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<br /> � UNIPORM COVEN�Nri. Baro�rer and Lender covetunt�nd�Aree�follo�: whrn due �,:=�;? ---
<br /> i�.'����'�.•'� . 1. Ps�wt utPN�c1f�1�i 1et�sti PnMf'��wl I.�t�G1��r�. Borrower�hdl prompllY P�Y ' :��s-.
<br /> :.,;; ����(�inkrpi on�he debt avideaced by tha Nota and�ny prep�ymrnt�ed I�te ch�r�n due under�he Naa ,..:__
<br /> � 2. p�is tor T�«uA I�wnecw Su b j e e t to�pp l ica b la I�w o r t o�w�i t t m waiver b y Lender.Horrower�hall p�y ,_..'_���.,
<br /> „ , to l.eoder on tbe d�y nan�h�Y WYm�«ue due upder the Note,until the Note i�Mid in iLll.�ium("Fund�")eqw�tu ;.,,}. ."'
<br /> p�.�p� �: (�}yprly taxa �nd aaa�mrnts Mhich rtay �tlain priotity ovet �hi� Secu�ity Imtrumenr (b) Yarly . .,.,,,.,�:•..
<br /> �� " �old p�yme�q or pound renu on the Prop�rtY� �f any; (c) yarly hua�d insuraoce premium�: �nd (d) ya�lY � .,
<br /> yoort�e inwrana premiumt�if�ny.Thae items ue¢allod"acro�item�"Lender m�y atim�te the Fund�due on the ,;::,,,,,r..: ..
<br /> -- b�s of�urtent data and r+pton�bk atim�ta of iuture escroM items. �
<br /> Tlie Funds sIW!be held in�n in�tltution the deposiu or�cccwnts oiwhich ue insu�ed or Qu�anteed by�federl or � ..� � .
<br /> �uta 4�ency(includin=I.e�►der if La�der i�such�n inuitution).Lender sh�ll applY�be Funds to p�y the escrow item�. �
<br /> en
<br /> Lender mt,Y not eharye for holdin��nd applyfo�the Fund+.uaiyzini the�.�[ar vesifyina the escrow items,un eu �
<br /> I�nder pays Horrower intenat on the Fund�and appliqbk IR�r permits l.ender to malce such�clur�e. Bortower aad . ..
<br /> .,,. • � I,ader ouy qree in Mritiag tiuu interat:bdl be paid a►the Funds. Unkss ap ag�e�mcm i�made or�pplicable aw � . .
<br /> . � .,� �^�.,�".. • roquira iataat to 6e p�id,Lender shall not be required to pay Horrower any interest or arni�gs on the Funds.Lender ,
<br /> ' ;,i; �'.'`:��.•.. �baU sive to 8orroaer,�vitbout ct�uRe.�n�nnual a000w►tin;of�he Funds showing erodits and debits to the Fw�ds and the ...
<br /> .F.,,:,; .
<br /> .�,�:(� purpoa tor Mbich each debit t�o the Fw�ds rvas made.The Fund�ue pled�ad ss additionsl securi�y far the aums securad by
<br /> th�s gecuricy insaurra�t. '
<br /> . 'j/%;�i:;," +.�� ; lf tbe uaount of tbe Funds beld 6�'laader.to�etber�vith the futurc m�r.h1Y MYmrnts oP Fuods paYable prior to � ,,. ,. .,
<br /> und
<br /> ; �.,., ' �d���p pf t6e perpw items.�Q exoeed the�mount roquirod to psy the escrow items when due.the excess:hall be, � ;
<br /> , ��%;,;.. u g��,a•����a�prompqy rep�id to Horro+�er or credited to Borrower e+n monthly p�yments ot Funds.If the � �
<br /> anwunt af the Fuads ueld by La�der is not sutscirnt to psy the acrow items when dw�e.Borroaer:hal)psy to I.ender anY r
<br /> �uq��wry to n�ke up�he de8cieacy in one or morc pRyma�u u required by I.ender. ,
<br /> h
<br /> pp�o�ypaa�t ia fWl of aU sums�ecwed by Ibis Security Ins[rument.Leoder:hall pronnptly rcfund to Horrawer
<br /> ;�,r� �ay Fundy held by I,p�der.li under pan�xph 19 the Property is solcl�ot�cquired by Lender.Lender shall apply,no later , ,
<br /> , �;;,: . -
<br /> �, ",�'� �..;. � �inupedktely prinr tp the sak oP the Pruperty or its aequisipon by Lender.�ny Funds held by Lender a�the dme oi .
<br /> ,�.� , � .;,',y,;� .� �pplieation as a cradit�inst t6e sums racured by this Securiry Instrument.
<br /> ��.�� �� A�l�ptlo�at p�y�pp. Ualas appllable IaM provlda otheRVise,a➢7 paYmrnts received by Lender under
<br /> �� ent char�a due under the �
<br /> p�ra hs 1 aad 2 sh�U be sppliad:8n�to I�te ciurga due w►der the Note; ,co pr�ym
<br /> � • � �''�� ` ��1 Not�thild,W amounb pry�ble uader p�n�raph 2;fourth.to interat due;and tul,to principal due.
<br /> ' . � .,:':+� ` �. �� p,�tt��y���,ra3aament9,clwrges.6na and impositions attributable to the ;. .
<br /> : �.�.�:-'�, ; .
<br /> ! • proppty �rhich�pay atWa priority,over this Secwity lnstrument, and le�sebm� paYmrnts or ground raats, �i any.
<br /> �• I BptroM�r sbdl p�y these obU�ttiau in the manner provided in puagraph 2,or if not paid in that manner,Bor�ower shdl �
<br /> • , , � �y������y��penon owed piymau.Horrower sh�ll promptly furnish to l.ender all notices c�'amounts � ,.
<br /> tp�e p�id qnd�r t6ii pRt�xph.if Horrower makes thqe payments directly,Bonower sh�ll promptly furniah to Lender ,
<br /> , , � reaipri evldeucin�the payments.
<br /> • �:;: � Bor�o�ver�1WI pramptly diuhuge any lien which has priority over this Security Inserument unless Horrower:(a)
<br /> ' . ��en�u wrrfdn�w the p�y�aent of the obiigation iecured by the Gen in a manner accepwble to l.ender;(b)contests in good
<br /> u
<br /> �v�h tbe Ika by,or ddaad���rut mforcemmt of the lien in,legal proceedings which in the Lender's opinion opera�e to
<br /> th
<br /> pnvent the enforcement of the lim or forfeiture of siny part of ihe Property;or(c)secures from the holder of the lien an
<br /> , �roemrnt tatisfictory to Lender subordinating the lim to thi:Security Inserument.If Lender determina thet any part of
<br /> �he property is�ubject w a lim ahich msy attain priority over this Security lnstrument,Leader may give Borrower a ,
<br /> notia idm��in�tbe�ien,Horrower shall s+�tisfy the lien or take one or more of the actions set for�h above within 10 dsiys .
<br /> of ihe�ivfn�of notia.
<br /> i s, �{���. Borcower shall kap the improvements noa existing or hereafter erected on the Propeny
<br /> � I imural�►init las by�haurds included within the tertn"extended cover�ee and any other hazuds for which Lender
<br /> requins inaurance•This imurance=h�ll be maintained in the amounu and for the periods that Lender requires. The
<br /> • • iaeurana carrjer ProvidG►�the�nsurana sh�ll be chosrn by Bonower subjxt to L.ender's arproval which sAall not be
<br /> : :;`': , nnra�onsblywithheld.
<br /> '": : % AO insuruics policia and rtnewals shall be acceptable to Lmder and shall include a swndard mortgage clause.
<br /> • , � I,q�der�6all luve the ri�ht W hold the policia and renewals.If L.ender requirea,Borrower stwll promptly give to Lender
<br /> . ��ipu of'p�id prpniunu and renea�l notices.ln the event of lass.Hurrower ahQll�ive prompt notice to the insuance . :�,
<br /> . ��s' prrter and(�ender,Lettder msy mdce prooiof loss if na made promptly by Borrower. '�' ",
<br /> � 'i (,►t�lps Lender and Borrower otherwi�e agree in writing,insursnce proceeda sh�ll be applied to restoration or rep�ir ,
<br /> � of the PropertY du�uBed.if the ratoration or repaic is economically feuible and Lender's aecurity is not lessrned.li the
<br /> � �toradon or repair is not oconomically fauible or Il.ender's security would be lessened.the insuranee procada shall be
<br /> �• � �pplied to the�ums�ecurod by t6is Seca�eity Inatrument.whether or not then due, with any eaeas paid to Bonower.IP
<br /> , :� Borro�ver sb�ttdons the Property,or rt�es not answer within 30 alays a notice from Lender that the insunnce csrrier has
<br /> .::�, o�'ered to�ettle�cl�im.then L�enc�e�mw}w��ect the insurance praceeds.Lender msy use the proceeds to repair or restore
<br /> . the Property or to p�y wreu sesuQe�l�y this Secunty Instrumrnt.whether or not tQeen due.The 30-day period w�ill be�in
<br /> �, , � Mhea t6e notioe is�ven. .
<br /> � Ualas Leada�nd�orrower�tlxnvise a�ree in writing.�ny�pplication c�f�race�ds to principal s6a10 not eatend or
<br /> ��� putpone the due dste of the montbDr;paiments referred to in paragrapQ�s 1 an�:�r c3�angt the amount of the payments.lf
<br /> ,,�,.` � under paragraph 19 the Property is a�q4ared by Lender,Borrower s nght to a�>inwrance pcil;c�rs and proceeds resulqng
<br /> , fran d�m�e to the Property pnor to aPoe acquisition sh�U pass to I.endcr to the extent of the�a�c�s secured Dy this Secunty
<br /> � Irutruma�t immed'utely prior to the acquisition.
<br /> i, p�e�enatloa�ad Maiete�uce ot Properf�:Lasebu�d�. Bonowe�sQia�6 Rot dairoy,damage a wbstantidly
<br /> • cLan�e tB�property, aUow the Pr�aty to detenorate or comrm�waste. IP a0�'s Securi�y`nst��nt�����
<br /> � Honaree ehall comply aith the ptatiicsaona ot the�ease.�nc ii HoQ*�n.c..cy��+�.�..••••�..�..-.--.,•-------------
<br /> i fa titCe sfn�ll not merge unless i.ender agrea to the merger in wn¢aag.
<br /> � 7. Pro�ectia ot Lesder'� RIQhb fa the ProPem': Nlurtaa�e nr�e- If 8arrawer fa�c4s io pertciroe clse
<br /> eovpunts and�reemants conuined�n this Security Instrument.or there�s a Ile�aC�;rxeed�ng that maY sa�ud6can�Y a!�
<br /> , Lmder•s ri�hq in the Property(such as a proceed�ng in bat.kruptcy,prob�c�,Por comdemnation or to ertfarce(aws or
<br /> � rs�ulations),thm Lender may do�nd pty for whuever�s necessary to protect tfu vaiue c�cIa Property and Lender's rights
<br /> , ia�he property. I,afder's u�ions may include paying any sums secured by a lien ahich G.s�pnonty over this Secunty
<br /> Instrument,sppearing in couR,payiag rasonable�ttomeys'fees md entering on the Property to ma�e repa�n•Althou�h
<br /> I.e�der may take action under this paragraph 7,Lender doa not have to do so.
<br /> i ,�►ey�mounts disbursed by L.ender under thia para�aph 7 shall become�dditional debt oP Borrower secured by�bis
<br /> Security Instrument.Llnlas Borrower and Lender�gra to other terms of p�yment.thae�mounts sh�ll bar interest from
<br /> I � the d�te of di:bursemait �t the Note nte and shall be pay�ble,v►ith interesi, upon nonce from Lender to Borrower
<br /> ' t°9��i WYe►en�.
<br /> . � � ' — - - -
<br />