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<br />__— . _ _ �'J �INIFl1p41rf1VFNANfS &�rrowerand4cndercvvenwntaodpgreCUSfallow.: �. :..;_.���'�'�_
<br /> � 'r � 1. P�yment of Prieelp�)�nd Interat; Pnpaymeat and l.�te CharYes. Horrower shull promruy pay when dur � �
<br /> � • � ^" ihe principal oPAnd interest on the debt evidenced by�he Note and uny prcpAymen�und lote chargr.dur unde�ihu Nnie. ,,. ",F �-�-
<br /> .
<br /> •• 2. FYlidf/Ur To1li Md I09Y��IICB. Sub�ect ta�►pplicuble law or to u w�ntten waiver by Lrndnr,8nr�ower shall pay � ' •;�,.:�;�-:ti;,,,«_
<br /> �� ° to LenJe�on�he d�y monthly payments uadue under the Nate,unttl the Na�e iti pAid in full.u.um l"Fund.c")equul�u ,
<br /> ^ ane4wdlth ��f: (o) yearly �Axes und us�es�men�s which may attain pnoruy u�er thi. S�rurit�• In��rument; (b1 yrurly •
<br /> •� lewsehold p+iyment� u� gr�und rent� on the Prnperty, if uny; (c) yeurly halard insurunre premiums: and (d) yearly �
<br /> moMQry�e�n�uru�ce premiums,if uny.Thrse items ure es�lled"e.r'crow uem�." l.roder may�wnmute thr Fundx due on Ihe
<br /> i�s�saicu�renl dutu and reasanable esnmi�te�uf future cycruw item�.
<br /> ' •� The Fund��hell t+e held in an ins�it uiion the depusits or accoums��f wh�ch are m�ured��r guaran�eed hy n federal ar (� :+I •...•:r,:>>.;_,�•;;5.
<br /> . . ..� -,._..
<br /> �tate agency Qncludiog I.ender if Lender is such uo instilution). Lender shull upply�hr Fundx to puy�hc rccmw items. f� ,
<br /> _ l.ende�may not charge for holding und upply�ng the Funds,waolyzing�he ucrount or�•erifying the eu:mw i�ems,unle�� ,
<br /> l.ender pay�florrower interes�on the Funds und Applicable law{►ermits L�nder to make tiuch u churge. &irrowcr und �
<br /> � . Lender may ugrce in wriling that iolerect shnll be puid on the Fund�. Unlc.r,un ugreement is made n� npplicuble luw i
<br /> rcquires intereu�o hc puid,l.ender shull nm be reqwred to pay Bo�rower uny interesi��r eurnings on thr Funds. Lender ;
<br /> sh�ll give to Borrower,w�thnut charge.an�aanuul uccounting oP t he Funds shoW�ng credits und drbits w�hr F'und>and thr
<br /> � pu�pose for which�uch debit to the Funds was m;►de.The Fundc ure plydgrci a�uciditeonul�rcunty for thr sums securrd b� ,
<br /> this Security In�:trumen�.
<br /> If the umaunl nf lhe Funds held by Lender.together with the i'uture monthl��yment.oP Funds pa�ablr pnax�u :
<br /> ' the due dnles of the rscrow items,shall exceed the amoum�equire�i tu pay�hr es.:mw i�em.when due,the e�ces.shnll br.
<br /> ai Borrawer'c i�ption,either promptly repaid to Barrower or crcKiited to Burrower�m monthly puymentc uf Fund�.I f'the •
<br /> . � amaunt oi'Ihe Fundc heW Ay l.ender�s aut sui�icient to pay the c�cmv►�item�when due,&�rrow•e�shaU pay ta Lender uny . �:;'
<br /> amount ne�:essa�y to make up the deticiency in one or mcare puyments as required b}•Lender. , -�•.�r :•;
<br /> ' Upvn payment m Pull of all sums secured by rhi�Security Intitrument. Lrnd�r shall prampdy refund to BorrciWer � ..� ._•
<br /> any Funds held by Lender.lf under�raRrAph 19 the Properly is sold ar ucquired h�I.e�drr,Lender shall apply,nn lale� � �
<br /> I ,�. .:
<br /> than immediately prior to the wle of thr Pro�eny ur its acquisition by Lender.nn}• Funds hcld hy Lender at thc time of . ,
<br /> applicuti�xe axa credit ugainst thexums xea:u�ed by this Security Instrument. �� • .�����.''�;,��
<br /> 3. ApplicAtion ot P�yments. Unle�s applicuble law p�ovidrs nthenvise,all pa�•mrm�rcraived by Lender under •.. ,
<br /> paragraphs 1 nnd 2 shall be upplied:Brst, to late chargec due under th e Vnte:�ecnnd,ta prepA�•ment charges due under the .,.,
<br /> Note;lhird,lo Amounts pnyable under paragruph 2;fourth,to intere,t dur:and 1.r:1.��oprincipal due.
<br /> 4, Charges;L(ens. Horrawer xhAll ppy uU taxes.assecsmentx,eha�ges. Gnc�und impositions attribWUble tc>thr
<br /> Prope�ty which may Attain pnority ove�this Srcurit3�In�trumen�, and Iea�ehold payments or ground rents, if s►ny. ;
<br /> Aarrower shull pay these obligaiions in thc manner pmvided in �ar:,�.raph 2.�r if nut puid in thnt manner,&�rrower shall
<br /> pay them un time direc�ly to the perum owed payment. Bnrrnwer shall promptly Purnish to Lender all notices of nmount,
<br /> ta be paid under this paragrAph. Ii 8unuwer makes tfic�c F,�>�m.rts directly. fk+rmwer chall promptly furnish to Lender
<br /> receiptx evidencing the paymen�s.
<br /> ' ' , &�rruwer shull promptly dischorge•rny lien�tihich has�nority over thic Security Instrument unletis Bc�rrawer.lu)
<br /> agrees in writing to the payment of the obligation secured by Ihr lien in a manner acceptAble ta Lender;(b)contests in gond
<br /> • fuith the lien b�,or dePends ugninst enfnrcement af thr lien in,legal proceedin�s which in the Lender's upinion operate to ,
<br /> � . prevent the enforcemem�f the lien�•r ii�rfeiture�f ony part of the Proprrty:��r lc)secur�w from the hnlder oP the lien on .
<br /> ' .. • I ngrcement sutivfactorv lo l.ender rufxudina�ing the lien lo this Security lnstrument. !f Lender determinex�ha[any part of
<br /> � ' .` 1 Ihe Propeny is wbjec� �r a lien wh�ch may�nam prii�rity ov�r this 5rcunty lnstrumenl. Lender may give&�rrower a
<br /> notice identifying�he lien.Borrawrr�hall satiafj•the lie n or tuke one ur more of the ac�ions set fnrth s�txwe within 10 dnys
<br /> � of�he giving of noticc.
<br /> S. H�aard Insurance. Hi�rro��cr tha11 keep�he improvrment+nuw cxisting ur hereafter ererted an the Pro�xrty
<br /> ,� i i insured against k�sr by fire,hu�urds inrluded within the term"rxtended roverugc"and uny other huznrds fitt��•hich l.ender
<br /> ��'� , i requires insurance. This insurnnce+hnll he maintained in the amoums und k�r the prnodc tha� Lender requires. The
<br /> ,. . � insuronce currier providing the insurnnre shall be chosen hy Borr��wer sub�c�t to Lender'+upproval wh�ch shull not be
<br /> • unreasonably withhcld. '
<br /> All insurance�x�licies and renea�l�shull he ucceptahle to Lr.nder and shull include u stundurJ mor�gage cl•rutie.
<br /> �'x Lender sh:�l1 have the right ta hnld the p�hcies and renewnls.If l.ender reyuireti,Bormwer shall promptly give to Lrnder
<br /> nl!receipts of raid premiums nnd reneHal nrnic�h. In the cvem ��f luss,&�rrower�hall gi�•e pmmpt notire to the rosu�nnce �
<br /> •�, cs�rrier ond Lender.Lendrr may makr pr�of��f lns�iPnot made prnmptly by H��rmwer. .
<br /> Unl��ss Lendrr and Borrowrr atherµ•ise++grre m x•riting,insuranrr pn�rced.+hall he appli�d tn restorahon or repa�r
<br /> � ' of the Property damaged,if thc rrxtnratian ur repuir is ea�nomicaU>�feas�blc and Lender'ti xrurily is not Ies�ened. If the �
<br /> ' resroru�ion ar repair i.nut rcon��mirall}• kusible o;l.endrr�secunty wauld br Ie�.eneJ,�hr insurance pnxeeds shall lx
<br /> � �y � applied lo the xumti xcured by thi�Security Imtrument.��•hethcr��r nat thrn dur,a•ith any ezcexs paid to Borrower. lf
<br /> . Borrower nb•rnduns the 3'roperty,ar diks not anr��rr�tiithin;0 dayr:a nolicc from Lender Ihat the inwrancr carr�er has '
<br /> � oBered to seule u claim,then Lender muy cnllert thr m�urance pnxrrd�. L�ndrr ma�•u,r thr pn•ceecls io repnir��rre+tnre
<br /> ;, ' the Property�or to�a� .ums xYUred My thi�5rrurit� 1 n+trument,�ti'hcther��r nat then dur. Thr 30•doy prric�d uill t+eFin
<br /> �� when the notirc i.gi�en.
<br /> ' Unlrss Lcndcr and Bormw•cr olherµise agree in unting,any�:ipplicau��n uf rnxeedc t��prmciral�hall nut e�lend�r
<br /> . :�
<br /> ,�r �.,. poctpcme�he dur d•rtr�,f'the m„nthl�•payment�refetrcd tn in raraFr:�phs I:md 2 ur changc thc•rmoum af the paymcros. If
<br /> r; •��t under paraRraph ly the Pri�(�en�•i+aryuvc�l h� Lendcr.N�rrr�ver'�nght tn am in�uranrr r��hc��w and rroceeds resulnng
<br /> ��� '' fmm damagc ti�thc 1'rr��ny prior w the ucyunitirn�hall ras�tr l.endrr tr the rxtem��f th�.um«erured by th�.Securu�•
<br /> � Inslrumen�immcd�atrly��n��r�n thc a.ywtim�m
<br /> � 6. {'reservution und�lainteaan�r nf Yrnaern•; I.easehnlds. 13�irro��cr>h:+ll m�l de.tr��p,Jamagr i�r.ub.lantiall�
<br /> rhan�te Ihe Pm�xrt}. •rll<,N� thc 1'rrprrt} t�� delrnrrate ur ri�mmu ��:+,te. If Ihu Secunt}� Instrum�m ��on a Ira+chnld.
<br /> Borrower.hall camply with th�pro���.�rmrf the Ir.i+r. and df��rmwrr u�y�iite�fre ntlr a�thc Yrrp�rn�.thr liatirhold and
<br /> fee ti�le.h,�ll not n�rrgr unleti,l.rnd�r a�rc��t:��hr m�r ccr�n w�nling. •
<br /> y,� 7. i'rotecdon of Lender's RiRhts in th�e ]'r�pert��; �1orty�age )nsuraa�ce. I( liorm�ti�tr fail, �n rerti�rrn �he
<br /> � .l ...wonwn�a��nd:�o��•.•�,.•m.;�mt.unrd m thn Scrurih ln•�rument,nr th�re i.:!�t'r.il�rarrrJinc Ihat ma},i�u�ficanU�• uRrct
<br /> I_ender's riRht�in thr Pra�r�} I.u.h e.a rnkreding,m hankru�try. rrahalr. (ix ti�nJemnatum rr tc,rntarcr lau�+rr
<br /> regulutwnti).Ihcn Lrndcr ma�J��and pa�fnr ahatr�cr i+nrcr�.:ar� tr pr�,��rt ihe�:+lur�,f thr Pr.,�xrt�and l.rndrr'� nght.
<br /> in thr Prapert��. Lrnder',.ic�inn� ma> �nduJc pa}inF am wm„crurcd hy ;, hen ah�rh h:��rnant� �,<<r Ihi�Srrunt}�
<br /> Imlrumrnl,appeanr.g uc cnurl.pa)•�ng rca.i�nahle�U�,rne��Pec�and c»trrin;��n�he Pr��prrt� ���makc rrp.iu�. Alt hi�ugh
<br /> LenJrr mu��takr aru�m undrr�hi�par��raph 7.Lcuder d�x�nr�h.i�r tn d��.•�
<br /> An}amuunt.di�bur�eJ h}• LrnJcr w�der thn paraFraph",hai�t+rrrme:�dd�uanal JrM��f N��rr��wrr.e�ured►,>�hi�
<br /> 5erur�ly Inmtrumrnt.l�nli�s Nurraw•er und I ender agrce�.���thrr trrr.lc��1 p:+�ment.ihr.r.im�,unt.�h;�ll hrar inter�e fr.�m
<br /> thr Jalr i�f J�tiMunrtnrnt at Ihr ���IC r:dc an�t �t�at� hr �e�.�h�.•. ��;rh ��,��•:•t. up�m m�li.•c (n,m 1 c:���r • 1�•rr.v►rr
<br /> � reque�nng p•ryrnent.
<br /> �
<br /> ,
<br /> . : � _
<br /> C . _.._. _. . _ . _ . _ �-. _. ..._.—— _. ._
<br />