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<br /> ..>� �"" _' . � , , . _ ` : ' � r�� ..c� n '' .�y 4"x.-.�a .
<br /> �F!`�^?`�J.� .�vyr,... ._. '4' _ • °� c�. •..::. '' . . . . .'� ___ _
<br /> - ".'�'`k�`�L'�, .*_,�+,'�I�.'�y �.�--_..—"'-'
<br /> .. .z-�'"'y` "y,fi�ilt ,..-- m--
<br /> '� . ' . g�� i��t�� °�-�
<br /> �iv�Ten�(25.5�fee�th�ce numin8 N�9°32'S5"W,a distance of
<br /> FQUr aad Five Terct�s(4.s7 feet,to a paini on�west 1ia�of sai�1.Qt
<br /> f�tik��N(b°04'Ut1"E,atong the ruest liae of said Lot -
<br /> One (1), a distarcce of S$vzncy Eight (78.0) feet; �tneace rannin8 • �
<br /> S89°32'S5"�,a&sta�e of Faur aad Five Tentbs(4.5)feet;tl�ence ___
<br /> �g YVQ��B'a8"�3V,a distanc��f S�{6.Q)f�3;thea�ce rumning :
<br /> N89°32'S5"W,a distaace of Four aacl Five Tentbs(4.�feet,to a
<br /> goint on the west line of �ad Lot Oae (1), theace mm�ing
<br /> N00°OU'Qfl"B,along the west line of said�t One(1),a disiance of
<br /> One Huadrrd FortY Six�145.0)fe�t;thence�n.�in8$$�°32'S5"E,a
<br /> distance of Four a�� L•'Er•e T'entbs �4.5� f� thence ninning
<br /> N00°06`Q041W, a d'ast,aa.ce Q� �ia6 (S.0) fee� theace �unning
<br /> N89°32'S5"W, a dist,ance of Fa���Five'Tenths(4.5)f�et,w a �
<br /> point on the west lia� of �,'.s� i.ot Oae (1); thence running
<br /> Id00°00'00"E,along t�e�-est li*��vf saad Lot One(1),a distance of
<br /> One Hwadred Fortp Fm:t144.Oj�£�t,to ttce aorthwzst comer of said
<br /> LoY�(1};t�ence�8 S89°32'35°�,alon8 the north liae of saxc�
<br /> L.ot One(1),a dis��of S�ven�Iundred Twenty Thr�e and�Fifty
<br /> Oae Hur�dredths f T�51) feefi thsace n�8 S00°00 39 E, a
<br /> distaace m�S� Hua�::�i"IhirtY Nme and Forty Tlu�e Hundredths
<br /> (639.43)feet,to a point on�e rau-r.�line of said Lot Oae(1);thence
<br /> tunnig N89°35'35"�,�'_i�g�=�uth liae o€saiE Loi Htmedredths
<br />= distaace of Seven H�s�Ta�nty'fluee�containing 10.621 acre�
<br /> t723.58�feet,to the point of be�- �� .
<br /> more ar less; � .
<br />' des��r�����subdivided as a su�rd�-ision the foregoing tc�,.�of lan.d located within the corp�!-�
<br /> limit�.of the City of Cm��Isfland,Nebraska,��'hereby submits w the City Counck�f sucda:a'!�
<br /> - for a�dgpta�ce as provided by la•�r•3 accucate map and plat of such proposed sul�vision,�j�e
<br /> - Impn��as FONNER FOiJRT9rI SII1�IIiVISI�N,d�signa4ing explicidy the land to E�r:t�id out aad
<br /> paztia�'iarly describing the lots,ease�ents,a�4�ets betonging w such subdivision,with tl�ci��r�,s
<br /> c�i�,n�tc�c�y munber,easements�I�nensior•,s,and str�:r���e��Pi'0P°�to cavse the plat
<br /> of s���n subdivision v�hen Saally:�.i;ov�d�S;t ri:e Regianal Planning Commissaon and the�1a.y
<br /> _ Ca��il to be acknov�Iedged by�ur�.i owner,certified as to accniacy of survey by a registered land
<br /> " :�.��yor,and to contain a dedication of tha easemen?s w the use and be�efit of public utilities,aad
<br /> ^� e`:tfi����to the u3e of the pubI�i�c for�ver. In consideratlon of the acceptaac����e plat of said
<br /> � -
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