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<br /> ` . � ' � :.� is.Foreclasnre Procedure.V I.eader reqvdres�maiIate p�ay�em i�ful!ua�er�xagra�p�9,n.�:.�y
<br /> . � • invoi�e 4Qix power of sale and any other r�edies gem�itta�!by aggi�saDie Iacv.LQC��er s�fl be eu�E°e��a cef'�i
<br /> . , .,.� a11 e8peascv iazurred dn pnrsuing the remedtes uader th+s parap,�vp1� 18, inrladi�, bui raot Lm;.ex� Eo,
<br /> � ` • reasonable atiora�ey�fees and oast�o!4dtie es+tdeace.
<br /> :�,`���=4 Yf tDe power aY sate Ls imroSced.Trns�ee�rernrd�aoYlee o�detac+l3 in�aounty!n�lc:n az��a o at
<br /> <.� --f� tQe Property ts tocat�aad shall ma�cogies ai surl�notice in tlse c�an�er pz�crib� by appitcu�'si+a Gc�a to
<br /> r''�r• Bomnw�r�ad to the other persoas�rexr[bed by applisable[ava. Af.ter t�e tfine required by ag�li��Ws h�p,
<br /> ���:
<br /> ,;� � '= Tr¢stee s6aI1 give public uotIce oi sale W the peas�ns aad dn the manaer prescrlbed by�ppiirable iaw.'Grv��,
<br /> .� �� wiihout d�nd an BarKa�wea, st�il sell We Pmperty n!pnblIc auctiun to the hi�►est 0iflder at l�se�nra re�d
<br /> . place aarl under the te�ms designated 3n the nottr,e of sale 3n oae as raase parceis aa�In uny ard�r 'Erut�e¢e
<br /> � � determiaes.Tr�may po�poae sale oP all or aay�!oS tho Proge�by pnbllc amnanuo�eat st*us�s
<br />��'��"� : •�` ead place of aa�q prev[ovsly scl��d��sale.Leader ar its des3gcee may�c�ase the Pm�e�ty at aay ssi�.
<br /> ;�,_.:.• ,''' H�P the Lender's iate�st itx tiLS Secarity Tnstrumeat€s hetd bq t�e S�crdary�asi ffit SeQC4acg+ ceqm�.�
<br />�� , -r' immediate payat�t in fafi r�d'r� Paragraph 9, the Secati4a3y �ag ii:�l�e the ��qjudic.�a� �cver a�sat� -
<br /> ��:-�:_ '• ; provIded in thc&f�g��3m;ly�t�c��age Fareclosare Ad of 1994(°As4=1y G�U.S.C.3751 et se4•)ir*1 cEqrtasYi��
<br />`�: ':'}. a toreclssare o¢nrm�'.r.s�2��„nated �der tIie Ad to commeu�fcc�er.�,3sm'e and !u sell �te &tu�ecc� ss
<br /> _ provfded in t�e Ac�. '_�� Ftn the pr�oediag sealeace shall depri:e�Secr�ary of a� r[gF�fs at'.YRCrasLs�
<br /> .- available to a a.e�=r z�sder t�s tr3rap,�rap518 or applicsbk law.
<br />-__;��s Upoa r�igt af�tym�t tef tLe prlce b�d,ntt�tee s�ll de]ivcr to t�e p�u+chases 7Yt�tee's�ees!cun*+=��
<br />= - : �.:>.T.:
<br />`�»ti .• y Ehe Ftope�ty. The cmr��!s in the Tnistee's deed s1�aU be prf�na Fstde c�euce oY the trmt�af tf3�c��
<br /> _� .�,�• � made therein.Te�i.��3all appf�the proceeds of the syle in the folloaa�urder.(a)to�!1 emst���ca�cs c�
<br /> '�'.°�'•..�r , exereisiag the poR-8 ot sale,�d�he sale,fncludiag the paymeai o!the Trnstce's feea�tuQlly inar►��,na8 W
<br />"=y<�%�;'`: pcoee� �b of the priadpal amouat of the aote ai the tFme of ths declareLior►eP aie"�,i.z.F7,
<br /> -s��r•_.>�:.t;,�, and�:�ble ait�eys'[ees as permitted by law.(1�)to alt 5vms secured by tbis Sear�Ity Iagir��2;sad(22
<br /> -`"`•-,y-.�,:,,. BIIj�CICCESS t0�[J+QlE3'y�OI�P75Q�S l�y CII�i�Of�t0�Z.
<br /> _�>>=-:+,`
<br /> ._e�:�ir-�
<br /> -._-� 19.Yteeonveyam�.Upan payment of all sums secured b3r this Sec�ur�r�� ��ument,Leadsr shall requ�:T�s.rgtee
<br /> ___- =: w�+0convey the Pmperty aad s6a;L surrander this Security Insin:.aeat and�.::nntes evid�amg debt�by's�
<br /> —�'�--'� ' Securie�� Instrumsnt to Trustee. "�r.�stee shaU recanvey the Pr�perty withant wana��y :ceu� ar,tYa:�L rlr:�s u�•.t;te
<br /> . --r��"�';y� psrs�n or parsons legally enride�GF�t.Scuh gerson or persons shall pag aa:;-�ar�ati�����. ,
<br /> —__== _.= Etl.Sa�bstftate Trustee.Le-�.at its m�r��:,a, may from time ta tin�e rix�ave'f'i rustee aud ag�aini a suc�c'sscr
<br /> -- — tr�st�t:�anp Trus:ee appointed��w:ader by an instrument recorded in t�e ca�mty in wh�ch this Security L�..��nuaem
<br /> ___ --- is rec�t�'r�.Withous conveyance of the Pcoperty,ttte success9r uustee shall succee�to al�thr.title,potver and desies
<br /> _ � � conferred upan Tnr�:°herein and by applicabie law.
<br /> � -- 21.Request far 1�Iotices.Boaower reqaesu that copies of the gatic.�s 44`default aad.sale be sent to Eflm�cv�r's
<br /> addc�ess which is¢he Propeity Addnss.
<br /> � 22.Ri�e�s to Wis Securlty Ia,�tre�ent.If one or�more riders are eaecuted by Borrawer and rerarQed togcther
<br /> with this Scturity iastmment. the covenanu of each sucfi rider shall be incorporased "snto aad �all amenfl•and
<br /> supplement the eovenanis aad agrcemants of ttis Seruriry Insm�ment as if the rider(s)a:rW a pait oE tS�i� Seearity
<br /> In�m�mera.[C�eck apglirable box(es)J.
<br /> � Condominium Rider 0 Ginwing Equity Rider C t7t�cr[spacify]
<br /> 0 Planned�Jnit Develapmeat Rider � Graduated Payment Rider
<br /> ---�� -
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