Thowae A. Gtbsan and �'uneta A. Gib�ar�. TruRtorew and Jahn
<br /> R. HiQgi�s. Jr., 108 North Locust Street, F.O. 8ox �2'.�. GrAnd tsland. Nobreaka
<br /> t�d80�, TruaCee. and Wi1D.iam F. Harris and 'llrai�ia �!. H�rrie. BenefScierie�. —
<br /> WITNE5SBT�#� That the Truseora do by theae praae�nta grant, bargsin ond
<br /> se11, convey r��d confirm wiCh pa•k�r of ealc� unto thr� Truatee the Yollowiag
<br /> dAOCr�bed rettl estato in�luding all buil�ti�go. improvemants and fixeur�a o!
<br /> ovary kind nc+w ar herea=�a� a�s�t��! ar F1=r�s! Qn �t�' real e�tate, aituoted i�►
<br /> Hall County� in the 5t�.te og Neb�aska�
<br />- Tho Weste�l;�" k�Al� of Lot 2 an9 �11 0! a.ota 3 ana d, ot�
<br /> ia Block 18'. in Raili�e Addition to tho City of G�,a�nd
<br /> Islond, Hell County� Nebranka.
<br /> and possaeaian of saiA promiaeo now deliver�d uato snid Trustae;
<br /> ?0 NAVB AND TO HOLD the same. with ell riahte, privileRea, and Appurte-
<br /> �t►ncee, th�z�4ca belonginq unto the Trustee. his ex�c��uCoro, administraCo�r,
<br /> � heird, and assians fex��var. A,caa� Lhe Trust4ra hexe�;�� •expres9ly� waive. rolepoe
<br /> _ � and relinguiah unta the Truate� ��1 r1gh:, �title, alaim, i�t�r�at� benoPit,
<br /> auQ eat�+te whataver� in ond tc► r�u�� ebave-desaribe� �^xemisea and euc� r��� overy
<br /> p�rcr thareaf which is Qiv�an by or reaul�5 �cota ��� �Awa af r,,i�e SCaCa af �
<br /> Nebraeka pes�alning to the exomption af�hcamgstp��f, And thd 'Truslors covenpnt
<br /> with the Tr�stee that he will forevor warrAnt aad �ofend tho title to tho aoma ..
<br /> against the lawful claima of all peraon �fieomsoever.
<br /> IN TRUST HOWEVER� for the golloc�ing dascribed purpoaes:
<br /> Wti�REAS. the Trustora did on G,,.--�..�...� eace�d tnta a f'ssrc�$��
<br /> l�greewont with 8aneficiaries. which Purchase Agreement� ovidences a Ioan for
<br /> the principai eum af �►a Hundred Tvalvo Thoueand Five Hundr�d Uoilara aod
<br /> No/100 (5212.SOQ.Oa) end intereet �beY'�on according to the tArmo af aeiQ
<br /> Purcbaeo A�r.eement� eaid Purchr�se AQreement cec�uiroa mo�Chly inetollmento ta
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