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<br /> . . f c�1M4r1Y�i '�`.�]�1tiMyr F.. .. . ,. .. - � h q'
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<br /> ` ;"'',,. .`�,:"':: .`� may b� or b�aom� �ntitl�d by r�aeon o= any '��.�'.:, ':�---��
<br /> , , Casualty und�r th• Insuranae Polici�s with r�ipoct �N_� ��°'�'�-
<br /> , ;�„�,..;•..,-" to th� Prop�rty plu� (i) th� amounts o! any = -
<br /> � d�ductibl�s und�r such Insurana� Polici�ss (111 ig ���T�r<<=-=�—
<br /> ' � � • ' tho D�btor la11a tq maintain any o! such insuranca t °'��•:--:�_--�:-
<br /> ' .� '� . . ' Polici�s, th� amounts whiah would hav� bo�n avail- j��',� .. �
<br /> able with r�speat to �uch Casualty had the Oabtor i
<br />__ `" maintain�d auch Insurana� Poliaioss and (iii) all f • " .
<br /> insuranc� proc��ds and paym�nta to which the �
<br /> � pobCor may b� or b�aom� �ntitlad by raason ot any �
<br /> • , Casualty und�r any oth�r insuranc� policies or '
<br /> . � covarag�s mafntainad by tho D�btior with raspect to � _ .�,.
<br /> � the Property. g. . . :��_- , ;��
<br /> . . , . :��•�i.4iJ.�" ..
<br /> � ' . , "Lia��� moana, with r�sp�ct to any asaet, any , " ;�:���
<br /> mortqage, lien, pledq�, charq�, s�curity interast '"
<br /> ��''} ' �-� or encumbranao �f any kind in ro�pact o! auch '' �•�.;�'a"'°:'4
<br /> ' ;� '''�,:• ' as�at. � •'�-r�
<br /> .,f�,, , , . � �
<br /> �- , . i�; :. 1.•:!i';i%��'i;� 11 H ,' "C" �� ; � ' -•
<br /> •��� ,,• La�r� meana a Dom�atic Loan, a Eoar�-Dollar .. . � ,� ,
<br /> �:-��� . ' ���t:;���:.:�. Loan. . � . ' I�`"� � ��„en;;�;:;.
<br />•s� �:� , ..fy{s�;,,���: Lodn or a Fixed Rat� �•
<br /> '.�•,,:, .;;: • ,,,,, � �."''�k;,?s;9!�t�''�-._
<br /> i,.,
<br /> ti`",;�.�•y� . • "Lcndcn Interbank Olt�r�d Rats" applicnbl4 to F.. �.�='
<br /> �'�: . any Intor�st P�riod m�an� th� av�rnq� (rounded � '.
<br /> ��'�'���: �J upward, i! nacessary, to the n�xt hiqhar i/16 of �
<br />,;:;��..� ''�� . � �"�'�' � 1�) ot th� resp�tctiv� ratos p�r annum at which ��
<br /> yi,,,. ,
<br /> � �;;�.�,����, ,�;j,,;�T_, ,�, ;� ,�,, depoaits in dol3ars ara o�lered to each o! the , �
<br /> � ` ,;}i: Relerenca 8anks in th� London interbank market at � ,�,.,�;;
<br /> .�. ::�::�::_-• I
<br /> • — � �--^�+��; approximat�ly 11000 A.M. (Iand�on time) two Euro- ' ��:-�`�`
<br /> ,,.fr`.�.. , ,�...._
<br /> •,� t,ti��..!�. Dollar Businoss Days belore the lirst da� o! such ? ' `'��;., ".:�5�-
<br /> �!���� � �''•�" ' intere9t Period in an amo�ant approximately equal �� �� '�
<br /> �,,�+;..:�;. to the .;. • .
<br /> „ � prinaipal amount ot th� Euro-Dollar Loan of
<br /> such Rel�r�nc� Hank to which suc� intorest Period '
<br /> is to apply and tor a p�riod o! tim� comparable to �
<br /> • such Int�r�st P�riod. ,
<br /> ! - "Nippon Loan" means a loan mad� by Nippon '
<br /> �` �. pursuant to S�ction 2.01(b) o! th� Cradit Aqras- '.
<br /> . ' ,`. ment. .
<br /> . . �„
<br /> ' ` ' � �!�"�'�� "Not�s" m4ans certain notes ax�cuted and �� � �''�
<br /> '�'''`'��`��;�� d�livQrec3 by tho Borrcwer evidencinq the Bor- +� '� '`- �
<br /> ... . �. c�r�!� �:. . � .
<br /> �' ; �'s, '��.�;y,j.�� .row�r�s obligation to repay tha Loan�. %"�,,
<br /> j;. , .�. .•;,
<br /> �,;, .•.�,: , ., �
<br /> ,..,,�,•�;�;•,.��,;��:. .;?�., ,
<br /> -:��.�:,.•� �;,:, �'�'• �,),c�:. "Notic� o! Borrowinq" m�ans Borrow�r shall , .•,
<br /> � + . ,;<<�;:�.., givo tho J►g�nt notico (a "Notica o! Borrowinq")
<br /> 'i; ',. ,;r�,�yt not lat�r than 10:00 A.M. (N�v York City tim�) on
<br /> : , �}+ •� ,'��'`�� (x) the dat� o! each Horrowing consisting o! ,
<br /> ;•;;;t ,, � " oam�stic Loana or Fix�d Rat� Loans and (y) tho , .•
<br /> � 'I � ' „ � ,
<br /> ,{ r „ � • -
<br /> ;, ,,i�. `: —5— ; " '
<br /> � •r1rf ';.r!.����;��' , •
<br /> • ,,r ;' '• '•' ' .
<br /> . • ��r � ,
<br /> � 1
<br /> '�F. w
<br /> . . ` � � . ;{�
<br /> ' �i
<br /> . . ' J ._ _ ._ .._ _ _ . _ - �-
<br /> ---- - - - � ---.
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